Alternative Stories

Chapter 29 Exploiting The Wildlife

(Motherfucker!) I hissed as I felt a wave of pain shoot through the link as claws slashed at my exoskeleton.

I was currently in a death roll with a dark blood red creature that was surprisingly resilient for its size. I did my best not to kill it as I tore at its wings in an attempt to disable its flight capabilities, it of course didn't really seem to appreciate that fact as it kicked me away while tearing itself free from my grip. Rolling back to my feet I glanced at the form of my opponent as we circled around each other like two canines in a fighting pit.

The creature was just over half the size of a normal Xenomorph Drone and looked like a cross between a bat and some kind of leach out of hell. Its smooth skin was thick and leather-like almost resembling something akin to that of an eel's, in fact the way it seemed to slither as it moved added some credence to that. Additionally it also walked on all fours like one of those dragons from Game Of Thrones, of course with some slight differences but you get my point.

The creatures wings and feet were adorned with jagged and razor sharp talons used for slashing as well as grappling opponents, however it was the mouth of the creature that was the most intimidating thing about it if you were to ask me. The being's mouth was nothing but a wide open pit that was filled with dozens of backwards facing needle-like teeth. These teeth seemed rather fragile however, although it would appear that they had the ability to inject certain enzymes that rapidly broke down certain things such as flesh, bone and muscle into a kind of biological soup which they then go on to drink like a soup.

I was currently in the body of a lasher, more specifically a warrior variant of the lasher that was slightly larger with a more pronounced and rigid exoskeleton. I wasn't alone either, in fact off to my side there were currently four of my children, the four of them were currently fighting against six more of these rather disturbing looking bastards while several facehuggers waited around for an opening to be made for them.

(This is getting annoying...) I growled in irritation.

It was around this time that my opponent began to spread its wings once again causing Goldy to shout while stuffing his mouth with what I suspected to be popcorn. [It is trying to escape.]

(I can see that!) I hissed as I rushed forward.

Jumping up and latching onto its smaller form the damn thing tried to flee back into the air, I did struggle to keep my grip on it but after a second or two I was able to stabilize myself and hold on. Still though, I dug my claws in and anchored myself to its body, after all I wasn't going to let go after all the shit it's put me through up until this point. It did try and fight back of course but my extra weight caused it to crash back down to the ground, its constant thrashing around in an attempt to throw me off probably didn't help its situation either.

Once I got the bloody thing out of the air I wrapped my tendrils around its wings to stop it from getting  away, not that this fact made things easier for me that is. The fucking thing slashed at my underbelly with it's back claws while attempting to push me off again but I wouldn't let it this time, I held it in place while using my tail to restrain it's legs to the best of my ability.

(Finally got you.) I growled as I pinned the smaller creature to the ground, the screech of rage it sent me in return as well as its attempts to break free showed its displeasure with the whole situation rather clearly. (Yeah, fuck you too.)

It was at this moment that a rather interested Facehugger crawled out of its hiding place. (Better open up wide, I hear it's quite the mouth full.) I joked as the hand like Xenomorph quickly latched itself onto the creature's face.

With that done I let out a breath of relief as I glanced over at the others who were also finishing up as well. (How many does that make now then?)

[With the few that your other patrols have captured...I'd say about forty or so.] Goldy answered with a yawn.

(That will do for now I suppose.) I said cutting the link with the body I was currently within, not before ordering my children to drag the new hosts back to the hive however.

It had been around two days since my little discussion with my thrall and I have to admit, he wasn't lying when he mentioned how annoying these fucking things are to deal with. Anyway, everything was progressing relatively well for me all things considered, I was getting some push back from the gangs on the surface but their holdouts were getting picked off one after another at this point.

(I have to admit, those things were probably more irritating to pin down and deal with compared to the gangs and their hordes of idiots.) I commented with a shake of my head.

[Will that does make some sense after all, considering that most humans are relatively weak physically in comparison to most animals.] I couldn't  deny that even if I wanted to. [Anyway then, what about the others that your little minion told us about.]

(I've already sent some of my offspring to hunt down some of the old livestock the colonists left behind, hopefully I can get runners or something similar to them. And as for the other two, well, I'm leaving them for later, however I've already sent my xenos to begin looking for them where possible.) I hummed in thought while thinking over my next course of action.

[Understood.] Goldy mused but quickly continued. [Although I still don't understand why you are sending out scouts to the surrounding area when you can just wait until the flyers are born.]

(It's fine, all I'm doing is mapping out the surroundings a little.) I explained not seeing anything wrong with it. (I'm also preparing for the next step of my grand design.) I chuckled half jokingly.

Things were definitely going well for me currently but that's only because my opponents were either too stupid to realize the threat that I pose to them or were underestimating me because they believed me to be nothing but a somewhat intelligent animal. This was actually great for me of course, in fact it gave me one hell of an advantage but this wouldn't last forever, after all once I leave this world things would become far more complicated.

[So what now?] Goldy asked and I shrugged.

(We wait.)

[But that's sooooo boring.] He complained much to my irritation.

(God damn it...) I sighed knowing full well that he was doing this just to piss me off at this point.

[Can't we at least go fight somethi-huh?] He was about to continue but stopped when something happened that I wasn't expecting.

Someone was trying to contact me through my mental link. (A connection?)

[Ring ring, ring ring.] Goldy mused as an obnoxiously loud ring tone began blaring inside my head.

(This...this is why I hate you...) I grumbled as I opened the link and was immediately met with a familiar male voice.

<<My queen!>>

<<Connor?>> I hadn't expected to hear from him or Ashley for a while, so this sudden call was rather unexpected to say the least.

<<I apologize my queen, especially if I'm interrupting anything important, however it would seem that we require immediate assistance.>> That surprised me a little, after all since starting this trial not once has any of my thralls actually asked for my help with anything.


<<We're currently stuck in a bit of a siege with your...well, your relatives.>>


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