Alternative Stories

Chapter 26 No Salvation

Slaughter and genocide, these two words are the only way that I can physically describe what happened in this short amount of time. It was truly a massacre that was caused by no one else but me, after all I had been the one to start all of this and yet I felt no regret in the slightest.

Over the course of two single days all of the surrounding gangs closest to the hive were hunted down one by one. They were ripped to pieces or directly dragged back to the ever expanding nest of nightmarish creatures that now took up a truly massive area. I myself took control over several of my xenomorphs in this period of mass carnage and took part in several large scale battles, additionally during this time I became far more ruthless than I once had been not long before while still managing to keep a hold of some of my humanity.

Within another four days the carnage had spread even further into the depths of the earth and by the seventh day there was only death and desperate fighting for survival. The gangs and thugs also no longer had to guess what was taking their people in the dark because only an idiot wouldn't be able to notice the army of monsters rampaging through their territories. It was hell, plane and simple.

Those with any brains tried to run to the surface in hopes of finding some kind of salvation but in the end they found no such thing, instead they were met with hostility and aggression by those above. When they tried to explain that they were running from the monsters that were chasing after them they were mocked and ridiculed by the gangs on the surface but they couldn't turn back around now. Eventually those that were trying to flee from below fought against those above in a desperate attempt to escape from the horrors that hunted them.

The more fanatical and insane individuals even believed the creatures to be the incarnations of their so called gods and deities, they ended up gladly walking down deeper into the darkness where they were eventually found and dragged away while believing this was a blessing of some kind. They soon learned that instead of the arms of a loving god they had walked into the embrace of a horde of monstrous and malicious devils.

Meanwhile those that had stayed behind now tried to unite together in some small attempt to fight back but their last stronghold was currently under siege. The gangs had the man power, they actually outnumbered the monstrous horde that threatened them but they were all doom from the start. The number of monsters were growing at an astounding rate and what's more was that this was a trap, a trap they no longer could escape from. 

The hastily put together walls they had created were nothing but a cage, a gift box filled to the brim with delicious treats that had nowhere else to go. They were all now nothing more than sheep in a pen that had long since been herded by the dog's that had hidden themselves within their very ranks, spies that were directed and controlled by the leader of the very things that hunted and thought to butcher them.

"Aaaaaaa-!" A cry of horror was abruptly cut off as a small hand like creature with a long tail suddenly jumped over the makeshift wall and latched itself onto the face of some poor distracted individual.


"They're is more of them coming over the east side!" A woman with multiple scars across her face yelled as three xenos charged over the wall with incredible ease.

"Die you fucking monster!" Someone else bellowed only for the metal pipe he had swung to bounce off without any real effect. "W-what...?" He didn't seem to understand but was quickly grabbed by the head and dragged off, he kicked and screamed the whole way but his voice was only one of many that filled the air.

Everything was going to hell and there was nothing they could do about it, in fact they were working together with other gangs and groups who they had been trying so hard to kill not too long ago. Resentment, disdain, revenge, hatred, none of that mattered anymore, not here in this moment anyway, after all, only survival had any real meaning currently.

"Die die die!" Someone yelled as he fired crazily and without reason as panic clouded his mind

He actually almost ended up hitting one of the female gang members in the back of the head, of course this fact didn't go unnoticed by said person. "Watch your fucking aim you idiot!"

"Shut up you fucking bitc-" He tried to say until one of the xenos tackled into him and began to tear into his chest cavity.

Things were already chaotic to say the least, and unfortunately for the gangs however it was about to get even worse for them. "What th-oh shit?!" A thug screamed as the section of wall they were standing on suddenly shook, knocking them off of it.

"Oh fuck!"

"It's all coming down!"

"What the hell is happenin-?!" Much to the horror of everyone that was able to notice in time, the north wall suddenly collapsed as something smashed its way through it.

It took a second for the dust to clear but what they ended up seeing then it did however made all of them freeze in place. "Oh shit..."

What they were met with was a truly horrifying sight in their eyes. Dozens upon dozens of the dark violet monsters that had tormented them up until this point could be seen clearly, all of them gathered together into a sea of shifting purple, however that wasn't  the worst of it by far. Amongst the hundreds of creatures there was something different standing over them, something much bigger.

Surrounded by the massive horde was a monstrosity, a being that appeared like a harbinger of death surrounded by its army of terrifying hounds that were straight out of hell to the simple minded fools that currently looked upon its form. It was far bigger than the others standing at about three point six meters tall and seemed more humanoid in appearance. The creature had a large prominent head crest and was the same colour as the others but seemed to prefer walking up right instead of crawling across the ground.

The creature seemed to observe them for a second before letting out a loud bellowing shriek that seemed to act like a signal to the others around it, a war cry that called for the final blow to be struck. The moment that all the other creatures heard this they charged forward like an unending wave while the ones already in combat increased their ferocity and brutality.

"Holy fucking shit!" 

"Kill it! Fucking kill it!"

"Die! Just die already!"

Alpha didn't understand, in fact she didn't need to understand, she followed, she protected and she killed, those were the only reason she existed. She would do anything for her queen, anything for her mother. And if she was given an order it was carried out without the tiniest bit of hesitation, after all she lived to serve and die, at least that is what she thought in the beginning.

Alpha's mother was strange, her instinct told her so but it didn't matter, not to her or her many siblings. Her mother had given her a name, something that Alpha cherished with what little emotion she actually had within her mostly animalistic mind but despite this she knew, her instincts knew that this wasn't normal for her kind. She was a tool, a weapon for the hive, something to be used and discarded, yet this wasn't the case, her mother had given her a name even though there was no point to it. Some may ask why, some may wish to know as to why she was given such a privilege but not her, she didn't know the answer and nor did it actually matter to her, in the end she didn't need to know why.

As Alpha grew she learned more about her strange mother and her tendencies, like how she'd occasionally talk to herself without realizing she was still connected to the minds of her offspring. Normally Alpha's mother was cautious, hesitant and restrained, however despite this her children cared for her in what little way they physically could. Alpha and her siblings would die for her without a second thought if they were told to do so but surprisingly her mother didn't want that at all, she didn't want them to die, not uselessly anyway.

At first Alpha was confused by this little fact but slowly with the connection that she shared with her mother Alpha began to change, she began to understand and grow. Her mother didn't want them to die so foolishly, it was a waste of resources and Alpha could now grasp this concept to some extent. The longer one lived the more they could do to help the hive, the longer one lived the more host they could capture, the longer one lived the more they could serve their queen.

Then Alpha was chosen, chosen to become something greater than her siblings. She slept for some time, she doesn't know how long exactly but when she awoke things were different. Her mind had been expanded and her understanding had grown significantly compared to what it had once been, however she only had a moment to process all this before things changed once again. In fact it was only a few seconds later when her mother's rage washed over her mind like a chaotic maelstrom.

Alpha had never seen her mother in an aggravated state before let alone in the state of mind she was currently in, as such when she felt her mother's rage and heard her words echoing in her head she could not sit back any longer. She didn't understand what the words meant mind you but she understood the meaning behind them clearly. And so Alpha ripped her way through the scurrying and wailing creatures that had somehow managed to anger her mother to this extent and as she did, well, she couldn't help but feel something strange, something new to her. Disgust. 

Unbeknownst to me at the time the link I shared with my children had begun to slowly change them on a fundamental level. Physically they were the same as they had always been but their mental state had begun to change ever so slightly, their instincts and devotion were still intact, even their animalistic nature remained for the most part but their intelligence was slowly growing.

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