All the people turned into beasts: I started as a Tyrannosaurus Rex

Chapter 1164 Space Management Bureau

Outside the Wuji Universe.

Two creatures wearing bionic armor appeared here.

One of them held something like a root in his hand, and he easily cut a hole in the Wuji Universe.

"I have already felt the breath of this universe, it is very strange! It is a new universe that was born illegally." One of the creatures wearing deer-shaped bionic armor said.

Another creature wearing fish bionic armor held something like a detector in his hand, "The original universe collapsed. The master of this universe died before he had time to cancel it."

"The new universe has been opened, go in, and talk to him about the rules."

The two creatures just took a step and entered the Wuji Universe through the gap that had not yet healed.

As soon as they entered, they ran into Chen Chu's first generation clone who was staring at the crack.

Chen Chu looked at the two creatures wearing bionic armor and wondered, how did they appear in their own universe?

Not through the black hole or the white hole, but through the crack.

"Who are you?"

The deer armor waved his hand, and a flash of light appeared on his wrist, and then there was a "click".

"The Lord of the Universe of the new universe has been backed up and transmitted."

Chen Chu was furious at the time. This was completely disregarding him.

With a thought, he instantly used the prison to imprison the two of them.

The fish armor saw it and waved his hand, and a very special energy appeared, and his prison was directly broken.

"Don't know whether to live or die!"

"What the hell are you!"

"We serve the Universe Administration Bureau above the high dimension! Your universe did not apply, and it is an illegal universe. So, we are here to investigate."

"Illegal? Investigation? Universe Administration?"

Chen Chu's mind was suddenly in chaos.

Is there such a thing above the high dimension?

I am in the three-dimensional universe, and the four-dimensional universe is an energy universe. Is the high dimension they are talking about beyond the four-dimensional universe?

Sure enough, the universe is so big that I can't think it through.

"I have evolved to this point, why do I have to apply to you? You haven't looked for me."

The fish armor and the deer armor looked at each other, and then conducted some investigations.

"The universe below four dimensions has reached saturation. Logically speaking, it is impossible to create a new universe." Chen Chu frowned slightly, "So, what do you mean?" "No need to investigate, this universe is rejected." Chen Chu's anger rose in an instant, "Hahaha! What a rejection! How can the universe that I have worked so hard to build be rejected by you in one sentence! Who do you think you are!" "Swish" The fish armor stretched out his hand and directly shot out a beam of energy, and then the energy exploded and turned into small fish swimming rapidly in the infinite universe. "Control the country!" Chen Chu stretched out his hand and grabbed all the small fish. "Our energy is not something you can control!" The fish armor said disdainfully. Then, the next moment, all the small fish were assimilated by Chen Chu. "Well! It even illegally obtained the power of other universes! Directly rejected!" The chest of the deer armor opened with a click, and then a glowing ball appeared. "Nayu Prison!" Chen Chu felt something unusual when the ball appeared and was about to stop it, but the ball flashed and disappeared. Instantly, Chen Chu felt a huge pressure coming from outside the Wuji Universe. It seemed that something was squeezing his universe in all directions. "What are you doing!" "Nayu Prison can store illegally born universes. You can't stop things from higher dimensions." Lu Zhanjia said. "Store my universe? You are so brave!" "Pop" Lu Zhanjia was shocked as if something broke. "Nayu Prison is broken!" Yu Zhanjia was also unbelievable, "Impossible! Nayu Prison can store all universes under four dimensions! This is just a new universe that was illegally born." Lu Zhanjia stretched out his wrist, which had a screen on it. After some operation, he stood there in a daze. "Unless! Unless there is a cosmic singularity!" "Boom" A powerful and strange energy burst out from Yu Zhanjia, almost blowing Chen Chu away. "This universe will be destroyed on the spot!"

Lu Zhanjia retracted his hand, "All authority is open!"


Another powerful strange energy invaded.

"Destroy on the spot!"

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