All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Public Dungeon, City Of Scholars, Urgent Mission! (Seek Full Order)

It is common for the military to learn from each other, and everyone will not hold their breath in their hearts.

If there is any problem, do it once.

After the fight, everyone is still a good brother.

Never bring Qi to the battlefield.

As the saying goes, watching the excitement is not a big deal.

He also felt that Hu Tao’s temper should be curbed.

After having the Red Rock Staff, the illusion’s vision is boundless.

Look like you’re all rubbish except for phantoms.

Seeing that Zhao Xing was not interfering, the captain suddenly smiled.

Hu Tao put away his staff with a bitter expression.

But at this time, Zhao Xing spoke again.

“Since it’s a friendly match, don’t just compare one event.”

“I see, let’s play a few more games.”

The captain immediately said: “Yes, please give instructions to the major.”

Zhao Xing thought for a while and said:

“The first unarmed fight.”

“Standard weapons are permitted for the second round.”

“There is no limit for the third game.”

The captain thought for a while, the three games also gave Hu Tao a chance.

Because there is no restriction in the third game, the opponent will definitely use the Red Rock Staff.

But what does it matter?

Some people are willing to take the pain once, after all, it can see Tao beat him up to vent his anger.

“Okay, then let the major be the referee.”

Zhao Xing also readily agreed.

He also wanted to see the difference between Tamron and Phantom.

By the way, let’s see if there is anyone who can resist Hu Tao under the blessing of the Hongyan method.

After all, in the previous military exchange competition, there were also people who made Hu Tao helpless.

In addition, Tamron is also stronger than those who come to the gym.

After all, Xia Guo’s army is number one!

Wait for Chen Ping and Hu Tao to stand still.

Zhao Xing walked between the two of them.



Before he finished speaking, Hu Tao preemptively charged forward.

The tactics on the opposite side obviously did not expect that Hu Tao would even attack and sneak attack.

But this little detail, everyone doesn’t care about it.

After all, it’s not a serious game like “three two three”.


Chen Ping didn’t back down, and grabbed Hu Tao’s fist with his big hand.

Because everyone didn’t use magic power.

So fighting is a competition of strength and speed.

But the attribute advantage of the tactics is there.

At the same level, even with naked outfits, Chen Ping’s combat method has nearly 5000 points of power!

It’s scary!


Pushing Hu Tao away, Chen Ping waved his hand: “Good fight, come again!”

This is obviously to play twice.

But it is absolutely impossible for Hu Tao to admit cowardice.

You can also refuse before the game.

But on the field, he represents the phantom.

After being pushed away, he immediately rushed up again.


Chen Ping’s punch hit Hu Tao’s chest.

thump thump thump~

It directly forced the opponent to take four or five steps back before standing still.

Repeat this for several rounds.

Chen Ping also felt that it was almost done, and he couldn’t go too far.

So he grabbed Hu Tao’s hand and threw him on the ground with a back fall.

“First round, Chen Ping wins!”

Zhao Xing’s ghostly voice floated over the training ground, announcing Chen Ping’s victory.

“Now for the second round, we will compete with blue weapons.

“Captain, which one of you will fight?”

“I come!”

Liu Jinyang came out.

He is the first level 40 Berserker whose expertise has been improved.

But this time Hu Tao was not happy.

He spat out a mouthful of foam on the ground.

“Bah! Who do you look down on?!”

“Give me level 45!”

The captain gave Hu Tao a thumbs up: “Good job, you have the guts!”

“Come on, fulfill the wish of this phantom brother, level 45 will come out!”


Level 45 martial arts professions all appeared in unison.

The captain smiled and said: “Don’t say we bully you, you can choose yourself.”

Hu Tao’s face was swollen, but his mouth was hard.

He snorted, “Who is the most powerful among you?”

“My phantom, if you want to fight, fight the elite!”

Zhao Xing was also speechless.

You are too crazy.

With standard equipment, how dare an Illusionist speak such big words?

But it’s your choice to pretend.

Zhao Xing didn’t intervene either.

Then a tall and burly martial artist came out.

He glanced at the rank on his shoulder.

Whoa, man, it’s a captain.

Level 45 can be awarded the rank of captain, which is definitely a trick.

In order to save some face for Hu Tao.

Zhao Xing extended the starting distance between the two to 50 meters.



As soon as the words fell, Wu Zheng activated his charge skill.

In order to show that he didn’t take advantage of it, he didn’t even want a weapon.

He rushed towards Hu Tao with his bare hands.

Martial masters are proficient in skills, and their control over the body is higher than that of their martial arts professions.

The explosion is also quite high, and it is also among the top existences in the martial arts department. Only Berserkers and Sword Fighters can steadily surpass martial artists in terms of explosive power.

However, sword fighters rely on their high explosive weapons, while martial artists are quite brave regardless of whether they have weapons or not.

“Phantom Clone!”

Hu Tao is not a vegetarian either.

He was not in a hurry to attack.

4 phantom clones appeared on the spot.

It looks like it is no different from real people.

At the same time, the avatar moves around.

The martial artist who shot was not affected, and went directly to the original path to go to the doctor.

“Brutal collision!”

The speed of the martial artist has once again increased to a higher level.

A distance of tens of meters can be crossed in almost two or three breaths.

But after getting close, Hu Tao’s figure still remained in place, just uttering a word from his mouth.


The movements of the martial artist were immediately disrupted.

The skill of Phantom Burst turned into a burst of illusion energy, successfully set on him.

Obviously this is not the real body, and also hit by an illusion.

“Phantom people, there is still something.” Sun Zhenggong watched the game from the window on the second floor and commented.

The adjutant nodded: “It has been established for five years, and there should be some results, otherwise they are not qualified to keep taking so many resources.”

Sun Zhenggong smiled and said: “But I still have to lose, this little trick can’t defeat Tenglong’s people.”

As Sun Zhenggong said, this martial artist fell under the [upside-down illusion.

Those who are recruited will lose control of their bodies regardless of front, back, left, right, up, and down.

But the martial artist regained control of his body after only being disturbed for a second.

A martial artist with intermediate physical toughness and primary willpower.

With the momentum of destroying the dead, the counter-killing of the four clones was completed.

Hu Tao originally wanted to use the illusion skills carried by these four clones to construct a complete illusion.

But it lasted for two rounds, and it still didn’t work.

In the third round, he finally got his chance.

There is a gap between the clone and the real body.


The martial artist used [Hold Wrestling] + [Throwing], and directly swung Hu Tao up and turned in a circle.

It was thrown out very roughly.

“In the second round, Tenglong wins!”

Zhao Xing announced the result.

“Ha ha ha ha.”

“Brother Phantom, your illusion is not as tough as yours.

“Lieutenant Hu, you look so beautiful when you fall into the air.”

“Lieutenant, are you okay, do you want to call a doctor? Hahaha.

The people of Tenglong also seized the time to pass their mouths.

Hu Tao was also disgraced at this time.

I understand that there is still a gap between my illusion and Tenglong’s people.

“Laugh, you will stop laughing immediately!”

Hu Tao viciously pulled out the Hongyan Staff.

“Come on, the third match!”

“I come!”

The captain who was the first to provoke ran out.

This is a berserker.


Zhao Xing shouted and started.

The battle will soon be over.

Hu Tao under the blessing of the Red Rock staff is directly invincible.

The berserker didn’t break free from the illusion all the way.

Finally, the other party fell to the ground panting heavily.

“The third match, Lake Tour wins!”

Hu Tao was arrogant and arrogant, like a victorious general, slapped his buttocks, leaving a back view.

If you don’t slip away at this time, when will you wait?

If there is another moth, Hu Ke doesn’t want to suffer again.

“Great, great.”

Sun Zhenggong upstairs, his eyes are shining.

Of course the adjutant knew he wasn’t talking about Hu Tao’s power.

Although it is considered elite, everyone is elite, and so is Tamron.

So what Sun Zhenggong praised was the Hongyan Staff.

“It is indeed an exaggerated increase.”

The equipment of illusion is invincible in the range of 40-48. ”

Sun Zhenggong shook his head and said, “No, even those at level 50 can’t handle it.”

“It is estimated that there will be no chance until level 55 or above.”

“Either have intermediate-level or above mental toughness, or will specialties.”

“Either they have unlocked the energy defense branch, and they will not give the opponent’s illusion a chance to invade from the beginning.”

“Enchanting technology has changed the pattern of combat power, we don’t think there are many Tenglongs who can resist that staff.

Looking at the back of Zhao Xing who returned from the training ground, Sun Zhenggong said expectantly:

“I hope he can also leave some good things for us Tamron.”

“Hey, Tenglong actually uses such a good thing?”

In the laboratory, Zhao Xing looked at the piles of materials brought in.

Today is the day when he is going to enchant Tenglong for eternity.

This is also when material enchanting is needed.

Unexpectedly, among the materials, many well-known materials were found.

【water of life】

【Level: 50】

【Quality: King (Red)】

[Contains rich life energy, taking it can increase the life value, and can also be used as a material for enchanting, alchemy, and making medicines. 】

【Pollen of Seven Star Gladiolus】

【Level: 50】

【Quality: King (Red)】

[Materials can purify energy and make the energy have a sharp effect. If it is an alchemy, pharmaceutical, or enchanting material, it can increase the attack power. 】

【Dragon Blood Milkstone】

【Level: 45】

【Quality: King (Red)】

[In the dragon cave, the natural condensed crystal is influenced by the blood of the dragon, and has an incredible effect of enhancing blood, which can be used for enchanting, alchemy, and medicine. 】

The materials sent are basically forty or fifty grades.

Most of them are rare materials, and a small part are king-level materials.

According to the rules summarized by the Enchanters Association……

When performing enchantment of living body attributes, using these materials will help the final attribute bonus.

But this set of recipes is expensive, just a set of materials is expensive

Worth millions.

If it weren’t for troops like Tenglong, ordinary troops would not consider this enchanting formula at all, and would choose cheaper ones.

Because enchanting has a chance of failure.

One set costs millions, and if it fails several times, the cost will be insanely high.

That is to know that Zhao Xing’s talent is 100% success.

Otherwise, it will not be approved for Tamron.

“Thanks to you, there is only this wedding set above.

Tenglong’s logistics ordnance officer, a level 58 enchanter, said politely.

He doesn’t know who this grimace mask is, but he can be sure that it is a very powerful character.

“You’re welcome, then I will work hard to be assistants.”

“Living body enchanting can’t be sloppy, I hope you can deal with these rare materials well.”

Due to the relatively large workload.

The handling of those rare materials (purple) was handed over to Tenglong’s enchanter.

There are also two brushes that can enter Tamron, and it is still no problem to deal with purple materials.

As for the key part, Zhao Xing came in person.

“Yes, guaranteed to complete the task.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was already a month and a half since I came to Tenglong.

At this time, Beijing University has also been on vacation.

Except for occasionally chatting with the brothers and sisters in the future research laboratory, Zhao Xing is all focused on the task.

The effects of the living enchantment are permanent.

It’s going pretty well.

High-level life energy balance, and high-level life structure optimization, supplemented by precious materials.

Zhao Xing was adding attributes to these soldiers at the same time.

But it did not leave much side effects.

Even if there is, it is not permanent, and can be compensated and adjusted through other treasures.

Sun Zhenggong has been here for more than a month.

The mouth is grinning.

The smile on his face never stopped.

Even many of the officers under his command felt that the commander had changed his gender.

In the past, she scolded her every time she moved, and even kicked her when she was impatient.

Fortunately, even if some fighters made mistakes in training, Sun Zhenggong would neither beat nor scold them.

A face of peace and joy.

“Did Colonel Sun suffer from some kind of illusion?”

“Hey? How do you say that?”

“Didn’t you see that he has been laughing all the time lately, laughing at everyone he sees, it makes me feel scared.”

“That’s because you don’t know that there is a big accident happening with our Tenglong.

“Huh? What a good thing, why don’t I know?”

“Ahem, I can’t say it yet, brother, don’t worry, I’ll be in your company soon.”

“Oh, the confidentiality regulations, right, I understand.”

But Sun Zhenggong’s smile quickly disappeared one morning.

“Colonel, urgent mission! Something serious happened!”

The adjutant hurriedly opened Sun Zhenggong’s door without even calling the report.

It could be seen that he was really in a hurry.

Sun Zhenggong frowned: “What big event is worth your panic?”

The adjutant handed the encrypted communicator to Sun Zhenggong.

“There is an accident in the public copy of City of Scholars!”

“Lao Mi sent people to occupy our way to the city of scholars.

“They even detained a group of our personnel from the City of Scholars.”

4.6 “Several skirmishes broke out yesterday and the day before yesterday!”

Sun Zhengyi stared: “What? Bastard!”

The adjutant was also very depressed and said:

“The copy of City of Scholars has signed a peaceful coexistence agreement.

“Sixteen countries have signed it, and anyone can go in to explore and research.

“What, Lao Mi just tore up the agreement so blatantly?”

City of Scholars is a public instance.

There are no monsters in it, and some are relatively weak.

But there is a city inside, which specializes in producing equipment and knowledge for the profession of [Scholar].

It contains great treasures.

Because the career of a scholar is quite rare, but it has a huge role.

For example, [Eruman’s Hat] is produced by one of the maps.

Plus, it has a feature.

That is, there are many entrances to this public copy.

Its entrance is a door.

As soon as they appeared, they were scattered all over the world, and they could be moved and taken away.

But in the end it was divided among sixteen countries.

Sun Zhengyi snorted coldly: “What credibility does Lao Mi have? Isn’t it basic practice to tear up the agreement?”

“But why? It’s been fine here, and there hasn’t been any conflicts.”

Sun Zhengyi thought about it: “I think it’s still what happened in the South China Sea last time.”

“Zhou Weiguo’s Qianlong troops screwed up the Nimitz, and it is said that they haven’t recovered yet.”

“I heard from the boss that after several rounds of negotiations, the United States has always wanted us to unblock their Nimitz.”

“Hey, unblocking, how can it be so easy without giving money?”

“It’s an old routine to make some small moves to put pressure on the negotiating table if there is no agreement.”

The adjutant said depressedly: “Hey, it’s not the time. The higher-ups asked us Tenglong and Tiandao to send people to the public copy of City of Scholars to support.”

Sun Zhengyi also shook his head and said: “There is no way, this is what happens in war, we can only temporarily change Zhao Xing’s enchantment on the soldiers.

“Order, urgent assembly!”


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