All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: The Gospel Of Martial Arts? Zhao Xing Is Used In Rotation, And It Will Come To My House This Year! (Seek Full Order)

“Guys, don’t look at me like that.”

“I don’t know that living body enchantment can improve the target’s expertise.”

Seeing that everyone’s eyes were on him, Zhao Xing immediately explained.

Huang Liang asked, “Is it possible?”

“When the enchanting effect ends, his specialties will return to their original form.”


“Expertise is not temporary!”

“Either it doesn’t appear, or it exists permanently.”

Lu Yuanwei said excitedly: “The data collected from samples in units of one hundred million cannot be wrong.

“A feat once acquired does not disappear.”

“It’s like once a person learns to swim, even if he doesn’t go into the water for ten years, he will never forget it!”

Another person analyzed: “There is no stable way to acquire expertise. Maybe this prisoner acquired the expertise because of the pain just now.”

“Maybe it’s like what Xiao Zhao said, it’s caused by enchantment?”

Lu Yuanwei stared and said, “Painful? Then you can ask Old Wang of Phantom.”

“The last time they played an exchange match in Kuleer, how was the stick beaten?”

“I haven’t seen any specialties from them.”

“Is it possible to obtain specialties for purely painful stimulation?”

Wang Hai held Lu Yuanwei’s shoulders: “Old Lu, don’t get excited, we know that you have a strong professional understanding, and you don’t mean to question it.

The corner of Lu Yuanwei’s mouth twitched: “Let me not get excited, then you should pinch me lightly.

Everyone: ”

At this time, a group of supernatural beings were quite excited.

Discussing the growth of this specialty, what is going on.

No way, in the current occupational research.

There is no way to steadily increase expertise.

Relying on certain specific environments, such as certain dungeons of fear, you may be able to obtain specialties.

However, that has nothing to do with martial arts.

It’s something like a feat like Fortitude.

The probability is also very small.

“Guys, stop discussing.”

“As soon as we wait for the time to pass, isn’t it over?”

Huang Liang pointed to the prisoner inside, and looked at Zhao Xing.

“Xiao Zhao, how long does the enchantment last?”

Zhao Xing: “600 seconds.

“That’s 10 minutes.”

“It’s coming soon.”

Huang Liang said: “We’ll just wait for the effect to pass and see if there is any change.”

Everyone nodded.

At this time, the prisoners inside will be questioned every minute.

For example, what kind of feeling is there, and is there any fleeting short-term effect prompt.

Because outsiders view the panel, they can’t see all the news.

For example, panel prompts will not be displayed to the outside world.

The prisoners inside were also very cooperative.

What to ask and what to say.

Under the supervision of a hypnotist, he has no possibility of lying.

Because the hypnotist has the skill of mind perception.

Can tell if he is lying.

After ten minutes, the enchanting effect disappears.

During this period, there was no new information.

In order to fully understand the state of the prisoner, other interference factors were excluded.

Even temporarily loosened all the shackles on him.

Get him back to his best condition.

After the enchantment effect wears off.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the prisoner’s body is like a balloon with holes.

Return to normal body shape.

“Report on expertise!”

Wang Hai said quickly.

“Report, the prisoner’s specialty is still mid-level bone augmentation.

All of a sudden there was an uproar.

It turned out to be true!

The primary specialty of the target has really become an intermediate specialty!

“Wait for the prisoner to be completely stable, and report his attribute values! Calculate whether it meets the percentage increase of the specialty!”


Waited for a few more minutes.

The situation of the prisoners inside has completely stabilized.

No more ups and downs.

Soon, the voice came over again.

“Report, the prisoner’s attributes have returned to the 3000-point range.

“Compared with the original data.”

“Strength, speed, stamina, blood value, all increased by 5%!”

The original primary specialty [Bone Enhancement] was increased by 5%.

Now the mid-level specialty [Bone Enhancement] increases by 10%.

So compared to the original, an additional 5% increase.

“There is no numerical deviation, it has really increased!

Zhao Xing thought about it.

He had been looking for the reason just now.

Just like what Lu Yuanwei said, pure pain and stimulation cannot enhance people’s expertise.

“When I was learning the professional branch knowledge, I stayed up all night continuously and used my mental power to the limit.”

“So my elementary mental toughness has become an intermediate mental toughness.”

“Professional promotion is related.”

Zhao Xing thought to himself.

For the current situation of the prisoner.

He vaguely guessed that this might be due to the prisoner’s super strength enhancement, and the stimulation of pain, which strengthened the specialty.

Pure pain, or pure strength growth, may not work.

“So, does it really have something to do with your own enchantment?”

Zhao Xing came to a startling result.

It is impossible for ordinary enchanters to cause such a great pain when performing living enchantment.

If it is a low-level enchanter, the probability of failure is very high, and it will not cause any gain effect on the target at all.

If it is an advanced or extraordinary enchanter, the success rate is high, but the pain cannot be so strong.

Because their increase can’t be that big.

It’s not like I have a multiple increase.

“It is also very simple to verify this problem.

“I’ll just have to try a few more times.”

Zhao Xing said.

“Minister Huang, you can arrange another prisoner for me.

Huang Liang nodded: “Okay, I’ll have someone bring it over right away.”

The second prisoner, his number is A402.

It is still a level 40 martial arts department.

But unlike a martial artist, this one is a berserker.

The free attribute of the former is more balanced.

Berserker is more extreme, 10 points of free attribute will add 9 points to the emperor.

Because their skills use Qi and blood more frequently than other martial arts professions.

So in Zhao Xing’s spiritual vision.

There are more red dots representing power attributes, and more black dots at the same time.

Because the black dot represents the negative unknown.

And most of the Berserker’s skills will have a price.

For example, blood rage.

By sacrificing the rest of the attributes, you can improve your strength and increase the power of your skills.

[You perform ‘strength attribute enchantment’ (hand) on the living target, the strength attribute of the living body increases by 440 points (22X20), and the duration is 600 seconds. 】

[You perform ‘strength attribute enchantment’ (legs) on the living target, the strength attribute of the living body increases by 620 points (31X20), and the duration is 600 seconds. 】

【You carry out ‘strength attribute enchantment (abdomen) on the living target, the strength attribute of the living body increases by 840 points (42X20), and the duration is 600 seconds. 】

The enchantment of seven parts is completed.

The performance of this berserker is relatively stronger than that of the first prisoner.

Facing the increase in super strength, although it is also difficult.

But he can control his body.

There was no significant struggle.

at the same time.

The effect of enchantment is also different.

Although the second prisoner is also level 40.

But there are obviously more career branches unlocked than the previous prisoner.

So his enchantment effect is better.

Enchant seven parts with full power attribute.

A few hundred points more than the first prisoner.

After the enchantment ends.

Zhao Xing walked out.

The rest went in for routine questioning and inspection.

Not long after, an attribute report came from inside.

But in terms of expertise, there is still no change.

This disappointed everyone.

Is it really a coincidence?

“Wait a minute, the first prisoner also changed after a few minutes.”

Wang Hai was very calm.

He clearly remembered that the first prisoner’s specialty enhancement did not appear until 187 seconds.

The wait is always long.

Everyone is almost counting the seconds in their hearts.

The effect of the enchantment lasts for 600 seconds.

If there is no metamorphosis within this duration, it proves that it was really a coincidence just now.


At this time, a voice came from inside.

“The prisoner’s primary specialty ‘Blood Vitality Awakening’ has increased!”

“It has become an intermediate specialty!”

? “The value of vitality and strength has changed from the original 7% bonus to a 14% bonus!”

Reporter’s voice.

Everyone’s jaws were stunned.

“Oh my god, can it really be copied?”

“One can be said to be accidental, but the second one is still like this, it is definitely not a coincidence!”

“Enchanting can also improve expertise? I’ve never heard of it!”

“I just checked the database of the Enchanters Association.”

“I also discovered that there have been special enhancements in the living body enchantment, but it is very rare.”

“How high is the probability?”


After a while, the Enchanters Association summarized the answer from the database.

“During the process of enchanting the living body, the probability of a specialization increase is only 0.12%.

Everyone looked at Zhao Xing at this time.

If this method cannot be copied by other enchanters.

Then the only Zhao Xing who can bring this effect is simply a peerless treasure!

“Instructor Wang, Minister Huang, leave for a moment.”

“Yes, I’ll make a call too.”

“Everyone, the doctor will accompany you.”

Three extraordinary people left one after another.

And after these three people left, many people also reacted.

Leave with all sorts of lame reasons.

Even those who said that they were urgent to urinate came.

“Is Chaofan still in a hurry to urinate?”

Zhao Xing looked blank.

Lu Yuanwei smiled and didn’t speak, obviously he had already guessed why these transcendents behaved like this.

Wang Hai scolded: “Bastard, this is going to rob someone before the test is completed.”

“Hey, Nazi shouldn’t have asked you to help me.”

Lu Yuanwei said in relief: “Old Wang, don’t worry, there are not many martial arts geniuses in Phantom, so they can always be arranged.

Wang Hai nodded depressedly.

“Xiao Zhao, let’s continue testing, don’t worry about them.


What did Chaofan go out to do?

Of course, call your superiors.

Zhao Xing is up for grabs!

What is the most popular occupation in Xia Kingdom?

Definitely martial arts!

This profession is the first to appear, and it also has a huge population base….

Therefore, in the army, the martial arts department has the most occupations.

In the army, there may be no illusion, or no magic


But it is absolutely impossible not to have martial arts professions.

Although it is said that nowadays, the throne of the first powerhouse is no longer the martial arts department.

However, the martial arts system is still the most powerful group.

Because of the huge base, there are many people who study career branches and develop skills.

The number one title alone does not represent the prosperity of the system.

Just now in the extraordinary in the room.

Most of them are martial arts.

Among them, there are many special forces from the army, such as Tiandao and Tenglong.

When it was discovered that Zhao Xing could improve the prisoner’s expertise.

These officers immediately realized the role of Zhao Xing in the special forces!

“Boss, please be sure to invite Zhao Xing to our Heavenly Sword Army!”

“You don’t know what I discovered just now!”

“Zhao Xing, he can actually improve the specialties of the martial arts department!”

“I just watched him strengthen the bone body of a prisoner from primary to intermediate!”

“What? You don’t believe it?”

“I didn’t believe it at first!”

“But right after, he awakened the blood of the second prisoner, from primary to intermediate!”

“Yes, yes, right now, we are conducting experiments in Tianhe Prison.

“Are you coming right away? Okay, hurry up, people from Tiandao and God of War are watching.”

“Don’t worry, I will keep an eye on it.”

“You want to ask Boss Ye for instructions? Oh yes, he is the one who makes the decision.”

After Tenglong’s officer made the phone call, he saw Tiandao and God of War coming around the corner.

The three of them met each other, sparks sparked in their eyes.

“Notified?” The officer of Tiandao has sharp eyes, and a simple sentence is full of aggression, even the eyes are full of aggression.

“Aren’t you the same?” The officer of the God of War fought against each other without any stage fright.

But in terms of provocative skills, Tenglong’s officers are the strongest.

“You two are wasting your time.”

“In the army, Tenglong ranks the highest and has the strongest combat power. What are you fighting for?”

The people of Tiandao and God of War suddenly became murderous.

This is too aggressive for him.

All of a sudden, the hatred was pulled up.

“It’s true that Tenglong ranks the highest, but when will it be called the strongest? In the last exercise, who was defeated by the fist of God of War?”

“If you are allowed to use a sword, the combination of Tenglong and God of War is not enough for us to fight with a heavenly sword.”

“Hmph, let’s wait and see.”

The three of them met each other’s eyes, then walked away.

The head of the special forces of the three armies of Tiandao, Tenglong and Ares.

Immediately after receiving the call, he set off.

Zhao Xing is not someone who can be called around casually.

If he wanted to abduct him to his own army, he had to ask Ye Zhanping for instructions.

At this time, the military headquarters in Beijing.

“Boss, I want to ask you to second Zhao Xing to our Tenglong for a while.”

Tenglong Commander Sun Zhenggong first came to Ye Zhanping’s place.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he went straight to the topic.

“Oh? What’s Zhao Xing doing again?” Ye Zhanping smiled, “The commanders of Tiandao and God of War 5.6 both called to ask for someone, so you’d better come here in person

“What? These two stinky and shameless people are coming to grab me again?” Sun Zhenggong’s eyes widened, “Boss, you don’t want to agree to them.”

“Don’t get excited, tell me what happened first.” Ye Zhanping waved his hand and told his subordinates to sit down.

“Zhao Xing is using living body enchantment in Tianhe Prison. His living body enchantment can improve the expertise of the martial arts department!”

“This is simply the gospel of the martial arts department!”

“Boss, it won’t take long for me, okay?”

Sun Zhenggong watched eagerly.

“Haha, you’ve been talking for half a year?”

“Heavenly Sword and God of War troops only need one.”

Sun Zhenggong was in a hurry: “Okay, then I only need three months.”

Seeing Ye Zhanping shaking his head, Sun Zheng became anxious.

“Boss, our Tenglong is the first in the drill, which mission we did not perform perfectly? There is hard work without credit.

“I’ve never asked for anything like Phantom, boss, Zhao Xing, let’s use it for Tenglong first.

“I didn’t go to compete with Phantom for food before, but our Tenglong can’t be raised by a stepmother.

Ye Zhanping was laughed angrily by this subordinate.

“What are you in a hurry for?!”

“I didn’t say no to you.”

“Wang Hai told me that Zhao Xing’s experiment has just begun.

“It’s not entirely sure what the odds are.”

“Will it have different effects when applied to the geniuses of the special forces?”

“Material enchantment is permanent, will there be greater sequelae… It will take time to test.

“You, just go back honestly and wait for the news. If it is feasible, I will notify you as soon as possible that Tenglong will pick you up.

Sun Zhenggong immediately beamed with joy: “Hahaha, thank you Boss, you must be transferred to our Tenglong as soon as possible, Boss, I kneel down for you.”

Ye Zhanping: “”

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