All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: The First Experiment Of Living Body Enchantment! Great Attention! (Please Customize)

“Brother Jiang, you can call it a day.”

Zhao Xing shouted at the people in the Bing Po Lake.


The two brothers Jiang Cheng and Jiang Tian quickly jumped up from the lake with their special squad.

As Frost Warriors, the characters of the two of them are also a bit cold.

There is nothing extra to say after landing.

He waved to the people behind him: “Close the team!”


Jiang Cheng saluted and said: “Sir, hint.

Zhao Xing said helplessly: “Brother Jiang, I told you not to call me sir in school.”

The reason why Jiang Cheng called him officer was because he was now a lieutenant commander, although it was only temporary.

But the rank is also higher than the lieutenant Jiang Cheng.

“Report sir, Lieutenant Colonel Wang said that you don’t need to address you sir only in public places.”

“Privately I still have to call you sir.”

Zhao Xing shook his head, and didn’t want to compete with two ice cubes anymore.

He has such a character, and there is nothing he can do about it.

However, although Jiang Cheng and Jiang Tian are rigid, some jobs require talents like them.

For example, bodyguard work.

“I want to go back to the laboratory, you can put it back next to the laboratory.”


Jiang Cheng and Jiang Tian led the team and disappeared.

Inside Beijing University, they still don’t need personal guards.

Of course, there will also be Chaofan watching secretly.

But at least not so conspicuous.

Back to the lab.

Zhao Xing opened his panel to check.

【Name: Zhao Xing】

【Occupation: Enchanter (Elementary)】

[Level: Level 40 (1%)]

【Power: 335】

【Physical strength: 2628】

【Speed: 50】


From the point of view of attributes, the fixed bonus of strength and stamina is still 5 points for every level up.

Speed ​​is only 1 point per level.

Spirit power increases by 20 points per level.

If it is the main battle class, the fixed bonuses of calendar, strength, and speed will be doubled when you upgrade to a level.

As for the only advantage, the mental power attribute, it is not as good as the mind power system in the main combat profession.

Barely equal to some sewer professions in the magic department.

But after being promoted to Extraordinary, this occupational disadvantage will be reduced.

The attribute bonus brought by the upgrade will also reach the average level of the main combat occupation.

“I don’t know if the level will be higher in the future, will there be any compensation measures for the enchanter.

“And those sewer professions, you can’t stay in the sewer all the time, can you?”

Zhao Xing thought to himself.

At the beginning, Blue Star was the king of the martial arts department, and gradually became the king of the magic department.

Later, the power department rose and took away the throne of the world’s number one combat power.

Proof that a class won’t reign supreme forever.

With the continuous opening of dungeons, the birth of new equipment, and the development of various branch occupations,

Other 010 occupations have opportunities to succeed.

I just don’t know when it will be the turn of the auxiliary profession.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Xing continued to look at the panel.

[Equipment: Polymath’s Cap (King Class), Space Bracers (Legendary), Holy Shield Brooch (Legendary). 】

【Career Tree: Open】

[Specialties: Intermediate Mental Toughness, High Concentration, Life Fluctuation, Elemental Perception, Magic Source. 】

[Skills: Advanced Attribute Enchanting, Advanced Material Enchanting, Advanced Material Identification, Advanced Material Transformation, Advanced Material Fusion, Advanced Immortality, Advanced Enchanting Seal, Advanced Skill Enchanting, Advanced Spirit Rubbing]

[Intermediate spiritual training, intermediate enchantment superposition,]

[Elementary demon dispelling, simple living enchantment.

[Free attribute points: 01

[Professional branches: intermediate energy structure, intermediate equipment analysis, intermediate energy transfer, intermediate magic control, advanced enchanting tool manufacturing. 】

[You have unlocked the new main occupation knowledge, simple living enchantment! 】

[Simple living enchantment: You can temporarily amplify the attributes of living objects. If you are just getting started, you cannot perform material enchantment on living objects for a long time, nor can you perform skill enchanting on living objects. You can only be regarded as a rookie when it comes to the extensive and profound study of living object enchanting. 】

Simple-level living enchantment can only temporarily amplify the target’s attributes.

Even though Zhao Xing has many advanced skills, none of them involve the knowledge of living enchantment.

Therefore, living body and non-living body are completely two concepts.

Those who want to use those advanced skills on the living body, such as material enchanting, permanent, skill enchanting, etc. are good.

You need to refresh the skill level first.

“After reaching the elementary level, you can unlock the 40-level branch, such as life energy and life structure.”

It is still very easy to brush skill proficiency to elementary level.

Rub the sawtooth rat and you’re done.

Get up and open the door to the sample room.

The first thing you see is the stacked cages.

There are probably more than 100 sawtooth rats inside.

A level 10 sawtooth mouse has no attack power because it is non-toxic.

Zhao Xing is not afraid of it biting, anyway, it can’t break through his own defense.

I reached out and grabbed one from inside.


The Sawrat was bewildered, constantly.

But Zhao Xing’s strength is more than three hundred.

It’s easy to handle.

[Simple Living Enchantment] in the skill bar glows slightly.

Zhao Xing started to play it.

[You perform ‘Simple Living Enchantment’ (legs) on the Sawtooth Rat, the strength attribute of the life form increases by 5 points, the duration lasts for 30 seconds, and you gain 3 points of proficiency. 】

[Simple Living Enchantment: 214/1000]

Zhao Xing didn’t use his talent to boost because he was afraid of causing some terrible effects.

Only the 100% success rate is retained.

If you accidentally get a monster out, it will be bad.

“Same as last time, after the legs gained strength, their form also temporarily became larger.”

Zhao Xing pinched the left forelimb of the rat.

Obviously thicker than the other three legs.

“Living enchantment can be divided into whole and part.”

“Under the spiritual vision, it is cut into pieces that can be enchanted.

“Sawrat has 7 parts that can be enchanted.”

“Four legs, belly, back, head.”

“Different creatures have different numbers of enchantable areas.”

“The lowest number of living objects, such as level 1 worms, there is no distinction between the whole and the part, and there is only one enchanted area.”

“The ones with the highest known numbers are the 60-level thousand-legged snow centipede and the 65-level deep-sea magic eye. An enchanter discovered that they each have more than 600 enchantable areas.

Zhao Xing recalled the information he had found.

However, it was only a theoretical discovery, and some organizations really tried to enchant the thousand-legged snow centipede and the deep-sea magic eye.

It was found that when one-tenth of the area was reached, the physiological structure of these monsters began to collapse.

The association between the part and the whole may contain professional branch knowledge.

Ever since, many enchanting organizations have spent a lot of money to catch Yu Zuzhong Centipede and Deep Sea Demon Eye alive.

These two high-level monsters that are not even supernatural are actually sold at a higher price than supernatural!

At present, there are 6 enchanting institutions in the world that have maintained relatively high records.

The first is the Princeton Research Institute in the United States, which enchanted 153 local areas of the snow centipede and still made it survive.

The second is the Hobmus Research Institute in the United States, with a thousand-legged snow centipede, 142 parts.

The third is the LeBron Research Institute in the United States, with 131 parts.

The fourth is the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Mao Xiong, a thousand-legged snow centipede, with 127 parts.

The fifth is Xiaguo’s Loulan Research Institute, Deep Sea Magic Eye, with 112 parts.

The sixth is Maokuma’s Ural Research Institute, Deep Sea Magic Eye, 101 parts.

Research institutes in other countries did not break a hundred.

“From the ranking point of view, Lao Mi is still strong.”

Zhao Xing recalled the materials he had read, and then pinched the right forelimb of the rat.

[You perform ‘Simple Living Enchantment’ (legs) on the Sawtooth Rat, the strength attribute of the life form increases by 10 points, the duration lasts for 30 seconds, and you gain 5 points of proficiency. 】

[Simple Living Enchantment: 219/1000]

This time, the right forelimb of the sawtooth rat became larger than the left forelimb.

Wait until Zhao Xing finishes enchanting the limbs of the Sawtooth Rat.

The appearance of the sawtooth mouse has become somewhat deformed.

After returning to the cage, the speed of movement slowed down significantly.

On the actual panel, there is also a state of [physiological deformity].

[Physiological deformities: Under the influence of external force, the strength of the sawtooth mouse increases by 23 points, and its speed decreases by 4 points. 】

The enchantment itself was successful, but the final effect had a negative impact.

This is a local imbalance leading to overall deformity.

The speed in the hands increased.

After a few hours of panning sawtooth rats.

The proficiency of living enchantment has finally reached the elementary level.

【Elementary Living Enchantment: You can temporarily amplify the attributes of living objects, perform material enchantment on living objects permanently, and perform skill enchantment on living objects. 】

【As for the broad and profound science of living body enchantment, you have already started, but be careful not to use it rashly on yourself!】

After reaching the primary level, Zhao Xing began to unlock career branches.

It took an hour to study [Life Energetics] and [Life Structural Science].

Mastered the skills of ‘Primary Life Energy Balance’ and ‘Primary Life Structure Optimization’.

“With these two skills, the occurrence of negative effects can be reduced to a certain extent.”

“I can also consider using materials for enchanting, and enchanting skills on lifeforms.

The 30-second effect passes.

Sawrat has returned to its original shape.

Zhao Xing entered the sample room again.

After days of torture, these mice panicked when they heard the footsteps.

Squeaking non-stop.

Zhao Xing felt deeply sympathetic, so.

Bring earplugs.

“Be patient, it will be fine soon.”

[You carry out the ‘Elementary Living Enchantment’ (legs) on the Sawtooth Rat, the strength attribute of the life body increases by 10 points, the duration lasts for 30 seconds, and you gain 5 points of proficiency. 】

[You carry out the ‘Elementary Living Enchantment’ (back) on the Sawtooth Rat, the strength attribute of the life body increases by 10 points, the duration lasts for 30 seconds, and you gain 5 points of proficiency. 】

[You perform the ‘Elementary Living Enchantment’ (abdomen) on the Sawtooth Rat, the strength attribute of the life form increases by 10 points, the duration lasts for 30 seconds, and you gain 5 points of proficiency. 】

After the enchantment of the seven parts is completed.

Zhao Xing found that this time the sawtooth mouse did not appear in a negative state.

All attributes have increased by about 20%.

“I am indeed a genius.”

Zhao Xing is very satisfied.

So continue to open the road to brush the mouse.

He planned to improve the proficiency of the three skills to the advanced level first.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, it was already one month later.

The semester is also drawing to a close.

Zhao Xing, who has been staying in the laboratory,

It’s finally out.

【Advanced Living Enchanting: You can temporarily amplify the attributes of living targets, and perform material enchantment on living objects permanently, and you can perform various types of enchanting on living objects. 】

【For the broad and profound science of living enchantment, you have entered the room! Seeing the dawn of the extraordinary!】

[Advanced life energy balance: When performing living enchantment, you can balance the local and overall energy circulation. 】

[Advanced life structure modification: When performing living enchantment, you can optimize the life structure to make it more perfect. 】

“Is the retreat over?” Lu Yuanwei asked immediately when he saw Zhao Xing walking out.

As early as Zhao Xing’s seventh consecutive liver, he came over.

In order to prevent him from getting too involved, Lu Yuanwei was also specially watching here.

There is no other way, not to bother Zhao Xing, but also to keep an eye on him.

Ordinary people really can’t do it. If they don’t find a suitable person for a while, they can only do it by themselves.

“Well, it’s over for now.” Zhao Xing nodded.

“What’s next?” Lu Yuanwei asked expectantly.

“I want to conduct a living enchantment experiment.”

“Which kind?”

Zhao Xing hesitated for a moment.

But Lu Yuanwei saw it: “You mean human experimentation, right? Are you worried about ethics?”

Zhao Xing nodded.

Enchanters can’t do whatever they want. The state stipulates that any professional skills that may cause negative effects must be approved for “ethics” if they want to be used on the human body.

Just like the old days, some unethical experiments are prohibited, such as human-animal hybridization, cloning and so on.

When the extraordinary era had just begun.

This rule was once ignored.

Serious consequences were soon caused, and many mutant humans appeared, causing serious damage to society.

Therefore, the norms in this regard have been strengthened again later.

Lu Yuanwei said: “You don’t have to worry about the approval, the country will definitely support you.

“I will apply to the higher authorities to find volunteers for you.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Zhao Xing thought for a while and said, “Can we use death row prisoners first?”

He intends to use his talent to try.

Now it is not sure whether the stable structure can be maintained after the talent is enlarged.

If the volunteers were killed, Zhao Xing would feel very sorry.

But if he is a death row prisoner, he has no psychological burden.

Lu Yuanwei said: “No problem.”

Death row inmates can also be voluntary. Many criminals will donate their organs for experiments before they die, trying to bring some benefits to their families.

“Are there any requirements for rank and occupation?”

Zhao Xing thought for a while and said, “Martial Dao, you don’t need those below level 40.”

Lu Yuanwei said, “I’ll arrange it right away.”

Beijing, Tianhe Prison.

Prison warden Liu Wei was watching groups of heavily armed soldiers driving in escort vehicles.

an hour ago.

He suddenly received news that some of the prisoners in his place were going to be transferred, and at the same time, new prisoners would be sent in.

Get him ready to work.

I thought it was just a normal transfer.

Unexpectedly, the entire perimeter of the prison was surrounded by groups of soldiers.

There are even Chaofan patrolling the sky.

Even the prisoners brought in are not easy.

It’s still extraordinary!

“Leader, what is this, what is going on?”

“Isn’t our Tianhe Prison only able to accommodate prisoners of the Young Emperor’s extraordinary level?”

“Why did so many come this time?”

“They’re all serious criminals!”

Huang Liang, the head of the Supervision Department, gave Liu Wei a stare.

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t, Tianhe Prison is under military control from now on.

“Your men do what they are supposed to do, but they are not allowed in or out of prison.”

Liu Wei was taken aback, doesn’t this make them the same as prisoners?

Who the hell wants to close this place? There is such a big battle!

“During this period, you and your people will work together in the prison first, and you will be compensated later.

“Those who are unwilling to obey orders can leave work now.

“You must cheer up and don’t make any trouble.”

Liu Wei even said: “I understand, I’ll do it now.”


Zhao Xing and Lu Yuanwei came to a prison, and beside them were several Chaofans that Zhao Xing didn’t know.

Apparently they were all there to protect him.

At this time, a man in black introduced: “Xiao Zhao, there are Transcendents from level 40 to level 60, and there are 67 kinds of martial arts professions.

“There are 231 people below Chaofan, and Super has 17 altars.

Zhao Xing was surprised, there are so many extraordinary prisoners?

I’m just doing an experiment, and the above is paying too much attention to it!

“If it’s not enough, then we have to transfer from other places.”

Zhao Xing nodded quickly and said, “Enough is enough.”

“Then let’s get started!”.

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