All my toys

Home alone: the day after

Morning comes and memories of yesterday's events bring a smile to my lips.  I lie on my bed, savoring the still lingering after-effects of yesterday's 'play'.

Things are progressing smoothly so far.  I got to taste Ella and Rose, and they got to taste me.  Moreover, they consider each other sisters now, which will make it easier when I decide to spring on them that Tina is one as well; I will have to time it correctly though, I can't rush it.  If things develop as I expect, in the immediate future, the girls will come to me asking for a repeat of yesterday's therapy; that's when I will start to convert their belief that it is 'therapy' to something that happens naturally in a loving family, dissing my bitchy wife beliefs overtly at the same time.  It gives me great pleasure to think that I get to twist her already twisted notions to something that is to my advantage;  the fact that at the same time I get to enjoy my baby daughter and that I can gradually wean her away from her abusive-possessive mother is a plus, it will make things easier when I finally kick her ass out of the door for good. 

I take out my phone and call Tina to give her the gist of what transpired, as well as the general direction I want to take things, before rising from my bed and going for a shower.  My wife will be home in the afternoon and staying inside will make me horny again, so I decide to bring the girls to the park for a quick outing and some ice cream.  I step in the shower and begin my morning ablutions while humming to myself.

I dress myself and go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for me and the girls, then sit at the table to enjoy my morning coffee.  I hear their footsteps descending the stairs and I smile.  Here they come.

"Good morning daddy", Ella says, throwing herself in my arms and kissing my cheek.

"Good morning honey, did you sleep well"?

Ella blushes at my seemingly innocent question and lowers her eyes,

"Y-yes daddy, I slept very well".

I smile and raise her chin with a finger, before giving her a quick peck on the lips.  She is surprised and her eyes grow as big as saucers.

"Don't fret it babygirl, nothing has changed, you are always my little princess".

"Daddyyy…".  I feel my neck being strangled from her hug and I pat her back softly until she disengages.  I turn to the other person present in the room.  Rose is blushing with her heads lowered, standing on the door twisting her hands nervously in front of her.  It is obvious that she doesn't know how should she act toward me.

"Good morning dear, daddy doesn't get a morning hug"?

Her head roses slowly, her eyes locking with mine, and when she sees me smiling at her, a dazzling smile of her own brightens her face as she quickly move in my embrace and buries her face in my chest, murmuring,

"Good morning daddy".  As I did with Ella, I raise her head and give her a peck on the lips, before answering her,

"Good morning Rose, how do you feel today"?

At my loaded question Rose blushes furiously, but she doesn't stammer when she answers,

"I am fine daddy.  Thank you for helping me yesterday".  Hmm, I see traces of Tina's behavior in her, I wonder if she would enjoy spanking and abuse.  I erase the thought from my mind before it can show itself on my expression and smile gently at her.

"That's good to hear, honey.  Remember that daddy will always help you no matter what you need".  Oh yes, I will, believe me.

"Now, today is an exception since mom will not be around, but remember that you can call me daddy only when we are alone.  I will find a way for all of us to be together, Tina too, but until then, you must be careful of what you say and do.  You too, Ella, you know mom would get angry otherwise".  There, secrecy reinforced plus a dig to Mrs. Bitch.

"Yes daddy", the girls answer in tandem.

"Well, since mom will come back in the afternoon, how about a stroll in the park and some ice cream"?

Squeals of delight answer my question, thus confirming today's itinerary.

After breakfast, Rose goes to take a shower and Ella stays behind; I can see it on her face that she wants to discuss something with me.

"Go on honey, what do you want to talk about"?

Ella is surprised and a bit flustered,

"How… how did you know that I want to talk about something, daddy"?

I smile, grab her by her waist and deposit her to sit on my lap, before kissing her forehead.

"Daddy magic.  You really thought that you could hide something from daddy"?

She hugs me while smiling before replying,

"Hehe, sorry daddy.  It's just… everything is so fast… I am confused".

"Are you happy that Rose is now your sister"?

"Yes! I am, I am very happy about it"!

"Do you regret what happened yesterday between you, daddy, and your sister"?

"N-no, daddy.  I mean, I was surprised, but it felt good".

"Do you perhaps regret keeping it a secret from mom"?

Her eyes scrounge in anger.

"No!  I don't.  I know mom would never allow Rose to be my sister, nor would let you help her.  I love mom, but she is always with grandpa and does not listen to me; not how you do, daddy".

"Then what's the matter, baby?  Yes, it all happened at once, but you are not doing something bad, you are not hurting anyone and your heart tells you that this is the right path.  Trust in daddy, I will never let you or Rose get hurt.  I promise".

Relief in her eyes, her body relaxes in my lap,

"Thank you, daddy!  I am glad I talked to you about it.  Uhm, can I … can I have a kiss… n-not a peck… like yesterday"?

"Well, I should say no, we can only kiss like that when your mom is out for the night or in your room, but I will make an exception just this once".

I lower my lips to capture hers and she melts in my embrace.  Her arms tighten around my neck, as she opens her lips and challenges my tongue with her own.  We play a game of cat and mouse in her mouth, while my hand snakes his way to her perky ass and squeezes, causing her to moan.  I am forced to interrupt our session after a couple of minutes to avoid throwing her on the table and raping her mercilessly.

"Best you go take a shower with your sister, love, we need to get going soon".

She gives me a last peck with a smile, before standing up and going to meet Rose in the bathroom.  Hmmm, a few hidden cameras in the house might be good.  I keep pondering the issue while finishing my coffee.

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