All my toys

Family affair

Tina and I sit in the living room leaving the girls to go to Rose's room to chat.  I expect that Rose will be telling Ella about everything that my pet had to say about having sex with 'daddy', so I decide to give them some space.  Among other things, Tina mentioned to her sister her intention to ask me for 'relief', so I can assume with some surety that they will be back before long, at least if Rose remembers to inform her about it, which I am pretty sure she will do;  it is big news after all.

We spend fifteen minutes chatting lightly, Tina almost sprawled on my arm, before the girls come back.  Rose sits to my right, while Ella sits on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck while I wrap mine around her waist.  Neither say anything, but I can see that she just doesn't know how to address the elephant in the room, so I decide to take the initiative.

"Tina, there is an issue that we would like your help with.", I say.  I can feel Ella's body becoming rigid in my arms but she doesn't speak, looking down instead in embarrassment.

"Of course, daddy, what do you need exactly?", comes Tina's calm reply.

I recount what happened last time and the girl's doubts about having what account as sexual relations with me, to which Tina smiles gently.

"I see.  Basically, you girls feel that this might go against what you are taught, but are at the same time not willing to discount it.  Am I correct?".

Ella and Rose both nod shyly, but it is Rose that answers her sister.

"Y-yes sis, I mean, daddy explained it to us, but it is the first time we heard about it and it contradicts everything that we are taught.  We don't know what to do right now.  We both like what we do with daddy, but we are not sure if we should feel so.".

For the shy Rose this is a long speech, which goes to show how troubled she is by the whole thing.

"Well,", Tina says, "for starters, as I have already told you, Rose, what daddy told you is the truth.  It is not a sin, as long as your partner is your daddy.".

I feel Ella's body relax in my arms and I bend forward a bit to kiss the crown of her head, while Tina continues.

"If you are wondering how I know about it, it is simple.  Mom was worried about us and told me before she … left".  At the edge of my sight, I see Rose stiffen and then slowly relax.  She has little memories of her mother, but since her sister says that her mom is the source of her knowledge, she accepts it easily.

"I hope that this clarifies things for you.  What you do with your dad is okay, but doing the same things with others outside of marriage is not.  In the old times, fathers had the responsibility of teaching their daughters so they would be ready to assume the responsibilities of a wife, although it was never taught openly so as to avoid abuse.".

"that being said, daddy, I would like for you to do with me what you already did with my sisters, and if possible, even more.  Is it alright with you?", asks my little slut with an innocent gaze.  What an actor…

"Sure honey, but before that, girls, are you okay?  Any questions? Any doubts?".

"N-no, daddy.  I think I just need a bit of time to assimilate everything.", says Ella, with Rose, nodding in agreement.

"Take as long as you need, princess, you too, Rose.  There is no rush, daddy isn't going anywhere.".

They both nod in assent, relief evident in their expressions.

"Now, Tina, do you want us to be alone, or would you prefer for your sisters to be present?", I ask, stressing the word 'sisters'.

"I have no secrets from my siblings, daddy.  Can we go all together to my bedroom?".

I turn my head to look at my kittens,

"Girls? Do you mind?".

Rose is the first to answer,

"Of course, I will come, daddy, I want to see you playing with Tina!", she says grinning.  The little imp has completely recovered and the glint in her eyes says it all.  She wants to see her sister abused.

"Y-yeah, daddy, I will come too.", is Ella somewhat sober response, while she extricates herself from my lap.

I stand up, and as Tina stands as well, I bend my legs and pass my arm under the back of her knees before standing straight again, causing her torso to fall in my other arm that was waiting for her.  She yelps and hugs my neck hurriedly, causing me to chuckle.  Holding my pet in a princess carry, I walk to her bedroom with my little daughters in tow, and deposit her gently on the bed.  I gaze at her, returning her adoring gaze in kind.  Today she is wearing a knee length dress with a delicate pattern of flowers, with black pantyhose and matching shoes.  I sit at the foot of the bed and remove her shoes gently, then I start massaging her calves slowly.  Tina closes her eyes and a slow moan escapes her lips.

Without stopping what I am doing, I turn to look at the girls.

"Kittens, why don't you lose some clothes as well?  It would make Tina more comfortable.  Besides, I love looking at you.".  My last words chinch it, as Ella smiles and slowly starts stripping, quickly followed by Rose, until they are standing there naked but by a pair of panties each.  I smile at them, before motioning to them with my head to climb on the bed on each side of Tina.

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