All His Angels Are Starving

16. I’ll be right back

Jenny waited by the entrance of the library with Susan. Her hatchet rested on the floor. She had her shield retracted.

Two students worked on removing the tables and chairs barricading the glass doors. They moved quietly and slowly, so as not to make any loud noises and alert any angels that might be nearby. Three others stood with their phones and flashlights at the ready.

Jenny’s new armor glinted in the lights, the vibrant red scales shining. It was a much brighter red than the old armor had been, but noticeably heavier. Her increased stats enabled her to carry the weight without issue.

She thanked Eve, though the sensation of another entity working her imagination was bizarre. It was strangely intimate, like having someone else’s fingers in her mouth, except that finger could stir her thoughts and poke her from the inside. She wondered if there was a motive behind Eve’s assistance.

Did Eve just want to keep her alive? That image of her swollen belly rippling as she screamed her head off came to mind. Was she just a vessel for Eve’s birth? And why hadn’t it helped when she'd asked for advice applying her stat points?

Stats are representations of life force. Your choosing of them is inherent to free will. That cannot be interfered with.

With equipment and creation, I am happy to assist. But it is your intention, your spirit that makes the ultimate decisions.

So, in a fight, you’re pretty much useless. Jenny squared her shoulders, trying not to focus on how alone she’d be out there.

Susan had explained to the others what Jenny’s plan was: move quickly, find Oliver and whoever he was with, and bring them back here. Dr. Lee questioned how Jenny knew Oliver was alive, and she’d explained it away as something that cost Energy. He didn’t look convinced but didn’t press it. Mrs. Monique wished Jenny luck, trying to smile, but it came out more like a grimace. She’d made herself a long wooden spear with a sharp golden tip. Dark chainmail covered her torso and arms. The students who had enough Energy copied her armor and had knives, swords, and spears.

None of them wanted to go with Jenny. She’d had little hope of any volunteers, but she figured this was for the best. The more people who were here, the safer the library would be. Susan would be safe. Besides, it also meant she could go all out. Nobody to worry about. Nobody to slow her down. And no witnesses, she thought with grim amusement. Nobody else would find out she could breathe fire. Nobody else would know about her Bloodlust Ecstasy Bonus.

As terrified as she was about facing the angels again, Jenny couldn’t wait to see exactly what she was capable of now. Oh wow, she thought. Is this what self-confidence feels like? Like I know I might fail and get torn apart but also, I feel like I can do this. I’ve never really felt like this before.

Eve didn’t respond to that. Jenny rubbed her injured hand, thinking about what Susan had said earlier. That she’d changed. That she was changing. Was she changing for the better? On one hand, more confidence had to be a good thing. But on the other hand... she trembled with fury and bloodlust.

Leslie hovered nearby while Dr. Lee inspected Jenny’s new armor. She was annoyed that he was so focused on Jenny. He held up a piece of her old armor, comparing the scales. Then he adjusted his glasses. “I wish I could borrow some of your new scales to compare them. And why specifically scales? It looks reptilian.”

Before Jenny could respond, he voiced another question. This one was a request. He wanted to bring in a few specimens. At least that’s what he called them. They both knew he meant the angel corpses. He wanted to study them. He explained he had enough energy to make rudimentary autopsy instruments, proposing that cutting one open might lead to vital discoveries.

Everyone stared at him like he was mad. Even Leslie seemed unnerved. Jenny didn’t care. She’d already cut a bunch of them down and agreed with the science teacher.

After a heavy pause, Mrs. Monique sighed and agreed. “The more we know, the better. We know about their sensitive eyes, but they might have more weaknesses.”

Jenny didn’t want to touch those angels any more than she had to, but if there was something more to those creatures, then she wanted to know. Though she had a sneaking suspicion that Eve could answer those questions anyway. But instinct told her to keep that a secret. Or maybe it was Eve manipulating her subconscious.

The barricade was nearly cleared. Only one table remained, then the doors would open, and Jenny would be out there again.

“Please be careful,” whispered Susan. Her voice was quiet and small, not at all like the confident shot-caller she was in video games. She seemed tired and hurt and... Jenny couldn’t bear to see her like this.

“I’ll be right back,” said Jenny, speaking softly and squeezing Susan’s hand.

“Yeah, but I won’t be there to watch your back. What if something happens? What if you get hurt? And none of these guys wanna go with you.” She let out a frustrated sigh. She screwed up her face, and Jenny couldn’t tell if she was about to cry or curse someone out, but then she rushed towards the librarian’s desk.

Susan rummaged around for something, and Mrs. Monique went over to help. Then Susan returned with her pink helmet, a flashlight, and a roll of duct tape. She yanked out a strip of tape, using her teeth to tear it, then, as Mrs. Monique held everything in place, Susan secured the flashlight to the top of the helmet. She added a few more strips of tape. Once she was satisfied it would hold, she brought it back to Jenny.

“You’re taking this,” she said firmly, setting it on Jenny’s head. She wiped away loose strands of hair before pushing the helmet down. “Just click the button up top.” She did it a few times and the light clicked on and off.

Jenny just looked into Susan’s eyes, the determined look on her face as she snapped the straps together under Jenny’s chin.

“Okay,” exhaled Susan. Her bottom lip quivered. Their noses nearly touched, and Jenny could feel the warmth radiating off her.

“Thank you,” said Jenny. She shut her eyes. She thought about leaning forward and kissing Susan. Pressing her lips to Susan's. Just do it. Do it. You might never get the chance again.

Somehow, this was more terrifying than having an Imperfect Angel’s teeth against her throat.

“If you’re not back in an hour, I’ll...” Susan placed her palm against Jenny’s cheek. “I’m gonna come looking for you.” Then she wrapped her arms around Jenny, their armor clinking, and they held each other tight.

Eve. Please tell me if anything happens to her.

I will alert you of any changes in Susan Brown’s status.

Jenny swallowed the lump in her throat and asked the question she’d been dreading. This stupid survival challenge. I need to know.

The challenge ends when one human participant remains.

She didn’t think or say anything after that. She let go of Susan who wiped away tears and picked up Jenny’s hatchet for her. The tables were clear. The metallic stench of blood rushed into the library. Mrs. Monique stood at the entrance holding her phone’s flashlight and carrying her spear. Dr. Lee joined her with Leslie a few paces behind him. She shook so hard that the light from her phone bounced all over the place.

Jenny’s newfound confidence was fading. If only one person would emerge from this, she knew she’d slit her own throat in a heartbeat if it meant either Susan or Oliver could be the victor. But how would she choose between them? And what about everyone else?

On top of that, would Eve let her? Could Eve stop her?

And Eve already knew her thoughts. This was something to figure out later. She took a breath and brought forth her shield. It erupted from the bracelet around her left arm in a flash of golden light, then formed its circular shape. Dr. Lee shot her a curious glance, but it was too late for any more questions.

"If there's a fight, make sure they don't scare the angels away with the light once they're all safely inside," Jenny whispered to Susan who shook her head in disbelief, but before she could respond, Jenny tapped her pink helmet with her hatchet. "Trust me." Then, she stepped into the hall, trying to appear brave and confident so Susan wouldn’t worry, knowing fully well that that was all Susan would do until she got back. She firmly intended on making it back.

In the hall, the unmistakable sounds of chewing and retching echoed from wall to wall. The lobby was up the hall, to her left. A few feet away, to her right, was the metal door leading to the stairwell they’d initially planned on taking down from the third floor. If they’d taken it, they would’ve come right upon the library, seen the lights, and be safe.

If they’d taken it, Jenny never would’ve reached Human (stage ii) or interacted with Eve.

Something hissed nearby. The flashlights moved, illuminating the dozen or so bodies that lined the hall. One of them was moving.

Tarnished Angel (Level 9)

It was one of the angels she’d struck down earlier, a gray-haired female with dark skin. Jenny had cut off its arm at the shoulder and then buried her hatchet in its hip. Its legs weren't working, and it dragged itself forward, smeared blood marking its path like the trail of a snail. Had it come all this way seeking revenge? This one was close to level 10 too. Then it would become an Imperfect Angel.

Dr. Lee whispered something excitedly about grabbing that one, but Jenny wasn’t listening. She squatted down beside it, keeping her shield between them, and stared into the angel’s empty eyes.

Kill it, was her first impulse. She wanted revenge. Wanted to smash its head in, even though the sight of it was gut wrenching. The Tarnished Angels looked too much like a famine victim, and she’d seen enough footage and photographs in her history classes. The bones jutting out of stretched skin. The cheeks so sunken that she could see the shape of its skull. Blood spurted out from between its teeth as it hissed again.

Eve. Can angels feel pain?

All beings experience suffering.

Jenny thought about the two Imperfect Angels. The ones that seemed like a couple. Do they love?

All beings experience suffering.

The angel retched and dribbled, smashing its hand against Jenny’s shield. Burning hot rage filled her chest so suddenly that she couldn’t stop herself. She lifted her shield then brought it down hard on the angel’s fingers, cutting right through, and making a loud clang against the floor.

Dr. Lee shouted behind her, but it was too late. The angel let out a hideous wail of pain that filled the hallway, crying at the top of its lungs, and then there was more hissing. Too much hissing for one angel.

Several angels appeared at the end of the hall, scurrying towards Jenny on all fours. All the lights flicked in that direction right away. The angels screeched in agony as they scrambled to cover their faces and fell forward, tripping over one another in a flurry of bony limbs.

Jenny licked her lips. She’d done something stupid again, but now it was time to fight. She waved with her hatchet for the others to grab the angel and get back in the library.

“Reckless,” whispered Dr. Lee through his teeth as he grabbed the struggling angel by its hair. It smacked his arm and leg, but without any fingers, all it did was spray blood everywhere. He dragged it back through the glass doors.

Mrs. Monique hesitated, her light still shining at the angels covering their faces and screeching. The others were already inside, and as soon as she left, the direct light would be gone too, and the angels would attack.

“It’s alright,” said Jenny. She glanced over at Susan who was gripping her cattle prod, looking as though she’d rush out and join the fight. Jenny shook her head. “It’ll be alright.”

It was Leslie who finally grabbed Mrs. Monique's’ hand and urged her back into the library. The door shut with a clang, and she heard them dragging tables over. There was no need to be quiet and careful now. The angels were already here.

With the light gone, the creatures regrouped.

Jenny bent her knees slightly, trying for a better stance. She’d never studied a martial art, even though she’d wanted to, but she’d seen enough movies to know to lower her center of gravity. The library was to her left, the angels straight ahead, and if she had to, she could retreat up the stairwell behind her. She also had the flashlight on her helmet.

Her heart wasn’t pounding this time. Instead, it was slow and even. She knew she could do this. Her body knew she could do this. They were just Tarnished Angels, and she was so much stronger now.

With a wild cry, she stomped forward on her right foot and hurled her hatchet with as much force as she could muster. The air rippled; the hatchet spun down the hall, a dark blur. The first angel didn’t even have a chance.

Its head erupted in a cloud of blood and bone as the hatchet cut right through. Before its body hit the floor, the hatchet struck the next angel on the forehead, the sharp edge right between its eyes. The handle sticking straight up into the air. This angel's head snapped back as its body continued moving forward, propelled by its arms. For a moment it was horizontal midair. Then it landed on its back, twitched twice, and died, blood spurting out like a geyser from the wound.

You’ve defeated Tarnished Angel (Level 8)

Experience has been awarded

+20 Energy gained


You’ve defeated Tarnished Angel (Level 9)

Experience has been awarded

+20 Energy gained

Jesus Christ, she whispered. Golden light flashed, and her hatchet returned to her hand. Blood dripping off its metal face. The other angels clambered over the dead, completely unphased, hissing and screeching and coming for her.

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