Alchemist’s Apprentice

36. Noble Achievement

content warning: sex, brief mentions of mind control

"Oh I almost forgot to mention, we finally received word from Count Lambert," Pippa commented as she relaxed languidly on the bed next to me.

Her head was resting on my right shoulder, her legs splayed apart in a lewd display. Her left arm was around my waist, while fingers of her right hand idly traced patterns in the soft skin of my mound and along my inner thighs. She avoided the glistening wet folds of my labia for now, as she gently caressed the surrounding skin.

After a minute or so I finally asked, "Well don't leave me in suspense Pippa, what did Count Lambert have to say?"

One of my hands was near her chest so I gave the closest nipple a pinch and a tug and added, "Or are you hoping for a little more punishment first? Are you planning on being a naughty girl again?"

She yelped playfully when I pinched her, then giggled "Perhaps I am? What foul perverted act will you demand of me next, mistress Valeria? Please punish your wayward lover accordingly."

"You're just as bad as me," I grinned as I rolled my eyes. "Punishment later, talk now. What did the count say?"

My girlfriend pouted but she answered, "He's not going to grace us with his presence after all. Thank the gods for that. Both Marc and I were dreading the prospect. He has no desire to see his father again, and even less interest in teaching me what I'd need to know so I could reliably pass as his daughter."

"I'm glad for that," I replied, then gave her nipple another little tug just for good measure. Her yelps and moans were like music to my ears. "That was the last thing you were worried about, right?"

Pippa nodded, "It was. Lord Bernard and Marc get on great, my father's never once questioned that 'Lord Marcus' isn't really his son. I think the Lord-Mayor's just happy that Marc's actually behaving like a proper young man. Something I was never interested in or comfortable with. I still have to be around my father now and then, but as the daughter of a count and his future daughter-in-law our relationship is a lot more bearable for me. Really I hardly need to see the man, let alone talk to him."

"Anyways enough of that," she added quickly. "In just a couple weeks I'll be a married woman and..."

Her voice trailed off for a moment and she grimaced, "Goodness. This time last year I was an uncouth young man with no plans or interest in marriage. Now I'm a girl counting the days until her wedding."

"You're not unhappy are you?" I asked in a worried tone.

She shook her head, then turned and gently kissed my right nipple which was next to her face.

"My life is wonderful Valeria, better than I could have ever dreamed possible." She had a happy smile on her face as she continued, "Marc and I may not be in love, but we are friends. And thanks to you and Cathryn, my betrothed and I are entering into this marriage as equals. He and Millie are happy, they get to stay together. And several nights each week they get to enjoy my company as well. And I'm free to enjoy the lifestyle I'm most comfortable with."

A moment later she smirked, "Plus I have amazing sex with some close friends, and regular visits and outstanding sex with the woman I love. I don't think my life could be any better. And I owe it all to you and your sister."

"I'm glad," I replied with a smile. "I know things were rough for a while at first, but I'm really happy we were able to help you. Not to mention how happy I am to have you in my life too Pippa. It's been truly wonderful."

Over a month had passed since my birthday, and Pippa had been visiting at least twice a week since then. It was still rare for her to stay the night, but even just getting to share an afternoon with her a couple times a week was lovely.

We'd invited Cathryn to join us a few more times since that first night, which was good fun for all three of us. Cat even took advantage of both Pippa and I as a pair of convenient test subjects a couple weeks ago, to try out another new potion she was working on. And last week she tried pushing the limits of the obedience potion again, with both my girlfriend and I. Needless to say, we had a very good afternoon indeed.

On the whole though Pippa was my girlfriend, so my sister only joined us when she was invited. Otherwise I had the beautiful and submissive young noblewoman all to myself.

And likewise, apart from the time I spent with Pippa I was Cathryn's. My sister and I were still very much in love, we slept together every night and worked together every day. She continued to teach me alchemy, we practised cultivation together regularly. And she still took care of milking me almost daily, though I got Pippa to help with that now and then too. I'd never forget the look on her face the first time she got an unexpected mouthful of milk while teasing my breasts and nipples.

"Anyways," Pippa commented, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between us, "I have at least another hour before I'm expected back at the manor. Perhaps we could make love again? Or..."

Her fingers that had been dancing lightly over my skin suddenly plunged between my lower lips, still wet from our earlier escapades, "Perhaps you'd like to punish me for my naughty misdeeds?"

I let out a happy moan of pleasure, then pinched her nipple once more. I bit my lip and responded, "I'm not sure it counts as punishment when it makes you smile so much, my naughty perverted girlfriend. Perhaps I should come up with a few 'experimental' potions of my own, to test on you next time you're being a brat."

"Don't offer me treats unless you plan to deliver," Pippa replied with a little giggle. "Now I'll be looking forward to whatever sexy potions you have in store for me."

I rolled my eyes again but since she was obviously asking for it I gave her a little taste of what she wanted.

I leaned closer and whispered the command in her ear, "That's right Pippa, you are looking forward to those sexy potions. So much so that the idea makes your pussy drip and your nipples hard with anticipation every time you think about it."

"Now enough talk," I added with a smile. "Let's have you on your knees between my legs, my naughty little noblewoman, and show me how much you love my pussy."

"Yes mistress," she replied with a happy grin as she hurried into position.

Needless to say, we both enjoyed the rest of our afternoon together. We took our time and in the end about two hours had passed before we'd finally had enough. We freshened up then I helped her get into her fancy clothing before pulling on my own simple dress and sandals.

I walked her down the stairs and to our front door, where we exchanged one last tight hug and passionate kiss. And I took the opportunity to tease, "Don't forget about those sexy potions I'll be brewing for you."

Pippa stifled a gasp as her cheeks went red. Her nipples were soon poking at the thin silk of her dress, and I knew her panties would be damp.

I gave her a grin and a wink then opened the door and bid her a good afternoon. And despite her blush, or maybe because of it, Lady Philippa had a happy smile on her face as she set out while I closed and barred the door behind her.

I'd barely taken a step away when our door rattled with a loud heavy knock. With a quiet sigh I turned and unbarred it again then opened it enough to see who was there.

My eyes widened as I recognized one of the two men waiting outside. I swung the door open and curtsied, "Please come in Sir André."

The knight stepped past me into the store, accompanied by the second man. I closed and barred the door once more, then turned and quickly looked the pair of them over.

Sir André looked more or less as he did the first time we met, clad in his nondescript outfit of comfortable-looking travelling clothes. He had a rapier at his left hip and a dagger at his right. There was some stubble on his face and he looked perhaps a bit weary from travel, but his eyes were sharp as ever.

I didn't recognize the young man who was with him. He appeared in his mid-twenties, clean-shaved and with neatly trimmed blond hair. He had green eyes and an attractive face. His features seemed softer than one typically saw on a man. He was dressed in clothes similar to the knight, and also wore a sword at his left hip and dagger at his right. Both weapons looked to be at least as fine a quality as those the knight carried, although they did not show much sign of use.

There was a second dagger tucked in his belt at the front, it also appeared to be of very high quality and to my uneducated eyes it seemed quite new. And finally he was carrying a small package wrapped in cloth. That along with with his age that led me to guess he was probably Sir André's squire.

"Please make yourselves comfortable," I said as I gestured to the sitting area. "I'll fetch Cathryn at once."

The knight just nodded while I hurried to the workshop. As usual my sister was busy, but when I let her know who was here she quickly stopped what she was doing and got to her feet. I followed Cat back out front where we found neither of the men had bothered to sit down.

Cathryn curtsied, "Hello again Sir André, and greetings to you as well sir."

To my surprise the knight took a step back while the younger man stepped forward. He seemed pleasant enough as he asked in a soft-spoken voice, "You are the alchemist, Cathryn Mercier?"

"I am," my sister nodded. "May I know your name sir?"

The young man clearly wasn't a squire after all, considering the knight was letting him take the lead. My next guess was he was another nobleman, or more likely the son of a nobleman. Someone important enough to merit a knight as escort. Either that or he was a courier, sent from someone important. Maybe Lord Charles.

The young man ignored my sister's question completely. Instead he stated, "I'm here on behalf of my father, to pass on his gratitude for the work you did to save his young son's life."

Suddenly my heart was racing as I did my best to stay silent. If our earlier speculation was correct then this young man was no courier or squire. He had to be the crown prince, first-born son of the king. I was standing just behind and to the right of my sister, practically within arm's reach of royalty.

Meanwhile the man continued talking, "Your unorthodox treatment succeeded where others before you failed, and after twelve years of ill health my younger brother is now finally a strong fit young lad. You've done my brother, my father, and myself a great service Cathryn. And that will not go unrewarded."

He pulled something from one of his jacket pockets as he asked her, "Please bow your head."

Cat's eyes were wide and I had a feeling her heart was racing as fast as mine. She visibly gulped but stepped forward and bowed down slightly.

The young man reached out and placed a gold medallion around her neck. It looked a lot like the one Sir André showed us, except instead of an eagle there was a different bird in the middle of the coat of arms.

"For saving the life of Prince Antoine, and in the name of King Frederic, the alchemist Cathryn Mercier is hereby named a Knight of the Royal Order of the Phoenix. Rise Lady Cathryn."

My heart skipped a beat as my sister straightened up again. Her eyes were wide and she looked like she had a hundred questions but she was too excited or nervous to say a word.

Meanwhile the young man pulled out that second dagger that was tucked in his belt. He didn't draw the blade, but held the weapon in its scabbard as he offered it to to her, "I present you with this dagger, as a badge of office and a symbol of your rank as knight."

I was able to get a better look at the weapon as Cat accepted it, despite the way her hands trembled slightly. Going by the length of the scabbard the blade was probably about thirty centimetres long, and the whole thing was probably forty-five centimetres in total. The scabbard suggested a long, narrow, pointed blade. Not much use for cutting, it was a true dagger, designed as a weapon. The guard and pommel looked to be inlaid with silver, and the initials CM were engraved in the middle of the guard, while the pommel bore the same phoenix coat of arms as her medallion.

My sister stared wide-eyed at it as she half-whispered, "Thank you my lord."

The young man smiled slightly as he placed the bundle down on the counter. He gestured to it as he said, "Finally Lady Cathryn, while your knighthood does not grant you title to any land or property, it does come with a small monetary award of ten thousand platinum sovereigns."

Both my sister and I glanced at the package on the counter with wide eyes, then looked back to the crown prince.

"That concludes my official business. Now Lady Cathryn if I may, I would like to discuss a personal matter with you? I should like to commission your services," the man said with another smile. He glanced over at his escort and added, "Sir André your presence is no longer required. I'll see you again later I'm sure."

The knight hesitated, but a harder look from the prince was all it took to convince him. Sir André bowed, "As you wish your highness. I will await you at the inn."

I hurried to unbar and open the door for the knight, then closed it again after he'd left. Meanwhile the prince moved to our sitting area and got comfortable, while Cat sat across from him.

"Valeria," my sister asked, "Some wine is in order I think?"

"Yes my lady," I replied with a wide smile. I poured two glasses, and set one down before the prince then the other in front of my sister, before taking my place standing next to the counter.

The prince had a sip of his wine then took a deep breath before he began talking. His voice was quiet but intense as he started, "Obviously I must ask your discretion in the following personal matters. And to set your minds at ease, I assure you that I am here with my father's blessing, so you needn't worry about that."

Cathryn and I both nodded quietly, and my sister motioned for him to continue.

"I wasn't lying when I said you did me a great service by saving my brother," our guest stated. "Not just because I'm ecstatic to see Antoine finally enjoying good health, but because of the freedom that grants me. Now that my brother is fit take over as crown prince and heir to the throne, I'm free to follow the path my heart has long sought."

The prince paused to take a deep drink of his wine, perhaps to steady his nerves a little. He glanced at me then back at Cathryn again, and took another deep breath. Then at long last our guest introduced himself.

"My true name, currently known only to my father and brother, is Princess Emilie. I wish to commission a potion or potions from you, Lady Cathryn, that will grant me the body I yearn for, that which fate has denied me thus far."

My sister bowed her head slightly, "Princess Emilie, it shall be my and my sister's honour. I promise you will not be disappointed."

"Excellent," the young lady smiled. "Then let us discuss the details."

There was a wide smile on my face as I watched and listened to my sister, now known as Lady Cathryn, discussing a royal commission with her highness Princess Emilie. And I couldn't help marvelling at how perfect our lives had become.

It was only a year ago that Cat came home early from school. She gave me the body of my dreams and I became her apprentice, as well as her lover. With a lot of hard work and some luck we'd opened up shop, we'd made a name for ourselves and had a growing reputation. We became successful alchemists in our own right, with several happy customers among the nobility as well as local merchants and craftsmen.

I'd become friends and lovers with one of those noblewomen, the daughter of a count who would soon hold a position of authority in our town. We'd taken a secret royal commission and saved the life of a prince. Cathryn earned herself a noble title, something our father died trying to achieve. And now we were meeting face to face with royalty, taking on an important commission for the princess.

With success like that in our first year, I could hardly wait to see what the future had in store for Cathryn and myself.

I looked over at my sister and at the same time she glanced back at me. We caught each other's eye, and shared a happy smile.

The two of us had made it, and we both knew it.

~ The End ~

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