AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 91

When I regain consciousness, several subthreads begin to operate my internal systems, and a ring of vapor forms around me as my flight speed increases.

[ Flying speed: 180 m/s ]

A secondary process informs me of my speed, using units of measurement I am more familiar with. A constellation of other processes inform me about the atmospheric pressure, air density, and resistance — even calculating altitude based on these parameters — but what has my immediate attention is the fact that my [World Eater] breathing method is active at around 18% output and yet my net gain of Qi is neutral at no loss and no gain.

It takes me only a nanosecond to realize what is devouring my Qi at such a rate that even [World Eater] needs to operate at such a significant degree just to offload the strain on my system.

A quick glance into my internal vessel reveals dozens of gold energy swords piercing the corpse of the undying snake, which still writhes within my sea of consciousness, even though it is so restrained. A mote of brilliant flame burns above the snake, constantly eroding its body — [Purifier Soul Fire].

While I was unconscious, apparently, the tree decided to let its roots come down from high above, where the Devoured Worlds Sphere hovers, all the way down into my sea of consciousness and entangle and impale the snake, as if also eating its life force.

Great. Now I have a dead snake in my sea of consciousness and a parasite competing with me for food.

I don’t know which of these things, or if it is the large-scale Formation that appeared, dividing my sea of consciousness and the black sphere — [God-Slaying System]? — is using so much Qi, but two things are immediately apparent: First, they’re necessary at the moment, until I get rid of the snake; and second, there is really nothing I can do about it.

With the sudden increase in speed, I hear Lan Xiaohui exclaim happily. A very uncharacteristic shout of happiness erupts from her as she dives and climbs, wasting precious Qi on these unnecessary maneuvers. Her mood improves in an instant, even though she is already on cloud nine, figuratively and literally.

We are at such an altitude that even if my perception was not limited, I would likely not be able to see the ground due to the heavy layer of clouds beneath us.

I increase the output of [World Eater] to 25%, and my Qi generation improves to a point where my internal reserves will be refilled within eight hours.

“I can’t believe I am flying!” Lan Xiaohui exclaims, her tone like the happy chirp of birds.

“You’ve never flown before?”

“Not on my own!”

Is flying really such a big deal? For an earthbound organism that did not evolve for flight, it might probably seem like a desirable trait. However, would Lan Xiaohui also enjoy having hollow, brittle bones, a high energy cost to operate basic functions, and a reduced lifespan? I don’t think so.

Flying is nothing special.

Despite my conclusion, my errant sentient core is pleased that my [Flight] talent is making Lan Xiaohui happy. I suppose that means I am also pleased that I can be useful to my master.

I make a mental note to upgrade the talent later if it is not too expensive. This is not just for Lan Xiaohui’s sake; I am curious to see what an improvement in the talent would actually improve and, more importantly, how.

“What happened back there?” Lan Xiaohui asks. There is less hesitation in her tone now. Before, possibly due to her opinion of me — or the fact that her mood is soaring high — she would address me with a more formal tone.

“The whole Formation collapsed after we left,” she explains. “Even the willows started rampaging and attacking everything around them.”

With a hint of pride, I conclude that the willows were probably trying to attack me. I am demonic, after all, and they are Demon Suppressing Willows. Though, they may have been after the cherry tree. Or the snake.

“Unexpected developments due to my lack of understanding,” I tell Lan Xiaohui. I certainly have much to learn about my method of consuming life — the last thing I expected was that the snake would not fit in my black sphere.

“I don’t really understand,” Lan Xiaohui says. “Can you explain it to me?”

“Do you remember what you said before — that the forest exists on these dragon veins?”

Lan Xiaohui nods.

“I don’t believe a dead snake qualifies as dragon veins.”

Lan Xiaohui’s expression becomes thoughtful. “The demonic Qi in the area all came from a dead snake?”


“That could explain the willow trees. What about the other tree?”

“Unknown,” I tell her. It’s the truth; I can’t make heads or tails of it or its purpose.

“The tree disappeared and then the Formation collapsed,” Lan Xiaohui says, her words slightly hesitant now. “Did you…?”

“I consumed both the tree and the snake.”

Lan Xiaohui’s eyes gleam. “I am so happy for you!” she exclaims and I find it a bit pleasantly disturbing — my sentient core is a very finicky and unreasonable thing — that Lan Xiaohui is so nonchalant about the fact that I am very obviously a very demonic sword.

“Did anything good happen when you ate them?” She must think I managed to make gains after consuming them.

“There is now a dead snake in my sea of consciousness, and a parasitic tree,” I tell her; I try to convey my annoyance, but I am not sure if I am capable of transmitting such sentiment telepathically.

“Is that a good thing?” Lan Xiaohui asks, unsure. My annoyance definitely did not come across.

“No, it is not a good thing,” I tell her. “I need to remove them as soon as possible, but the snake won’t fit into my processing space. There is nothing I can do about it at the moment.”

Lan Xiaohui nods, but her confused expression tells me that she is having trouble understanding the concept. For a carbon life form that has never experienced how ideas of reality and non-reality can converge, it must be a confusing concept — a physical object inside a spiritual construct.

After a few minutes of deliberating, Lan Xiaohui nods again with a hopeful smile. “I think I know the solution,” she declares.

That is surprising. I doubt she has a solution. She must be misunderstanding something.

I consider flat-out refusing her solution, but as I engage my [Telepathy] talent, I recall that Lan Xiaohui is a deviant that somehow makes leaps in logic and understanding that are very correct — what Lady Yue called a genius.

However, I do not get a chance to respond to her. I feel her consciousness pour into my internal system through the mnemonic device, just as she verbally activates it, and instead of going for my black sphere, I feel her consciousness seep into the sea below.

The moment her consciousness enters my inner sea, I feel it waver and tremble underneath the pressure of the many swords that impale the snake — and not just the swords, but the snake itself also emanates a dark and malevolent energy.

However, Lan Xiaohui is a sword cultivator through and through; for her, neither cowardice nor bravery exists — only the option to move forward despite everything else. Her heart is terrified, but her consciousness sinks deeper and deeper, dissolving through my sea and becoming one with it.

I had a nice break and birthday. This is the beginning of volume 2 and I am happy to share what I have in store for you! Enjoy!

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