AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 10

[ Dao of Arrays: Grade D -> Grade C ]

Finally, after a long while, the Insight I gained has diffused through my consciousness enough to raise my Dao of Arrays to the next Grade, and I feel like there is enough left to at least give me halfway to the next improvement, if not more. But that would take time.

My new form feels oddly comfortable. I feel easier to wield — as a weapon. I feel more effective. It is a strange feeling to transform from abstract understanding to something that can be described in language. Before, I felt as comfortable in my own vessel as that is possible to imagine. This type of comfort normally only has a binary state: Comfortable and uncomfortable. Only now, as I have obtained a new form, can I feel the presence of degrees of comfort.

Perhaps it is also because of my greater understanding into the Dao of Essence. I can now perceived and feel the efficiency of my vessel to continue to evolve into a state of perfection. Now I can feel that I am not perfect yet, but I can measure the depth of my roots — as if I was a tree — and determine that I will grow tall.

With sufficient sacrifice, of course.

Perhaps impressed or even inspired by the multitude of breakthroughs I’ve had in the span of an hour, the monkeys have decided to spend a lot of time within my perception radius — right in front of me in fact — and to cultivate their bodies right there where I can see them.

They have various methods of doing so. One of the monkeys sheds his fur and I can see the flesh beneath becoming darker. Another monkey’s bones twist and break, before he sets them again and then repeats the process immediately. I have seen another monkey’s eyes fall out — pop straight out from his skull — and then a third one opened on his forehead. That one in particular likely used the same cultivation method Wukong used, as he also had three eyes.

I have not seen Wukong since that day.

It no longer surprises me that the monkeys have such a keen insight into what I accomplished several days ago. I could tell the depth of their spiritual cultivation, but I could not measure the depth of their body cultivation. Conversely, I am now certain that the monkeys cannot tell the depth of my spiritual cultivation, but they can certainly perceive or feel my body cultivation.

We are exactly that — opposites. In every conceivable way, we stand on the opposite spectrum in all walks of existence, yet united by the same oppressive need: Grow. Absorb. Cultivate.

They are meat and I am metal. They are sentient and I am machine.

Yet we are both machines that turn the potential of Heaven into the foundation of our perfection.

But we are different. I may be their inspiration, but they are my fuel.

The thought of fuel directs my attention to my improved Dao of Arrays. Every time I felt the Insight cycle — a frequency of around once an hour — I gained new, general language on what Arrays were, and how to use them.

In essence, Arrays were algorithmic processes that could modify and change the flow of Qi towards certain effects. It is also the nature of understanding why the Qi in this area is so weak and chaotic, understanding the competing forces that throw the system into disarray, and finding a solution to harmonize the components.

The main culprit here was the heavy presence of Yin energy, likely borne not only because of all the death that happened here, but because of the prolonged desolation of this area. Over thousands of years, this forest must have been decaying and dying, and there is a lingering sentiment of lament in the trees, the earth, and the plants.

At my current understanding of the Dao I am unable to find a solution. In this particular place, I will never find a spot where I could cultivate my Qi efficiently. Even more reasons to implement my exit strategy.

At my current understanding of the Dao I am able to find a solution. The [Soul Harvest Formation] can be implemented at a smaller scale, and I can reduce the resource cost to nothing by using my own body as the flag of the Formation.

This is because the Formation requires a strong flow of Yin energy, and both this place and my very own stolen life force are considerably compatible with the requirements. Furthermore, I can use the force from the revolutions of my blood to cycle the flow of Yin energy, draw in the life force like a profane dynamo of death, and then crush the soul and absorb it in my core.

It is simple and efficient, and likely only possible because of the strong presence of Yin in the area — which I would otherwise have to create through the usage of resources that have an affinity towards Yin — but there is still a small problem.

still have to carve out the physical Formation. I have to draw it into the land itself, and it must have a specific depth and width, with precision down to the smallest denominator. With my spiritual perception, I am capable of meeting the precision requirements.

But I still cannot physically move to draw the Formation.

[ Blood points: 3,384 ]

After my breakthrough, I gained a large infusion of Blood Points. I assume that is either because of my greater physical foundation now becoming more efficient to maintain abilities I already possessed, or simply as a reward for breaking through to the next stage.

Not that I really care which it is. I now have the ability to obtain [Flight] and not feel like it is a great risk. It only costs 600 Blood Points. A small price to pay for learning whether the flight talent will allow me to move, or merely act as a force to counteract gravity in a way that only allows me to hover up and down.

The other alternative is that I now know that once my Blood Core forms, I will be able to project my Essence with physical effects — like cutting or drawing a Formation. I am not sure how effective that will be at first, but it is certainly a free option that is worth exploring.

As I ponder my options, two monkeys enter my perception radius and I assume that they, too, are here to attempt to impress me with their body cultivation methods.

I immediately realize that I am wrong in that assumption, because Wukong follows the two monkeys, and he can barely walk.

He is already in the death process.

The damage to his internal structure is too severe for him to continue manifesting signs of life.

His time has run out.

Following Wukong is a procession of monkeys — likely every monkey in the area — and they arrive to send their leader off to the afterlife.

“Wukong… die now…” Wukong spoke in a language I could understand. Even more terrifying was the fact that it called itself Wukong. A name I gave to it.

“Wukong… food… for friend…” the ape spoke, words broken and voice bestial.

Every thought I had… did Wukong know them?

“Sword friend… live… so Wukong… go journey… with friend…”

Wukong took me by the handle and raised me high into the air.

“Wukong… journey with friend… like this… because… Wukong… bad friend… and cannot… follow… because… Wukong… die now…”

Without hesitation, Wukong pressed me to his chest, and with incredible ease drove my vessel straight through his heart.

“Friend… eat now…”

I am devastated.

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