Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 99

99. Weather Hand

The surging wind swept the flying sand and shrouded the entire battlefield. The fierce sunlight had been blocked by the wind and sand, and the sound of the horn oscillated in the air.

Nan Feng’s first order was to let Onix use Sandstorm.

The constructed Sandstorm weather naturally replaces the Sunny Day brought by Torkoal’s Sunshine Ability. In Sandstorm weather, non-Ground, Rock, and Steel Pokémon will take continuous damage.

And Rock Type’s Pokémon will also get 1.5 times the special defense enhancement.

Nan Feng doesn’t care about the effects and enhancements of Sandstorm’s weather, as long as the weather on the battlefield is not Sunny Day, then this duel is easy to play!

“Torkoal, use Sunny Day” Asha tries to grab back-weather.

Fire-type Pokémon in Sunny Day weather and Fire-type Pokémon not in Sunny Day weather, those are completely two kinds of Pokémon.

Especially Asha remembers that Nan Feng also has a water Greninja.

Then the control of the weather must be in your hands!

Sandstorm weather can replace Sunny Day weather, then Sunny Day weather can naturally replace Sandstorm weather, the relationship is nothing more than who has the ability to control the weather is strong enough, who is qualified to control the weather.

Asha is very confident in her Torkoal, after all, she has always cultivated her Torkoal to the strongest weather player. Yasha doesn’t believe that after Nan Feng was defeated by herself last time, the weather hand she found in such a short period of time can control the weather with Torkoal Snatch that she has carefully cultivated!

“Sand Tomb! Nan Feng ignored Asha’s order and launched an attack directly.


With a roar, Onix flicked his tail and slapped the ground heavily, causing the entire ground on the battlefield to tremble.

Torkoal’s feet immediately showed signs of cracking, and a powerful force was rapidly twisting the soil under his feet, destroying it little by little until it became quicksand.

“Well!” Torkoal did not resist or dodge, and shouted loudly from a distance, spit out a ball of light from his mouth, and shot it straight at Soaring in the sky.

The ball of light flew into the air and exploded, bringing up a fierce and hot white light, as if the sun suddenly increased its projection of power, trying to stop the wind and Smack Down.

But the confrontation between the weather only lasted three seconds, and the bright light ball was mercilessly defeated by the flying sand.

“Sunny Day failed to start? Why? Could it be that this big rock has far more control over the weather than Torkoal?” Asha looked at the Flash Onix in shock, feeling a little unbelievable.

Compared with Onix, Torkoal is born with the Sunshine Ability. It can be said that he is a natural Sunny Day weather hand, and he is also stronger than Onix in special attack. Why did he fail to grab the weather?

Nan Feng had already anticipated the failure of Sunny Day’s launch.

After using the move to change the weather does have an advantage, but this advantage is limited.

When letting Onix use Sandstorm, Nan Feng took out the Rock horn and Solaceon blew.

A 25% increase in all attributes, plus a 50% increase in the power of Rock-type moves, and Nan Feng also let Onix carry Smooth Rock, which stacks up.

Onix, whose level itself is higher than Torkoal, is not something Torkoal can easily destroy, even if the weather is built first.

So, how could Sunny Day be successful.

“Rock Slide!” Nan Feng gave another order.

Torkoal is already trapped in Sand Tomb and Rock Slide is just there to speed up the fight.

Countless basketball-sized Rocks fell from Soaring in the sky and soon buried Torkoal.

“Torkoal is incapacitated, Onix wins!” the referee announced.

“Would you like to capture a Bangira?” Nan Feng couldn’t help thinking when he saw Torkoal’s defeat.

It seems that my lineup can indeed form a Sandstorm team.

Garchomp’s Ability is “Sand Hidden”, Mega Garchomp’s Ability is “Sand Power”.

Mega Steelix’s ability is also the power of sand.

I also have an Aggron that does not have the corresponding Ability, but it is also a dual-type Aggron of Steel and Rock.

With a quasi-god weather player Bangira, a team of six to choose four, the four of them smashed!

What’s more, I still have a Rock horn in my hand. The Ground type is similar to the Rock type. Even if Garchomp and Steelix can’t get the Attribute bonus, they can also get the Rock move boost.

It’s just that the Hoenn Region doesn’t seem to have a habitat for the Bangira family… a bit troublesome.

・・・0 flowers

Nan Feng felt that he had to go to Slateport City to ask the old captain when the ship would be repaired! He couldn’t wait to visit other regions.

“Good job,” Asha only praised through gritted teeth, taking out the Poké Ball and taking back Torkoal.

Not getting the weather and losing the general Torkoal, Nan Feng’s Rival is completely different from the last time we encountered it!

“Then try this again!” Asha tossed her second Poké Ball.

The Pokémon that appears this time is not an Arcanine, but a Blaziken.


“Trump Card is Blaziken?” Nan Feng was slightly surprised.

However, this is good news, as long as you defeat Asha, you can get Asha’s Breeder experience on Blaziken. Nan Feng can also use it for reference.

“Blaziken, use Close Combat”

“Onix, Rock Slide!” Nan Feng and Yasha attacked at the same time.

It can be seen that Asha is determined to kill Onix quickly.

However, her abacus is definitely going to fail.

Blaziken’s slender legs quickly stepped on the ground, and his figure moved forward in the blurred flying sand. Before it could get close, Onix’s roar had already entered its ears.

Soaring in the sky on the battlefield was opened to a circular dark portal, which was connected to another world, and countless basketball-sized Rocks fell from it and bombarded the ground frantically.

The entire battlefield, as if it was the next Rock rain.

Rock Slide, power 75, attack range: all enemies!

This is Rock Type’s AOE move!

But Blaziken has no way out. The Close Combat move itself is a move that abandons its own defense and launches a huge blow to the enemy!

Nan Feng neither defends nor dodges, because it doesn’t make sense for the huge Onix.

In addition, Nan Feng also has enough confidence in Onix’s defense.

Soon, Blaziken gets close to Onix.

A heavy and long collision sound of “dong dong dong” sounded immediately on the battlefield.

But…. how did Nan Feng feel the powerless knife for Yasha,

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