After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me

Chapter 9

“Card! What’s the matter with Luo Su? Have you had breakfast?” Su Jianxin took off the headset in front of the monitor and shouted to Luo Su: “Will it be hard?

Luo Suleng was on the spot, shaking one foot up and shaking.

At the foot of Luo Su was Ji Ran, who was embarrassed by dust, and didn’t know how many times he had been rolling in the mud all morning, but Su Jianxin was dissatisfied.

Luo Su really wanted to solve the feuds, but the photographer who shot the footage is still in front of him.

“Sorry, Su Dao, I know how to do it, and I’ll trouble you all.” After that, I bowed to the staff around me.

Su Jianxin waved his hand and sat down again. “The lighting photography is ready, and the next shooting will begin immediately!”

Luo Su looked at Ji Ran who was kneeling on the ground, bowed and pulled him up, embarrassedly shivered, and said, “Brother Ji, I’m sorry, I don’t want to.”

I don’t know if Lu Beichuan mentioned it or advised him last night. Ji Ran has been silent and has ignored all the pointers around him.

But Luo Su understands that Ji Ran is such a strong person, how can he not be assured of those pointing, just now he hates his own heart.

After being suffocated for a long time, Ji Ran spit out the words, “It’s all right.”

The tone was stiff and nothing at all.

Luo Su and Ji Ran joined the group, and was given a final word by Su Jianxin yesterday. In fact, in the past, there were also many investors who plugged into the crew. As long as the hidden rules in the entertainment industry are not too excessive, Su Jianxin opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

But who made Ji Ran’s delay in joining the group violate Su Jianxin’s taboo?

In the interview that day, Su Jianxin had a bit of criticism about Ji Ran, never forgetting Luo Su, and the pressure of Lu Beichuan gave up the pearl selection of fish. With these days, thinking about the quality of the pearl, the more he thought he would abandon the fish.

Ji Ran’s delay in joining the group was just an excuse for Su Jianxin’s intolerance.

But now that he’s in the group, he has to take responsibility for his work.

Last night, Su Jianxin flipped through the script and tried to choose a less important facial paralysis character in the script. However, the filming is nearing the end, and what role can be replaced.

After thinking about most of the time, the director of the University of Su is talented, and he writes a book under the lamp, and directly creates a role.

Luo Su plays Ji Yunshen’s son in the script. The character in the play is Gu Changping. On the surface, he is a **** with no ambition in the game, but he is actually a mediocre goalkeeper to relieve the emperor.

While Ji Ran played Luo Su’s guard in the script, apparently loyal, but in fact it was the spy of the emperor in the house.

The shooting of the first scene was when Luo Su was in a hurry to go out, but was blocked by Ji Ran. Luo Su was anxious and kicked Ji Ran.

“Fifth time, forty-two games in” Jiangxianghe “, action!”

Luo Su stood on the steps and looked at the impersonal guards under the steps. His eyes were as sharp as a knife, with the arrogance of his sister-in-law and the contempt of the high man.

Ji Ran’s eyes didn’t panic, and he raised his eyebrows, “The general commanded you not to leave the general’s house.”

When Luo Su’s eyebrows froze, her anger rushed into her heart, and she became furious. The brother-in-law’s behavior was very easy to grasp, raised his feet, and slammed in Ji Ran’s waist. “

Ji Ran was directly torn to the ground by this wolf, clutching the mud under him with both hands, condensing the humiliation and resentment’s eyes just to cover up, biting his teeth and gritting his teeth, “Don’t dare!

Luo Su looked at him scornfully, and when she turned away, her face was lightly covered, her brows were locked, her mind was heavy, but her eyes were full of dignity and gloom.

“Card! Very good, Luo Su is very good, she is very hard, her eyes are in place, Ji Ran’s emotional backlog is also good, continue to maintain.”

With this remark, the staff who have been working hard all the time around unexpectedly smirked.

Luo Su smiled and ran to help Ji Ran, “Ji brother, are you okay, did you not hurt you just now?”

Ji Ran kept his face cold, and let his assistant pat the dirt and grass on his body, and he turned his attention to Luo Su’s face.

The look was almost indescribable, cold and resentful, Luo Su smiled and stared at each other with no intention.

The surface is calm, and the wind is surging in the dark. No one is willing to move away, as if the one who moves away first loses.

However, Luo Su’s eyes with smiles and smiles seemed to hide a knife, and the sharpness and sharpness underneath it were hard to ignore.

Ji Ran looked away. “I’m fine.”

“Ji brother is all right, I’m relieved.”

Su Jianxin came over, looked at Ji Ran up and down, and expressed his condolences as a director, “It’s all right.”

Ji Ran cleaned up his mood very well, apparently much smarter today than yesterday. “Thank you for your concern, I’m fine.”

“It’s okay, I hope you can understand it. You must have a filming attitude in filming. My film is not allowed to be fraudulent. You should not rest assured in the previous film. Everyone treats them equally and does not deliberately target you.”

I didn’t know if Ji Ran had heard it, he looked as usual, “I understand.”

Su Jianxin took a deep look at him, “It’s good to understand, okay, I don’t have your show today, go back to the hotel and have a good rest.” After speaking to Luo Su said, “You and Yunshen will be in that show. Come here, I Tell a play with you two. “

To play against the male god, Luo Su immediately responded with joy, and smiled as Su Jianxin left.

Ji Ran looked at Luo Su’s back and stared at him for a long time. The assistant beside him knew his “complaint” with Luo Su, and did not dare to speak at the moment.

In the horrible little shrine, the white candles dangled a little, and Ji Yunshen sat quietly on the side of the indigo robe. The gold robe was embroidered with flowing clouds, and the long hair was crowned with a crown. However, the eyebrows were sharp, the sword eyebrows flew into the slant obliquely, and there was a bit of sharpness.

Seeing Su Jianxin coming, he smiled, “Here?”

Su Jianxin sat down beside him generously and opened the script. “The following is the play between you two. I will tell you in advance.”

Luo Su stood in front of Ji Yunshen and said cautiously, “He is in trouble.”

Ji Yunshen has always given up on people, but strangely, he smiled at Luo Su rare, “Don’t be nervous, I just watched your scene and performed well.”

Being praised by the male god, Luo Su seemed to be embarrassed to pout and smile, her heart pounding, and her ears turned red to the tip of her ears. “I actually have a lot of shortcomings.”

Su Jianxin interrupted on one side: “Okay, time is running out, I will tell you first.”

Luo Su listened.

“It’s a show where you spend a lot of time outside and hit the prince while Jiuxing is playing. Your dad has to use his family skills. You don’t need to hit it. Just do it, rest assured.”

Director Su Da’s face wasn’t blushing and heartbeat. He completely forgot the sentence that Ji Ran had just said, “Never allow fraud in my play.”

Luo Su nodded, expressing understanding.

Ji Yunshen flipped the script to the side, “But you have to prepare for this beating. You can’t be too fool or too fake. If you can’t act realistically, I’ll give you the truth.”

Su Jianxin glanced at Ji Yunshen and said, “OK, don’t scare him.”

Ji Yun squinted at him with deep squints. “Do you look like me to scare him?”

Luo Su smirked twice. Who knows that Ji Yunshen’s serious acting is well-known in the circle, and those who played with him are not allowed to reveal a little bit of disclosure and mistakes.

“Ji brother, don’t worry, I will act well!”

“Are you familiar with the lines?”

“It’s cooked.”

Ji Yun got up deeply and stood up high enough for Luo Su to look up.

“Kneel down.”

Luo Su also put down the script and kneeled down nicely.


Luo Su looked up at Ji Yunshen and looked at Su Jianxin in confusion, “Undress?”

Su Jianxin laughed, “Don’t listen to him, he teases you.”

Luo Su’s eyes glanced towards Ji Yunshen, how could the film emperor be so unscrupulous? Suffocated, “Daddy, isn’t it just a prince who doesn’t know how to do things? Is it worth your moves?”

“The prince who does not learn anything? You have a face to talk about other people yourself?” Ji Yunshen put a wooden stick behind Luo Su and beat him in a robe. Luo Su screamed and clenched his teeth. Distressed, hissing again and again.

“Why don’t I face him, I have a dad who is brave, loyal, and fierce. Does he have one? Ah … Daddy, don’t fight, I have something to say.”

Ji Yunshen stopped, “Say!”

Luo Su masked the frivolous color, calm tone, serious eyebrows, opened a pair of snow-like eyes looking at Ji Yunshen, took a deep breath, “The northwestern area is inundated with drought refugees, the number of deaths and injuries in the south is countless, and Our emperor of Daqi is still thinking about spending a lot of time and drinking, and Dadong Kuyin manages the inner court banquet. He is faint, and is he sitting still on the river and mountains you laid for him? “


Hitting another stick, Luo Su couldn’t help but pounce forward, holding his hands to the ground, but still refused to lose, turned his head, his eyes burned, and his words were powerful. “You often tell me that a good man is in the Quartet and protects his family. Wei Guo, but dad, wake up and look at it clearly. Now Da Qi is incurable under his insatiable profligacy. The northwest heroes have emerged, the south has no food to harvest, the enemy has invaded the country, and the territory is torn apart Such a monarch and emperor is not worth it! “

“Who taught you this.”

Luo Su’s eyes were scorching, and he looked at each other with no fear. “Dad, do you want to help Daqi Jiangshan, do you want to be an accomplice of a fish-meat people?”

Ji Yunshen’s eyes narrowed slightly, watching Luo Su’s eyes silent for a long time.

For a moment, he was a little hesitant and seemed to see the eyes of a pair of Canruo stars many years ago.

“Let’s get up.” Ji Yun lowered his stick deeply, held Luo Su up and asked, “Have you practiced?”

This is not a line in the script. Luo Su lingered for a moment, played a second, and laughed: “I studied it when I was fine.”

“The skill of the lines is not something that can be researched casually. When you read the lines just now, the words are strong, the sense of speech and the thickness of the sound, and the control of strength and rhythm are not like those who have never acted.

Indeed, the profession is amateur, and they are clear in the eyes of these old dramas.

“I did practice. I wanted to act before I entered the entertainment industry, so I wrote with my teacher for a few days.”

“You don’t feel like practicing for a few days.”

Su Jianxin was amazing by the side, Luo Su played on the spot, and the emotional rendering was better than that during the interview that day. He could not see the signs of birth astringency. The son-in-law and the talented man in the world were free to switch back and forth without feeling rigid. This is not the foundation of a few days of study.

But Luo Su’s resume is there, in black and white, how can I learn any acting skills?

It’s a wonderful seedling!

Su Jianxin was agitated, his face was so handsome and his acting skills were outstanding, and it was time for him to consider candidates in the lower part of the show.

Luo Su hesitated for a moment, “This … maybe the legend, talent?”

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