After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me

Chapter 29

Ji Ran looked at Lu Beichuan, who was furious in front of him, with a pale complexion. He stood in place and looked at him.

Since Lu Beichuan brought himself back to the prosperous age eight years ago, he said in a whisper to himself that he would protect himself well. He has never seen Lu Beichuan speak aloud to him, with a gentle and affectionate meaning.

And Ji Ran himself understood that Lu Beichuan had certain feelings over him among his brothers. He knew, but pretended not to know.

But now, as if Ji Ran had never known the person in front of him, his tenderness and his preference seemed to be an illusion.

“Lu Brother, I …”

Lu Beichuan only impulsively for a moment, and when he heard Ji Ran’s voice calmed down again, he could still see the pile of debris on the ground, still red eyes.

“You go out first.”

“Lu brother, I didn’t mean it, I just …”

“I know, you go out first.”

Ji Ran’s teeth clenched, and he was ruthlessly reprimanded by Lu Beichuan’s relentless words, but he also understood that his continued presence here was just a fire.

Angrily glanced at Luo Su and turned to leave the office.

By the time Ji Ran left, Luo Su had adjusted his mood. He didn’t panic, and even looked at Lu Beichuan as usual: “Mr. Lu, I am here to cancel the contract with the company.”

Lu Beichuan didn’t answer. He stood in front of the pile of debris and slowly squatted down.

The piggy bank is mostly coins from more than ten years ago. Because of this fall, the coins in the jar were sprinkled all over the floor. Lu Beichuan squatted on the ground like this, concentrated on picking up the pieces of the piggy bank and picking up coins, without any impatience.

Luo Su didn’t have any feelings about this piggy bank, and he didn’t have any impression of Lu Beichuan, so he stood quietly and looked at him to pick it up.

After picking up half, Luo Su couldn’t help but open his mouth. “Mr. Lu, this piggy bank is broken, and it’s enough for Auntie to clean it, it’s not something valuable.”

Lu Beichuan’s hand holding the coin trembled slightly, and after a short period of time, he picked it up mechanically.

No response.

Luo Su consciously boring, sitting on one side, waiting boringly.

It wasn’t until Lu Beichuan held a pile of coins and fragments on his desk like a baby, and then he opened a document in front of Luo Su.

Luo Su rummaged at will, with a smile on his lips. “Mr. Lu is trustworthy, I signed this contract.”

Then, pick up the pen and sign the document.

At the moment of writing, Lu Beichuan stopped suddenly.

Luo Su was looking at him unclearly, and there was an ironic look in Qingrun’s eyes. He seemed to smile, “Lu always repented?”

Luo Su was right, he repented.

Lu Beichuan himself felt strange. He never thought of Luo Su, but now he had the slightest idea of ​​remorse.

A voice in my heart kept screaming and clamoring, saying not to let Luo Su go.

So he obeyed his heart and stopped Luo Su’s pen.

But after stopping, he was speechless in the face of Luo Suyi’s satire.

“Or, what else does President Lu have?”

When did he start to pay more and more attention to Luo Su? From casual indifference to the regrets of obedience now, it is clear that Luo Su didn’t do anything. Why did he always feel like he was out of breath?

Lu Beichuan opened his mouth to talk, but his throat was itchy. He looked at Luo Su for a long time, gazing at the corners of his eyes and brows, and the more he looked, the more he felt that he had a good shadow in his mind.

That was the softest place in his heart, and the most untouchable place. When he touched it, he softened his heart.

He said, “Yes, I regret it.”

Standing up, Lu Beichuan threw the contract cancellation into a shredder.

“There are three years left in the contract. After three years, we will discuss the termination of the contract.”

Lu Beichuan’s subconsciousness can be delayed for a time.

Luo Su did not expect that Ji Ran was in the hands, but fell in the hands of Lu Beichuan.

“If it’s because of that song, I can …”

“No, not because of this.”

“Why is that?”

Lu Beichuan glanced at him, leaned his head on the sofa, and closed his eyes.

The room was silent, Luo Suquan clenched his heart tightly, and sneered, “I see. Since President Lu doesn’t want to peacefully terminate the contract with me, let’s do it today.”

Luo Su stopped looking at him, got up, and walked toward the door with a calm face.

When the door closed, Lu Beichuan was startled suddenly, as if he had just awakened from ignorance and followed the door. He saw Luo Su’s back disappeared from the elevator just from a distance, holding the handle of the doorknob Tight.

The shadow finally overlapped perfectly with the shadow in his memory. He blurted out without thinking, shouting, “Ji Ran!”

No one responded to him.

The elevator stopped on the 23rd floor and seemed to be laughing at him.

“Lu Brother, are you looking for me?” Ji Ran’s voice came. Lu Beichuan glanced at him, apparently he had been with him for so many years, but he didn’t feel so strange at that moment.

“It’s all right.”

“But I have something to do with you …”

Slam-the office door was closed.

Ji Ranyu stood in place, looking at the closed office door, his face pale.


Luo Su, who did not get the termination of the contract, has a calm face. In fact, he has already made the worst plan, and he will be kept in the snow for another three years. It is not too late to start from scratch.

Since Lu Beichuan wanted him to die, he wanted to live for him!

The mobile phone bell in the car rang, Luo Su glanced at the strange number on the screen. When hesitated, he stuck the Bluetooth headset in his ear, “Hey, hello.”

“Hello there.”

The sound was familiar, and Luo Su didn’t think about it for a while, and asked, “Who are you?”

“Me, Ji Yunshen.”

Luo Su almost misplaced the accelerator and braked. Kankan stopped at the side of the road and looked at the phone interface. “Mr. Ji?”

Ji Yun laughed deeply: “It’s me.”

“Are you looking for me, is there anything wrong?”

“I heard the news. I heard that you are negotiating with Shengshi Entertainment? How’s it going?”

As soon as he left his forefoot, Ji Yunshen knew it?

“Don’t think about how I know, I just want to ask you if you have any ideas to come to China Film Entertainment, I can introduce you.”

Luo Su actually planned to enter China Film Entertainment and wanted to cancel the contract with Lu Beichuan through China Film Entertainment, but he is not a big fire star, and a businessman tends to profit. In contrast, a third-tier star is less important. It will be obvious whether Huaying Entertainment will get on the bar because of him.

“This … I’m afraid that there are difficulties in my ability.”

“I have confidence in you.”

Although Huaying Entertainment is good, it is not necessary. It is a big company with countless stars and there are disputes in people’s places. Moreover, there are still stars who have long been in the entertainment industry.

If you can’t get ahead, going to Huaying Entertainment is a death.

That being the case, why should you be a chicken tail and not a chicken? Other entertainment companies are not undesirable.

“Mr. Ji, thank you for your kindness and trust. To be honest, I haven’t considered these things yet. Look, can you give me time to consider?”

Ji Yunshen promised on the phone, “OK, no problem.”

“Okay, then I’ll call you back later. Hang up first. Goodbye.”

Ji Yun hung up the phone and looked at the mobile phone in his hand slightly.

“What do you mean by that kid?”

Ji Yun was helpless. “He said he needed to think.”

“I didn’t expect that you, Ji Daying, couldn’t figure it out by yourself. It seems that this child is quite interesting, but it is obviously not a good choice to offend Lu Beichuan for a child who is still in trouble. On one side, there was a man in a suit and leather, with a neat bow tie, meticulous suit, tough features, and looks very mature and stable. The whole man sat there, with a lowered eyebrow, a smile and a sense of abstinence.

Ji Yun got up deeply, “If you can’t help, I’ll do it myself. By the way, I’ll pick up the movie” Fighting for the Storm “, when will I join the group.”

“Not urgent.”

“Not urgent?”

“The director said, I want to arrange some of your starring players to practice in the army. Director Xue, I like to be foolproof, but you also know that the army is so easy to integrate, too far away, too close … this imperial city Under your feet, it’s even harder to talk, and Guide Xue has been communicating. “

Ji Yun was silent for a moment, “The words of the army … I can arrange.”

“I almost forgot, you still have a melee devil in the army, okay, I’ll call Director Xue now!”

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