After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 9 – Arriving at the Academy Where the Confrontation Will Take Place

More plot, such as it is. We should be hitting smut again in a chapter or two.

“We are about to arrive.” Cinthia, who was sitting across from Elana in the carriage, noted.


True enough. Elana glanced out of the window. The Black Rose Academy’s territory could be seen in the distance.


The whole complex was built outside of the city. The Academy included everything a growing young adult might need and then some.


That’s what the Academy’s headmaster liked to say. Old Elana had found the place boring, with hardly anything to do but socialise and attend one party thrown by a noble or another.


And the new Elana agreed with the sentiment. But that was before the heroine had arrived at the academy. Now, she had a goal.


Elana watched the gates come closer and closer. She wondered if the heroine had met the Prince already. They better not have. If the prince touched her prey, she feared she would break the promise of not killing the boy made just a day prior.


“Looks nice.” Cinthia conversed. She waved to a random girl walking in the distance.


“Behave yourself.” Elana chidded halfheartedly. “Your actions will reflect on my honour.” And the more the other woman damaged it, the more punishment Elana would inflict on her. While it remained unsaid, it was understood.


Cinthia shrugged. “I’ll be careful of where and who I fuck.” She patted the overly large bag next to her with a creepy giggle.


The promise was enough for Elana. She stretched her legs, then lifted them off from her footrest, not forgetting to kick it.


A surprised but somewhat pleased yelp came from beneath Elana’s feet. The toy had done her best to serve. She had not complained at all through the few hour-long journey. But the sudden kick in her face made the girl lose her balance and topple to the ground.


The unsightly display made Elana purse her lips in displeasure. And the toy's facial expression was even more repulsive than the one on Cinthia’s face. Elana despised how the maid seemed to enjoy the little punishments more and more.


Not that Elana would stop. She stepped on the floundering thing's hand and ground her heel on her fingers. She watched the maid’s expression struggle between displaying pain and unexpected pleasure.


In a way, it was fascinating and definitely arousing. But now was not the time. As the carriage stopped, Elana prepared to step out of it. She waited for Cinthia, who had schooled her expression, to open the doors. Then, she exited the vehicle to face her new hunt.


Elana raised her head, ignoring the herd of sheep scattering away from her imposing presence. She compared the main building to the one from her memory.


The Academy was just how Elana’s newly acquired impressions of the past had shown - large, impractical buildings built from white stone, countless flower beds. Little paved pathways lead from one place to the next, then towards the fields and forests, that surrounded the area.


A guard, here and there, ensured the order, but otherwise, no servants were visible. Only students in their white, sleek uniforms were milling around. The girls wore a white jacket with a blouse under and a long skirt beneath, which hid the pearly white shoes.


The males wore similarly styled uniforms, only with black accents in places and trousers instead of skirts.


With regality befitting to a queen, Elana began walking towards her dorm. She ignored the gasps and whispers left in her wake. With her sudden absence, she knew there were plenty of rumours as to why.


Unfortunately, Elana had arrived at the time the lessons had already been finished, resulting in a rather large audience of lowly gawkers and bootlickers. “Speaking of…” She watched a group of posh, haughty ladies walking towards her.


“Elana! My dear friend!” Squealed the girl in the front. “I was so worried.”

“We all were!” Another ass-kisser hurried to join. “I sent a gift, wishing for your soon recovery. It was-”


“I did as well!” The third somehow found a moment of pause to insert herself into the gapless sentences the other two vomited.


It was sickening. These women had no backbone. Elana pursed her lips in displeasure. But before she could send the trash scattering, Cinthia coughed, then nodded towards the main building.


Behind one of the columns, Elana spotted her dear sister glaring at their group. She nodded to her relative and was surprised by how much her sister’s face lit up from the simple gesture.

Mary’s smile was sickeningly sweet as she tip-toed towards Elana. The girl seemed to see only her sister and no one else. She wasn’t bothered by the weak-willed brown-nosers and even sent a scornful look their way.


It just proved Mary was a good woman. Elana extended her hand to greet her sister but was almost pushed to the ground as the girl crashed into her.


Elana found her hand to be caught in a vice as Mary hung onto it while pressing the limb between her breasts.


“I missed you…” Mary placed her cheek on Elana’s shoulder and whispered. “But now-”


This intimate moment didn’t please the supposed friends of Elana. They began complaining about their closeness and how unbecoming it was for a lady to act like this.


“Silence.” Elana’s cold voice rolled over the unpleasant women, shutting them up. “Do not speak of my sister this way.” Her imperial bearing made the annoying cows bow and scamper away.


They were making various excuses, then dared to announce they would visit Elana’s dorm to talk some more. She had more words to say…

Only… Elana blew the strands of Mary’s hair away from her nose. Her sister had been a bit too attached and, with each passing moment, seemed to press her sensual body even closer to Elana’s.


“That’s enough, Mary.” Elana tried to peel her sister off of her. The breasts pressing against her were nice, but she had more important things to do than stand around in the middle of a field.


“Of course, Sister.” Mary gave another saccharine smile before letting go. “Can I come along?”


Seeing no reason to deny her sister's request, Elana nodded. “You may.” She didn’t turn around and simply gave an order. “Come.”


The simple word seemed to startle Mary. She seemed to only now notice the maid and the bodyguard following after Elana. “Elana… Who are they? I think I saw you together before…” Her voice seemed to become lower and lower until it was barely audible.


“Some help,” Elana didn’t wait any longer. She had to find the heroine and make sure the prince did not meet the girl. “I still feel a bit weak. These two will ensure I don’t have to exert myself too much.”


“I see…” Mary muttered, her face a blank mask.

But Elana didn’t bother to decipher her sister’s antics. She marched on. Somewhere, in this place… There was a woman Elana had to meet. She could feel it. It was almost as if destiny was calling for her.

Actually, I should add some smut. There has been too much setting-establishing content. I can feel you all getting rowdy. I'll see what I can do. No promises.


Enkiari of Questionable Imagination

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