After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 19 – Entering the Tiger’s Den

Three days later, Elana was not one step closer to getting Moira. They had spoken every day, sometimes for several tens of minutes. She had chosen to eat with Moira and even found where her dorm room was. Their continuous one-upmanship had been engaging if nothing else.


And it had resulted in this strange tension between them. At first, Elana had thought it was her alone feeling it, but the subtle hints and secretive touches they exchanged…


Elana didn’t understand.


Well, that wasn’t quite right. Elana wasn’t stupid. She had her suspicions of what it could mean. She just didn’t want to acknowledge it.


It was all new and not entirely wanted. Elana liked to be in charge. She liked to trample anything in her path. She enjoyed having power over other people's lives and well-being.


This new feeling… It didn’t quite work that way. Elana could still easily imagine forcing Moira to obey and serve her in bed, but actually hurting her rival? The idea didn’t appeal to her much.


When had it all changed? Elana was quite sure it was recent. It wasn’t the fault of the new body either. Upon examining their interactions back on Earth… There had been signs even then - she had just been too blinded by their clashes to notice it.


Now, when they had reunited…


It was revolting how sappy it felt. Elana knew she couldn’t ignore the ‘feeling’ for much longer but for now…


For now, Elana had a meeting with Mary to attend. She had avoided her sister, but it was no longer feasible. Elana had seen the look in Mary’s eyes and had found it disturbing.


So now, Elana had stepped into Mary’s room alone, despite Cinthia’s warnings. She was a bit early, but Elana wanted to to get it over with and go back to bullying her toy. It was a great way to relieve her mounting stress.


To her surprise, Elana found Mary in the company of a bespectacled woman with long bangs covering her face. She scrutinised the unexpected person. “Mary.” Elana greeted her sister, “And this is?”


“N-no one.” The woman jumped from her seat, bowed, and then quickly rushed past Elana, leaving the room.


“You have rude friends, Mary.” Elana walked to the table where her sister had entertained her guest and sat down in the same seat the woman had used. “How have you been?” She searched for hidden anger in Mary’s face but found none.


If anything, Mary looked positively happy. Her brown hair pulled up in a cute bun, and she had dressed herself in a low-cut, blue dress, presenting a lot of skin for Elana to enjoy.


The room smelled floral. Candles were put in some strategic places. The windows were pulled shut to block the daylight. On the table, there were prepared treats Mary knew Elana would love.


It all was quite romantic, making Elana raise an eyebrow in wonder. What was Mary expecting? It was clear she was considering this conversation a date more than anything.


Perhaps that was the reason for Mary’s bright mood? If so, Elana wouldn’t ruin it. She didn’t mind spending a while in a beautiful woman’s company - especially if the said woman lusted after her body.


Elana dismissed the memories of them both spending their childhood together playing away. If anything, they made her feel closer to her sister.


That’s right. Mary was Elana’s sister. She kept forgetting about it. Especially in moments like these, when this fine woman presented her allure like this.


Mary had raised from her seat to poor fragrant tea for Elana. While doing this mundane task, her sister had ‘forgotten’ just how low-cut her dress was, letting her perky breasts be almost visible as she leaned forward.


The damn vixen wasn’t wearing a bra. While Mary had avoided revealing her nipples, she had presented the shape perfectly otherwise.

With Elana’s building stress, she couldn’t help herself but let her gaze linger. And Mary knew Elana had.


Both chose to not comment on it. Elana had to wonder if Mary had picked this tactic because of how often her eyes lingered on Moira’s generous offerings.


Finally, Mary answered. “I have been doing well…” She fluttered her eyelashes and slumped in her seat, making a pout.


It was cute. Elana felt the need to bully her sister grow. 


“...but your bodyguard.” Mary sighed. “She has been so cruel. Always interrupting me when I want to talk to you. I know you have been busy, but that brute, she…” Another sigh, hinting at unspeakable grievances that Cinthia had done against Mary.


From how Mary sounded, she blamed it all on Cinthia. Which was convenient but also could be a lie. Or worse, Mary actually believed it was all Citnhia’s fault despite seeing Elana give the order several times.


“And your friend?” Elana continued while taking a sip of the tea. It was good. Very good.


Mary gave a shy, almost embarrassed smile. “She is helping with something. I owe her a lot, so please don’t be angry.”


After mentally consulting her schedule, Elana decided to drop the matter. She could seek reparations for the insult later. “I see. Well, then. For what purpose did you invite me?”


The direct question made Mary tear up. She cleaned the corner of her eye, then smiled sadly. “I just… I just wanted to talk to you. There hasn’t been a chance for us to be together for so long.”


It wasn’t strictly true. Mary was a constant presence in the old Elana’s life. But, now that she thought about it, they were never alone.


“And, I just…” Mary still played up her sadness while inching her seat closer to Elana’s. “I just want some contact, you know? To know you are here for me.” She moved even closer. “I just want a hug sometimes. A touch or two. It is all I am asking.”


Finally, Mary was right next to Elana. Her bare shoulder touched Elana’s as she gently leaned against her sister.


The sweet scent of a girl embraced Elana, asking her how to proceed…

Okay, my dear readers. Please put your vote in the poll assap. I want to know how to proceed with the story.

Next update - whenever it's ready. Still busy.


Writer of Dubious Things - Enkiari

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