After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 17 – Muddying The Waters

It was time for lectures. Elana took a deep breath before leaving her room. The stench of yesterday's act was still lingering, reminding her of the pathetic state Cinthia had been in at the end.


Elana nodded to herself. If she kept herself to happy thoughts, her mind didn’t wander towards Moira.


Except for now - It had happened again. Elana felt somewhat helpless about it. No matter how she tried, her thoughts kept turning towards her rival. She closed the doors and was greeted by the waiting ‘maid’ and Cinthia.


“It was a pathetic showing.” Elana didn’t mince her words.


To which Cinthia gave a sheepish smile. “I didn’t have time to prepare. It was so sudden, I,” She coughed in her hand. “I failed to keep up. I have to apologise.”


Elana didn’t bother saying more. She straightened her outfit and headed out of the dorm building towards where today's lessons would be held.


The morning sun shone above, announcing a hot day. There was no wind, and Elana felt sweat begin forming on her fair skin. She lowered the temperature around her to counteract the heat.


It was very convenient. Elana felt her spirits rise. This way, she wouldn’t reek of sweat. Paired with the faint aroma of perfume, she was confident in making Moira’s head spin with her scent.


Elana had also made sure to add some jewellery to her visage - something she didn’t bother doing most of the days. Together with her make-up, she knew she was striking, singular, breathtaking.


If only that was enough. While in thought, Elana walked up to the few girls waiting for her a bit further - the so-called ‘friends’.


“Lady Elana,” The one standing in the front bowed. “I am glad you are in good health.” She gave a friendly smile.


“Catarina,” Elana noted the woman but ignored the rest. While they, too, gave their greetings, they were not as important. But she did allow them to tag along.


There was a difference between the girls who had waited for Elana’s return and Catarina. This woman and the few others here were not desperate to gain any scrap of attention Elana could give.


These women had powerful families behind them, and they didn’t strictly need to befriend the future queen, although one of their goals while they were here. They would not hesitate to betray Elana once things got bad.


Catarina was different. Her family was working with Elana’s father. In the story, she had remained neutral when the De’Sorthos family had fallen.


It earned Catarina some standing in Elana’s eyes. It helped that Catarina was a beautiful, albeit petite, woman. The supposed friend barely reached Elana’s neckline.


“Do you wish we interfere?” After exchanging pleasantries, Catarina raised the main point of the conversation. “Your fiance, he… His act was not appropriate. But…” A lot was left unsaid.


A few more of the ‘friends’ chimed in, being blatant about harming Moira. They all had some useless plan on how to bully the unexpected woman at the Prince’s side.


This was so petty. Elana sent the plotting women a withering stare, making them shut up. “It is the Prince’s fault.” She saw the hesitance in Catarina’s eyes. “You think we should not make a move against the prince.”


“I do not.” Catarina shook her dainty head, making her purple hair sway along.


It was a wonderful colour, strange to Elana’s eyes. But this world did have magic, even if it was subtle in most cases.


Elana’s opinion of the woman rose. This was the first real interaction, and she had proven to be not stupid - unlike the rest of them. Catarina likely guessed Elana’s anger was very focused on the Prince and had not suggested bothering Moira.


Which wasn’t exactly true. Elana was still angry at Moira. However, she would confront her rival directly. Catarina had assessed it correctly that Elana had other plans regarding the sudden rival.


A task Elana would see to right now. Moira had the same classes as Elana. In the original story, Moira’s talent had outshone everyone else. But it had taken time.

Right now, Elana was canonically more skilled. The reality was - they were likely at the same level. However, with how Elana had managed to - she raised her hand and watched an ice crystal form in her palm - access her mana, she should be ahead of her rival.


Finally, Elana spoke. “Leave Moira alone. I will deal with her directly. As for my ‘dear’,” there was mockery and malice in her voice, making everyone else wince. “Make sure everyone hears he is flirting around. You can embolish, but do not insult Moira. Are we clear?”


While the other women nodded, Catarina did not. Elana doubted they understood. But they would listen to her words. It wasn’t like the Prince would attack them for spreading what had actually happened.


“Now, leave!” Elana dismissed the useless bunch to do her bidding. Only Catarina stayed. “I am glad at least someone has a brain around me.” She scoffed at the leaving girls.


“Well, now.” Catarina bounced up and down. “The sudden illness has done you some good. At least you recognise their talents directly now.” She looked quite happy with the situation.


“Hah! I do feel better now. More confident in ways I was not before.” Elana freely admitted the change. “And Moira…”


“It seems you know her from before,” Catarina observed while glancing back at the following maid and bodyguard. “And you have a new company.”


“You can say that. Moira is special. No one else can have her.” Elana looked at the approaching building where the lecture would take place. “As for the thing and my bodyguard, you can ignore them.

“And her?” Catarina pointed at the approaching Mary. 


The brunette looked positively stormy as she glared at Cinthia. Mary didn’t even bother hiding her displeasure, likely rooted in yesterday's chase.


Elana could feel Mary wanted to complain about Cinthia. But she was running late. Moira was waiting. “Cinthia. Keep her busy, then you can do what you came here for.”


Postponing talking to Mary would probably come back to bite her in the ass, but Elana had a goal. She would not be distracted now.

Warning! Goblin/Young Master snippet ahead.


P.S. 10 ratings. Wooo. Thank you for reading the story. Now let's aim for... 100?


Grateful Enkiari

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