After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 209 Gretta Did Cheat On Me!

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Chapter 209  Gretta Did Cheat On Me! by Harem-Fan


     "It has been a year, why have you not dated Gretta?"

     "Sigh, Mat, can I call you that? The reason I did not date Gretta was you."

     He seemed taken aback at my words, like how I was with his. He then asked.

     "Why would I be the reason? I divorced her, you know."

     "Exactly. You divorced her and she had no intention of leaving you... She loved you and you ended it. You have two wonderful daughters together, and finally... Gretta never cheated on you. She and I never had that kind of relationship. So if I pursued her and you found out you made or she made a huge mistake, where would I be in that mess? So I ended up sitting on the side, not committing to her advances."

     His eyes said he was surprised to hear all this time I had avoided her for that chance of them getting back together. He then shook his head and bluntly said his feelings.

     "You are wrong, Rick. Gretta did cheat on me, with you. She may never have done anything with you, but her heart definitely did not belong to me. Whenever she talked about you, her eyes and voice were full of emotion and care. For me to see Gretta have affection for a young man who did not pursue her... I just hated that Gretta never had that look in her eyes for me."

     He leaned back and looked at a picture of Gretta holding her two daughters on the wall and reminisced about the past.

     "Our marriage was pretty good. I thought we were in love. We had a noble arranged marriage with my Jia clan and her Yang clan. As far as arranged marriages go, we had a good one, but... I noticed the way she looked at our two daughters and how she looked at me were entirely different. I saw love in her eyes when she held and raised our girls. But, she never had that look with me. I did love her, Rick, but..."

     "...She was only my friend in the end. I knew this when she came home with my daughters from that New Years Bash. When she came home and told me about everything that happened, and about getting you and the big actresses in on a commercial shoot, I saw it. Whenever she talked about you, that same look she had with my daughters, sigh."

     "It really had not hit me then at that time, but after she did commercials with you and she came in so happy that she could buy your time with fast food due to a tip she got from another friend, Lucy Shen. I started to notice. But my problems started when she left her secure cosmetics job for your Harem-Chat company. Gretta was so thrilled that even with no good knowledge of computers, you chose her. Her eyes back then were very bright. It was the eyes of love, Rick. So from that moment, Gretta's heart subconsciously had already left me."

     "So a year later, I could not look at her eyes anymore, and with the advice from my second wife, I just divorced her. She would not admit she loved you, but when I asked her if she could only choose me or you, she hesitated for a moment, and she too realized her feelings. Then she understood why I was doing what I was doing. Did I divorce her so you two could be together? No, I don't have that kind of kink. I just could not look into the eyes of a woman who only had eyes for you. I don't hate you Rick, because I am smart enough to know you did not encourage her feelings. You just had what Gretta wanted."

     I just nodded to his words and then I said.

     "Things would be a lot easier if you were a hateful asshole, like many men I normally deal with. But I do appreciate your willingness to tell me your feelings."

     Mathew shrugs and tells me more of his reasons.

     "I am not telling you for you or even Gretta, but for my daughters. I do not want my daughters seeing their mother unhappy. And sadly this past year, she has been more unhappy than happy. This in turn will make my daughters' hearts ache. I believe my Ray invited you for her mother, well that and she is your fan I suppose. So the bottom line... Love her or leave her, don't drag it on. Do you love her, Rick?"

     "Who wouldn't, she is wonderful. My only hangup is I don't think I could offer her the attention she deserves. I do have a lot to consider, thanks to your words. Are you sure you won't regret it if something develops?"

     He shrugs.

     "Like I said, I cannot look into her eyes anymore. So I would rather not be with her. Even if you broke it off with her, she will love you till the end. So that is all I want to say on this topic if you don't mind. Just remember to be nice to my girls. I still love them very much, but I guess you have daughters and understand me, right?"

     "They are my world, so you and I are the same there. Don't worry, your daughters are good girls, they will grow up well. I just wish I had not ruined their family dynamic, that was my guilt. Oh, here they all come."

     When James came back with that smile I hate, he picked up his phone he 'left' on the side table, and Mat and I had not noticed it was on a call to Gretta's phone. Yeah, I get James back in the future for this. James really has gotten sly over the years, and he was trying to get me and Gretta together behind the scenes for a while.

     I sweat dropped in my mind when a group of 10 preteen girls squealed seeing me, but as an actor I had encountered this hundreds of times, so my business smile of my acting job came to life.


     After the little middle school girls finally got a bit tired from barraging me with all kinds of questions, the party moved to the back patio for an early meal then gift and cake time.

     Mathew sat between his two girls, and Ray asked me to sit on the other-side, and as the birthday girl, I had no choice. Then Gretta sat to my right, followed by Jim. The guests were on the opposite side of the large picnic table. Pop music was playing for the girls, and we ate easy to handle finger foods, like meat buns, corn on the cob, wings, and more.

     Gretta had not sat entirely touching me because her daughter's friends were here, but she was constantly making sure I was happy with everything.

     Soon after the main meal, it was gift time, and Ray, like all young girls, was very thrilled with this part of the party. When it was my turn, I had given gifts to all 3 women, confusing them why they all got a present for Ray's birthday.

     When all three girls pulled out a necklace with a golden heart-shaped locket. They noticed they all looked the same, and when they opened it, they saw the picture on both sides of the locket. For example, Gretta's locket had art done of each of her daughters. Where Ray had one of her mother and sister, and the same for her younger sister. I said.

     "A gift that lets you all share your feelings, and let me have an excuse to not leave any of you out. I hope you like it."

     ""Thank you Mr rick!""

     Both girls happily thanked me, then Gretta with misty eyes softly said.

     "You really are unfair, thanks. Okay everyone, with the last gift out of the way, let's do the cake and sing."

     Gretta helped with setting and lighting the cake. Soon it was wish time, and Ray looked around, closed-her eyes and blew out the candles. Her friends asked what her wish was, but she refused.

     "Nope, if I say, it won't come true, right mom?"

     "That is right, birthday-wishes have to be kept in your heart, now eat up everyone, fufu."

     I could tell the girls were having fun.

     I saw James was chatting up with some of the mothers who came with their daughters, and I shake my head, because I know he is not serious. He just likes flirting and that is it. Despite his frivolous actions, he does not actively try building his harem. Well, he does try in the boardroom with those two hot girls, but that is a different story.

     I had gotten my hands a bit sticky with the frosting, so I excused myself to go wash my hands.


     Inside the kitchen, I was rinsing my hands, and looking out of the window at the sun setting to the West. Gretta had come to my side, letting me smell her faint body spray, and with her shoulder touching mine, she asked.

     "Is the reason you're not interested in me because I have daughters with another man?"

     Her golden eyes looked a bit down as she watched her daughters playing and having fun.

     So I said nothing, and made up my mind. I reached over and tilted her chin to me and kissed her. Her eyes opened really wide in surprise, and her body had stiffened in disbelief. But soon when she realized I had proactively kissed her, she melted.

     After a moment, her arms had firmly held my waist, and her large chest pressed into my chest with a bit of force, to not let me go. Our tongues had aggressively tangled, like she had only one chance to kiss me for the first time, and she would enjoy every moment of it.

     After a minute of this intense kissing, I broke it and looked her in the eyes. Her eyes had mist in them, like she knew she was dreaming. As I touched her cheek with my fingertips, I explained.

     "I have liked, and cared for you since the beginning, but I only treated it as a crush. I felt a bit guilty for knowing I indirectly ended your marriage. And finally, why have I avoided letting you in? It is because I felt I could not give you the time or love you deserve, Gretta. I feel a bit bad that if you and I get together, it will be mostly at work and not as much as you deserve. But I do have feelings for you... You are a beautiful woman, Gretta."

     She then reached up to hold my hand on her face, closed her eyes to feel my warm touch, and she told me.

     "As long as I am in your heart, I would be happy to love you for only a single day. You do not have to go out of your way to make time for me, just a simple text or call... That alone will move my heart. Why do you think I send you 'over the top' text messages? It is only so you think of me. Rick, it took me a while, but I know I have also loved you from the time I took over Harem-Chat, and especially where you are kind to my daughters."

     Gretta, seizing the opportunity she does not want to escape from her clutches, had put her arms around my neck to kiss me again. My hands held her lower back as we once again kissed, and stopped the useless talking.

     This 33 year old woman, in my arms felt like she was but an 18 year old woman, finding her first love. Even though her body is very mature, like an older Tina, her heart felt like she was experiencing a highschool love. My hands roamed her back as our bodies clung together.

     The maids who noticed, found other tasks to do, like anything not in the kitchen. Seems that Gretta and I forgot about the party, and she continued to show me her feelings.

     As I was kissing her neck, and left collarbone, she ran her fingers in my hair, and said in my ear.

     "Rick, I think my heart will explode..."

     "Mine too, I want you so badly now..."

     And the moment my hand was about to lower and grab her meaty ass, I felt Gretta freeze in my arms, like something happened. So I stopped sucking on her shoulder and I also froze!

     "Cough, I saw nothing, he-he. Seems my birthday-wish came true, ha-ha, I um, will go back out, so carry on, bye~!"

     Rayna Yang with a big happy impish smile, skipped back outside to her party, and then Gretta and I both looked into one another's eyes. Gretta then smashed her face into my chest and groaned.

     "Rick, was it me, or did she say she wished for this for her birthday?"

     "I am shameless, so let us pretend we imagined her here."

     Gretta then looked back up into my eyes and told me.

     "Make sure and send me texts with heart emojis, they are so cute. I think we will have to stop our confession for now, or I might die from shame. Ray will tease me all night now, sigh."

     I lifted her chin one more time and gently kissed her for a moment, then clarified.

     "From today forward, you are my lover. I will not let you go, and I will make love to you when the time is right, any issues with that, my Gretta?"

     "Wow! My heart agrees, yes... I will listen to you Boss, Ufufu."

     Gretta then squeezed my ass, and then swiftly escaped out into the back yard. I watched the sexy white hair and gold eyes woman escape with a red face. With a smile I admit.

     "I have only just realized, that Gretta is the first woman I am taking in who is a mother... In my past life she was called a MILF!" (mom I'd like-to fuck)

     So I whispered another former Earth phrase with a bit of exhaustion.

     "Mother, want another?!"

     Then I followed her out to the back, it was time for me to leave...

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