After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 206 Ex-General Kris Lee, Makes Eurasia Tremble!

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Chapter 206  Ex-General Kris Lee, Makes Eurasia Tremble! by Harem-Fan


     After the first move played by Greg, my mood is gloomy. I told Lucy.

     "Dear, I am going to leave and deal with this in person. I need to get to Linda and head to the Downtown Precinct. Keep me informed for changes."

    Lucy hugged me one last time and walked me out. Calling Hinata, the two of us leave in my SUV.


     Almost 15 minutes later, I pulled into a gated community similar to my Garden Estates, but is closer to the Linda Lang fashion building.

     This community is in the North West of Downtown opposite to Star University in proximity to Downtown central. It is known as Black Manor, and only has 4 huge mansions. This is owned by the Lang clan and Brenda Sho also has a home here. Linda and I have ours here along with two other Branch family heads.

     Thanks to Brenda living here, the security is tight with her elite Black Snakes members. Fortunately, Brenda explained to her members that they could have beef with most Fire Birds, not those directly connected to me, or their lives are forfeit, to not anger me.

     Brenda is sly and crafty, and knows not to ever touch my reverse scale. That is why we do not get involved with our low level members fighting in the streets. She knows I will not come down on her if my family remains unmolested.

     Hinata and I stepped out when we pulled up to the brown and black 3 story home. Linda learned from her old home on Lot 9 that a house that is too big is cold and lifeless. She did not want our daughter Lucy Lang to grow up in that kind of environment, so she made her home just right for the three of us plus the maid.

     Using my keys, I opened up another of my many homes, and announced myself for the maids and Linda.

     "Linda dear, I am here."

     Pat Pat Pat! And running with little feet, from down the hall, the wood flooring echoed a small girl's excited feet, as my daughter Lucy came running at me at a dangerous speed for a 3 year old. I held out my arms to safely catch the screaming girl.

     "Daaaaaaaddy~! Ha-ha!"

     Despite calling my daughter our 'Little Turtle', she is anything but. She is active, expressive, and emotional... The complete opposite of her mother, but still with her mothers grace when calm. I hugged her tight as Linda also came walking down the hall with a loving look in her eyes.

     "I love you and miss you my Little Turtle, ha-ha."

     Now holding the smiling little girl in my left arm, I hugged and kissed Linda. She nodded and said.

     "I am fine, Rick. Come, and you too Miss Kyusho. You are family as well, have a seat with us."

     "Mrs Lang, this time I will just freshen up a bit, and let you three talk, I will wait for Sensei, so next time."

     Both women are just putting on noble etiquette, and I just smirk in my heart. Linda really wants family time anyway but acts like a good hostess.


     Lucy is on the floor coloring a family picture on the coffee table, while I hold Linda, as she tells me about her week. I had finished explaining the things we are watching for and the increased security of the family all around. Even Hana will have a full time Master following her at the Hospital.

     "Rick, I understand and will do it. Also, I have a fashion show in White State before you leave for your Tokyo trip, will you accompany me? Well, we can also invite sister Helen to come along, since it is your Tang territory?"

     "Is Greg's Song Fashion company involved, and that is why you want us? Sure, count me in, just send me the details."

     As I was hugging my daughter goodbye, I had this suspicion the fashion show in White State is so they can use the services from Forest Temple. I will bring my fighters along then, it seems like we will need to cut down some trees in the forest...

     Linda then walked me and Hinata to my Durango. I had told her that I might have to call her to state the reason for the traffic issue, maybe. One final hug, and I was off.


     In around 10 minutes, I arrived at the station. Hinata suggested.

     "Sensei, I will stay in the car with our swords to not make an issue, so call me if you need me. Plus Nadia is in there and she will want time, so go ahead."

     "Sure thing, so keep an eye out for suspicious activity when we come out, see you in a while."


     As I walked into the station, I was greeted by Nadia who came up front to get me as her plus one. She took my arm while wearing her red business suit. Today she was wearing  black stockings with her hair in a ponytail and looked like a rich villainous businesswoman. Nadia seemed pissed and told me.

     "The station is demanding a 24 hour holding time for Luke. I threatened to press charges against the station, but they seemed unconcerned. The Sergeant is Charles Song, so it is obvious what their angle is."

     Nadia seeing me smile instead of getting mad asked.

     "Did I miss something?"

     "Bring me to Charles Song, and let's see what he has to say when I ask him nicely."

     Nadia, curious at what my game was, took my hand and walked me back. The officers working watched us go to Song's office...


     Knock Knock knock! Then Nadia knocked and we heard the voice of the occupant.

     [Come in.]

     As the two of us walked in, the man behind the desk apparently knew who I was, and looked unimpressed, he started with.

     "Mr Tang, even if you are the Syndicate Leader, we have the right to legally hold anyone arrested for 24 hours while we investigate the crime. So please just come back tomorrow to take your State Manager away. We have all the evidence and witnesses seeing the beating of an innocent man."

     I smiled at him and said nothing as I pulled out my smartphone and dialed a number, putting it on speakerphone. Ring Ring Ring!

     [Rick! This is very rare for you to call me directly, what is wrong, Alex is not in trouble is he?]

     "Hello Hope, first calm down... Alex is fine and I have you on speakerphone. I am in the office of Charles Song, a man in charge of the Downtown Precinct. He is taking orders from Greg Song, or now known as Greg Feng. I assume you know both men from your Song clan, correct?"

     [Yes, both men are cousins from the same branch family. Why, what are they pulling?]

     "Greg targeted my wife Linda for harassment, and I am very upset, and this Charles is taking orders from Greg, keeping my right hand man in jail, so..."

     [Do you want me to remove their stupid family from my Song Clan? No problem. If they are targeting your wives, then they will target Alex as well, so let me look into them and I will remove the whole branch if need be.]

     Charles realized that I had their Family Head Song on the phone, and was literally going to kick them all to commoner status at my simple request, and turned white. He instantly raised his voice so Hope would hear him.

     "Ah! Head Hope it is a misunderstanding! The Lee family demanded I do this, and I had no choice?!"

     [So what? Is my last name Lee? No, my last name is Song... Also Rick Tang has another last name, it is Lee, so I will throw it back to you... I am only listening to Lee. Rick, hearing this sniveling worm, I will just remove them all now, and I am sending forces. Can I ask your Fire Birds to help me ransack their homes?]

     "No problem, we need some more African forces anyway. The Central Lee has entrusted the Syndicates to gather men and women to defend the Africa base. And don't worry about my man Luke in jail, I was told he will be out tomorrow, so no need making the honest Police officer bend to our wills. Thanks Hope, I really appreciate this. Just remember to include Greg in that removal. I will let Helen know you suffered a loss, so she can assist the remaining Song family in Star City."

     [Rick, this is the least I could do for you... You have never let me pay you back in the past, so this little thing makes me happy, bye. Click... do do do...]

     Charles looks like his soul left his body, he just lost his whole branch family's nobility... Reduced to mere commoners for doing his job. Well, he was not smart and went against me, so...

     I said to Nadia.

     "Sorry my wife, can you tell Luke to get comfortable for the night? I will let Cat and his other wife know he is here."

     As we left the lifeless chumps office, Nadia's laughter got everyone's attention.

     "Ufufu, Ricky, that was amazing! Now that asshole lost his family and you kicked Greg in the balls too, hah-aha!"

     As Nadia went back to tell Luke the news, the rumors spread about how Sargeant Song was being kicked out of the Song Clan. Yeah, he messed with the Tang Head's husband's man so this was inevitable. Who do the Song Clan serve, duh, the Tang!

     Now everyone that Charles threatened with his Song identity will now want to take revenge on him because he now has no backing. Good times!

     With Greg being removed for sabotaging the Song, he can no longer have his now removed branch family pressure other Song family members. He now only has his Feng name, for now...

     Who knew that Hope Song would one day do me this solid.


     I was waiting at the entrance and Nadia came out with a grin, she told me.

     "Ufufu, When I told Luke what was done, he could not stop laughing and told me to tell you he is comfortable and just taking a nap. He said to just count it as a sick day for him. Now let us go home Ricky. I will let my assistant drive my car to the office and I will ride with you my lover."

     With that, we left poor Luke to his legal fate for the night.

     I heard that tonight, the Sergeant from the Downtown precinct killed himself with his own handgun in his office, after getting the news of his family being kicked to the curb with nothing. Well, his end will tell others to think twice when listening to the Lee family.


     Just after dinner, we had a ping on Harem-Chat, with a live link to the world wide news the Central Government is banning on open news.

     Apparently there is a world wide press conference streaming live on the world wide web, and all Nations are watching it. It was due to the speaker being none other than the former (self defense force) SDF General Lee, who unknown to many, defected to the side of the Emperor himself.

     Hana said with a frown as it was about to start.

     "Why would they ban it from the local News channels, when the whole world knows? we are just watching it on the internet anyway? I believe this makes Central look incompetent, right?"

     I explained why they are doing it this way.

     "Actually, they planned on using their hackers to stop the internet release by cutting off the feed. But sadly, the hackers are currently watching BDSM hard gay porn in tears, ha-ha. So they cannot cut the feed if they wanted. This was because they downloaded Valentine years ago, and Valentine has let them have something else to watch. Oh it is starting, pass the popcorn!"


     Live from the China Empire...

     In an ancient golden encrusted palace, three men could be seen.

     In the far back was a man wearing a Gold Mask. His outfit was full golden embroidery, with only lush long black hair and dark blue eyes seen in the Emperor's mask. Even his hands are gloved, revealing nothing but eyes and hair. He made no movement nor needed to. The Emperor's mere presence was enough to make everyone in the massive imperial hall kneel in prostration, all but two other men in the room.

     The man standing near General Lee was covered head to toe in a black robe, wearing a golden dragon mask, like that of a demon oni mask from Japan. He was obviously a strong built man, and I noticed the man like Grandfather was a Grandmaster in Kung-Fu. He must be someone important.

     General Kris Lee was standing proud with his hands crossed behind himself, his eyes looking into the camera with an aura of awe that you could see was not fake. I almost felt he was looking only at me for some reason.

     He then began his speech to the world...

     [Hello world, I am the former SDF Commander, Lee. You may or may not know that one week ago I was forced to flee my homeland to avoid being assassinated by my Lee clan. I also had my wife, son, and daughter all murdered by the Lee clan that is responsible for foreign affairs, these spineless dogs go under the family name of the Traditionalists. This group of Lee is different from the Lee who run the domestic Central Government. But the Political Lee did nothing to the other Lee family who persecuted and assassinated my family for nothing more than personal greed and glory.]

     [Why is a traitor reaching out to you? And why should you listen to me? Because in less than two years, the Traditionalist Lee plans to plunge all of the world into a Second World War against the China Empire to end it forever. They wish to use America as a disposable war tool and force the remaining nations of Japan and South America to become subordinates. What is the reason for War?]

     [They foolishly believed the 16 year old Adam Lee is China Empires next Yellow Emperor reincarnated! Yes your Eurasia has scrubbed this history from the world but if you look online, you will now find its details. We have spread the history and facts of this mythical being across the internet, read it before your Government erases it from the internet again. Why am I warning you all? Because the reason for war is faulty. Next to me is the true Yellow Emperor...]

     My eyes and many others open wide at what we are witnessing. Mary and I are affected the most... The man removed his golden mask to reveal an older looking, me. And it was none other than my dead father!

     [This is my son, who Central tried to kill for being the Yellow Emperor. They falsely told a lie that the Head Lee's son was the next Yellow Emperor so they could invade all other nations of the world, including... Antarctica, South and North America, and finally the Japan Empire. They will say it was to follow his son, Adam Lee! So because I knew of their plans, they tried killing this Yellow Emperor who you can see cannot die due to immortality. Now, ask yourself, can you really trust that Traditionalist Lee Clan? No, they will use their power to suppress the citizens of Eurasia. Yellow Emperor, would you like to say anything?]

     The resurrected Yellow Emperor Rick Lee stood tall and said.

     [The true name of the Lee Clan is The Li Clan, who escaped punishment 2000 years ago for war crimes. But, we will not start World War 2! So all Nations of the world, watch how the Li clan treats its family, friends, and neighbors. We of the China Empire refuse to bow down to the tyranny of the Li Clan! I deliver the world this message... If the Li clan retaliates against my remaining family in Eurasia, I will drop 200 of the following weapons on the whole Eurasia Continent, please witness the first test fire of the newest weapon of the China Empire... It is called a Nuclear Warhead...]

     I and the rest of the world watched in horror as my past life's most vicious weapon was used for the first time in Pangaea! I felt like I was watching the first Atom Bomb used in my past Earth's history, and my heart clenched more than anyone else!

     The screen showed an intercontinental missile flying from a China Empire ship, and making its way to the South East of Africa, where the Eurasian Government was building a force...

     The Mushroom Cloud seen from a distance, made the whole of Pangaea hold its breath. Soon the Yellow Emperor, my father who has unleashed Evil on the planet, spoke again.

     [I am a man of unending rage, regret, and anger for the crimes of my Li clan against my wives, sister, and mother. So if the only thing in the world I have left is touched, then all of Eurasia will vanish like this forward army and base. I will send you all the security and health risks of radiation sickness and poisoning, so you can safely study the site I have just eradicated, to show you I am not bluffing. When Adam turns 18 and does not awaken with my powers, you can despair, Li Clan. So this is your final warning, Eurasia!]

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