After Refusing To Attack the Film King, Salted Fish Became Popular

Chapter 20

Chapter 19 – Nineteen Salted Fish

When Lu Jingdu was wearing a bathrobe and opened the door, what he saw was this scene——

The girl sat at the door loudly, blocking the door tightly, and would not let anyone who wanted to come and cause damage.

The posture is not ladylike, but it looks very natural and casual, and it also makes people feel comfortable.

It stands to reason that sitting like this would be very boring, but why, she was knocking a handful of walnuts in her hand, looking very comfortable?

A lot of thoughts flashed across Lu Jingdu’s heart instantly.

After a while, she even carried pecans with her? After a while, besides melon seeds and pecans, what else would she put in her pocket in the future? After a while, her pocket doesn’t look big, but it can hold so many things?

The most surprising thing is that she also carries a plastic bag with her to hold the garbage, obviously this kind of thing is usually done a lot. This place, it was the same when she came, and it was still the same when she left.

She never puts a burden on the cleaning aunt.

Lu Jingdu lowered his head and asked, “Why didn’t you knock on the door?”

Aware of this voice, Ning Xiaoyu put away the unfinished hickory nuts, picked up the plastic bag, stood up and shook his numb legs.

Seeing that he was still wearing a bathrobe, Ning Xiaoyu didn’t look too much, and just asked, “Where’s your new suit?”

As soon as Ning Xiaoyu finished speaking, a gentle-looking middle-aged man wearing round glasses walked over with a smile on his face, and handed a bag containing a full set of clothes to Lu Jingdu, “It’s all in there .”

Often in the entertainment industry, Ning Xiaoyu naturally knows the middle-aged man in front of him. This person is Lu Jingdu’s manager.

Therefore, the person who brought him clothes changed from a life assistant to his agent.

Unlike the life assistant who can be subdued by a seven-figure transfer, the manager is someone Lu Jingdu can absolutely trust. But before his mother was seriously ill, Lu Jingdu specially gave him a long vacation so that he could always be with his mother.

Since even the manager who was taking care of the patients in the hospital was called by Lu Jingdu, Ning Xiaoyu doesn’t need to worry about the next thing.

Seeing that he had nothing to do here, Ning Xiaoyu patted his butt, waved his back to them, and walked quickly, “Let’s go, goodbye.”

She had just walked a few steps when the noisy voice of the love system rang in her ears, and the whole system was chattering endlessly, [The bag that Old Li sent was actually containing a disposable penis—, ahh, girl, I’m gone, I’m really gone, that just now? ? ? 】

That just now?

Ning Xiaoyu understood again in seconds.

So, why does she subconsciously think of the correct answer every time?

She said blankly, “Shut up! Be normal.”

[Love System: I’m so excited! Woohoo, my cpu is going to burn out because of excitement! 】

“Then you should calm down immediately.”

[Love System: I can’t calm down! He should have known you were at the door as soon as he took a shower, so he didn’t ask if you were okay, he just asked why you didn’t knock on the door! And girl, have you noticed that he opened the door before even drying his hair! This wave, I’m blown away! 】

See no evil.

Ning Xiaoyu didn’t even look at Lu Jingdu more, how could he notice such details?

She said slowly, “If you don’t shut up, I won’t save your fugitive little prince in the future.”

The love system seemed to have been pinched seven inches, and he didn’t dare to speak all of a sudden. It couldn’t help thinking sweetly in its heart, how could it belong to its family? Obviously it is… It doesn’t say it, it just thinks about it.

Ning Xiaoyu went back to his room and lay down for another half an hour, then received a call from Shen Yueyue.

“Xiao Yu, where are you? Just now the director was asking where you were and wanted to call you, so I volunteered and said I would call.”

Ning Xiaoyu finished eating the last piece of tiramisu, and said with a satisfied face, “I’m eating in my room.”

I have to say that the tiramisu in this hotel is indeed much better than those bought outside.

Shen Yueyue couldn’t be as salty as Ning Xiaoyu. Hearing this, she said, “Come down quickly, the director has spoken.”

“Well, right now.”

Now that the contract is signed, Ning Xiaoyu will naturally not do whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants. She will do things according to the contract.

Since the director is looking for her now, she will definitely go there.

By the time Ning Xiaoyu came to the hall again, it was already eleven o’clock in the evening. Not surprisingly, the guests of tonight’s program group will all stay in this hotel. It’s getting late, and when Lu Jingdu comes to the stage to say something, today’s birthday party should come to an end.

The birthday party is over = you can go back to your room to wash and sleep.

Therefore, Ning Xiaoyu was eager to end it quickly.

Shen Yueyue looked regretful, “How can there be no dance at the birthday party?”

Ning Xiaoyu looked surprised, “Should there be a dance at the birthday party?”

Shen Yueyue’s eyes widened, “Shouldn’t there be?”

Ning Xiaoyu: “…” It’s not like a prince in a fairy tale, who needs to hold a dance party and dance with all kinds of female partners, and then the female partners frequently resort to tricks in order to qualify for the first dance.

Just as regrettable as Shen Yueyue is the love system.

[Love system: Ah, girl, if there is a ball, the film king should invite you to be his girlfriend, right? 】

Ning Xiaoyu shrugged, noncommittal.

She never thinks about “what if, so what” because it doesn’t make sense.

There have never been ifs in this world, so it is useless to think too much.

With this skill, it is better to do more things that make yourself happy. And even if there is a dance party, she doesn’t want to dance as a female partner, it’s too tiring.

Ning Xiaoyu was a little thirsty at this time, and he was a little tired after eating too much fruit.

When she was about to drink a cup of hot water, she accidentally noticed Lu Jingdu in the crowd.

He has already put on a new suit, and he is calm and dignified. It seems that the previous crisis has been completely resolved.

The color of the suit was different from the previous one. This time, he was wearing a black suit.

Compared to the white suit that the prince usually wears, Ning Xiaoyu thinks the black suit suits him better. After all, his temperament is colder, which is more suitable for dark colors.

[Love System: The film king is really a good-looking ceiling! 】

Ning Xiaoyu: …The relationship system is still a dog.

The guests at the scene laughed and laughed at Yan Yan, enjoying themselves, no passer-by noticed what happened behind the scenes just now, and Lu Jingdu avoided something. Ning Xiaoyu didn’t notice any difference from the faces of Uncle Lu Jingdu and others.

They all wear masks on their faces, and no one can guess their true thoughts except themselves.

When Ning Xiaoyu drank the water quietly, his gaze met Ms. Zhang’s gaze again.

She hugged Mr. Shen, who was getting fatter and fatter, with a gesture of affection. Her make-up was as delicate as her hair. She was gentle and elegant. It was not at all obvious that her eldest daughter was already twenty-five years old.

The mother and daughter, no matter who they are, seem to have no intention of reminiscing about the old days.

Although Ning Xiaoyu seems to be getting closer to Lu Jingdu recently, Ms. Zhang’s prejudice against her is engraved in her bones and has accumulated over the years. In her opinion, Ning Xiaoyu, like her useless father, is not worth her too much attention.

Even though Ning Yuwei expressed her dissatisfaction with Ning Xiaoyu several times in front of her, Ms. Zhang still didn’t take her eldest daughter seriously.

As for Ning Xiaoyu, she never does superfluous things. At this moment, reminiscing about old times with Ms. Zhang is superfluous in her opinion.

The film king’s speech was not long, and finally ended the birthday party with frequent situations, and Ning Xiaoyu was finally able to go back to his room to rest. She took a comfortable hot shower and changed into comfortable pajamas.

After thinking that she would not have to do love tasks all day tomorrow, she relaxed.

After a while, she fell into a sweet dreamland.

The next day, after the twelve guests had breakfast, they set foot on the way back to the friend’s cabin.

After returning to the friend’s hut, the guests walked into the interview hut one by one before they had time to eat.

Interviews seem to be an indispensable part of many variety shows.

For example, in some talent shows and love variety shows, the program team likes to interview guests and ask them various questions that audiences like to hear.

Now, “Hi, My Friend” has been recorded for more than a week, and the guests have some initial impressions, it’s time for an interview!

Everyone is not a newcomer who has just debuted, so naturally they will not worry about the interview part.

Ning Xiaoyu was ranked sixth in the interview. When she was drowsy from waiting, it was finally her turn to interview.

The first question she heard was, “Among the six male guests, is there your ideal type?”

[That must be… no? 】

[I have already seen through Xiao Yu’s essence! 】

[However, according to the general answer template, even if there is no answer, you will say yes? 】

[No, no, upstairs, you don’t know her. 】

In fact, even the self-proclaimed fans of this wave of viewers couldn’t fully guess Ning Xiaoyu’s answer.

Because Ning Xiaoyu neither said yes nor said no.

She asked sincerely, “Isn’t this a dating variety show? What does it have to do with your ideal type?”

The host was taken aback by this question.

Many guests were interviewed, but Ning Xiaoyu was the first guest to ask such a straightforward question.

It’s really uneasy to play cards.

The host said meaningfully, “You also need fate to make friends, doesn’t it?” She smiled, looked at the question card again, and asked again, “So, Xiao Yu, is there your ideal type here?”

【Have! 】

【No! 】

[Voted, if you think there is an answer, deduct 1, if you think there is no answer, deduct 2! 】

[Choose one of the two answers. 】

In fact, Ning Xiaoyu’s answer was not between these two answers.

She thought about it carefully, and replied earnestly, “I haven’t thought about it.”

You have to ask her what her ideal type is, and she really can’t answer it herself.

She is different from ordinary people.

Most people like to think wildly when they are insomnia or when they are bored, and all kinds of ideas emerge in endlessly.

For example, substitute yourself into the female protagonist of Ba Zongwen, or substitute yourself into the male protagonist of Cultivation of Zhenzhen Dasha Sifang.

In short, most people occasionally substitute themselves into another completely different life. Even if you don’t imagine yourself as the protagonist, occasionally you will recall what happy or sad things happened today.

But Ning Xiaoyu is not like that.

Most of the time, her mind is empty, and she is very empty, and she doesn’t think about anything.

She really didn’t think about her ideal type.

When the host met a guest like Ning Xiaoyu, he couldn’t help but feel that it was tricky.

The guests interviewed in the past few times had the same answer, yes.

It’s corny, but you can’t go wrong.

However, Ning Xiaoyu said he never thought about it? Has she never thought about having a sweet relationship with a certain male star in the entertainment industry?

The host had a stiff smile on his face, “Why didn’t you think about it?”

Ning Xiaoyu told the truth, “Because I’m lazy.”

[This is the first time I heard such a confident “lazy”! But I don’t feel disgusted? 】

[I can see the sincerity in her eyes! Did she really think so? 】

[Don’t even bother to think about it? It doesn’t matter, this matter is easy to handle, just set the template directly. 】

[The height is 1.86 meters, 23 years old and graduated from the Department of Architecture of Beijing University. After graduation, he did not engage in professional related work, but entered the entertainment industry. He has long eyelashes, double eyelids, high nose bridge, and rich three generations. He rarely smiles, but his smile is very charming , usually like sports, good living habits. 】

This interview ended with Ning Xiaoyu’s word “lazy”.

It was the first time for the host to meet such a guest.

If it were an ordinary guest, this unmotivated performance would have been scolded out of the circle a long time ago, but maybe she has always been consistent and behaved so salty, so most of the audience actually accepted it well?

When Ning Xiaoyu had lunch, it was almost time for dinner. This meal is simply lunch and dinner.

After dinner, it was rare for the director team not to assign tasks to the guests in the evening.

All the guests returned to their rooms on time to rest.

After returning to the room, Ning Xiaoyu watched the video for a while, then fell asleep. When she was about to fall asleep, she thought in a daze, there really were no love tasks all day today, it seems that the love system is quite trustworthy.

Early the next morning, the director proposed today’s activity with a smile: a day trip to the beach.

This villa is built near the seaside, when the guests stand by the window to relax, they can still see the endless blue sea.

The director reminded, “By the way, the program will be recorded at the beach all day today, and the guests remember to wear sunscreen. In addition, there will be a bonfire party tonight. I hope all the guests can enjoy themselves today and have fun!”

Generally, if there is a bonfire party, it means that there will be occasions to compete for beauty.

She has already seen through Ning Xiaoyu Xianyu’s essential love system, and feels that she can no longer sit still and wait for death. It must let everyone see the true beauty of the host! Now, she is completely dragged down by Tony on the street!

You must know that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, and in the entertainment industry where there is no shortage of beauties, no matter how good-looking Ning Xiaoyu is, if he doesn’t dress up well, he can’t surpass other well-dressed female guests with an overwhelming posture.

People usually do maintenance, and the money to hire a top styling team cannot be wasted.

Normally, it would only release relevant tasks when Ning Xiaoyu met the film king. Today, it released daily tasks for the first time.

[Girl, there will be a bonfire party tonight. Most of the guests will not easily miss this kind of good opportunity to show off their figure. Girl, in my heart, you obviously have a good appearance, but you are usually negligent in dressing up, which is why you are not outstanding enough among the female guests. Today, you can-

A: Wear a scheming crop top to show off your small waist.

B: Wear clothes that can highlight your advantages, and firmly catch the eyes of the actor.

C: Wearing a lady’s black suit jacket and matching high-top boots, walking in a pure and romantic way, blinding others’ eyes! 】

[The love system is full of confidence: girl, as a female guest, you can definitely do it! 】

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