After passing through the book, I snatched the female villain

Chapter 426 Solo’s Rose (End) (Page 12)

Hughes didn't return to his room until early in the morning. He wandered outside for a long time without getting any results, and finally had to go back to face Solo.

Solo was already lying on the bed. It was late at night, so he slept against the wall with his back to Hughes, leaving only a crack in the door for Hughes.

Hughes walked lightly. When he passed by Solo, he deliberately covered his aura so that he did not notice his presence.

Solo quietly opened his eyes in the darkness, and the haze filled his golden eyes. He pumped his masseter muscles twice but still did not open his mouth to speak.

There is no need to fight with Hughes. The closer you get to him, the easier it will be for him to escape. Solo knew how to use detours. The best way to deal with a female insect like Hughes was to wear him out.

He would have thrown himself into the trap anyway.

Hughes had returned to his bed. He took off his shoes and socks and looked at Solo's bed in the dark. Solo turned his back and remained motionless, not even changing his breathing rate.

Hughes closed his eyes. He seemed to feel the sticky touch on his lips again in the silent atmosphere, and turned over a little irritably.

He stayed up all night.

Solo changed his attitude instantly after that. As Hughes asked before, he controlled the distance from Hughes no matter what he said or did, and there was no other physical contact between the two insects.

Hughes discovered Solo's avoidance of him almost instantly. He didn't say anything and continued to do things according to his previous rules.

Solo's circle of friends is more than twice as large as that of Hughes. Although he doesn't often talk to the other female guards, he has a casual personality and is easy to talk to. He will also participate in some social activities there when he has nothing to do.

Hughes didn't pay attention. He also found opportunities to participate in these activities once or twice. The main purpose was to test his own sexual orientation.

He also seemed to have touched the hands of several female insects unintentionally. As Hughes expected, he did not have the weird physiological reaction as before.

It seems that he is not tough on everyone. Hughes took out his record book and crossed out the names of the female insects in the record book one by one.

After he finished these things, his eyes passed through the bustling insect swarm and focused on Solo. Solo was obviously not very interested in these activities. He came only a few minutes before he wanted to find a secluded corner to rest.

This has always been the case, but recently, another strange male insect has appeared next to Solo.

Hughes had seen the male worm. During the mental power test meeting a long time ago, the male worm sat in the leader's position and looked down.

Hughes memorized the faces of several leaders at that time. The leader's single eyelids always drooped unconsciously, showing a bit of world-weary fatigue. Because he was the first male to raise his hand for Hughes, Hughes looked at him twice when he left.

But the male insect leader unexpectedly got very close to Nasolo. Hughes had seen the two of them walking side by side several times.

Solo's expression when he saw the contract was also different from the other bugs. He always had a careless smile on his face towards Hughes, and looked like he was not sincere.

But when he saw the contract, Solo would always calm down and pretend to be obedient in front of him.

As if noticing Hughes's gaze, Solo and Contract stopped for a moment while talking. Contractor also noticed Hughes. He raised his eyebrows slightly and deliberately straightened his slightly messy sleeves.

Hughes unconsciously grasped the twig in his hand, feeling that Contract's eyes looked at him with three parts sarcasm, three parts provocation and four parts triumph.

Contract Na obviously had the intention of talking to Hughes. Hughes sat on the ground and did not move. He was secretly paying attention to their movements with his peripheral vision while thinking about how to deal with Contract Na in the future.

But Zoro did not give Contractor a chance to come into contact with Hughes. When Hughes saw him holding Contractor's collar with one hand, he decisively pulled him into the woods behind him.

The bonfire surrounded by insects burned brightly and warmly. Sitting on the edge, Hughes also felt the heat and boiling heat buried in the flames.

Hughes' eyes paused for a few seconds at the edge of the dark grove before looking away. He increased the strength of his hand and pinched the small branch in his hand into several pieces.

That night Solo did not come back.

Hughes opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. Silence spread in the gray air. Occasionally, he could hear the sounds of some unknown beasts coming from the window.

I don't know how long it took, but the sun penetrated through the crack in the door. The pitiful sunlight only added a little bit of brightness to the dim room.

Soroka returned to the room at the meeting point in the morning. Hughes was sitting by the bed and putting on his shoes. He saw Solo sneaking open the door and walking in, his red eyes flashing past him.

Solo was still wearing the guard uniform. Perhaps it was stained with morning dew because he stayed out for a long time. The collar that had been folded peacefully was also turned outwards, and all the edges of the collar were torn.

Hughes looked at Solo's neck. His skin was fair, but when he came back, there were some ambiguous red marks on it.

Hughes' breathing stopped for a moment, and his eyes stung, feeling even more sarcastic. They did it so intensely that they didn't even erase the traces.

He suppressed his emotions and asked, "You didn't come back last night. Where were you?"

Solo's mind was still filled with the tingling sensation left by fighting for his body with Contract Na. He frowned and said, "It's nothing. I encountered a strange beast in the woods."

Hughes heard the perfunctory tone in his tone. He pressed the tip of his tongue against the roof of his mouth and did not continue to ask.

Solo deliberately kept his distance during this period, and spoke to him much less than before. Hughes didn't care at first, but Solo's current behavior was getting closer and closer to his bottom line.

Hughes packed his clothes and followed Solo to the door without changing his expression. Solo pushed the door open a gap, and when he turned around, he was suddenly grabbed by Hughes by the collar and thrown against the wall.

Solo was dizzy for a few seconds. When Hughes' 3S-level mental power was released, it had an absolute sense of oppression on the surrounding insects.

Solo frowned. He secretly mobilized his mental power to relieve the pressure. There was a strange color in his golden eyes, "Xius, what are you doing?"

"Lonasso, do you treat everyone like this?" The color in Hughes's red eyes became more mellow, and the emotions hidden in them slowly came out.

"Tease me, kiss me, and dump me when you're tired of playing." He grabbed Solo's chin with one hand, and his voice became colder and colder under the pained eyes of the other person, "Now I'm dating someone else." The insect is fighting outside, do you think I don’t know about it? Lonasso, how can you be lustful and shameless!"

Na Solo: "..."

Hughes used his other hand to pull open Solo's shirt. He violently tore the guard uniform to the side, exposing all the skin inside Solo.

"It's really good. There are no traces inside. Why don't you cover your neck?" Hughes' palm went down Solo's bare chest and reached his abdomen. He pulled off Solo's pants without thinking.

Then Solo held down Hughes's palm and said with unclear meaning: "Xius, do you miss me so much?"

Hughes looked at Solo. Solo's neck and throat were still under his palm. Perhaps the wound there had not fully recovered. When Hughes' fingertips exerted force, Solo unconsciously felt pain and frowned.

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