After my worth was exposed, I became a national husband

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Zhang Zhe: “I don’t consider the matter of examination and research for the time being, mainly because I was infected by you, a scholar, and wanted to follow the footsteps of Chen Da’s reporter.” / Bad laugh”

Chen Shuang: “Slippery tongue!” ”

“Don’t patronize reading, you have to eat when it’s time to eat!”

Zhang Zhe: “Eating, what about you?” ”

Chen Shuang: “I’ve eaten it, and I’m getting ready to take a nap…”

Zhang Zhe: “Then you should make up for it, you definitely didn’t sleep well last night.” ”

After Chen Shuang went back last night, he wanted to rest early, after all, he still had to interview this morning.

But as soon as you close your eyes, your mind is full of pictures of the night’s dating, turning over and over until one o’clock in the morning before falling asleep.

At five o’clock in the morning, I got up again to go to the interview, which would have been sleepy for a long time, replied:

“Okay, back talk…”

Zhang Zhe did not continue to reply to the message, and after solving the lunch, he returned to the bedroom to continue reading.

I just stopped halfway through, and I really had some feeling of knowing the taste of the marrow.


At six o’clock in the evening, Zhang Zhe put down the book in his hand.

Although my learning ability has become much stronger now, I have been in a state of high concentration and read books for a day, and my brain is slightly tired.

Learning is important, but the combination of work and leisure is the most effective.

Just thinking about whether to drive out for a ride and eat something by the way, Chen Shuang sent a message:

“What are you doing?”

Zhang Zhe replied, “I just finished reading the book, and I was thinking about whether to go out for a walk and have a meal by the way.” ”

Chen Shuang: “Are you yourself?” Yesterday you invited me to a big dinner, or do you want to change me today? ”

Zhang Zhe: “Okay, what time do you leave work?” ”

Chen Shuang: “I’ll leave work now…”

Zhang Zhe: “Then you stay in the unit for a while, and I will go out now.” ”

Chen Shuang: “Good! ”

Turning off the mobile phone, Zhang Zhe took the car keys and went out.

Although it was not very far away, because the road was relatively congested, it was already seven o’clock when Zhang Zhe drove to China Overseas Television Station.

Because she sent the message in advance, Chen Shuang stood at the door a few minutes ago and waited, and Zhang Zhe asked after she got into the car

“Where are we going to eat?”

“Can you eat spicy?” Shall we go to hot pot? ”

Chen Shuang proposed:

“I know a hot pot restaurant that tastes very good!”

In the evening of March, the weather is still relatively cool, the temperature is generally below 10 degrees, and it is really good to eat hot pot on this day.

Zhang Zheben was a person who was not spicy or happy, so he directly responded:

“Okay, then let’s go eat hot pot!”

More than half an hour later, the two came to the hot pot restaurant that Chen Shuang said.

The store is not large, the decoration is very general, but there are many diners.

As soon as you enter the door, you can smell the spicy smell in the air, which makes people instantly have an appetite.

When ordering, Zhang Zhe couldn’t help but be curious:

“Only one option for a hot pot?”

Although Zhang Zhe likes to eat spicy, he does not eat much hot pot and prefers Sichuan cuisine.

In the past, the hot pot restaurant I went to generally had a variety of pot bottoms to choose from, such as mushroom soup, tomato pot and the like.

Some people at the same table are not very able to eat spicy, order a Mandarin duck pot is very good, did not expect that this shop can not choose the bottom of the pot, can choose only spicy.

“Yes, this shop is an authentic Bayu hot pot, unlike those franchise stores, only the traditional spicy pot.”

Chen Shuang explained:

“The bottom of his pot is spicy, I think we can just order a slight spicy!”

“I haven’t really eaten authentic Bayu hot pot, so let’s try it.” Zhang Zhe nodded and replied.

Eating hot pot is naturally indispensable to hairy belly, beef and mutton, lunch meat and the like.

Not long after, the bottom of the pot was sent up, even if it had not yet been eaten, just looking at the red oil and red peppers on it made people eat!

After the pot boiled, the two people were not polite and directly ate.

It is worthy of the authentic Bayu hot pot, and the slightly spicy bottom of the pot is also relatively spicy, but it is still within the scope of Zhang Zhe’s acceptance, and it is very enjoyable to eat.

Instead, Chen Shuang, while eating, fanned the wind on his face with his hands, and there was a lot of sweat on his forehead, not to mention, and his face was also fluttered with spicy red.

She already had some baby faces, and now this look is not to mention how cute it is.

This place was chosen by her, Zhang Zhe thought she was very capable of eating spicy, and smiled when she saw it

“You can’t eat spicy, do you still have to come to eat hot pot?”

“Actually, I can’t eat spicy, but I just like to eat.”

Chen Shuang took a tissue and wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said with some embarrassment:

“It’s a pity that the bottom of his pot is only slightly spicy, if only it were slightly spicy…”

“And slightly spicy? It was the first time I had heard such a statement. Zhang Zhe couldn’t help but be happy.

“Of course there is, the snail powder is slightly spicy!”

“I haven’t eaten it, it tastes so strong.”

“It’s really delicious, I’ll take you to taste it another day!”

“No, no, this kind of good thing is still your own enjoyment.”

“No, I have to take you to eat it once, you are prejudiced against snail powder!”

In such a pleasant atmosphere, more than an hour passed unconsciously.

The taste of the hot pot in this shop is absolutely not said, both of them have eaten a lot, and they feel extremely satisfied!

Seeing that the food was almost over, Chen Shuang got up to go to the checkout, and Zhang Zhe did not rob her.

After checking out, the two walked out of the hot pot restaurant, and Zhang Zhe asked


“Do you want to take a walk around the neighborhood to get away with it, or do you just send you back?”

Considering that she didn’t sleep for a few hours last night, although she took a nap at work at noon, she wouldn’t rest much better.

Therefore, Zhang Zhe does not plan to arrange other projects, just take a walk around.

Chen Shuang also had this meaning, replied:

“Just finished eating, just turn around and go back…”

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