After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 992:

A piercing flash of lightning streaked by, and two goblins fell to the ground. Russ had retracted her holy sword and was closely examining it. The lightning aura that enveloped the blade was stronger than it had been before. She was very satisfied with the recent improvement in her “holy sword skills.”

She was no longer a “loli”; she had matured into a sophisticated woman. Her mature mind and body had enabled her to make better progress in mastering her sword skills. She could now proudly tell everyone, “I am very strong!”

However, the powerful Light Sword Saint was facing a significant problem—there were no enemies to fight.

“It’s so sad that I have all these excellent sword skills and no place to use them,” Russ couldn’t help but complain to the sea of clouds below her.

Robb, sitting at the bow of the airship, turned around and said, “I disagree with you, Russ. If your martial skills have no place to be used, it means that the world is peaceful, and people are living happily. No one needs to fight, and that’s something to be happy about, not sad.”

Russ pouted, “I understand that, but I practice my sword skills every day to protect the Holy Light. Now there are no monsters left to oppose the Holy Light. I’m so lonely.”

Robb laughed, “That’s because the Holy Light no longer opposes others, so others won’t oppose the Holy Light. Would you like a Church of Light that invades and fights for its selfish gains?”

Russ: “No!”

Robb: “Well, then you’ll just have to be idle.”

Russ: “No, no, no, I don’t want to be idle. I want to fight strong enemies; I want to protect the Holy Light, or else I’ll start to lose my sense of purpose.”

At that moment, little Yi emerged from the cabin. She was no longer a saintly nun; she had even given birth to a child for Robb. However, she still wore a nun’s outfit, showing no signs of having reverted to a secular life. Seeing her, Robb’s eyes lit up, “Russ, since you’re so eager to use your sword skills, let’s play a little ‘Guardian of the Holy Light’ game.”

Russ: “How do you play?”

Robb put on a goblin costume and instantly turned into a green-headed goblin. Next, he swiftly moved to Little Yi’s side. Before she could react, he had hoisted her onto his shoulder, making a menacing face and laughed, “Hahaha, I’ve caught a nun. I’ll take her back, clean her up and have a good meal.”

Little Yi: “Hey! Put me down; this isn’t a good scene for the child to see.”

Russ had beamed, “Hahaha, I understand how to play now!”

She had swiftly raised her holy sword, pointing it at Robb: “Drop the nun right now!”

Robb had given a sinister laugh, “An overconfident Guardian of Light? Hahaha! Look at how frail you appear; do you think you can defeat this goblin?”

Russ had snorted, “Justice will prevail over evil!”

With a swing of her holy sword, she had mercilessly struck at Robb: “Unmoving Ignorance!”

Robb’s hands had clapped together, but he failed to catch it; the holy sword had passed through his palms and “whoosh,” it struck him in the face.

Robb had let out a painful cry, falling backward.

Russ had clapped her hands, “Oh yeah! I won and saved the nun!”

Little Yi, who had just been carried on Robb’s shoulder, had suddenly fallen and tumbled down, looking disgraced. She had stood up, dusting herself off, and irritably said, “How old are you guys, still playing house?”

Hearing this, Russ had become disheartened again, “Sigh! Indeed, playing house is no fun. Godfather, get up! Pretending to be defeated by me is not enjoyable; I’m not a child anymore.”

Robb had sprung up in one swift motion, “Is this really not fun?”

Russ had nodded, “Yes, playing house without any tension is boring.”

“Actually, we could make it tense,” Robb had grinned wickedly, “Russ, let’s level up the game now; I promise it will be full of tension.”

“Oh?” Russ had exclaimed joyfully, “How do we play?”

Robb had said, “Now, I am an evil goblin set to attack you, the Guardian of Light. If you defeat me, you preserve your honor; if you’re defeated by me, well… you know what will happen.”

From the phrase “you know what,” Russ had sensed a hint of evil; it was the kind of malevolent aura a man exudes when staring at a beautiful woman. This had given her goosebumps from head to toe.

“Whoa, are you kidding me?” Russ had exclaimed in shock, “No, I don’t want to play this game.”

She had known she was no match for Robb; playing such a game would be asking for trouble.

Robb had declared, “Your objection is invalid; whether you like it or not, I’ve decided to play, so the game has already started.”

Having said that, he had snarled and started advancing towards Russ, step by step.

“Don’t come any closer, stay back!” Russ had swung her holy sword in panic, “If you come any closer, I’ll unleash my Ultimate Attack! Earlier, I had only used my Unmoving Ignorance on you, which was me holding back. Don’t think I’m easy to bully; my Ultimate Attack is super painful, super painful, you hear!”

Robb had paid no attention to her feeble threat and continued to advance step by step.

The pressure had really been unbearable!

In desperation, Russ had swung her arm and cast her ultimate attack!

Robb had clapped his palms together, catching her holy sword securely with a “snap.”

Russ had dropped the sword and turned to run, “Help! Little Yi, control your man, he’s going to assault me, help!”

Little Yi had shrugged her shoulders, then suddenly raised her voice in anger, “Playing such nonsensical games on a ship, what if my child learns bad behavior? Everyone, return to your positions and do what you’re supposed to do!”

“Oh!” Robb had immediately returned to his chair, seemingly disinterested.

Russ had also quickly returned to her usual practice spot, picked up her holy sword, and resumed honing her sword skills. As she practiced, she muttered, “Godfather, just wait. In a few days, I will surpass you. Then, we will reverse roles in this game; it’ll be me chasing you all over the ship.”

Robb had chuckled, “Alright, alright, I’m looking forward to the day you ‘assault’ me.”

Thus, another uneventful day had come to an end.

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