After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 983:

The Shaolin monk had hurled a long string of Buddhist prayer beads into the air. Once they dispersed mid-air, they transformed into countless flying beads, which bombarded the black dragon.

The elder of the Beggars’ Sect summoned a bamboo artifact made of jade. This artifact transformed into a giant cudgel mid-air, and it smashed down towards the black dragon’s head.

The disciples from the Mountain Sword Sect had light emanating from their backs, representing a pair of swords – purple and green, which were unleashed simultaneously in spinning slashes.

A wave of the most fierce attack had, in an instant, wiped out all the smaller dragons.

It tilted its head back, letting out a long hiss, and its body suddenly changed color…

“Artillery!” Robb shouted, “Thor’s Roar and Steam Tanks – fire!”

The elite teams within the inner circle promptly retreated, rolling on the ground for cover. Following this, the grenadiers charged forward, waving their arms, and countless “hand grenades” flew towards the black dragon.

Explosions resounded on every inch of the black dragon’s skin. Then, from all directions, hundreds of the Thor’s Roars opened fire, with barrel-thick lightning striking the black dragon mercilessly.

Next, the group of Steam Tanks began to fire. A barrage, trailing white exhaust, flew in from a considerable distance. All these magical items were crafted by Robb.

Ever since the entire world united with a single heart, and no one attempted to conspire against him anymore, he unreservedly used his magic to energize his magical tools. The tools he energized were immensely powerful, unparalleled by any ordinary being in this world. They even exceeded the capacity of the magic container. So, the final magical tools crafted couldn’t faithfully reproduce his magical power. Nevertheless, their strength was off the charts!

In that instant, it was as if hundreds of Robs attacked the black dragon simultaneously. Who could withstand such a blow?

The last 10 million HP of the black dragon dwindled rapidly. It raised its noble head and loudly proclaimed, “Ah! You’ve done it. Guardians of the guild, your spirit and will have moved me. From today, my treasures belong to you.”

An eerie silence enveloped the surroundings…

All warriors stood firm, all magicians ceased their chants. It seemed as if a massive silence spell had been cast, silencing everything, even the mountain wind paused. Anticipation of jubilation and ecstasy lingered in the air. Yet, at this moment, no one dared to cheer, for they were uncertain if the black dragon had truly fallen. Perhaps it had a hidden fourth form, or a fifth? Or maybe it could resurrect and fight again?

Thus, nobody spoke. In fact, no one even dared to breathe. Each person fixed their gaze intently on the black dragon, unwilling to let their guard down until the very moment it would fall.

In the profound silence of that day, Robb shrugged and said sarcastically, “Is that all you’ve got to say before you die? Not very interesting! That’s why game scriptwriters should really stick to novels.”

The black dragon lowered its head, “Congratulations, you’ve triggered the easter egg! This little easter egg was planted by the scriptwriter before resigning. ‘I’m actually going to write novels now. My income has doubled, and I’m at the peak of my life. The novels I write will surely not fail.’” Having said that, the black dragon collapsed with a thud, raising a cloud of dust.

Everyone was stunned. They stood motionless for what seemed like a minute, before someone finally exclaimed, “Wow! Wow!”

“We’ve defeated the black dragon.”

“We’ve done it.”

“We’ve created a true epic!”

The heavens and the earth seemed to roar, mourn, and be filled with indescribable emotions. The most terrifying monster that had plagued the land for over a thousand years had finally fallen here.

“Don’t cheer just yet!” Robb suddenly interrupted everyone’s elation.

Everyone instantly grew tense, “Is there another twist? Could the black dragon resurrect?”

Robb smiled and shook his head, “No, what I meant was, let’s first revive the comrades who had fallen in the battle. Only then can you celebrate. Otherwise, it would be unfair to those who sacrificed their lives.”

“Ah, right!” The crowd became alert. Celebrating now might be a bit selfish. The comrades who had died holding off the smaller dragons still lay there.

“Rise, and then we can rejoice together.”

Robb waved his hand, and angels flew all around. The fallen comrades began to rise one by one. When they saw the body of the black dragon lying in front of them, the surprise on their faces was unmistakable.

Now, the real celebration began.

The entire Black Dragon Peak was immersed in a festive atmosphere. Many even took out crystal balls to share the good news with friends at home. In an instant, the entire land was plunged into jubilation. Amidst this overwhelming joy, Robb stood in front of the black dragon’s body, lost in thought for a long time.

The queen, not sure when she’d approached, whispered, “What’s the matter? While others are celebrating, you’re here alone, lost in thought. What are you thinking about?”

Robb shrugged, “I’m pondering something. A very long time ago, this creature stole a lot of things from my guild’s storage. You know, back then I didn’t have an obedient troop to command. Alone, I couldn’t defeat it, so I could only watch helplessly as it looted my guild storage.”

The queen replied, “I’m not sure what a guild storage is, but it must have contained some valuable items, right?”

Robb had said, “Yes, many valuable items—some so incredible that they would seem impossible in this world. So, I was thinking, now that I’ve defeated it, can I retrieve the things it had stolen from it?”

The queen looked at him skeptically, “Is that even possible?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

Robb had reached out and touched the dragon’s corpse, and with a strong pull, astonishingly extracted a massive ship from the black dragon’s body. This wasn’t just any ship; it was an enormous airship spanning dozens of meters in width and hundreds in length. Above the ship floated a massive hot air balloon, and the propellers at the front and rear of the ship spun rapidly.

With a swift motion, Robb had pulled the queen close and laughed, “Would you like to fly in the sky?”

“Ha-ha, let’s go then.” Just as Robb was holding the queen and preparing to take off on the airship, a group of girls, including Lillian, Suofa, Little Yi, The Big Loli, Xuelu, Little Huahua, the two Little Nuns of Light, the two Little Nuns of Darkness, Marian, and Shang Hui, rushed over. They exclaimed, “We also want to fly and have fun.”

At that moment, a shadow had leaped onto the deck. Madeline had banged on the deck and shouted, “Godfather, where did you hide Robb Smith? Why didn’t I see him in the fight against the black dragon? Is he hiding on your ship? If so, I want to come too.”

At this, Robb had shrugged, “That’s right! He’s on this ship. You can come along too. Let’s set off.”

The airship, carrying Robb and all the girls, had soared into the sky, leaving behind a cheering crowd below.

The history of Fengmo Continenthad finally turned a new page.

(End of main story)

The main story of “After Maxing out all Classes” ends here! However, old readers know that after the main story ends, traditionally, there will be countless side stories detailing the future lives of important side characters and filling in previous gaps. In short, those who enjoyed the main story can stop here, but those interested in the daily life and the subsequent stories of the main and side characters can continue reading.

There are 16 more side stories to go!

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