After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 22 The Meaning of the Existence of the Text Traveler

The week after my birthday just passed.

Sun Zhu hopes that his days to come will be as dull and boring as the past ten years.

After all, she has already done her job. If she is destined to be involved in the main plot line in the future, she will have at least a few years to rest.

"Harry entered Hogwarts in 91. He met Quirrell with Voldemort on the back of his head in the first year, and then protected the Sorcerer's Stone from being taken away. This is the beginning of this story." Sun Zhu snapped his fingers and gave The plot of the system disk, because the system is not original, so it does not know many plots, "It is now November 87, 11, and there are still more than three years before the story happens. In view of the fact that the previous years were basically happy endings with happy reunions , if I intervene in advance, it may be self-defeating. So I..."

"So you tend to do nothing." The system added for her.

"Tongzi is the one who knows me, we are comrades!"

"But the host." The system sighed: "If you are going to stay at home and do nothing, then you may not trigger the task again. You said before that you want to stock up some defensive charms for emergencies, but there is no task. The system experience from here can be used.”

"Then I... can't do missions for the sake of missions." She twisted the quill in her hand distressedly, "Do you understand what I mean, many people who travel to the past and want to change the future always become Part of the future ending. If I want to save people, it’s actually better to interfere with the development of the plot as little as possible.”

After all, everyone understands the paradox of traveling through time and space, so even if she knew that Quirrell might encounter Voldemort when she went to Albania, she couldn't run to tell Quirrell to be careful at this time.

One is that she doesn't know where Quirrell is, and the other is that if Voldemort does not come back through Quirrell, it is unknown how he will come back in the future.After all, as long as he has no nose and is not dead, it is absolutely impossible for him to give up and come back to make trouble.

"If I had enough ability to stop Quirrell, maybe Quirrell would not have met Voldemort, would not have been tempted to serve him, and finally died at the hands of Harry. But I knew it a long time ago. It would be impossible to save everyone." Sun Zhu rubbed the space between his brows, "To be blunt, I didn't meet him, nor did I trigger the mission to save him. His death has nothing to do with me, and I wanted to save him beyond my means. Everyone, is another form of arrogance."

Once upon a time, when she was a real teenager in her previous life, she always thought that she could hold a dragon-slaying sword and break into those big scenes.First, he scolded the bad guy impassionedly, then gave him a knife, and then dragged the decent characters in the protagonist to leave the scene gracefully.

In fact, after arriving in such a world, she found that what she could do was really limited.Knowing the plot in advance sometimes becomes a factor that constrains her actions.

After all, the original book is a he in the traditional sense. If she manipulates it like a tiger and runs straight towards the be ending, then she will be wronged.

"Host, I think your worries are not unreasonable." The system agreed: "You shouldn't be too proactive. If you are concerned about the butterfly effect, the most important thing to do is to wait and see."

"It's great that you think so. I don't want to do anything, but I'm not sure if I do it, it will backfire."

"Actually, the reason why there are text shuttlers is that there are always some things that make the world's bystanders, that is, the text readers, regretful and resentful in each text world. These may be difficult to express, or angry and sad. A certain kind of reverse energy is formed. The text world is a created world, and the reader’s emotional energy can easily affect the direction of the plot. When it accumulates to a certain extent, it needs to be artificially dispelled, and the behavior of the text shuttler can just be dispelled negative emotional energy."

Sun Zhu was a little surprised, she thought about the information revealed by the system carefully, and said with some uncertainty: "That is to say, it is actually because too many readers have empathy for the characters in "Harry Potter", so you This space group needs people like me to do something to solve the regrets of the readers."

For example, saving the meaning in the book is difficult.

Those who shouldn't have died, or at least shouldn't have died in such a panic, which one didn't earn everyone's tears back then?

"Yes, this definition is actually very broad. Your unopened Yi Difficult Mission is one of them. Similarly, there will be more in the future. I can't predict what kind of mission you will encounter in the future. Similarly, The triggering of the task is not under my control. But I can be sure that the tasks you do must be what some readers of this text world are looking forward to."

"What is your purpose of doing this? Is it just to please everyone?"

"Because if the reader's negative emotional energy accumulated in this text world is too much, it will lead to the collapse of the text world. If you can dispel this part of negative energy, it will be conducive to its stable operation." The system explained: "Even if some people are changed The world itself also has the ability to regulate and maintain the fate of the world itself. The development of the plot has inertia, and your proper guidance will not cause much change, but it may give the world onlookers a little relief."

It turned out that this was what she needed to work on.

It doesn't sound like something embarrassing her. Before the time travel, she was also a reader and a heartbreaker who shed a lot of tears and swallowed a lot of knives.

It is really a lucky thing to have such an opportunity to fill some regrets.

"System, I think I know what I'm going to do next." Sun Zhu secretly made up his mind, "It doesn't matter what tasks are not. Even if you don't give me anything, I will do this. "

Originally, she didn't make up her mind because she didn't know the meaning of her existence in this world.What if she is actually used to embarrass the protagonist?

Therefore, out of prudent considerations, she never took the initiative to go in front of any protagonist, for fear of creating a butterfly effect and killing the action.

But now she is relieved, since appropriate intervention will not cause the plot line to collapse, then substituting herself, in the current timeline, what she wants to do most as a reader is actually——

"System, the map of London from last time, please call it out for me again."

"Okay, host."

A curtain of light visible only to her appeared in front of her.

She locked on to the destination again.

"Four Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, London."

Originally, she thought that with her passive nature, she would have to wait until she was in the third grade before she could meet the "savior", the boy who lived, Harry Potter for the first time at Hogwarts.

But now, she wants to see him in advance.

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