After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 10 Newt Scamander and his Niffler

"Your tone, those who don't know think I'm going to the battlefield." Sun Zhu was a little speechless, "I wasn't nervous at first, but you made me nervous."

"...I will keep quiet from now on." The system lowered the volume.

The fourth floor is obviously much neater than the seventh floor, and it is also much more spacious.

It should also be cast with some kind of space magic, after all, the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures is the second largest department of the Ministry of Magic after the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

There are three main divisions: Office of Beasts, Office of Outliers, and Office of Ghosts.There is also a liaison office for goblins and centaurs.

The Fire Dragon Research and Restriction Bureau under the Beast Office is mainly responsible for handling this incident.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see many people around the table.

Sun Zhu couldn't help being a little nervous, her heart was pounding, she saw three people besides Amos Diggory.

The system introduced that the three of them were officials of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, investigators of the Commission for Disposal of Dangerous Creatures under the Office of Beasts, and dragon trainers of the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary.

Dragon trainer?It seemed that the Ministry of Magic was not as unreliable as she thought.Whether it can be tamed is another matter.

It's a pity that she didn't see the suspected Newt's grandfather present, and she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Sun Zhengxing took her to know one by one, and introduced her reason for coming. All the adults present showed kindness.

After all, they are all related to the study of magical animals. Seeing such a young girl who yearns for magical animals, there is no reason to be malicious towards her.

Even if she dresses strangely, she can be regarded as innocent.In a sense, being young is really easy to win the favor of adults.

Sun Zhu said hello one by one, and behaved very well.

"So, where is Mr. Scamander now?" Sun Zhengxing knew what his daughter was concerned about and asked for her.

"Mr. Scamander said that he needs to look at the dragon again. He always feels that there is something wrong with the dragon." It was the dragon trainer who answered him. It's not safe to put it here."

"Oh, Mr. Fawcett, I know what you mean." The official of the Department of Magical Cooperation yelled: "You want to bring that guy back to Romania, but is it possible? You don't have the power. Haha, let me tell you, Scar Mr. Mande said it came from China, so the ones who had the most power to take it away were actually Mr. Sun and Ms. Sun."

When the identity was introduced just now, several adults knew that Sun Zhu is pure Asian.However, she didn't feel that this person was speaking the truth. He just wanted to use the Sun family father and daughter who were watching to silence Jamie Fawcett.

Jamie sighed and said nothing more.

Sun Zhengxing said with a smile: "Mr. Macleide, I have settled in London with my family since I was six years old, and entered Hogwarts at the age of 11. My daughter and I are both British citizens. How can we bring this dragon to China?"

Sun Zhu glanced at his father in surprise, sensitively aware that he seemed a little angry.

He has always been a very kind person and rarely gets angry, but today he made an exception because of this boring McLeod.

She quietly tugged at her father's sleeve, and Sun Zhengxing just patted her on the back without saying a word.

"Oh, Bird MacLeod, look at what you said." Amos Diggory came out to smooth things over, "Are you really going to give that guy to Bamboo on behalf of the Department of Magical Cooperation? Not an appropriate toy."

McLeod smiled without sincerity: "Mr. Digory is right, I really can't do that."

"Ahem..." There was a sudden coughing sound from a closed document box on the desktop, and Sun Zhu was surprised to see something flying out of it.

Then a hand opened the cover and stretched out. Just as she was about to take a closer look, she realized something was pulling her sleeve.

She looked down and saw a small black animal with a long nose and snout.It looked at her with black bean eyes, then continued to tug at her crystal cufflinks.

Hey, Xiao Mian, I have caught you.

Just knew that Newt would carry a Niffler with him.

She stretched out her hand to touch Xixiu, who started to concentrate on tugging on her necklace, well, it feels good, smooth and smooth, very comfortable.

"The necklace, I don't like it the most, why hasn't it been untied..." Xixiu complained.

Silly boy, of course you can't pull it open with your claws, the chain is behind your neck, are you trying to strangle me to death with such force?

She had no choice but to reach out and untie the necklace, and with a "swipe" of "Xixi", she stuffed the chain into the pocket in front of his stomach.Then it continued to look at her with beaky eyes, and finally decided to attack the hairpin.

Sun Zhengxing was taken aback. When he came to his senses, he saw Mr. Scamander coming out of the file box. With the agility of a person not suitable for his age, he rushed over and grabbed Sun Zhengxing who was lying on his back. The little robber on the bamboo head.

"Oh! My God. I'm so sorry, this lady... Bob's little hobby has never been changed." Newt Scamander, who has slightly curly short hair, looks very embarrassed, although at this time he He is already 90 years old, but he looks the same as a Muggle in his fifties or sixties, and his figure is even more straight.

Apologizing, he hangs the Niffler upside down, swinging it by its pouch, just like she'd seen it in the movies all those years ago.

Soon her necklace and cufflinks fell out.There's even a few shiny galleons and some unidentifiable bling.

"Oh, it's my Quidditch commemorative badge!" The investigator of the Committee for Disposal of Dangerous Animals, who hadn't spoken much, exclaimed, and took away a round golden thing.

"..." Good guy, you have gained a lot.

Sun Zhu glanced at the snuffer named Bob with some admiration.

Xixiu looked very annoyed, this is the legendary saying that if you steal a chicken, you will lose nothing.

She couldn't help laughing, but heard Xixiu said: "Hmph, I will take them all away soon."

Why?Now you can hear what's on their minds without contact?

"Can you understand me?" came Bob's muffled voice, "I want that gem."

Sun Zhu subconsciously took off the hairpin, and when he was about to hand it over, he froze.

Both Newt and Sun Zhengxing looked at her in surprise, and she explained with some embarrassment: "Oh, since Bob likes it, I can give it to him."

"Hmph, I had a red gem before and it was taken away by Newt, but this one is bigger, I want this one."

Newt hurriedly stuffed the Niffler into his pocket, "Little girl, Bob has always been like this, he is naturally not resistant to shiny things."

"It's all right, Bob said he had a ruby ​​once, but . . . well, I can give him this pink one."

Although the ornaments Sun Zhengxing gave were not very fancy, the gems were real.She purposely took these to fish today, and took the opportunity to talk to Newt that she couldn't just give him nothing.

Sun Zhengxing also smiled helplessly, "Mr. Scamander, this is what I told you yesterday, my daughter, Zhu. She has always liked you very much, since she said she would give this to... Bob as a gift, Please don't refuse."

Newt was still very embarrassed, and was about to refuse, but suddenly reacted, "Miss Sun, you just said, did you know that Bob once had a ruby?"

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