From the first day of middle school, I tried my best to make friends but due to my communication disorder, I have to face many difficulties... Even I tried my best...

On my first day of High school, I swear to myself that today I will make my first friend, as there will be only girls in this school... But...

As soon as I entered the school gate, I got nervous and anxious; as the people tried to approach me and I just made my worst first impression of my high school life... But even though, I didn't get that much unmotivated because I have a feeling that, today I will befriend someone...

So, after that, I reached the entrance of the building, where the shoe locker is located. It is common in every school to wear indoor shoes inside the school... I opened my shoe locker and then... I met my first friend from high school my life...


"Good Morning"

I heard a male voice, coming from the direction of my left side. I rapidly turned my head in the voice's direction; the voice is coming from none other than, this school's only male student who is in the same year, Kaneki Ren... He has a nice face, I think. But I have never seen anyone has an expression like him... He has red eyes but there is no light in them, his expression on his face tells that he is tired of everything...


I acted just like I always did... What do I do? I am afraid because he is looking directly into my eyes... So, I ran away from there and reached my respective class as soon as possible... I again ran away, just as I did with many people...

I easily find my bench, so I sat down there...

After a few minutes, a black-haired woman entered the classroom, it looks like she will be our sensei, this year... We greeted her, she did back... As she was going to say something, she noticed that there are still two seats empty, which means two students are missing... She sighed slightly and then went straight to the door, and stood there...

We have to wait for about five minutes until we all heard a boy's voice, coming from where the sensei is standing... And when I heard his voice, my mind again went to the interaction I had with him just a few minutes ago.

After two minutes, the other student, who was late like him, also came as we all heard her voice also... They both entered the class, in the order, the girl first and then the boy... The girl has some tint on her face, 'is she not feeling well?' I wanted to ask her but I couldn't...

The boy sits at the seat next to me, while the girl sits behind him at the back...

His classmates around him are Yukinoshita-san, Horikita-san, and Shikimori-san. I got to get their names because he greeted all of them one by one, and it seems they know him from the past...

I also wanted to say at least 'hello' to my seatmates; Kaneki-san to my back, Sato-san to my right --

"Oh, hello..."

As I was lost in my thought, I heard his voice again, and to which there is no response came... So I turned my face to see him, to find out that he is looking at me... Does that mean he is greeting me? What should I do...? I again went all nervous, and in the end, didn't even answer him, he looked at me for more than one minute, but he didn't get any reply. He turned his away from my direction... I am sorry.

After that, he didn't say anything to me, in the past I had shown this behavior to all the people, except my family, and after some time they gradually stop talking with me... I am truly sorry, everyone...

And he seems to be like them, as he also didn't even ask anything while he rather asks from his 'seatmates'... It's for the best because if he asks me I will again act like I act with him until now...


At lunch break, my surroundings again became the same as the morning, about 5-6 classmates are around my seat trying their best to talk with me but I am so much nervous that I can't even listen their half of the things, they are talking about.


When all the classes ended, I raised my head, which was down most of the time in the last class, because my mind can't seem to focus clearly in the class. After all, I was embarrassed all the time...

In the last period, sensei called me and asked a question saying, 'Komi-san, answer this question. You all have already studied this topic in your junior high school, right?' and the main reason for her calling me is because she was asking randomly from anyone in the class. So, this time it is me. I stood from my seat, went to the blackboard and wrote the answer... Everyone's gaze was on me, so I became more flustered there...

The embarrassing thing about it was that the answer was a one-word answer and sensei wanted the answer from my mouth, but I make my way to the blackboard and wrote it down... Even though sensei didn't say anything, still...

But the main wish of mine is –

"I wish I could speak and make friends..."

I muttered to myself as I see that, in front of me, there are no other students except me... Now, I can say anything I want if there is no one around but I have to try my best tomorrow as I will make a friend tomorrow --

"Oh, it's you"

I heard a voice coming from my left side and it was a male voice, so I know whose voice is this, Kaneki-san...

I should have checked my surroundings, now what should I do? I got nervous again and my whole body started to shiver at the thought that now my whole high school is going to be same as the middle school and junior high school...

As I was thinking about my school life, I quickly stood up from my seat, grabbed my bag, and just as I started to run away... A firm hand grabbed one of my hands, which caused me to stop in my tracks... My eyes got moist as I see his eyes, I don't know but I am scared...

I tried my best to resist but his hand's grip didn't lose its strength even a single bit...

"sob sob"

I started to cry, I don't know why but my eyes got watery and some tears ran down my cheeks... But when I heard his next words, I was able to calm myself even though it was a little bit...

"Oh no, don't cry. I am sorry but you have to at least try to shout for help or just swing your bag at me and then just ran away from here. You should have tried that Komi-san"


I nodded my head to show that what he is saying is right... Then he loosened his grip on my hands, and now my hands are free. As I have still some moisture in my eyes, I took out my handkerchief and cleaned my eyes while looking down at the ground...


I heard him call out my name, so I raised my head and then my eyes met with his red eyes for the first time... He hummed for a quiet time while holding his chin, but I just can't get my eyes away from him. This is the first time for me...

"Do you have any communication disorder?"

He asked still making eye contact with me; I also seem to not be able to cut eye contact... So, I just nodded at his words...

"And sorry for eavesdropping but I heard that you want friends. Am I right?"

I again nodded at his words.

"Hmmm, how many friends do you want to have?"

As he asked this, I thought that this question requires me to answer verbally... But I have lost the strength to speak as I decided to speak. Why? I tried my best to open my mouth, but still, I can't... So, I just walked to the blackboard, picked up the chalk, and wrote the answer to his question...

'I wanted to have 100 friends.'

I write that I want 100 friends, I know this sound absurd but I will make it... Even not today, nor tomorrow then it will be the next day, or next week or next year... I will –

As I was thinking in my head, I heard a 'squeal' sound which is the sound a chalk makes but I didn't write anything... So I turned my face and find out that, Kaneki-san also has chalk in his hand and it looks like he has written something on the board...

'I will become your first friend!'

After reading the words which are written by him, multiple times... I can't help but stare at his face; his red eyes are also staring directly at me and didn't even move a bit, from the moment he called out to me... He also has a small smile on his face...

Seeing all this, my face also begins to get redder slowly... Why...? I don't think of a reason why my face reddened a bit, maybe because I am happy that finally, I have a friend... Yes, that must be the case...

I quickly removed the thoughts about the things; I have been thinking about for a while and quickly turned my face to the blackboard and write...

'Thank you Kaneki-san'


We chatted for quite a time, about half an hour or even more.

I also don't know but I told him everything, I had in my mind, without any worries or me getting nervous. He also didn't interrupt me and listened to all my blabbering. Even though I know I am just telling him about my annoying past but I didn't get embarrassed by it like I get every time. I am telling him things; I didn't even tell my family about... Why am I?

Then, he said something that made my heart flutter a bit... What is wrong with me?

"Komi-san, you know this is something you have to do on your own..."

When I heard this, I don't know but I think I felt sad and I began to look downwards... What is going on?

"... But I will be there for you if you need anything, as I am your friend."

My heart begins to pound so hard, that my face begins to get hot, at every passing second... I forced myself to not look at his face, so I just stared directly at the ground... No, no, I need to say something...

So, I raised my head, looking straight at him... I didn't even notice but I was smiling at the moment I heard him say '... I will be there for you if you need anything...'

'Thank you

'And sorry for taking your time and also you have to listen to my things. Sorry.'

I apologized also, as I know that in his mind, he thinks that I am an annoying girl and he is just don't showing it on his face because I am here... I am sorry.

"Good Grief..."

I heard him say something, so I again raise my head and see him coming towards me... What he –

He raised his right hand... and... Started patting my head... Wha...?

I was surprised at his sudden movements and started to get embarrassed because of it... Do friends do this also...? As a few seconds passed, my embarrassment got replaced by my face becoming, full red from my cheeks to my ears... I don't know but I felt at ease, from the moment he put his hand on my head... What is going on here...? What is he?


After he stopped patting my head, I was a bit sad but he didn't leave my side... He asked 'Shall we talk a more before we leave? if only Komi-san wants...'

I don't know but hearing him say that he wanted to talk more, I didn't help but nodded my head just like what a cat does when it gets happy...

We talked about all types of things from how the weather to what is his favorite dish... He also, took his time to think and then answer... Seeing him like this, I can't help but smile all the time, when we chat...


"Let's meet tomorrow, Komi-san..."

I nodded at his words, as we completed our talk... We talked for a total of about more than 1 hour, I don't know but my face is still red, and when I tried to look at his face my red face just becomes redder and I can't help but started to look downwards...

I still can't find the reason for my behavior about what is happening to me. Why my face gets red when I see his face...? Why I wanted to talk with him more...? Why I am feeling sad when I am seeing his back getting far from me? What is this feeling???


"I can't find it..."

I muttered as I still didn't find the board duster, which I have been searching for about 30 minutes...

"Where is it? Why is this happening to me...?"

I can't help but ask myself. I am helpless; I can't even do this... What will happen if Kaneki-san stopped talking to me...?

At the thought of it, my whole body ached and I don't know why... Is this how it feels when people think about losing their friend? If that's true, then it is painful, and I don't want my 'first friend' to hate me...

I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it... I don't want it...

I repeated this, in my mind, again and again, I don't know for how many times...

Then I started to think about the times when the teachers used it...


After thinking about it, I get it... In the last class, Chhabashira sensei took the duster from the class and also told us that the duster needed to be registered for every respective class...

How can I forget about it...? And now, how should I ask her to get it back?


I muttered his name as I can't help but think about him... Yes, I have to, no, I must, ask for the duster from her because I don't want him to hate me...


As I reached there, I saw that all the teachers are in the staff room and Chhabashira sensei was sitting in the corner of the room, doing some paperwork... How should I ask her? What will be the best way to get the duster from her...?

I can't help but think of many possibilities of me 'failing' the task, of getting the duster from her... No, I have to take it...

As I was going to enter the room, someone tapped me on my shoulder and my whole body trembled at that... I turned my head to see, to find out that a sensei is standing behind me... She is a tall woman with long black hair that falls over her shoulders and reaches her shins. She has unkempt bangs that cover her purple eyes. She is wearing a lab coat over her work uniform: a black vest with a dress shirt underneath, black pants, and a tie that she wears loosely... Who is she?

"Hello, student... What brings you here?"




I didn't utter a single word, and she didn't move a single bit from her spot...

"Oh sorry, I haven't introduced myself, hahaha... I am Shizuka Hiratsuka, a homeroom teacher in the second year, section 2."


She introduced herself, but I still can't find the courage to do anything... So, I bowed to her slightly flinching, and excused myself from her... She seemed to be surprised at my behavior... I am sorry.

In the end, I came back to the class, grabbed my bag, and left the blackboard as it is... I am sorry, Kaneki-san... I am not a good friend and I don't think I deserve to be your friend.


When I reached home, I was welcomed by my mother who has a smile on her face...

"Welcome back, Shouko"

I nodded at her words; I didn't even look at her and just continued my way back to my room while looking down at the ground all the time... I think I have some tears welled up in my eyes... I think I am going to cry... I don't know but my heart is aching every time I remember the talk I had with Kaneki-san... Because I am sure that tomorrow I am going to lose my first friend...

"Shouko, what happened?"

My mother seems to follow me into my room, as she was standing at the door looking at me while I was sitting on my bed, my legs folded and my hands supporting my legs to remain in that position... She has a worried expression on her face... I don't know but my mother always finds out about my problems, even if I tell her or not...


She calls out to me again and slowly walked towards me... She sat down next to me, put her one hand on my head, and started patting me... just like Kaneki-san...

"sob sob"


I don't know but the thought of him, triggered me to start crying... My mother hugged me and I can feel her warmth but still, I can't stop my tears...

"There there, Shouko... It will be alright..."

"~sob ~~sob~"

"One day, you will have many friends by your side, you know... More than I have or your father has --"


I was silent, all this time, as my mother just continues to console me... My eyes must have become red due to my crying and one of my mother's shoulders also got dampened because of me... I just do things that other people don't like... I am sorry.

"So, Shouko... Just try to make friends who will stand by your side, help you when you are in trouble, and who can easily understand properly, okay?"



I made a friend, mother... is what I am saying to my mother but my voice again didn't come out that loud, which made my mother ask again... So, I tried to say it again

"i made a friend today, Mother"

As I said, still in a low voice but my mother easily heard me. She hugged me as tightly as she could and gently kissed my cheek... My mother does this every time whenever I, or my brother, achieve something whether it's about us, winning any prize, scoring the highest grades, or like these things... And today, the very first day of high school, I have successfully made a friend so she did it again... But it's embarrassing.

"Good, I am very proud of Shouko... Okay, what is her name?"

Then she broke the hug and started patting my shoulder lightly... and asked this question.

"his name is Kaneki Ren. He --"

"Wait a minute, Shouko... Did you just say that your friend is a 'boy'?"

I nodded my head slightly...

After seeing me accepting the fact that my friend is a 'boy', she put one hand on my right shoulder and stared at me for about 10 seconds, and then she sighed lightly and asked...

"Shouko, you have to be patient, you know... I am not saying that you should unfriend him but first try to make friends within your school, you get it right?"

"but mother --"

"No buts... Okay"

"he is from the same school, which I am attending..."

"Huh! Are you in your right mind, Shouko? Your school is an all-girls school, am I right?"

I nodded my head.


"he is the only male student enrolled this year, he is in the same class as mine..."

"I s-see"

My mother looked surprised but her face slowly forms a small smile on it... I don't know the exact reason, but I guess it's because this is the first time I talked about anyone with my mother... That might be the reason why she is smiling like this, while her face seemed to be resting on her hand...I don't know when but her smile slowly turned into a grin...

"Ara~ Shouko, are you embarrassed?"

I shake my head, as fast as I could... I don't know, why, but my face is red from the moment I told her that I made a friend... I don't know.


Then, I told her everything that happened between us. It took me more than 1 hour to tell everything, as I can't say many words at a time because of my communication disorder... My mother seems to understand everything I said, as she sometimes nods her head...

"I see..."


"Well, it's partly your fault, Shouko..."

When I heard my mother saying that it was my fault, some tears again welled up inside my eyes...

"But not alone, it's his fault also... He should have cleaned the board; he shouldn't have left Shouko alone there"

She said while patting my back, but I know she is saying that it's his fault also, because she wants me to feel better...

"Anyway Shouko, you have to pull yourself together, okay?"

I nodded at her words but my head is down all the time, when I started to talk about the things, about him...

"And, you know there is a word that can help you..."

As I was still feeling not fine, my mother said something which make my head rise and now I am staring directly into my mother's eyes... She told me the word when she developed a teasing grin on her face... Mother!

"Ara~ Ara~, Shouko..."

She said and chuckled a little... It looks like I made an amused face which caused her to behave like this... My mother behaves like a child sometimes, which caused our whole family to smile, even though no one in our family shows it on their face...

"Haha... Shouko, you know you just make a cute face that I can't help but laugh..."


"Don't get angry... Okay, you know, you just have to say 'Sorry'."


I took the first bus, which is standing the first, at the bus stop... I quickly went inside, sat there and then I started to find out if he will be there or not... And to my surprise, he is not on this bus but some of my classmates are...

Today, the first thing I will do when I will meet him is apologize... I am not sure he will forgive me, and even if there is a chance that he will not, still I have to apologize...

After some minutes, the bus reached the school with no issue...

Then I slowly walked towards the classroom, I reached there and hear some whispers about him...

"Oh, that Kaneki guy sure is a weird guy..."

"Yes, you are right... See, who in the right mind, did chat on the board..."

"You two, keep it down... Maybe he is listening from anywhere..."

"Haha, so what, we are in the majority we will deal with that 'pervert'..."


"But who is another person?"

"Haha... I guess there is no one else; he must be talking alone"


I am sorry Kaneki-san... I have to do something to stop them, but I can't say anything to them as my voice will never come out... But I have to do something...

I opened the gate at full speed, to make the whole attention come at me... And it worked, as all the students, present inside, have their attention focused on me... It's embarrassing but it's alright if it's for him...

"Good Morning Komi-san"

"Good Morning Komi-san"

Everyone greeted me; I just nod once then slowly walked toward my seat and sat there...


After everyone sat at their respective seat, his whereabouts are unknown as he is not here... But thankfully, the sensei is also not here...

After about 5 more minutes, someone's footsteps can be heard clearly, coming in this direction... And it was him when he entered his eyes first fell upon the blackboard, he didn't show any expression but when he completely saw that there is only his name written on the blackboard, and there is not a single mention of me... He turned his face and started to stare at me for a few seconds until sensei came beside him and told him to move aside...

While, I unconsciously, grabbed my notebook, which was on the table, and try to hide my face... I am sorry, Kaneki-san...

Yesterday, I made up my mind that I will say 'sorry' to him as soon as I see him...


Lunch break.

As the lunch break approached, Kaneki-san came to me...

"Komi-san, I wanted to ask something, if you don't mind..."

I nodded my head...

Then we walked toward the cafeteria, I am walking with him but at some distance, he is in front of me while I am at his back... I have my lunch and a register in my hands, while he is empty-handed...

We were silent all this time, and I have some fear inside me that saying, that he is angry... I don't want to lose my first friend...

After some seconds, we successfully reached the cafeteria and sat at a table... He pointed me to sit down, so I sat down, while he went to the counter to buy his lunch... I knew it, he is angry.


"So, Komi-san, mind telling me why did you do that?"

After he settled, sitting near me while having some distance between us, he asked... He is still not showing any expression on his face, but I know that he is angry or annoyed, as his eyes are darker than yesterday...

I told him everything about what happened when he left... He hummed between my lines, as to show that he understands what I am trying to say... I bring my notebook with me so that I could write in it and explain to him...

"I see..."

When I explained everything to him, he said this or muttered in a low voice, but I heard this... I also wrote 'Sorry' in between, but he didn't react to it... So, I started to write 'Sorry' again and again...

'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' 'Sorry' ...

And at last, my apology was accepted by him...


One day when I was on my way back to the classroom, I noticed that my only friend is talking with one of his seatmates, Shikimori-san... He is talking to her, the same way he does with everyone but... I can feel some pain in my chest, I don't know why, but I guess I am getting more attached to him as time passes by... He treats me differently; he patiently waits for me whenever we talk, he helps me when I got anxious due to others, and he doesn't seem to find me annoying just like my family... Lately, I have seen that his seatmates also seem to enjoy the time they spend with me, but whenever I see it I... What is this feeling?

As I continue watching them from a distance, at one point Shikimori-san's face turned full red, and seems to be trying not to show this to Kaneki-san, as she turned away from him... Then he suddenly started to come closer to her, lessening the distance they have... Wai—



As I was going to stop them, my footsteps made a thud sound, which is not that loud but due to the hallway being this vacant that it echoed and can be heard by anyone standing in the hallway...? And because of that the two people, standing there, noticed my presence, and now their whole attention is on me...

I noticed both of their expression, though I know that they have surprised expressions on their face... But...

When I see my friend's face, he doesn't look to be that much surprised but has one of his eyebrows risen a bit... While Shikimori-san has a surprised look on her face and there is another expression on it, but I think she is the one who is showing a normal expression...


Kaneki-san called out to me and slowly started approaching me, Shikimori-san also followed him...

I want to run... I am embarrassed... My face has become full red, and I can feel my embarrassment slowly rising... I just want to run away –

"Komi-san, are you okay?"


But he asked me, am I okay or not, he didn't show any annoyed face as to why I am there or what I am doing there or anything near to that... He does care about me... He has a small worried expression on his face, as he continues to stare at me, directly in my eyes... 'I am alright', is what I want to say but I still don't have that much courage to do so...

So, I nodded my head repeatedly for some seconds, until he sighed a bit and nodded slightly at my reaction, then turned his attention to the other girl, standing beside him, Shikimori-san who is looking a slightly bit angry ...

"Oh, right Shikimori-san..."


"Why don't you become friends with Komi-san? You told me that you need a companion as your mother doesn't want you to walk home alone, from school, right? So what do you think?"

"I-I see, that's a good idea Kaneki-san..."

It looks like there is something important, going on between them, which they don't want me to listen to, as my friend took Shikimori-san and is talking with her away from me...

"Hello, Komi-san..."

As I was staring at the ground, suddenly I heard a feminine voice in my ears and it was none other than Shikimori-san, who, I don't know when, is standing near me...



She waved her hand this time, standing in front of me... But I became all anxious and nervous and I don't what to do, it's happening again just like old times... What should I do...?

"Komi-san, just take your time..."

Then I heard my friend's voice, which made me feel at ease... I took a deep breath and then turned my head to see him, he is showing a small smile and his fingers are pointing at something at my lower body, I quickly noticed that he is pointing to the notebook, I have, inside one of my pockets... Oh, right, how can I forget about this? So I took it out and started writing on it...

'Sorry, Shikimori-san'

'Actually, I have communication disorder...'

'So, if you don't mind, can we talk like this...?'


'Thank you...'


Then we talked for a long time while walking in the direction of our class as we are already very late leaving the school... As we finally reached the class, I asked the question I wanted to ask from the very beginning...

'Um Shikimori-san, will you please become my friend?'


When I wrote my question, I showed it to her, she looked at it... Then humming for a few seconds, she put her index finger on her chin and started to stare at me...

Then I thought, that maybe it is too early for me to ask her to be my friend, as this is our first time talking with each other... Well, I know that Kaneki-san became my friend on our first meeting because, in my heart and mind, I think he is someone special to me just like my family members...


As I was lost in my thought, I heard Shikimori-san's voice, and she... she just accepted my friend request...


From that day onwards, I and Shikimori-san always leave the school together, sometimes alongside her friends also... When I got the chance, I also asked them to become my friends, to which they accepted it with a smile on their faces. Now they are also my friends... They are all nice people, we also eat our lunch together; they also helped me out if my anxiousness kicked in; they also patiently wait for me, as sometimes I took my time to write down my thoughts...

So, until now I have successfully made 4 friends out of 100.

When I told Kaneki-san about the fact that I have successfully made 2 more friends, with Shikinori-san's help, he praised me saying 'I knew it, Komi-san... And you know what, if you try, you can do even better than this, Komi-san...' Well just by hearing that, my face got all red and burning up as he, lastly, showed his smile which is different from his usual smile, he usually shows... But I calmed myself out, as I wanted to talk with him more until Shikimori-san interrupted us...

I can't find the correct time to talk with him, as my friends rise a little bit. I am having less interaction with Kaneki-san even though I wanted to. As whenever I tried, my friends called me out and I can't ignore them, as they are also somewhat special to me...

So, today I decided that I will wait for him... As, he had gone to meet Kirisu sensei, because he did it again, sleep during her class... Even if I wanted to wake him up, I can't find the courage to do so... But thankfully his other seatmate, named, Horikita-san helped him by poking a compass needle at his hand... It must have been painful, even if it's a little...


When I heard his voice, my whole instinctively shivered and I immediately turned my face to see him... And then I reflexively picked up my notebook and started to write down...

'You surprised me there, Kaneki-san'

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

'No no, don't apologize.'

"Oh well, if you say so."

Even though he surprised me, it was not his entire fault as I was just completely lost in my thought that I didn't even hear any other voice. As a result, when I heard his voice my body just shivered...

I told him that I wanted to help him by waking him up, but I can't find the courage to do so... To which he replied that it was nothing to worry about and that was his fault, not anyone else's...

As he started to put his things back in his bag, I tried my best to say something for the first time, to anyone else, other than my family...

"Um... W-w-would y-y-you l-l-l-l-like t-to g-go h-ho-o-m-m-me t-t-toge-together?"

"Yes, I would love to."

I stuttered too much, but it seems that he understood me so he quickly nodded his head and said that he will... Then we grabbed our respective bags and left the school...


On our way back home, we talked very little but I think that much is sufficient... We reached my house first...

"Um... T-t-thank y-y-you"

I again mustered up my courage and thanked him, just like usual, as friends do...

"You don't have to thank me. I also enjoyed my walk with you, Komi-san."

Wait... We walked home together, so does that mean we are 'best friends'...? As Shikimori-san and her friends told me that since we are walking home together, it means 'we are best friends, right Komi-san?' that time I tilted my head to show that I don't know what they mean by that... But now I get it, it means me and Kaneki-san, are best friends now...








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