
After making the 'Date' plan with Himawari, we immediately walked to the last bus, which seems to be waiting for us. As we reached there and sat on the two empty seats, she sat with her friend, while I... am sitting with one of my seatmates, Horikita-san, who is, just as usual, reading a book in this noisy bus...

Her affection is not that high, I mean it's only 30... I didn't notice any change in her behavior until now... Don't tell me, there will be no change even when I increase the affection of the heroines... Hmm, that will be no fun, if that's the case...

Well, I have to be patient...

"Good Morning, Horikita-san"

"Hm... Good Morning"

Oh, wait. I think she has changed in some way, huh?

Until today, whenever I greet her, she will, at least once look at my face, and greet me back. But today, she didn't even move a bit or look at me, when she greeted me back... What does this mean? I mean, is she flustered, angry, or feeling disgusted when I greeted her, and she has no choice but to greet me back as I am her classmate, moreover 'seatmate'... or there is nothing like that or...

Come to think of it, she could have taken the previous buses but she took this last bus... Is it because of me? Well maybe I am just self-conscious, and maybe she got late coming here because of something and she had to take this bus, and coincidently had to sit with me... The latter is the appropriate reason I can think of because I don't think that she will do something like 'waiting' for me, she is not an easy girl, right...?


As soon as we reached the school, I heard 'angel' or 'ice queen' or many other nicknames, from the people around me.

The 'Angel' is none other than 'Mahiru Shiina', who is one of my heroines. It seems that she has many followers around her, which are all over this school. I heard that she has never said 'no' to anything, she, always, is ready to help the teachers and did many good things, and the question of why I know all of this is because of her devoted followers, who just started telling these things all over the school... I am quite surprised to hear that, even my seatmates, Horikita-san and Yukinoshita-san, also happened to know her...

Yukinoshita-san is also quite famous in this school, the reasons are simple her nickname is 'Ice Queen', and another reason is because of her older sister, Haruno-san.

Haruno-san completed her high school studies at this school. She is famous due to her excellence, as she scored perfect scores in the entrance exam as well as all other exams. She is also an extrovert, so she is quite famous with teachers also... To be why I know all of this is because... s-she is one of my heroines...



There are many other famous figures also in this school but I didn't bother to know about them, even though there is a chance that maybe they are my heroine, but I don't want to add more heroines. And I want to meet them naturally, not forcefully...

Also, I heard from some students, that a certain student, who happens to be a senior of mine, doesn't come to school from the beginning of this new session. Her past is that she was a childhood actress but due to something that happened; I didn't get to find that, now she is not and everyone just forgot about her, about her existence... I have a gut feeling that she is one of my heroines. Well, I have to wait, to find out whether she is or not, until then I just have to increase the affection of my known heroines of mine...

"Good Morning, Yukinoshita-san"


She is the same as ever, huh? But compared to other people, she at least responds to me mainly in one word or like 'Hm'. Well, it's okay though.

"Good Morning students..."

As I sat down on my seat, our mathematics teacher entered the class and greeted us; today she will teach us the concept of trigonometry. I already have been taught this, well not this, many more topics also... Maybe I have learned everything and know everything, the concepts the school has yet to teach.

Well, should I take a nap in the class? It's not like the teacher will say anything --

As I was just going to fold my hand on the table and put my head, I felt a stare that says 'Don't you dare' and when I turned my face to see in that direction... I saw my English teacher, standing near the front door, staring at me like she will 'kill' me... What a great teacher I have, huh?

I, unconsciously, waved my hand, when our eyes met.



When I got my consciousness back, I noticed that everyone has their attention on me... Tch. This is all system's fault.



Come to think about it, I haven't gotten any affection points from any of the sensei, huh? Let's see...


"This is all Kirisu sensei's fault..."

"What are you saying? Who would wave their hand when they see their teacher, huh? This is your entire fault, Kaneki Ren"

I didn't get any reply from Kirisu sensei, but from the math teacher, who has already dropped her calm expression and had an angry expression all over her face... Sorry sensei, but it is all for my 'experiment'.

"No, this is all her fault. If she didn't smile looking at me, I might have not done that... It's all because of her amazing smile on her beautiful face."

I said while not moving an inch away from my place, standing near the seat.


Oh, it worked. I see, I see. Well, I think it has been given that if you want to impress any 'older' woman you just have to use your sweet words and treat her better. She will easily get attracted to you. It's not natural; it needs experience with these kinds of things...

"You --"

"Sorry sensei. My tongue just slipped. I am sorry"

I apologized to the angry teacher, as this is my fault. And it is better to apologize if you did anything wrong, right?

"I think I have to inform the Kirisu sensei about, what you just said today regarding her. She will decide your punishment. But even though, you have to stand outside of the class for this period. Understood?"


I replied to her, as soon as I heard what she said to me, I will stand outside of the class for the disturbance I caused this time, even if she says for the whole day I will, but meeting with the Kirisu sensei, it's a little too much I guess... I mean it's not like I don't want to meet with her... if she calls me anytime she wants, I will, but to meet her because I said some sweet things about her in front of our class's math teacher and in front of everyone, including my heroines... Tch. It's no good. It's no good.

Well, I can't do anything about this. So I have to meet her... Good grief.

Just as I put my foot outside the class, I noticed that Kirisu sensei is still standing near the class door. Her expression is the same as usual, but her 'aura' seems to be more intense than usual... It's just like her...

"Good Morning, sensei"


She didn't respond, huh? Well, I know the reason though. But still, it's not good for the teacher to not respond when a student greets them, isn't it? It's one of the things teachers should always do, isn't this what Internet told me?


I also didn't say a word, after that. If she doesn't want to talk then it's fine... I will have to meet her anytime soon if Sensei wasn't joking around in the class.

"Meet me, after school. It looks like your tongue runs a lot, your --"


Great, just great.

This woman. When she said this, everyone around us started to look at us. She doesn't need to add any more things, so I just nodded my head... Because her wording is not that good, she doesn't need to say anything about my tongue, isn't she? But she did...

When she saw me nodding my head, she stopped saying any more. After that, she just left and leaves me alone, here in this awkward environment. Good grief.


When all the classes were over, now I am on my way to the English club room, where Kirisu sensei invited me... On my first meeting with her, I went to the faculty room but their teachers told me that she always stays in the English club room because she prefers to be alone... Why do most of the heroines like to be alone, huh?

Just I reached the club room. I heard a girly scream coming from inside the room...


So, I quickly opened the room and... What is going on here? I see Kirisu sensei crawling on top of the table, which is set at the center of the room. The chairs are scattered around the room along with other things like books, her purse...

Her face looked paled and her eyes are screaming for help... What in the hell happened here?

"K-K-Kaneki-k-k-kun, t-that i-is h-here..."

'That'... Huh? What is 'that'? This is making her show this much panic, huh... I noticed that the window is open, is there someone waiting for her? Is he blackmailing her, huh?

I thought that she is afraid of some 'human' but...

"T-that i-i-insect i-i-is h-h-here..."


"Yes, there, there..."

She pointed her finger at the only bookshelf, which was set near the wall. The shelf, itself, is not in good condition as the books are scattered and are lying on the ground. And there is a --




"Don't say that name, please..."


This teacher is afraid of a cockroach..? Hmm, it is quite hard to believe, maybe she is just joking around but she is not that kind of teacher, as far as I know her.

She respects her students but she never shows it to them, she is quite strict with everyone including the teachers and, mainly the reason why she doesn't like to sit with other teachers because she just wants to be alone, so she sits here in this club room, and --

"P-please t-take away t-that t-thing"

"You mean, Cockro--"

"Don't say..."

"Okay okay"

And she hates these, inter--, disgusting creatures. By the way, I see many cases, where females tend to get afraid when they see insects in their household or any other place. I have actually met a woman, who hates them... And she --

"Do something..."

Kirisu sensei said in a low voice, but since there are not many people in this room, or to say on this floor, I heard her.

"Yes, just stay there, I will --"

As I was saying something to her, I took a step towards the cupboard... And she jumped at me.

This thought didn't cross my mind that she might jump at me, so now I am sitting on the floor while she is hugging me with all her might. Her hands are behind me, her face is on my shoulder and there are some tears in her eyes. Is it that frightening?

Her face has some tint on both of her cheeks. She is embarrassed, huh... I know, as no teacher wants to jump at their students even if they are in some kind of danger, moreover, some teachers don't even want to get help from their students. And she is one of those kinds of teachers but I think she is very afraid of them.


"S-sorry I --"

Before she can say anything more, I pulled her up in my embrace and walked out of the club room.

"Hey... W-w-what are y-y-you d-doing?"

"Just hold for a second"

When we got out of the room, I put her down on the floor. She looked confused. Then again, I went inside the room, took a chair, and brought it to her.

"Here, just wait here, sensei. I will do something about that 'insect'..."

She looked at me, for some seconds, maybe understanding what I did, and said... Then she said nothing, just sat in the chair silently...



Let's see what to do with that 'insect', which looks like to move freely in the room...


"All done"

I muttered to myself as I took care of that cockroach and set things back to their original place.

"Sensei, you can come inside..."

I said to the woman, who is sitting outside the club room, looking down at the ground. Her face has many emotions but mostly, she is showing embarrassment.

When she heard my words, she looked up from the ground and set her eyes on my face.

"Um --"

"Oh, don't worry sensei. My sister also gets scared by these bugs... You are not an exception."

".... I see"

After that we decided to come inside the club room, Kirisu sensei walked behind me as she still looks afraid even though I have already taken care of it... Good Grief.

When we successfully entered, she started to inspect the whole club room.



Oh, I again gained some affection points from her. Does that mean she likes neat and clean places? Or...

She said nothing but just stares at me for a few seconds, and then cleared her throat and sit down in her chair while I still stood there...

"Sit down..."

Oh. Her voice just sounded like her normal self. Her usual facial expressions also came back... Now, she looks like Mafuyu Kirisu, which is known to be feared by all students and some teachers... But I didn't hear anyone complaining about it though, I mean I heard some things like 'She is very strict' but never heard that some students wanted her to 'leave' the school or did something bad to her, it only implies one thing that she is feared but not hated...


"Well then, shall we begin?"


I nodded my head in my response.



What a tiring day...

In the morning, I had to deal with Himawari as she don't let me go even though we were going to be late, so I asked her what she wants... And we decided to put it on hold because she needed some time to 'plan' the date. I don't know what that mean, but I said 'OK' at that time.

Then, there is that incident, which is known by everyone at school... Yes, the 'small' incident in which I just said some sweet lines for Kirisu sensei because I want to see whether it will increase my affection for her or not. It worked but my social life became to be known as 'Sweet Talker'... Yes, sweet talker, I was like who the hell is behind this but, to my surprise it's someone I know... it's none other than my classmates...

Haa, I can't believe at first but it is true... Some smirked at me when I asked why they did that... Let's think about that later on.

Then I had to attend the 'meeting' which was set by Kirisu sensei... That was the most tiresome thing I did this whole day, first is to carry her in my arms, as to why I did this because I want to see whether there will be any increase in affection or not, and it increased... So, now I just have to sweet talk with her... After that I cleaned the place, which was all messy, maybe Kirisu sensei did all that, but because I have to increase her affection for me, I had to do that...

During the meet--, no lecture, she sometimes moves her eyes in every direction... What the hell happened to her, which made her like this...?



"Explain, what were you thinking in the morning when you said those words about me?"

"Well, you see... I was just saying the truth, sensei."

"You... Enough with that... Just tell me why you are behaving like this... I thought that maybe you have some potential, but it seems like I was wrong..."


"You are also just like the other students, I taught until now. Saying some good things about 'teachers' and they will give you good marks, I am not like that, and I don't want to nor will I become..."


"Tch... You can leave now."

Thinking about that makes my head hurt. I thought of saying something but I still kept silent. And now I think about it, it's for the best that I didn't say anything because that time she was, literally angry, so if I said anything unnecessary or, necessary, it will only increase her anger... Also, the system didn't get activated, I mean one of my abilities, so it means that there was not any importance to saying anything at that time, which will help me to gain her affection.

Now, I think I know one thing or two things about her... No, I know something very good, which will help me to gain affection...

There are many things we can do, if we know another person's weakness whether it's fear or related to that, then we can easily win or conquer anything.

Just take the example, if we wanted to win any woman's heart then just use her weakness. If it's related to her fear, then just makes her that much weak, to the point, where she needs the help of someone... Then just show yourself and help her overcome that fear... She will become dependent on you and then... do whatever you want...

Let's think about what to do... Regarding, how to conquer her...

Haha -- Tch. These antihero vibes of mine, sometimes, get triggered automatically.


I have been here for almost a month; still, I don't know everything about this school... It's quite strange, in a way. I mean, even if I think about all the possibilities about the outcome of the 'exam', we had to give, just a few days ago; this isn't what I imagine...



KANEKI REN - 80 marks



I mean how the hell I got, 80 when I just did the paper of 70... This is not what I expected... How do I even get extra 10 marks, is it because of my handwriting...? What the hell am I thinking...? There is no way... that can't be true... right? I am not sure though, because this school is very much different than a normal school in this country. There is a possibility of the case, giving extra marks... But even though --

"Oh, Kaneki-kun. It looks like you were just acting a fool all this time, huh."

When I was thinking about nonsensical things, as I got placed in the top 5 of our class, 'she' approached me.

It's none other than Yukinoshita Yukino 'chan', who seems to get cocky whenever we are alone... She seems to be changed after her affection reached '30', yes, right after that day, when I called her 'Yukino-chan' in front of everyone in the class... Now, she shows her true behavior in front of me. I mean, her way of speaking doesn't change that much but the words she speaks are rather cruel than normal... Like whenever our eyes met, she just smirked at that time but when we get alone she started by saying some 'toxic' words about me or my 'unchanged' expression...

Good grief.

"No, I didn't act like a fool even once, Yukino-chan"

"I see but I would be glad if you don't talk to me directly looking at my face. Your eyes are scaring me a bit."

She said while trying to hide her chest with both of her hands. This is what I was talking about... She loves to talk about my expression or my eyes. I wanted to say something about that but let's not, as she is one of my heroines... I am already thinking of a plan for how to deal with her.

"Yes yes"

I nodded my head in periodically while looking at the board, where the marks are printed on a sheet of paper and pasted in the middle of the board... Including me, there are a few others also who seem to get almost 80 marks, and as they didn't, I get the position in the top 5 in this exam... The other fours, who get the better score than me, are Yukinoshita-san, Horikita-san, Komi-san, and Adagaki-san. I have already met three out of them and I am not that surprised by them getting this great result as I have already had some idea about those three having a good mind...

Now, onto the fourth one, Adagaki-san... I don't know if she is one of my heroines or not but I can tell this surely that she is also like the two ice princesses, the only difference between them is that Adagaki-san seems to have some friends, with whom she freely speaks... Out of her friend's group, there is a certain girl, who seems to be her best friend with her, as she is always present there beside her, almost every time in school... There is one more thing I get to know, that she doesn't eat her lunch with her so-called friends, not in the cafeteria or the classroom but somewhere else...

I just happen to know these things...



After some time passed, our classmates started to appear and enter the empty classroom, where only me, and Yukinoshita-san, is sitting quietly.

Most of them looked surprised as they saw me and Yukinoshita-san, are already in the classroom, sitting at our respective seats, while some got distracted by the results of the exam.

As to why, I am early in school, is only because of Haruno-san as well as Yukinoshita-san...

In the morning, when I just set my right foot outside of my apartment, Haruno-san called out to me... Then we talked for quite some time, about the topics related to me, her younger sister and the school... She is a good talker, huh, unlike someone like her sister... After some minutes, the apartment door opened and Yukinoshita-san stepped out of it... I greeted her, she did the same. Then I decided to leave them but they, not 'they' really, only Haruno-san kept on forcing me to join them... So I reluctantly agreed to it... Good Grief.

When most of the students successfully settled at their respective seats, I still can't seem to find my seatmates. Are they late? Or they are not coming to school today. These are the only reasons I can think of because if they were in any difficulty, the system would have informed me. So, it must be the former cases, about being late or not coming to school... Well maybe, they will come here before the classes start... Yes, let's just wait.


"Of course, I am. They are my precious friends and... And, and my, my --"

"Ara, who are you trying to talk with?"


When A.S. asked about me being worried or not, about them, it seems my thought leaked off, huh? And to make things worse, one of my seatmates Yukinoshita-san heard about it... What should I tell her, huh?

"Well, who are you getting 'worried' for, huh?"

Hmmm... She heard everything I said, huh? There is one thing I noticed about her is that she just pretends not to be interested in anything but, she listened and knows everything that has been happening around her... And she, sometimes during class hours, takes a glance at me. I know this because I am also varying about my surroundings; well it's not about the surroundings it's more, about the women/girls around me.

"Hmm, you heard it, huh? Are you that interested in it or are you finally showing interest in me? Hm, if it's about the latter, then I don't mind telling you about myself, Yukino-chan..."

I said and slightly smiled at the girl, whose eyes are slightly raised but her face is slightly red.


Haah, again I get some points from her even though there is nothing special in my words. I just want to tease her... The last words, I said to her, will just make her believe in me. As I don't want to tell anyone about my 'tragic' past, and even though if I tell them, they will either hate me or try to kill me... Well, some people happen to know my past, but I have some trust in them...

I will never tell anyone about my past...


"Hello there, hey... hey..."

It looks like I got distracted there, huh... I have to remove that 'incident' from my mind...

"Oh, sorry, sorry"

"Well, it's fine but it's just that you seem to make an awkward face while you were lost in your thought..."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yeah, but now you are back to your normal boring self..."

"Well, there is just something that comes to my mind... And about your previous question about me 'getting worried' is just that, I am worrying about my seatmates. Since they are my 'precious' friends also, so it's natural for me to get worried, right?"




What a great timing it is...

"Good Morning Shikimori-san, Komi-san and Horikita-san..."

"Good Morning..."

"g-good m-m-morning..."

"Good Morning..."

Oh, did Komi-san just greet me back... Well done, Komi-san. I wanted to pat her head for showing this great improvement in just one month...

"Ara~, did Komi-san just say something to you, Kaneki-kun..."

"Who knows...?"

Yukinoshita-san, heard the Komi-san muttering. So, she asked me...

Well, it's not only her who heard it; there is Shikimori-san and Horikita-san also, who looked quite surprised by this... It's natural because Komi-san, from day one, didn't say a single word to anyone in this class or school, except me... She tries to do her best when she talks with me, after school, but no one in this school knows about it though, whether it's about she talks with me or the fact that she has some kind of communication disorder... Now, that I think about it, how does she behave in her own home...? Does she act the same, or act normal like any other high school girl? Hmm...

While I was thinking about Komi-san, the teacher entered the class...

"Good Morning everyone..."

"Good Morning sensei..."



Hmm? Her affection seemed to be increased, right? But if that's the case, I didn't get any notification, from the system about it though... No, wait. Last week, when I was just doing something, I can't remember it well, I certainly get a notification about something and it was about affection... Is it related to her...?

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