Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter One Thirty-Nine Infestation Prerogative

Mizu settled in front of the mirror and worked a comb through her hair. Her gaze fell on her growing breasts. A part of her wishing she was grown up now, her recent growth spurt had given her the start of a decent bust, but she wasn’t ready yet. Soon perhaps, she figured as her mind drifted from her breasts to the nest in the basement. There were a number of eggs there just waiting to hatch. Mother said they would be ready to hatch around the same time the little ones are born. Something she was looking forward to, she couldn’t wait to meet her little sisters.

In the meantime, she was getting to know her mother’s girlfriends better. There was Taya who taught her all about mating, and then there was Riya. Both of them were rather cute if she was being honest. It was quite fun taking a bath with them. Mom would often join and she would get quite the show.

A smile on her face, she took one last look in the mirror. Happy with her hair, she stood up and put the stool back under the vanity before making her way down the stairs. Passing the tub where mother was relaxing, she headed out into the kitchen. Taya was busy cooking, the sweet smell of meat sizzling on the pan filled the room.

Taya saw her, “Hey sweetie, breakfast will be done in a few minutes, but could you do me a favor and check on the eggs?”

She nodded, “Of course!? Will they hatch soon?”

“Maybe. They aren’t supposed to hatch for another month, but some of them will hatch earlier than others. Perhaps you will get lucky?”

“Right and when will my sisters be born again?”

Taya turned around showing off her bare tummy which she gestured at, “Do I look ready to give birth?”

She frowned, “Um, no, it’s rather flat. Birthing bellies are big and round.”

“Right, you are sweetie. I’ve barely got a bump, just be patient sweetie. Babies take time to grow.

“I can wait,” she replied before heading down the stairs.

It was a short walk from the landing to the nursery and before long she was in the empty room with the alcoves. The depression she saw the other day was now full of slimy pulsating eggs. They were huge and cute and very wet as water poured down the tube she saw earlier. She hadn’t noticed it at the time, but the entire floor of the nursery area was a little lower than the rest of the basement, which allowed for the water to pool. The drains merely served to keep it from overflowing. The pool of water at her feet was about ankle deep and it was warm. Comfortably warm, as more fluid came from the ceiling.

Kneeling next to the eggs, she started to carefully rotate them. Making sure they stayed adequately moist. The warm water was very important for the health of the eggs. They needed the warm wet environment provided by the nursery. It was entirely for these that the nursery had been built the way it was. Not to mention the water wasn’t just water, she’d seen the others adding things to the water mix. As she crouched, she noticed one of the eggs, larger than the rest, was pulsating more than usual. When she first saw her mom crouching over the hole pushing one out after another, the eggs had been fairly small. The biggest was the size of her fist, but since then they had swelled. Most of them were the size of a basketball now, but this one was huge. It took a bit of effort to shift it.

As she moved it, she decided to hug the egg. Sharing her warmth with it for a bit, as she felt it vibrate against her. A smile graced her face as she realized she was getting her wish. One of them was going to hatch. So Mizu stayed with it, as the seconds dragged on, its surface started to harden as she held it and then it began to crack. Breaking into large fragments to reveal the creature within. It was curled into a ball and covered with dark protective chitin.

After a moment it moved and began to stretch, revealing the cute little thing that just hatched. It was a girl, somewhat smaller than her, maybe sixty centimeters tall. She was surprisingly cute with a pair of fuzzy antennae, the cutest ears, large green eyes, and her mouth was a cute little mandible. Framing her cute face were some long thin and flexible spines that served as an approximation of hair, they were colored a dark black which contrasted well with her pale skin. Below, she already had breasts, large and full with cute little nipples that Mizu just wanted to play with. Her arms and legs were covered with dark chitin and her fingers had little claws on them. Behind her, two tails swung lazily behind her, both of them long and supple. At the end of each tail was what looked like a little stinger, and both of them were armored with chitin instead of fur like Mizu’s tails. The girl even had a little pussy which like her chest wasn’t covered with chitin.

She stopped stretching, looked around, and then chittered to Mizu. Mizu blinked, she wasn’t used to people chittering, but she somehow understood the sounds. She nodded, “Yep you need to care for your sisters.”

A strange smile lit her face and she turned to the eggs. Mizu, realizing they were now in the care of her newest sister, turned to head up the stairs. “I’ll bring you something to eat later.”

She couldn’t wait to come back down and play with the newborn drone. It was so cute, and while admittedly a little simple Mizu knew she could have a lot of fun down here.

Reaching the kitchen, she was quickly greeted with a plate of sausage and eggs. Taya smiled, “Have fun down there?”

She took the plate and nodded happily, “I did. One of them hatched too! She was so cute!”

Taya giggled, “Glad you had fun, but you should eat your food.”

Mizu smiled, settled at the table and started to eat. Not long after her mother joined them, the older woman was still quite wet. Moisture pooled on the floor as she walked. Taya picked up a plate for Mother saying, “Mirai, you’re dripping!”

Mom giggled, “I figured I’d get back in the tub after I eat. Care to join me?”

Taya returned the giggles, “Oh that will be fun!”

As the two started flirting a third figure came into the room. It was Riya, she smiled, “Having fun you two?”

Mother smiled, “Sure am. Back from your errand already?”

“It didn’t take as long as I thought it would. Oh, and Kohli from the tower is here with our laundry.”

As she said that, Kohli walked in, carrying a large basket. “Hey girls, we finished cleaning your stuff, where do you want it?”

“Just leave it there, we will take care of it later.”

“Sure thing!”

Taya drew closer, “So Kohli we were just talking about sharing a bath, care to join us?” she inquired while spreading her pussy.

Kohli smiled, “Oh sounds fun! Mind if I invite Kophi over?”

Mizu set her fork down, “Are you two pregnant like Mommy and her girlfriends?”

Kohli chuckled, “Not yet, but maybe soon.”

Taya commented, “Well our first drone hatched earlier, if you two are worried about nursery space, you can use ours.”

“Oh, that sounds perfect, the tower apartments are fun and all, but they weren’t built with a nest in mind. Thankfully we have a reno project in the works to fix that.”

“Hmm? Interesting, any idea when that will be done?” inquired Mother.

“Not for a couple of months, there is a shortage of available workers. Everyone is busy building more nests like yours and planning for the next colony ship.”

Mizu blinked, “Next ship?”

Kohli chuckled, “Of course, there is going to be another ship. Did you think this will be all?”

“Um, yes?” frowned Mizu.

“Would make the colony rather small. Colonies are built in waves. There is the first wave that I came in on. We built the tower and found suitable settlement sites. You and your mother are the second wave, who built those first settlements and a few years down the road will come the next wave. As people come in from the core worlds seeking new lives. Of course there may be some smaller influxes in between the second and third wave.”

Mizu leaned forward, “More friends?”

“More friends to join the colony and they will need homes too. So much work to do.”

Taya grabbed Kohli’s shoulders and started massaging them. “You definitely need to join us in the bath, and do invite Kophi. I’m sure she will need to relax as well.”

Moments later the others filed into the bath. Mizu watched them go before finishing her breakfast. She was washing her plate off, when Kophi walked into the room, she smiled, “Hey, Mizu. The others in the bath?”

“Yep, I think they are trying to get Kohli pregnant.”

“I’m sure she will love that. It will certainly help her get over her useless male. How about you, are you going to be alright on your own?”

She set her rinsed plate in the dishwasher, “Sure will! I’m going to go play with drony!”

“One’s hatched already? How lovely, have fun!” commented Kophi as she headed off to the bath.

Mizu looked inside and saw that they seemed quite busy enjoying each other in the tub. Before glancing at the forgotten bin of laundry. Mom would be happy if that got put away, but she also wanted to play with Drony.

Drony was maybe a little lonely, but she had a feeling she could wait. So Mizu walked over to the bin, and started going through it. It was mostly blankets and pillows. They didn’t really wear clothes in the nest these days, but there were a few outfits. She started with the outfits, taking them to the front closet where she put them away. Mizu had her own section, while Mommy and her girlfriends shared another. It wasn’t that hard to put them up, especially since the tower’s service folded everything for them.

Clothes done, she moved on to the blankets and pillows. She knew exactly where each set went and there weren’t too many, so she was done after a few minutes. Mom was going to be happy about it. A smile on her face she headed back down to the nursery, where she found Drony watching the eggs. Her cute friend was moving one, when she entered the room. “Hey Drony! How are the eggs?”

Drony chittered back which Mizu understood meant they were doing well. “Glad to hear it! Want to play a game?”

Drony glanced at the eggs then back at her, before nodding. Minutes later the two were sitting down in the other room over a board. As they began to play a nice game, while upstairs the big girls were having their own fun.

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