Adventure Time:Family By Major144

Chapter 33: Chapter 34 A Little Forgiveness


Chapter 34 A Little Forgiveness

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.

(Author's Note: A quick update on what's coming. The next chapter after this one will have a gathering of several Adventure Time characters creating a new powerful kingdom and the chapter after that you will see the grand return of a character you all we be happy to see. Hope you enjoy.)

Months after the concert things seemed to settle down in Ooo.

A few important invents happened in Ooo.

First Finn and Jake discovered a girl named Susan Strong and her people the Hyooman Tribe living underground. They appeared to be humans wearing animal hats, but after a little incident with the Candy Kingdom involving a fire that set the Hyooman's hats on fire forcing them to remove them and reveal that they were fish mutants. Susan on the other hand managed to avoid the fire and the identity of her species remained unknown. The Hyooman Tribe returned to their underground home.

Months later Susan returned and asked Finn and Jake to help take the Hyooman Tribe's home back. The Hyooman had once lived in a place called Beautopia, but they had been chased out after the City Heart had burned out and horrible monsters known as the Lub Glubs chased them out. Finn and Jake helped the Hyooman Tribe take back their home. Susan's specious was still a mystery, but Finn and Jake were glad to help.

At the Candy Kingdom, Bubblegum had received an odd visitor. The princess was in her room brushing her hair, when there was a flash of light. Bubblegum turned to see Maja standing in her room. Bubblegum starred at the witch in shock and was fixing to summon, her guards, but Maja raised her arms up in a peaceful manner.

"Relax princess, I'm only here to talk." Said Maja.

"What do you want?" Asked Bubblegum as she eyed the witch.

"I'm here to make a trade. I have something that can mend your friendship with the Vampire Queen."

Bubblegum took Maja's words in. It was true that she wanted to mend her friendship with Marceline, over the past years the vampire's hatred towards her had died down a little, but it was still there. Bubblegum wanted to fix it, but she was going to hear the witch out and make sure she wasn't being tricked. Maja smiled at Bubblegum as she reached behind her cape and pulled out a old teddybear. Bubblegum starred at the teddybear not sure what to make of it.

"This little guy is Marceline's teddybear Hambo. It has a lot of emotional value. Marceline's boyfriend Ash gave it to me in exchange for a magic wand. I've kept it for a long time, but now I'm here to trade it for something you have." Said Maja.

Bubblegum tensed up slightly. What could the witch be after? Treasure? Weapons? The Candy Kingdom itself? There were just to many possibilities. Bubblegum had to be careful, she wanted to mend things with Marceline, but she couldn't afford letting Maja have something that could put all of Ooo in danger.

"I want the shirt the Vampire Queen gave you at that concert." Said Maja.

That took Bubblegum by surprise. Maja seemed more like a person who would want weapons or power, she certainly didn't seem like someone, who would be interested in clothing. Bubblegum was fine with the trade.

"Very well we will trade." Said Bubblegum as she went to her closet and came back with the shirt.

Maja grinned as she grabbed the shirt and handed Hambo to Bubblegum. The witch rubbed the shirt affectionately and chuckled.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Said Maja as she vanished in a flash of light.

Bubblegum looked at Hambo and then walked over to her phone to call Marceline.

"What do you want Bonnie?" Grumbled Marceline.

"Marceline I need to see you. I want to patch things up and I have a gift for you." Said Bubblegum.

"Alright I'll be right over." Said Marceline as she hung up.

Thirty minutes later Marceline was in Bubblegum's room. Bubblegum had hidden Hambo underneath her pillow.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Asked Marceline.

"Marceline I want to say that I'm sorry for locking Phoebe up. I...know she was like a sister to you, but her powers...they were like none I've ever seen. I have a keep the people of my kingdom safe...and to help protect Ooo. Phoebe's powers could destroy...everything. She's from the Fire Kingdom...destruction is what they live to cause." Said Bubblegum.

"Your wrong about Phoebe, she's a good kid and she would never deliberately destroy or hurt anyone unless provoked. Let me tell you something Bonnie. Just because someone comes from a bad family or a bad group of people that doesn't mean they'll end up bad. Take me for example I'm part demon and the daughter of the Lord of Evil! I could have turned bad, but I didn't. I was raised by two kindhearted people and they taught me what was right. I love my dad, but I would never turn evil. Phoebe was raised by Simon and me and we taught her what was right. Simon also figured that the Flame People weren't evil and they just had a messed up philosophy about their existence. You made a bad call in judgement Bonnie." Said Marceline.

"Maybe...but maybe yours and Simon's feelings are clouding your judgement. It's logical you've grow attached to Phoebe, but the fact remains that Phoebe and the Fire Kingdom are dangerous." Said Bubblegum.

Marceline looked annoyed.

"There you go again with your high and mighty talk. You always have to be right! Your the smartest person in Ooo and there's no way you could possibly be wrong about anything! For someone so smart you can be pretty dumb and arrogant. You live in your own little world Bonnie. You judge the Fire Kingdom right on the spot for claiming to be evil, when they haven't really done anything to actually prove that they're evil. That seems pretty dumb to me. I rather think with my emotions then be a cold calculating person who only thinks with logic. You used to be fun Bonnie, but now your your kind of a stick in the mud, who constantly needs to be in control."

"What...did you mean about me being...a cold calculating person?" Asked Bubblegum.

"I was referring to the way you get Finn to do stuff for you. You know he has a crush on you and you lead him along. I know you care about him a little, but it's not cool how you have his hopes strung up like that. The manipulation of Finn's emotions have to stop, his going to get hurt emotional and it will really bring his spirits down." Said Marceline as she shot a glare at Bubblegum.

Bubblegum just sighed in defeat. As much as she hated to admit it Marceline was right in some ways.

"Very well. I will stop using Finn's affection of me to get him to do jobs for me."

"Good. There's another thing I want to talk about. You know that Crimson guy who been showing around lately and attacking, well his the same person who provoked Phoebe back at the festival. I don't know if this is some kind of big coincidence, but something bad is going on in Ooo." Said Marceline.

"Your right. There have been many frequent attacks to other kingdoms and public gatherings." Said Bubblegum as she walked over to the bed and got Hambo out from underneath the pillow. "Marceline...I can don't agree how I do things...and you have a right to be mad at me. I'm just...trying to protect Ooo, including you. There's just all these...responsibilities...I have. There...just seems to be a new threat popping up each day and I have to figure out a way to deal with it...and keep everyone matter what. I'm doing the best I...can. Marceline I value, your friendship and I want us to be friends again. I found this teddybear and I heard that it once belonged to, so I'm giving back what's rightfully yours. It's a gift from me to you."

Marceline stared at the teddybear in Bubblegum's arms and gently took it and hugged it. Bubblegum stared at Marceline and for a brief moment, she saw that toughness Marceline wore melt away and a little happy kid that had something precious returned to her.

"Thanks for giving Hambo back to me." Said Marceline.

"Your welcome. So...are we cool?" Asked Bubblegum.

"Not yet, you need to promise me a couple of things first." Said Marceline.

"Ok." Said Bubblegum.

"You need to stop trying to protect all of Ooo by yourself. It's zapping the life from you and turning you into a real square. You have me, Simon, and a ton of people who are willing to help you out and you have to be honest with them. Second you need to stop making quick judgments about people and actually get to know them first. And lastly lighten up a little." Said Marceline.

"Very well Marceline, you drive a hard bargain, but I promise I'll do my best to change. For the sake of our friendship and for the future of Ooo." Said Bubblegum.

"That's all I ask." Said Marceline as she flew over and hugged Bubblegum.

Bubblegum returned the hug. They stopped hugging and Marceline picked up a pillow with a mischievous smirk on her face. Before Bubblegum could do anything Marceline hit Bubblegum with the pillow. Bubblegum starred at Marceline, then she burst out laughing as she grabbed a pillow and began hitting Bubblegum with it. The two girls were soon engaged in a pillow fight.

Outside the bedroom door Crimson in his butler disguise listened in and a frown appeared on his face.

"This simply won't do." He thought as he walked away.

After awhile Bubblegum and Marceline were laying on the ground painting and laughing.

"That was pretty fun!" Exclaimed Bubblegum.

"Yeah that was. You see how just simply having a little fun lighten things up?" Said Marceline.

"Your right I do feel better. It's been so long. I've been looking out for Ooo, so long I forgot what it felt like to have a little fun." Said Bubblegum.

"Bonnie nobody expects you to look after the entire land of Ooo by yourself. There's like dozens of kingdoms that can help. Stop trying to carry the entire world on your back. You just need to trust and work with others." Said Marceline.

"Your right. I'll do that." Said Bubblegum.

"Well I better it going. It was good seeing you and thank you for returning Hambo to me." Said Marceline as she floated out the window.

"Your welcome and thanks for the advice. I promise that I'll change." Said Bubblegum.

The two waved goodbye to each other and Bubblegum changed into her nightgown. It felt good to mend things with Marceline. There was a knock at the door and Peppermint Butler walked in carrying a tray with a glass of milk.

"A glass of warm milk before you go to bed princess." Said the butler.

"Why thank you Peppermint Butler." Said Bubblegum as she took the glass and drank the milk, before putting it back on the tray.

Bubblegum got into bed to sleep and Peppermint Butler began to leave the room.

"Pleasant dreams princess." Whispered Peppermint Butler with a sinister grin on his face before he went out the door.

The milk that Bubblegum drank had a nightmare spell placed upon it. The spell would give Bubblegum a horrible nightmare and feed her anxiety about other kingdoms and cities making her easy to manipulate.

In Bubblegum's dream she saw all of Ooo on fire! Crazed fiery beings flew through the sky setting shooting flames and setting everything on fire. A few hundred yards away several green tanks drove around with slimy green creatures on them, were running over Candy People. In the Candy Kingdom several beings wearing robes and waving wands were blasting people with different kinds of energy as several other figures ran around and looted stores and mugged people. It was complete anarchy! Suddenly a giant fiery figure that resembled a girl appeared over Bubblegum screaming in rage. Bubblegum screamed in horror.

Outside the bedroom door, Crimson listened to Bubblegum scream and smiled with satisfaction. The villain then walked away to go work on his next evil plan. Soon everything would fall into place and then the end would begin.

To be continued.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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