Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 25. Meet the Marcets

I had bathed properly and dressed my leg wound, which was already mostly healed by now. Having Belle choose the most formal clothes we had before setting out.

Belle and I arrived at the impressive mansion, located a little outside the town. Cal stood outside, waiting with an entourage of maids lined up outside the gate. Two knights by his side. The maids bowing as we approached. 

"You really brought out all the stops, Cal. Thank you for the welcome." I said while gripping his hand in a firm shake as he welcomed me to his home. 

"Please Keaton, you're an esteemed guest. This much is only natural." He said, smilingly pristinely. Ushering me through the iron gates surrounding the property, entourage in tow. 

While we walked through the elaborately decorated double doors he whispered slyly to me, "about what we talked about yesterday... father gave the okay." giving me a knowing wink. His demeanor letting me know this was about his sister. 

I smiled a little bit, taking Belle by the waist as we followed our escorts through the halls, ascending a flight of stairs and passing several rooms before coming to the audience hall. A large room with a grand table laid out, with a feast of a breakfast prepared. Cal's father, Jagen Marcet seated at the head of the table with his two wives at his side, I knew the blonde busty one was Cal's mother, while the other was someone I had never seen in person. A busty beauty with fiery dark red hair. What an assortment of colors I thought to myself, the wives with a striking blonde and red hair, and the lord with his decently lengthed jet black hair and beard.  

Cal sat on his mother's side of the table, next to his younger sibling, a girl no older than ten who shared Cal's luscious blonde locks and curls, and was pretty in a childish sort of way. Seeming to have a curious look on her face, probably wondering what the occasion was.

Opposite them sat the children of the other wife, the eldest son and daughter who shared portions of their mother's red black hair, the son having pure blazingly red hair, while the daughter took more after her father, raven black with muted flames of red. This was the one I was familiar with, she was a few years older than me but I guessed she was no older than twenty. She was wearing a low-cut dress of fine silk, with an elaborate golden clip keeping her hair organized. Her breasts were full enough that they seemed to pop out of the revealing dress, to which  I couldn't help but look, but the thing I noticed most was that she seemed somewhat unhappy. Particularly unhappy at me, grimacing while she stared at me with arms crossed.   

Their father must have seen my face because he grinned widely.

Maids ushered me to my seat, alone at the far side of the table, opposite to Jagen, while Belle sat next to me. Seemingly unsure whether she should sit or stand until I motioned to her. 

Wine, dried fruits, meats, cheeses, and breads were brought out and arranged in front of us while I looked at the host for guidance. Jagen took time before ringing the edge of his glass with a fork. 

"Welcome to my home, Keaton Pel. I hear that you have been a great friend to my son, and more than that you have come upon a great and rare talent. And I have to say, seeing you in person I can tell you are a person capable of great thing." The father laid on praise while welcoming me before getting to the main point.

"We have been told of your exceptionally rare power, especially rare for it to happen under such circumstances and to someone from such a background. We are all terribly interested... and I hope you are not offended by my request. Would you care to perform something of a demonstration?"

Cal's father obviously wanted proof. Hearing that a space mage suddenly popped up from within his demense, and that the mage was a commoner with no previous talents is something I would imagine is pretty unbelievable after all.

"Of course, lord Marcet. I would be happy to oblige." Smiling as I answered. 

Looking at the feast in front of me I swiped my hand to each in turn, storing them into my inventory in quick succession. Earning an audible gasp from everyone present, while Cal looked on with the widest grin I've ever seen him with. The most shocked was probably Belle, being the first time she's ever seen me use this power despite serving me intimately for my entire life. 

The task complete, I began materializing each item out of my inventory and back onto the table, somewhat enjoying the reaction I was getting.

"Perfect. Absolutely wonderful mister Keaton. A genuine space mage, right under my nose the entire time. Please help yourself, we have much to discuss..." Jagen bid me to eat heartily. 

After a bit of breakfast was in us, he began discussing terms. Jagen wanted me to work for his house, bannering under them should a new campaign be announced, but mainly just offering my name to the Marcets so that the royal family knew who was responsible for bringing such a talent to light.

As far as what I would be getting... they would sponsor me with a hundred gold a month for the duration of my time, not to mention a thousand up front. An astronomical sum to myself, but one which the lord Marcet didn't even blink at. The second item was one which I had some expectations for after collaborating with Cal. I was to be bethrothed to the eldest daughter, Marcella. Who still seemed somewhat unhappy at the sudden arrangements, albeit less so after seeing my abilities. 

Next were my 'conditions' so to speak. I didn't want to stop being an adventurer, which perplexed Jagen to no end. Why would a mage ever want to venture outside the walls, especially a non-combat specialist like those with the space attribute. Though seeing as his eldest daughter seemed to be doing the same, it appears that this wasn't entirely out of question. Hearing from Cal that Marcella's mother, the second wife, was a former silver-plate adventurer herself. He did demand that I not venture out alone, seeming to know about my stunt from yesterday. The lord Marcet wasn't too keen on losing his future son-in-law to some accident with measly muck rats, asking that I took with me some of his knights whenever I left. 

And lastly that I wouldn't be excessively tied to the territory here, I would banner under them but I didn't want to commit to living here forever. This was not particularly to Jagen's liking, but seeing as he was getting a space mage so cheaply perhaps he wasn't too stung about the arrangement. 

Everything taken care of, he bid Cal and Marcella, my new fiancee to see me out of the mansion. Cal looking absolutely radiant, Marcella still looking grim behind a feigned smile, and Belle trailing behind with a look of jealousy hidden poorly behind a look of impassivity. 





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