Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 2. Tromwell (R-18)

Tromwell was a decently sized city of 50,000, well fortified and with all the amenities of the citadels but with less of the crowds. Concentric walls, twice the height of an average man, arranged to cover the city and surrounding farmlands and provide a certain level of protection against monsters. An interesting city design from the perspective of Earth, but a logical one here.  Father’s house is located in the outermost sections, given his strength we rarely feared for safety.

Our carriage pulled up to the inn later in the day, a somewhat middling one that was known for its price and reasonable accommodations.


The aging innkeeper greeted me with a big smile, before dimming slightly upon seeing Belle’s ears behind me.

It was quick but I noticed, as did Belle.

“What can I do for you, young adventurer?”

The innkeeper guessed at my occupation from my armor.

“A room for myself and my slave, the largest you have with a large bed. Meals included. I plan on staying for a while.”

I placed a large silver coin on the counter and the woman’s smile was even brighter than before.

“Certainly, young master! Big spenders like yerself is always appreciated. Not as many customers these days, specially, adventurers, like yerselves with all these foul creatures about and nary a coin to pay fer it— mean no offense tee yer lady friend, not her kind I be referring to.”

The old woman grinned as she spoke.

She gave us our keys and beckoned us to follow before hobbling off. Turning around at the door as we arrived.

“Practically mornin’, yous be the only customers so far. You youngins better enjoy yerselves.” She said with a knowing smile before hobbling away again. 

I was slightly annoyed by her attitude. My intentions for checking in so early must have been plainly obvious, but I will be going through with it all the same. I’ve just been kicked out of my home, a little stress relief is in order.

I let Belle carry in our things and arrange them in the room’s corner, before my attention fully settled on her shapely ass. Her tail swayed back and forth, mesmerizing me as she bent over oblivious of my intentions.

I walked over before whispering sweetly in her ear to get her attention, “…Belle.”

Her ears perked up, as she turned to face me. A questioning look on her face. How could she not know my intentions after all these years?


I kissed her juicy pink lips without warning before she could react, forcing my tongue onto hers I savored the flavor before pulling away.

“Bed, now.”

I commanded, noticing her brown eyes showed resignation and a hint of excitement.

Belle’s tail wagged heavily as she bounced over to the bed, removing her dress before climbing onto her knees, ass facing me. Her wet exposed pussy tempted me over invitingly as I began to quickly undress.

Leaning over her, I positioned myself before entering in one motion. Her sweet honey-pot fully swallowed my member, wet, hot, and somewhat tight I felt her walls move as if guiding me in. My patience gave out as I began humping savagely, pushing her down further onto the bed. Each wild thrust brought out a sweet pleasured moan.

“Naaa —- Nyaaaa —— nyaaaaaa”

She cooed out, gripping me with her pussy as her breasts swayed back and forth rhythmically from the pounding, her gentle arms struggling to support herself under the fierce attack driving her into the bed covers.

The bed shook from our wild mating, and the new environment stimulating me further. I leaned even more onto her, forcing her prone onto her stomach and spreading apart her legs so that she was forced completely flat on the bed. Then, gripping the bed for support I entered her again with greater and deeper thrusts, aking use of her cunt fully as she let out continuous low guttural purrings like the kitten she was.


She trembled from the pleasure, legs shaking with each thrust as her sex moved around my member. Belle’s pussy shook and contracted, sucking eagerly for its reward.

“…master, pleeease cum inside me. Give Belle a child.”

She pleaded with me to impregnate her, as she often did. A catkin like her naturally had no chance of this with a human, owing to our different biologies, but Belle was not educated in this matter and had little interaction with others of her species having been separated since before she was too young to speak. She came to this misunderstanding on her own, and it has since amused me to no end as I took advantage of it.

“If you want it, then put in more effort.”

I chided her, prompting her to buck her hips back against me every time I thrust. Her insides squeezed tighter than ever, trying to milk me for everything I had.

“Please master”

Almost in tears, she begged me. Her breathing heavy with lust and desperation.

I felt myself cumming and grabbed her hair, pulling hard. Driving myself as deep as possible as I planted my seeds inside her womb, much to her appreciation. Her pussy milked me rhythmically, gulping down my semen and holding it inside. I lay exhausted over her, as she writhed under me basking in the sensation of being filled by her beloved master, and continuing to inch back and forth slowly to savor my cock planted firmly inside her as I continued to release my last spurts.

“Ahhn… ahhn… thank you master.”

She panted, somewhat tired, but not nearly as much as I. Her beastly stamina was far greater than my own. I kissed her cheek and continued to stroke her hair as a drifted off to a light sleep, my member still resting comfortably inside her.





I opened my eyes again to the sensation of Belle cleaning my lower-half. She made happy sounds while fully engrossed in her work. I laid back appreciating the service for a while longer, before Belle spoke up and reminded me of my intended schedule.

“Master, should we register with the guild today—? Or should we continue on in bed?”

Her lashes fluttered as she made eyes at me while stroking my member softly.

“..I’m truly reluctant to leave, but we really should get things done at the guild today.”


The streets were somewhat quiet despite being the peak the the day, townsfolk could be seen haggling at the streetside. Arriving at our destination, the adventurers guild stood out. It was an impressive wooden structure at least twice the size of our inn with large double-doors decorated with the lion and shield, the sigil of Stromgar. The surrounding buildings were clearly catering to the presence of adventurers, as was apparent from the signs indicating the nature of the shops lining the road. Blacksmiths, tailors, alchemists, bars, inns, and all other manner of amenities to help unburden the pockets of our city’s adventurers.

I entered with Belle trailing behind me. The interior was lined with tables, despite being mostly vacant there were still a number of parties sitting together. Small groups of three to five, mostly men but occasionally women as well. Well armed with the exception of one woman, clearly a mage from her attire and choice of a staff instead of conventional weapons. Mages were an exceptionally rare sight, especially in a small border town like Tromwell. It’s exceptionally difficult to raise affinity with any magic, with even a novice commanding thousands of gold for their training. Thanks to that, it’s a skill limited almost entirely to the high nobility. As the son of a knight, there is simply no opportunity to learn such talents.

Noticing I had been staring a little too long, I focused back on the counters where a lone guild employee sat staring at me with a bored expression, her head propped up by a hand on her cheek and blonde hair listing to the side. Clearing my throat, I walked up to her counter.

“Hello, Tammy”

I introduced myself.

“I’m going to actually register this time.” I said, fishing into my pockets for some coins while promising to her.

“My dad gave me some money before I left, so I have enough to register now.”

This is a town that I grew up in, and I’d long had plans to try adventuring after going independent, so naturally I had already acquainted myself with the guild staff.

“Hello Keaton, that’s good to hear.” Tammy replied, sitting up a little bit but only so much as to show basic courtesy, as she collected the small pile of copper coins.

“You might be aware of it already, but you’ll be starting out with a copper plate. We don’t charge anything more than we need to, and the coins are just the bare minimum to cover the costs of your plate. Special perks exist in all of the towns with a guild arrangement, you might not expect much from a bronze plate but you’ll be exempted from most city tolls and you are exempt from tax on the sale of monster parts hunted by your party.”

Tammy played with her hair absentmindedly while listing off what was clearly a memorized speech.

“If you do well rank promotions exist, and you’ll receive additional benefits at any of our branches and cooperating cities. Beginners start with a copper plate like yourself, but we have bronze, silver, gold, and mithril plates available for you to look forward to.”

Looking over my frail countenance with a quick scan she grinned somewhat, clearly expressing  some doubt before continuing on.

“The basis for our guild is the extermination of monsters and safety of our contracting city. Guild commissions are listed on that wall over there and the details are listed on the paper, most of these are subjugation requests from the city but other entities like merchant organizations can also pay to commission our members. The missions you can accept are limited to the plate you hold, you are a copper plate so look for a plate symbol on the paper with a “C” stamped on it. Those are the only ones you can take right now. Now aside from commissions, you can always hunt for monsters on your own. Monster bodies are not only valuable, their deaths make the city safer. We will pay according to the difficulty and value of the monsters you bring back…”

She trailed off for a second, before catching herself.

—“Lastly, the guild recommends joining a party, especially for you Keaton—” Giving me a hard stare.

“You’ve never hunted monsters before. Anytime you’re outside the walls, you should expect to find monsters and they don’t fight fair. Don’t overestimate yourself just because your father is a knight. You’re not your father and even knights die to monsters.”

My face fell hearing her criticize me so directly.

Narrowing my eyes accusingly, “don’t you think I know that already Tammy? I don’t need your reminders—”


After a decent pause, I cleared my throat uncomfortably. Somewhat embarrassed after getting over my short-lived indignation.

“I don’t actually know any adventurer parties here. How do I join one?”

Tammy’s eyes drifted to Belle who had been standing timidly behind me the entire time with her eyes down, and a flash of understanding came over me. Most adventurers here would be unwilling to venture outside the walls with a beast in tow, even a small female one like Belle had more physical prowess than a grown man and a well earned reputation.

“Of course, I will be the only one attending such an arrangement” I said, waving my hand out dismissively behind me.

“She may be my slave, but she’s a maid, no reason to bring her along.”


Tammy’s eyes stayed on Belle for a second longer before moving on.

“There’s actually something coming up tomorrow that you might be interested in. We like to organize opportunities for newbie adventurers like you to get together and build some experience and connections. It’s a field outing to go experience monsters up close, we have one of our silver plates that’s going to be leading it. It’s safer than you’ll ever get in this occupation and it’ll be good for you, you know.”

It really did sound like a good opportunity.

“…and there’s no catch?”, I asked while leaning in.

“Keaton, I’m saying this for your own good you know? We’re not going to make things difficult for you. We’re practically coworkers now.” Tammy said while looking a little hurt, knowing her penchant for exaggeration she clearly didn’t mind and was just playing it up.

“Hmm. Do you have any more information for me— How do I join?”

“Come here again in the morning, we’re meeting up at eight. You should expect to be out there the whole day and pack accordingly.”

“I’ll plan on it.”

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