Adjacent to You

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 1

Third POV

It was a normal day in the summer, adults waking up and getting ready for work. Children groaning about being woken up from bed to go to sleep before their excitement to see their friends kick in, giving their parents more than enough trouble to get them dressed for sleep. And for some….

It was time to be played by Fate and the universe for their own amusement and love for unpredicted chaos.

"Avery Thomas."

A dark-haired spoke as she sat down close to the window in the coffee shop, observing the people that worked in and out of the building with happy faces as they got their daily fills of caffeine to start the day with, since they lacked the hyperactive energy that they outgrew as they became older as the years went by. She closed her eyes as she smiled softly into the cup of espresso, she was drinking under the early morning sun as she looked at her fingers, feeling a pile of paper under them despite her table being clear and empty of books and physical files.

Her olive skin was unharmed by the rays of the sun, taking her time to enjoy the peacefulness of her life before her typical day would start all over again. Nothing she could do but learn more from it, while making sure not to burn out. He would have her head if he found her exhausted from her uncontrollable thirst for knowledge and skills, considering her job as a scientist.

"I should take a break from the lab before he messes up with my work."

She sighed, as her chocolate brown eyes flickered with slight annoyance, since his controlling nature made things hard for her. She stood up from her seat and walked past a firm, her eyes glancing at the name. She eventually walked away down the streets, constantly glancing at the firm before letting herself be lost in her own thoughts once more as she continued drinking the caffeinated substance in her grasp.

Jones and Thomas Firms

"Lana Daniels."

A fair skin man was currently in his office. His brown hair was slicked back with his tie properly aligned with the middle of his shirt, while wearing a grey suit vest over his plain shirt as the weather was too hot for him to try wearing a blazer jacket. The last thing he needed was to wear a jacket and depend on the AC like blackouts or power outages weren't a constant problem that he had to be aware of, since he refused to melt in his clothes and sweat like the others in the firm.

His table filled with files from the cases he had to work on for the rest of the week and yet here he was, staring back at them while feeling the taste of coffee in his mouth. "Already? The day just started." He glanced at the clock in the middle of his office, the shorthand of the clock pointing at 7 with the big hand pointing at 6.

The time was seven thirty in the morning. And he was already dreading the moment of his out-of-body experience all over again.

"I hate my life." He sighed, deciding to keep up with his schedule as he went through the files on his table at an incredibly speed. His colleagues paid him no mind as it was typical behavior from him after all. As long as he wasn't after their heads for being a bit chaotic to their approaches to their own work, they were comfortable with him being distracted and not constantly being judged by him.

"He is at it again."

Anna had an amused grin on her face, awaiting the chaos that came along when the time struck 9 o'clock. Her grey eyes gleamed with mischief as she loved to watch this happen to him all the time, as she went through the same thing, and he took much pleasure in making fun of her the entire time. It was payback time and she was ready to start filming it over again.

"Already done with your work or just ready to tease your brother for the rest of the day?" A shadow towered over her, making her instantly turn around and feel her hair be ruffled by the taller figure. "For someone that likes being in control, you like messing with my hair. It's quite contradicting, Carl." She sighed, while looking at the tanned man that had a smug grin written all over his face, not even trying to hide the amusement he got from messing with her.

"I am allowed to be mischievous, not all of us can be a complete rule follower like your brother." Carl had no issue in speaking his mind compared to her, but he did respect her wish by combing it back in place with her hand, before kissing her on the forehead and leaving as he was already with his work. He made sure to wait for her to be distracted before giving a quick glare to her colleagues that were trying to rope her into doing their work for him since she was always already to give them a hand. Carl didn't think it was a bad thing, he just wished Anna was able to say no and not feel bad for constantly rejecting people, then feeling guilty and still doing it anyway since she was guilt-tripped into it.

Anna wasn't aware of Carl effectively chasing away her lazy colleagues, as the time started to fly so quickly. Avery was beginning to grow sluggish as he sat down on his chair and began to prepare himself for the next couple of hours until the time struck 9 once more but for the next day, spending exactly twenty-four hours like always. His files were already properly arranged and kept hidden, succumbing to the weightless feeling as he was effectively knocked out and found himself in a white coat, sitting down in a room as he was being judged already by a group of people in a boardroom.

"Miss Daniels, are you here with us?"

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