Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Unexpected Surprise

(Aden's P.O.V)

"What kind of gift?"
My curiosity got the better of me and I immediately asked.
"Nah huh. And ruin the surprise? Not on your life."
He readily shot back.
"Not sure that's how the expression works Lucifer."
Maze shouted from the bar. I was a little disappointed but figured I would eventually find out when I completed the tasks he had for me. Speaking of which…I started turning the pages and reading through the missions. Then something peculiar happened.

"Says the woman getting intoxicated at 8 in the morning. Not sure you're the voice of reason, love."
Lucifer responded but I was too busy gaping st the text box that had appeared before me to pay attention to their little by play.


(Conditions have been met!)

(Congratulations! Due to the actions of an above 12th level entity, a new system function has been unlocked. You now have access to the Missions functions. You get different rewards depending on the difficulty of the mission. For reference:-

Easy - 10 training points.

Normal - 20 training points.

Hard - 50 training points.

Hell - 100 training points/ A New Perk.

Nightmare- 200 training points/ 2 new perks/ One unique ability from the Avatar franchise.

P.S - Missions can only be issued by others.

P.P.S - Due to the Avatar System being predominantly combat oriented, only missions relating in one way or the other to battles can be issued. Rescue and support fall within this category.

P.P.P.S - Only one mission can be active at once. The exception being Chain quests, where a number of related objectives can be carried out in a progressive manner.

P.P.P.P.S- Some missions might have a time limit. If they expire, you get no rewards.

P.P.P.P.P.S- Once in a while, the System might issue it's own missions to aid the ambassador in better establishing himself.)


Whoa. This…this was awesome. In a way, I think. There was the very apparent downside to hard capping my points to only five categories based on the effort required to complete a mission. It was efficient and laid out really well but that stole from any fight I found myself in if it wasn't a mission issued by the system. For instance, if I was in the middle of carrying out a mission and was suddenly attacked, I probably wouldn't get any rewards if I counterattacked and won.

Suddenly, I noticed just how quiet the room had gotten. Looking away from the text box, my eyes found Lucifer's, which were shining red and boring into me with a burning curiosity and hunger. It was enough to creep me out. The room started feeling hot and suffocating. I tightened my hands into fists and forced myself to remain calm. Subtly, I dismissed the display to the corner of my vision. No one knew about the existence of the system. And if it was up to me, they never would.
"Fascinating. I detected a…surge. Something hidden even from my own vision. You grow more and more interesting by the minute."

I broke contact with his intimidating eyes and looked away. Maze wasn't any better. She was staring at me in this crazy intensity. As if she wanted to dissect me and find out how I worked. It was maddening and I quickly found myself wishing I was anywhere else but here. Fortunately, the claustrophobic vibe eased up somewhat and Lucifer rubbed his eyes and sighed.
"My apologies Aden. I forgot myself and let a little aura leak out."
He said, to which I nodded.
"Huh…no problem. Say would you mind telling your scary sex on two legs of a friend to stop staring at me like a soccer mom looking into a store during black friday?"
And of course my coping mechanism when I'm close to panicking is making lame jokes.

The devil chuckled briefly.
"Don't worry about her, she's just shocked that there's something that can hide from my gaze. I see everything after all. Perks of being…how would you put it?" His eyes briefly flashed red. "Fuckin Scary."
I gulped and got up from the couch. Ok, this talk is fucking over. I don't feel comfortable to go through the folder with the Halle Berry look alike watching me like a piece of meat. The less said about his Majesty, the bloody king of Hell, the better.

"I'll go and read through the files to decide which task I should start with."
I kept my tone calm and light to hide my nervousness and gathered the folder into my hands.
"Thank you for the hot chocolate. You gave me a piece of home, I so desperately needed."
I sincerely told him.
"Don't mention it."
Luci replied, going back to sipping his own tea from the cup. I absentmindedly noted that the tea never seemed to end. Devil shenanigans. I'm outta here.

I passed by Maze and smirked at the looks she was giving me. Like a cat chasing after a laser point. I am soooo messing with her.
"I thought you liked your men…grown?"
I hurried out, leaving behind a growling Lilim and the devil reading a newspaper of all things. All in all just a normal day in my life.

I passed through the hallway to my room, my heart pumping loudly in my ears. I could keenly remember where it was despite not staying there for more than one night. I opened the door and closed it behind me. Finally, a modicum of privacy. I could now panic about Lucifer coming close to discovering the system because of my stupidity. Fuck. I need to be more careful than that.

The Avatar System was something from beyond the DC verse. Beyond the source wall, beyond Cosmic Superman, the entity that protects DC from well, practically everything. I had no way of knowing how Luci would react to finding out I had something that guaranteed limitless potential right here inside his Father's pet project. That raised even more questions about me. Like, was I in the book of destiny? Was there a record of what I had done and would do just like every other being in existence in this cluster of the multiverse? Too many questions, not a lot of answers. All that showed me was that I couldn't stay here for too long.

The more we interacted the more I felt like trusting both Maze and Lucifer. And to be honest, I was starting to like them. Sooner or later however, I would let something slip that I shouldn't and I don't really know how they would take it. Not to mention, I wanted to be as far away from the angels and demon's events about to happen soon. The timeline was following the Arrow-verse show canon. Going by Lucifer's comic power level, the baddies he would soon face would be overpowered as well.

I ran a palm through my face and sighed. The problem was that I was trying to control everything. And I couldn't. No one can except maybe the Devil next Door and he was too much of a 'do-shit-your-own-way' and 'I'm-superchill' kinda entity to try that. I was burning myself out by worrying about what-ifs. The best thing I could do at that moment was deal with everything systematically. So I got up from my position and walked to the shower.

Not that I was dirty or anything but the cold water helped me to cool my head and think things through. I came to a solution real quick. After a change of clothes, a portal to the Elemental Dimension opened inside my room and I stepped through. If I was worried about Maze or Lucifer finding out about the system then why not just do my thing somewhere that would drastically reduce the chances of that happening?

I breathed in the fresh air of Sanctuary and one word came to my thoughts, tranquil. Sooner or later, I was going to build a house here, It would be my vacation spot. The place I came to think when I got tired of the Blue Planet. Earth was too…loud, I mused to myself, walking and sitting inside a poorly constructed Cabana. It was thatched from palm leaves, a sheared off wood platform that was my version of a table and the ground was covered with animal hide. It broke my heart to admit I was a poor at construction work.

I propped my hands up on the table and read through the folder. 10 minutes later I was cursing Lucifer's name. This guy really wants me dead. A prompt from the system caught my eye.


(Chain Quest initiated.)

(Destroy Galiel's known associates 0/5)

First mission:- Famine and drought! A trail of endless hunger. The demon Mnemoth is causing destruction in Africa, a cute little country called Kenya which is roughly the size of Texas. The big bad devil doesn't like that a certain someone is disparaging his name and running his reputation even more to the ground than it already is. So he has dispatched you, Aden Strong: Demon Hunter to send this Foodie back to hell where he belongs!

1. Kill Mnemoth or exorcise him.
2. Do so before he calls for some hellish back up and devours the shit out of you.
3. Do so before he crosses the boundary into Sudan, successfully triggering canon events.

Time limit: 24 hours.
Mission Difficulty: Hard.)


First of all, why is the first mission's difficulty put on Hard? Secondly how the fuck am I going to get to Africa within 24 hours and still get the time to locate Mnemoth? My boom tube only works for places I've been or know pretty well!

I sighed loudly and felt like kicking something upon a sudden realization. I'm going to have to ask Lucifer to teleport me there aren't I? The only other option I have is to ask the Justice League for passage through the Zeta tubes and that is never ever going to happen. I mean, they would probably allow it if I informed them it was a matter of life and death. But I didn't want to take that chance.

So it was back to the Devil again. Oh well, I could use the time left after Killing Mnemoth to actually tour the place. I hear Kenya is a beautiful country. Time to carry out my first demon hunter mission and hope I survive enough to reach 18. My birthday is only a few weeks away after all.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.