Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

The Green Part 1

(General P.O.V) (One Week Before)

Guy Lisbon was an accomplished archaeologist. A 2007 Archaeologist of the year winner. An expert on Sumerian and Egyptian pre-historic customs, artifacts and had overseen important dig sites that led to the discovery of some of the oldest and well kept relics from when civilization was just a nascent young thing.

That was the Guy Lisbon the world knew. The Guy Lisbon who was a renowned scientific genius due to improving the current dating methods through his unique thinking, and discovered enigma forgotten by time by his out of the box approach. But just like any other human, Guy had layers. Guy had a sickness. A genetic curse persistent to the Lisbon family that he had spent his whole life trying to find a cure for and his time was running out.

The sickness was a slow mutation that would cause, black scales to sprout and take over his body until in the end he was nothing but a raving creature with a taste for blood. He had seen his father get driven to the same fate and later committed suicide when he had hurt his wife, Guy's mom.

Science couldn't help him, no matter how many best in the field doctors and specialist he consulted. But roughly a month ago, he had started getting visions. Dreams directing him to this relatively known country in Africa. A place with a magical cave in which inside was a pool that had healing properties. He had no idea where the visions were coming from. Emboldened and after extensive study into all he could get about this mysterious place, he had dedicated his remaining time to following this lead for a way to beat his unknown sickness. And his search had led him here, a nondescript village hidden between two valleys in the outskirts of the Hell's Gate national park in Kenya.

But that was when everything went wrong. They had trekked for 10 miles across the rocky terrain of the Northern part of the country. And when night had fallen, they had pitched tents in the woods, a fire burning bright between them. Guy had listened in skeptical interest as his guides, two locals spoke of the 'majini', the close approximation being demons that made the forest their homes. The rest had not believed them. Had even laughed at them. Guy wished they'd listened and hightailed the fuck out of there.

However, during the night, they'd been attacked by something that defied all logic. A monster. His men…all lay dead behind in the woods. Getting here had not been easy. Guy closed his eyes and winced while remembering the screams. The darkness encroaching closer and closer to him just like Freddie and Shanon, his friends and the mercenaries he had hired to accompany him in this expedition. He tightened his fists. If his saviours had only been a few seconds later…he would have been devoured as well. But luckily, these… people had arrived, chanting in an unrecognizable language, with green energy glowing from their eyes and tattoos. A green fire had sprouted between Guy and the Creature, whatever it was. The villagers had saved him.

The last thing Guy had seen was the Village Chief standing before him.

Then he'd awoken in a hut, lying down on a mat with traditionally dressed people staring at him. Guy looked at his hand in panic, tightly garbed in a grey clothing that did nothing to hide the the black disfigured skin. His sickness. And it had now spread to his elbow. Dammit. Then he remembered all that had happened and his mood plummeted further down. All this was his fault…it was all his fault. He had to make it right. Somehow.

Speaking of which…he looked up at the faces of the village Chieftain and elders.
"Tunahatarisha maisha ya wenzetu kumkubali huyu…mzungu hapa!" ( We are putting the lives of our people in danger by accepting this white man here!)
One of the elders said heatedly. Guy didn't need to understand what he was saying to know that he was not welcome here. Fortunately he could understand Swahili.

"Angalia mkono wake. Ata yeye akona Mashetani!" (Look at his hand, he carries demons with him!).
Another village elder, dressed in animal skin just like the rest of them spoke up while pointing a finger towards him. The middle-aged archaeologist sat up, propping his back on the walls of the hut. Normally, Guy would be perfect for this. His sweet words and great sense of the African culture would grant him a modicum of hospitality from his hosts. However, he didn't have time for that now. So he solidly looked at the Chieftain, the only one dressed in a ceremonial headdress designed from bones and animal feathers.

"Huyo alikuwa mnyama wa aina gani?" ( What sort of animal was that?)

The Village Chief looked at him grimly.

(Aden's P.O.V)

So the old priest had looked at me strangely when after I'd requested for holy water and gotten it, I'd shamelessly asked him to bless my daggers too. No amount of 'Its for a holy purpose, Father' had worked.

So I cut my losses and left, mulling over the words he'd told me, 'Go forth with the Lord, my son. Whatever is troubling you, I pray he delivers his divine wisdom to light your path.' Oh and he'd also added, 'Don't kill anyone.' Like…did I look that much like a serial killer?! I was only dressed in a trench coat with two daggers strapped on my body for chrissa…oh…makes sense why he would say that.

I made my way to an alley and after making sure that no one was around through my aerokinetic sense, I put a hand in my pocket and came out with a coin. A coin that had the number 666 imprinted on one side and the face of the devil with two horns on the other. Real original. This was a one time use teleportation item. Courtesy of the devil and his companion.

I did as they had instructed me and held the coin tight in my hand, picturing where I wanted to go, with closed eyes. A second later, I felt my body suddenly get tugged somewhere. Opening my eyes, I found myself at least 50 meters in mid air, falling down towards a settlement surrounded by a forest from all sides. The surprise was so real, I didn't have time to slow myself down and slammed onto the ground.

I secretly cheered after sticking the superhero landing. Take that, Iron man. A wave of my hand and the dust that had rose up due to my landing was swept away, revealing the faces of scared women and kids hiding behind or close to the huts, all warily watching me. I raised up my hands and some of them flinched, making me feel bad for spooking them in the first place
"So sorry guys. I'm…"

A young guy came running from inside the huge hut in the middle of the village. One look at me and he snarled in hostility. He was dressed in a an animal skin skirt? With tattoos running up his arms, like Aqualad and built even more solidly than Superboy.
"Stranger! You are not welcome here!"

He told me while a dozen warriors in spears came from behind him.
"Leave or face the wrath of He Who Illuminates the Garden."
Ok, wahat?
"Really sorry. This is a misunderstanding. I come in peace…" My words trailed off when he stepped forward and slammed his hands onto the ground.

Instantly, my senses registered a unique energy that was teeming with life essence surround his form. A huge vine broke through the ground next to me and slammed down onto my position. I jumped away and watched as it smashed the earth in with a loud sound and left cracks. Dust rose up and a rumble spread out through the whole area as more vines and tree roots broke through the soil.

"Ok…I wasn't expecting that."

The daggers appeared in my hands.

(General P.O.V)

Maze poured Lucifer a drink as he stared off into space. She took the glass off the table and handed it to him.
"You didn't lie to him but you didn't tell him everything either."
She told him. Lucifer waved a hand and the air before them shimmered before coalescing into a mirror, showing a clip of Aden fighting against vines.

"Shamans mmhm? Didn't think there were any more left on this earth."
Maze hummed while taking a sip.
"In many earths."
Lucifer added.
"About that…we could have literally gone to any other universe. Earth 666 was the initial plan infact. You know, keeping up with the whole symbolism thing but nooo, last minute and you decide to bring us here, earth 16."
Maze told him with a smirk.

"I don't see you complaining, love. Admit it, you love it here."
Lucifer shot back while enjoying his drink. Maze turned her eyes to the screen and smiled.
"The boy is interesting."
Lucifer nodded.
"That he is."
Maze frowned in thought.
"But he doesn't know what he's about to face. You kept it vague enough to…"
Lucifer finished off her sentence
"…Keep him interested while still sufficiently cautious. It will be a real challenge for him but no worries, He will come out on top Maze. He is…special. Very special indeed."

Maze brought a hand to her chest with a grimace. Her heart beat faster. Her emotions were all over the place…she was…worried. She was worried for Aden. The Lilim took a deep breath and resolved to wait. There wasn't a need to intervene. This was the boy's trial.

"Let's get this show on the road."

Lucifer snapped a finger and a bowl of popcorn appeared on the table, replacing the vase of ambient roses, she had gone to the trouble of ordering.

Maze stared at her boss in intimidation and very slowly, she reached out a hand and grabbed a handful of popcorn. Lucifer tried to ignore the death stare bit sighed and snapped his fingers again. The books lying on the corner of the table burst into light and in their place, the same flower vase from before appeared.

"We good?"

He wondered out loud.

"We good."

Maze nodded, happy the death stare worked just as usual.

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