Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

The Green Final Part

(Aden's P.O.V)

After the old Shaman said that, he turned and continued walking forward. I paused a little in place while mulling over his yet again cryptic words. His form grew hazy as the mist obscured my sight. Despite possessing enhanced senses, my eyesight could only clearly see a few meters ahead of me. That fact was further compounded by the fading evening sunset as well. That said, this mist was anything but natural. It would have been a simple matter to get rid of it through aero-kinesis but it almost felt…wrong. This whole place gave me a sacred vibe. Let's not risk upsetting some gods.

"Are you coming?"
The Shaman asked from my front, his voice colored by amusement. Seeing no other choice, I shrugged and followed. My steps were also soft and measured. I was careful, unsure of what to expect next but ready for anything. The previous incident had shown me that these people were powerful and I had no idea if the Shaman was leading me to a trap or not.

The mist started retracting slightly giving way to a green glow that lined up the path. The soil beneath me became even softer and wetter. Showing me that a source of water was nearby. I kept my eyes trained on the back of the elder Shaman and when he stopped, I quickly stepped forward to see what he was looking at.

The mist suddenly pulled away from my vision and I gasped, coming to a stop right next to the aged Shaman. The moonlight was gently sending rays of light down on a beautiful garden. There was a circular open space that extended 20 meters from a massive tree in the middle of the garden to the tree line.

A pool of glowing water which looked serene was before the tree, a small wooden bridge, clearly man made but very old seeing as vines had crept all along the structure, provided the way to cross over to the other side. Between the pool and the huge tree was a simple shrine with a statue of the same exact tree standing before an altar.

"What the actual…fuck…"
I muttered in shock. The energy inside this space was… tremendous. It buzzed across my skin like a current, leaving me with goosebumps. I threw a glance at my tour guide who merely smiled while swiping a hand out to the whole area.
"Welcome to the shrine of He Who Illuminates The Garden."

(General P.O.V)

"You're being irrational."
Two men sat at a table in Metropolis. A fairly popular pie shop, located near the docks called, Freddie's Pie and Pizzeria Palace. A mouthful but damn if they didn't make the best damn pie in Metropolis, Bruce Wayne mused, stabbing into a piece of the pie with a fork.

"Are you even listening Bruce?"
Clark Kent asked the billionaire playboy philanthropist. The former removed his glasses, a rare action when he wasn't in his other persona and rubbed his eyes. The action got a raised eyebrow from the elite Gothamite. Clark sighed and wore his glasses once more.
"I'm worried about you. It's not the same anymore without your presence. And you've also been acting…"

"I'm fine, Clark. There's no need to worry about me. Just tell me if you got what I asked."
Bruce was quick to interject. Instead of answering, the veteran journalist looked around at the restaurant.
"I understand the need to meet here at Freddie's. The pie is to die for after all, but Bruce…you do know that you're always welcome. If not up there, then Lois and I would be happy if you could come for dinner sometime."
Bruce narrowed his eyes at Clark.

"You're stalling."
He told him, making the other man smile wryly.
"Sorry, had to try."
Clark reached into his briefcase and came out with a flash drive along with a folder containing a few pictures and documents.
"All the images and information I took are in there. I was surprised when you called me during the rescue mission for a favor. So why the sudden interest Bruce? The location is near the border between Ethiopia and Kenya and while both countries have a peaceful relationship, they get anxious whenever a third party is spotted near the boundary. Especially considering the ongoing tensions between Kenya and Somalia. I flew above the location, trying to spot anything through a wide range of vision and came up with nothing."
Clark's tone changed to a serious one.

Bruce opened the folder and started going through the pictures. A look of concentration on his face. The images showed a perfect valley, free of any local settlements for miles. So how and where would they have disappeared to… could magic be involved? That was one of the only ways someone could hide from Superman's vision.
Clark added more forcefully, pulling the Wayne out of his thoughts.

He looked up and saw Clark's look of concern increase.
"I didn't want to say this but the dark circles around your eyes…You haven't been getting enough sleep, have you?"
Clark questioned.
"I am fine."
Bruce replied with a hard tone turning his attention back to the folder. Clark knew a lost cause when he saw one. He wasn't going to get through to him, so he decided to speak to Alfred later and get him to stop Bruce from pushing himself too much. But that didn't mean Clark was giving up, A huge hand belonging to the Journalist was laid above the files, stopping Bruce from perusing through any further.

"Tell me what is going on. I have been more than patient with you Bruce. What are you looking for?"
He refused to budge. Bruce looked him in the eyes and saw the Kent family stubbornness reflected there. A small smile worked it's way onto his face.
In response Clark smiled and leaned back, crossing his hands and waiting for the billionaire to talk.
"Guy Lisbon, world renowned archaeologist, a friend of mine…"

(Aden's P.O.V)

It was peaceful. I breathed in and out. My chest filling with clean air, that was full of green life energy. We were seated, cross legged before the altar of He Who Illuminates The Garden. Which was the title of the tree standing tall, over us. The evening had given way to the darkness of the night. But even that, just added more beauty to the shrine and surrounding vegetation. The pool glowed and pinpricks of light shimmered on The Tree above us, like miniature stars captured and stored in the leaves.

"Champion of The White, feel the deep calling of that which connects the whole planet. An interrelation that transcends all understanding. Feel it. Feel it and maybe you'll understand your own link with the Parliament that grants you strength."

I did as he asked, using my unique energy sense to dive in... exploring the bonds, the interconnections, the associations. The Tree was alive. As was every plant. My energy sense spread across Africa, travelling through green circuit lines, through the roots, branches, vines and leaves.

I felt a deep pulse of the same green energy, a beacon from Louisiana back in the US before even that was drowned out by the entirety of it all. And It was a thrilling revelation that left me gasping at the beauty of what I had seen. Hidden from the common man's eyesight.

"Life Comes In Many Forms...Young Elemental."

I felt the words, undecipherable to my ears yet the impact they left inside my spirit was undeniable and understandable. I wasn't dealing with a mere god or entity. I was dealing with the spirit of all that the green was. It was overwhelming and I felt that if I was anyone else, my mind would have been reduced to nothing.

"When you're ready."

My mind was catapulted back to the open space and I instantly felt blind. I grimaced and hugged myself, suddenly shivering. My emotions were all over the place. What...what was wrong with me?

"Hahaha. Don't worry about it. Some of the initiates even cry their first time upon connection with the hub. You get a simple glimpse and that glimpse stays with you for the rest of your life. Just take a few deep breaths and everything will be okay."

I did as the Shaman instructed and took a few minutes to calm myself, going over everything I had seen. It was clear to see that my powers had been influenced by certain DC elements. This White in particular...I had a theory on what it was but fortunately there wasn't a need to stress myself out when I had someone who could answer any questions I had. When I did relax, I figured it was time to start off with a question that had been bugging me.

"What is your name?"

I softly asked.

"Mmmh" He hummed, taking a drag from a pipe that he had lit up amid my trippy ride across the network of vegetation.

"I had a name once...I had a life outside this village. That is how I came to learn your language after all. But that was a long time ago. These days, I am called The High Shaman, and that is the name I'll take to the eventual Communion."

He explained in that cryptic way I was starting to associate with all old people.

"Communion? You mean death?"

I asked. In response the old man laughed.

"Death? We do not die...we simply live on as a part of the whole. A different form. Look up," he instructed, pointing towards the pinpricks of light shining above us in the leaves of The Tree.

"My ancestors watch over me and this land. He Who Illuminates The Garden is the collective consciousness of all of them. Chosen champions of the green tasked with protecting and safeguarding The Garden...the earth and more."

His words brought about even more questions, questions I traded for more relevant ones.

"What is the White?"

The Shaman took a drag of his pipe and let out the smoke. It twirled in the air smoothly, floating up in a long winding line.

He leaned forward and stared at me in deep concetration. " not something I can tell you. You will have to find it out for yourself."



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