Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Learning From Black Canary

( Aden's P.O.V)

"So," Black Canary slapped her palms together. "Simple explanation, sound is produced when an object vibrates and transmits that vibration through a medium. Be it, air, liquid or solid at the speed of sound."
She explained while I remained attentive, listening to her. The others had left the training room for the beach but I had elected to stay behind and take advantage of Black Canary's offer to give me some tips.

"My Canary cry can reach devastating levels that can not only be used to gravely injure someone but also kill them." Her face turned stern.
"I'm telling you this to let you know the dangers of going overboard. Past a certain point, it stops being sound waves and becomes shockwaves. Strong enough to demolish concrete and liquidify organs."

I nodded, knowing she was being serious. Her full power in the comics could reach 300 decibel. That's more than the force of a nuclear bomb. At that level though, I think she would also die along with whatever she aimed the attack at.

If I could master the ability to produce destructive hypersonic sounds like Black Bolt then…not many could stand in my way. I could truly be the strongest person on this version of the DC earth. Imagine having the power to produce nuclear bomb level shockwaves by a single action. Such an ability however would need to be a trump card of sorts.

The question remaining is, what made me confident that I could reach Black Bolt's level of sound manipulation? Simple…I had recently tested myself and found out my reserves didn't deplete.

The system refined energy from the blind realities then fed it to me. That line had never been exhausted. No matter how many wind constructs I had created what got exhausted first was my body. Couple that with my adaptive physiology and with enough time, I would be a scary foe to face. The Avatar System was effing OP.

"Let me demonstrate with this sheet of metal."
She lined up the sheet with one of the dummies and stepped back 10 meters away.
"Now you can choose to make your sonic blasts concentrated for more focused damage or spread out in an area of effect attack."
She opened her mouth and screamed. The air shuddered as invisible rings of vibration propagated from her mouth to land on the sheet.

A circular hole appeared in the middle of the metal. Black Canary stopped and screamed again. This time the sound waves were bigger the further they travelled from her mouth. The metal sheet warped upon itself and was thrown away together with the dummy.
I said before I could help myself.
"That's some phenomenal control you have there."

Canary placed a hand on her hip and smiled at my comment/compliment.
"Years of practice. Alright, now it's your turn."
I held up my hands a little unsure.
"I still don't really understand how to trigger it. Sensing things through the vibrations in the air is the only thing I've managed so far."
Canary nodded in understanding while holding her chin.
"You have a point, your abilities don't come from a metagene like mine do. They are just an extension of your air control. Tell you what, why don't you go with your gut?"

I looked at her a little speechless.
"Go with my gut?"
Shrugging Canary explained,
"It's your body. No matter what instructions I give you, your intuition and instinct is what will help you. Oftentimes when metas manifest their abilities, it's because of distress. In such a highly emotional state your logical thinking takes a step back. There is no manual for this Aden. So trust your gut."

I nodded, though a bit unconvinced. Another metal sheet was placed before me. I maintained the same distance that she had, roughly 10 meters and breathed in while focusing before me. I was a bit frustrated because Sound hadn't come as easy as Flight. With flight, things were straightforward, feel the air and then manipulate it to carry you forwards. Easy peasy.

Except... it wasn't easy peasy. Atleast not if I tried to put it in exact terms or explain it to somebody. I hadn't followed an instructional manual or learned it from someone else either, it'd just come to me. I felt like slapping myself after coming to the startling conclusion that I'd mastered Flight by exactly how Black Canary said, through instinct.

I looked at the sheet of metal, emboldened.
"Ok here goes nothing."
I pulled at the energy that allowed me to control the elements and pictured a blast of sonic waves leaving my mouth to destroy the target before me.

My head was thrown back as a sonic scream left my mouth, intense and uncontrolled. The sound blasts hit the ceiling above as and created cracks on the natural cave surface, throwing stones and dust away. I shut my mouth and looked up from my position on the ground in marvel.

My voice croaked as i felt a dryness in my mouth.
I motioned to Black Canary who threw a bottle of water over at me.
"Easy. Take it easy. The first time is always like that, but it gets better."

I wiped my mouth and started laughing.
"That was amazing…I followed my gut just like you told me and it worked."
She patted me on the shoulder.
"Well done. Also, Green Lantern will have your head for the damage, they spent a lot of time stabilizing the cave to ensure it didn't fall on our heads."
Black Canary told me cheekily, relishing the look of panic that crossed my face.

"John wouldn't, right?"
John was a stern guy that reminded me of my grandpa who had also been in the military. Canary chuckled.
"Don't worry about it, I was just joking."
I overplayed my relief making her smile some more. Canary had a pretty smile. I was also wondering why she was being so nice to me after I'd confronted Speedy Infront of everyone. Green Arrow sure hadn't looked too happy and they were dating.

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts and turned to the intact metal sheet. I could almost feel it gloating at me.
"Round two."

(Hours Later- General P.O.V)

Aqualad stepped out of the discreet out of service telephone booth and looked around. The gray sky of Gotham hung above his head and cast a depressing mood on the city.
"I've never liked it here."
Aqualad said out loud to himself, unaware he had an audience.

"Don't let Rob hear you say that. He'll have a few choice words for Atlantis."
Kid Flash unexpectedly spoke up from atop a dumpster.
"Kid. Where is Robin and why did you two want to meet secretly away from the others?"
Aqualad inquired from the yellow clad speedster.

Kid Flash shrugged his shoulders.
"Hey, I'm in the dark like you. Biscuit?"
He offered but Aqualad shook his head. Kid Flash took that as a signal to start munching. They silently made their way to an unusual meeting point, an abandoned doll factory from before Batman took down Dollmaker. It provided privacy because not even hardened criminals let alone the homeless wanted to go there. People said the place was infested with ghosts.

Aqualad and Kid Flash soon found themselves on the roof of the building.
"Where is…"
Something detached from the wall and unfurled it's cape, revealing Robin.
"Were you followed?"
Aqualad and Kid Flash stared at each other.
"I don't know."
They answered respectively.
"What? I had to buy a snack from the store, someone definitely saw me, so I can't be a hundred percent sure I was not followed."
Kid Flash answered upon the look given to him by the Boy Wonder.

"Robin, why did you call us here?"
Aqualad asked changing the subject. Robin's hands ran through the wrist computer on his right hand before looking up.
"There, I surveyed all the cameras leading here. You weren't followed. And to answer your question Kaldur, all this cloak and dagger stuff was necessary. I have reason to believe that Aden is hiding something huge from us. Something that could put not only the team but the whole world in danger."

Kid Flash and Aqualad stared at the Boy Wonder in shock.
"Robin, this isn't a joke. Are you being serious?"
"Yes Rob. We've had issues with Aden but that's all in the past. Are you sure you're not grasping at straws because of that?'
Kid Flash added to Aqualad's question.
"No. I've felt suspicious of him for some time now. Ever since he showed up out of nowhere when Batman and I were fighting Penguin's men, his crazy power and how he seems to just keep on getting better and stronger, even his actions when he took the Blockbuster formula…Aden Strong is not who we think he is. And we are going to get the proof."

( Aden's P.O.V)

A light knock sounded on my door. Luckily I was just coming out of the shower. I turned down the volume of the music and went towards it, opening the door wide while drying my hair with the towel.

"Oh hey Artemis."

"Hey, can I...oh."

She cut off her statement halfway, furiously blushing.

"Please don't do the weird cliche thing where you feel shy because I'm shirtless."

I told her while rolling my eyes.

"I'm not the one who came to open the door while half naked!"

She shot back, scandalized.

"So what was I supposed to do huh? Keep you waiting for 5 minutes?"

I crossed my hands together, an action that emphasized my chest and Artemis almost fainted. I chuckled in amusement. Teasing people was fun.


She stammered. Ok, I've officially broken our resident archer. Batman's gonna kill me.

"You know what, I'm going to go put on something before you pass out completely. Come on in."

I told her and left the door wide open.

I threw on a black T-shirt which matched with the blue shorts I had on and looked back at Artemis who was studying my makeshift studio.

"M'gann told me you make music and that you're a great singer."

I smiled.

"She did?"

Artemis nodded before bringing a finger to her chin in contemplation.

"Then again, M'gann is probably the nicest person I know. She could be saying that to spare your feelings."

"That's...true I guess but..." I went closer to her and placed a hand on the guitar on the table behind her. Artemis gulped at the closeness.

"Maybe I can prove to you just how good I am."

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