Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Broken Trust

(General P.O.V)

"All League members present and accounted for." Wonder woman announced to the gathered hall. She had on a serious look. Almost angry, Black Canary noted to herself. Everyone was sitting around the huge Justice League table with the exception of two notable members.

Black Canary glanced at the seat next to J'onn and felt a pang of pain stab her on the chest with a red hot spiked metal rebar. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. There wasn't anything she could personally do. That didn't stop her from feeling bad for Tornado and Shazam…Billy. She still couldn't believe that Batman had kept the secret of his relative young age from them. Relative meaning incredibly young. A child. It didn't matter that the boy had powers on par with their strongest members. The battlefield…the league was no place for a child.

"We convened this meeting to discuss a few matters of great import to the League. For starters, update on the search for Red Tornado, a league member and Maelstrom, a member of the black ops team that was initially under Batman's purview."
Wonder woman's words had an effect on the rest. It was clear by reading between the lines that something was going on. She took a second to allow the commotion to settle down before continuing,
"The other matter is more…" Wonder woman paused and threw a surreptitious look at the stoic Dark Knight sitting next to her. "…delicate and we'll get to it, shortly after we're done discussing about the continued efforts to locate both Red Tornado and Maelstrom."
She finished.

Batman acted as if he didn't feel the numerous eye sights locked on him. His hands were placed above the table and he sat in a straighter posture than usual. The tension between him, Wonder woman and Superman could be felt by everyone. Finally, someone's patience ran out.
"I don't see a point in keeping us in the dark, Diana. It's clear something is going on among the three of you."
It was no wonder that The Flash was the one to speak up first.

Batman grunted and got up, casting a wide gaze at everyone around.
"We'll get to that in a bit. First, there is something I would like to propose. The re-induction of Captain Marvel into the Justice League."
There was a brief silence before Green Arrow broke it.
"You can't be serious. He can't be serious right?"
Oliver looked around at the rest of the table and saw the same looks of surprise.

"That is out of the question. Frankly speaking, I am still offended by the lack of trust you showed by not informing us he was a child in the first place."
King Orion, popularly known as Aquaman banged the table with his fist, leaving behind a dent on the titanium metal reinforced furniture. Batman didn't flinch from the King of Atlantis' gaze.
"It wasn't my secret to tell. I evaluated that despite his age, Captain Marvel was more than capable of handling himself. As evidenced by the numerous missions he's been on with the league. He is one of the best among us. And his age should not be a problem. If anything, his unique outlook and innocence is something that the League needs."
His explanation was precise and clear.

"Do you even hear yourself Batman? The audacity! What you're asking is unethical and goes against all of our protective instincts. He. Is. A. Child!"
Aquaman was fuming. Everyone was silently watching the pair. Batman's eyes narrowed underneath the mask.
"A child who carries the wisdom of Solomon. A child who we've all fought beside. If you discount him for his age then shouldn't the same apply to Superboy who is only a few months old?"

"Wisdom does not equal maturity. And despite Superboy's age, he has shown to be mature enough to match the age he appears to be. "
Manhunter spoke up in favor of Aquaman, as most of them were. By most of them, all of them. Batman spared a glance at one of his closest friends. It was clear he didn't have J'onn's support in this. Or anyone's for that matter.

He could make note of how they couldn't see the bigger picture. Hell, he could even tell them of how unprogressive their thinking was. It was only a few centuries ago when women couldn't be allowed on the battlefield, let alone pursue other avenues and career choices and now…the modern world had changed. Things had gotten better and career roles were not as defined by someone's gender as they used to. Batman could make a lot of fair arguments that the League would have no choice but to listen to.

However, Bruce Wayne was a different matter. There had always been a clear separation between both his identities. Bruce was the billionaire playboy and Batman was the symbol of fear and deterrence. But now the circumstances had forced Bruce Wayne to intervene in the life of his other persona. Batman knew why he was advocating for Billy to return. It was guilt and regret. His failure at saving Aden. He thought that if he could at the very least help Billy, maybe those negative emotions would abate a little. His thoughts went back to Aden and he allowed himself to briefly soak in regret and guilt at how everything had turned out.

Batman sighed. An action that had the others surprised. It wasn't like him to act this… exhausted. It was time to do the right thing. Time to stop himself from completely diving off the cliff. He looked around at the table. At his comrades. Those he had shed blood with. Fought with, to save the world numerous times. They deserved better.

"It's clear where you all stand on this issue. Very well, I respect your decision."
Batman started off, his voice was missing the hard edge from before. If anything, he now sounded his usual self. Gruff, straight to the point and sardonic at times. The Flash couldn't help but feel like something was off, however."

"On another unrelated matter, I officially tender my resignation from the Justice League citing some personal issues."
Shock was apparent on everyone's faces. All except for Manhunter, Wonder woman and Superman. These three looked resigned. Everyone knew of Batman's stubbornness. Wonder woman and Superman had both tried to convince him otherwise but he had refused.

"What…why? Why would you ever do that, Batman?"
Hal Jordan was speechless, as most of them were.
"You're not petty enough to leave just because you didn't get your way, so what is the real reason for this."
Captain Atom added, crossing his hands together on his metallic chest.

Black Canary shared a look with Green Arrow. Ollie had been very vocal about Batman hiding things from the League as a whole so it was surprising for Canary to see how right he might have actually been.
"Settle down please. Batman has his reasons and it's only polite we listen without interrupting him."
Superman told the rest.

Batman cleared his throat and started speaking.
"I have broken your trust..."

(Aden's P.O.V)

Maze had already left an hour ago and Savage, a little over half of that. Despite wanting to listen in at Lucifer's talk with the immortal bastard, I knew I wasn't invited and the devil is hardly someone you can eavesdrop on without him knowing. So I chose to stuck it out and look around my room. It was…good, I guess.

Not the best to be honest. It lacked that exotic feel of my last one that was constructed inside a frigging cave. I had grown so used to it's earthy smell, it had taken a while for me to fall asleep in the Elemental Dimension. Well that and also because the ground there was hard and I was effectively sleeping outside but regardless, my earlier point stands. The room wasn't the best.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of options, so I wore my big boys pants and stopped complaining. Time waits for no one and now that Savage and I had met, I needed all the power I can get to play in the big leagues. To that effect, It was time for some training baby! But first, I maximized the display at the edge of my sight and whistled in appreciation.

Just as I had expected, my training points had gone up. Infact they had more than doubled. With this I could finally purchase my first training partner. And this also assured me, my earlier theories about how the training points were awarded was not wrong. Combat situations. Or rather combat situations dependent on a given mission.

Training Points - 55

I rose up from the bed and created a portal to the Elemental Dimension. Before I could purchase the Firebender soldier as an opponent, I had to bring over my clothes and other personal effects here. The way the room looked bare annoyed me. I entered the portal.

(General P.O.V)

A boom tube suddenly appeared inside Lex Luthor's office at Lex Corp. Mercy who was standing vigilantly beside her boss as he studied something on the lap top screen, tensed a little, preparing to step in incase whoever it was decided to be a problem.

"Stand down Mercy, we do not treat our own that way."

Lex said, while getting up from his seat.

From within the purple boom tube, Vandal Savage stepped out along with Lex's newest toy.


Luthor nodded in greeting, from the way Savage's jaw was clenched and his fist tightened however, Lex could tell something was wrong. Very wrong.

"I suppose the meeting didn't go as planned?"

Luthor stepped closer.

"The meeting went as planned. I informed him about our...friends and their plan to conquer the earth once they were done with the galaxy and that The Light is the only form of deterrent capable of using any means to stop the...incursion. This has only bought us enough time to put our countermeasures in place."

"Mmmh." Luthor hummed and poured a glance of wine for Savage. Handing him the glass, he made contact with Savage's eyes.

"Then what seems to be the problem?"

He questioned the older man.

Savage took a sip of his glass before holding up his palm, studying it in the light.

"This...body has been rendered mortal. My immortality, taken away as price for crossing paths with him once more."

Luthor's eyes widened minutely. He instantly re evaluated the danger of this entity. For a man of science like him, the existence of the devil was something he had initially struggled to wrap his head around. He had thought the entity a charlatan but now...

"Luckily we have a countermeasure for this as well." Luthor spoke up, prompting Savage to turn his attention to him.

"Project Rebirth."

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