Ace Of Diamond: Lord Of Baseball System (More chapter on Webnovel)

Recruitment Test

Rei was in the car with his mother, and they were driving toward Seido High School.

"You, nervous…", asked Chiaki.

Rei looked toward his mom and noticed that she seemed more nervous than him. He shook his head telling his mother he wasn't nervous.

Chiaki had a worried expression on her face when she saw her son say no.

Rei chuckled seeing her mom's reaction.

"Don't worry mom I'm awesome, I got this", Rei said smiling trying to assure his mother.

"Haaa…. really…. I guess", said Chiaki as she continued driving while calming herself down.

After 30 minutes they arrived at Seido high school.

By now you might already know that Rei's family lives in Tokyo. Meaning that his family is high class.

Their house is 3 floors in Tokyo proving their status.

The Fujikawa's own a convenience store in Tokyo and Reiji being a soccer coach gets them a lot of income.

Guess Rei got lucky becoming their son.

Anyway, Rei and Chiaki arrived at Seido high school's entrance.

The school had already informed them through mail what to do for the process when Rei comes for the test.

This Recruitment Test is not held often. Only some people are given the chance to sign up for the test.

Rei was only allowed to sign up because he had already been accepted to Seido before through his exam scores. Meaning this test was exclusive and a rare chance for many players.

The school looked empty because this test was being held 1 week before school started. Only 1 stall was at the entrance which said, 'Recruitment Test' on it. There were people lined up in front of it.

Chiaki and Rei lined up for the stall as well.

After 5 minutes it was their turn.

A girl was sitting at the stall, probably the baseball team's manager.

Rei squinted his eyes at the girl thinking she looked familiar.

"Isn't she Fujiwara Takako, the manager", thought Rei as he finally remembered who the girl was.

"Name?", asked Takako politely.

"Rei Fujikawa", said Chiaki.

Takako nodded and looked over some papers.

"Fujikawa can come this way with me", said Takako standing up. She was ready to leave the stall because Rei was the last person on the list given to her.

Rei waved goodbye to Chiaki because he was going inside the school for the test. He couldn't bring along his mother, could he?

Rei walked alongside Takako reaching the baseball ground in the school.

"Here is the school field….and here are the dorms.... here is where the tests will be held", said Takako. She kept showing things to Rei as they walked through the field or the baseball section of the school.

Rei wasn't interested in any other things because he already knew about them through the anime. Rei's attention totally shifted when Takako showed him where the tests will be held.

It was 'the baseball field' where the iconic practices were held for the Seido High school.

Scrimmages, practice matches, etc. Were held in this place.

"Can you tell me anything about the test", asked Rei.

"Unfortunately, no I won't be able to. It was forbidden by the coach for me to tell it to the players", she said Takako shaking her head with a disappointed expression on her face.

Rei nodded hearing her answer. Honestly, he didn't expect any clues from her either.

Speaking of the coach, Rei wondered what the coach…. AKA Boss, a name established by Sawamura, what would the coach think of him?

Takako led him toward the meeting room where all the game plays and everything was discussed and reviewed at.

"This is where all the other players are gathered. The coach will come to meet you guys in 10 minutes", said Takako.

Rei nodded and opened the meeting room to enter. Takako had left already.

As soon as Rei entered the room, he saw various faces looking at him. They all wondered who Rei was.

Rei even noticed some people whispering about him or at least he thought it was about him because they started whispering as soon as he entered the room.

"Maybe I'm paranoid", he thought.

Rei walked and sat at the back of the room because he saw an empty seat.

Rei scanned all the people in the room and didn't find anyone significant, they all looked like extras.

The people in the room today belonged to several groups such as players who used connections to sign up for the test or people like him.

Rei thought there aren't going to be people like him because he probably was the only person who was a former nerd and would suddenly decide to play baseball.

Rei chuckled seeing the arrogance and confidence in the player's eyes.

"Oyyy…who are you laughing at?", said the person sitting at the table beside Rei. This player's name was Aso Gin. He was eyeing Rei when he entered the room.

He was a player who got in through connections and had no actual abilities to be on the 2nd string.

The reason he decided to pick on Rei was because he was good-looking. Ever since he was young, he despised good-looking people. Let's just say one of the reasons might be because of his own appearance.

Rei looked toward Aso and smirked. He mouthed the words, "What are you going to do about it", to him.

Aso was about to start a fight when suddenly the meeting room's door opened and a man wearing the Seido Uniform and shades walked in.

Rei smiled seeing Kataoka Tesshin in front of him.

Everyone stood up as they were familiar with whom the person standing in front of them was.

"Good morning", yelled everyone simultaneously.

"Go stand outside in line, ready to give your introductions", said Kataoka with an expressionless face.

"HAII", said everyone including Rei.

In the Field after 10 minutes.

Everyone was standing in line feeling nervous about what was to come at them except Rei.

My man was humming and standing in the line with a smile on his face.

Aso was standing beside Rei again and thought Rei was crazy because he heard him humming.

Kataoka arrived in front of them and yelled, "Start your introductions".

Everyone started telling Kataoka their position, name, and where they came from before. It was going in order, starting from the first line to the last line where Rei was.

After some minutes it was Rei's turn.

Kataoka looked toward Rei to hear his introduction.

"Fujikawa Rei, Position Pitcher, Sir", Yelled Rei.

Kataoka nodded at him and said, "Next". Even though he found it weird when Rei didn't say the school he came from.

After Kataoka heard all their introductions he proceeded to tell them what the exam was going to be about.

"The reason you guys are here is because of the empty spots available on the 2nd string. A rare chance, don't you dare misuse the chance you are getting. People are dying to get this chance", said Kataoka seriously.

"HAII", yelled everyone.

"Now let's proceed with the exam. The exam is broken into 3 parts, the first is pitching (if you pitch) 2nd is batting and 3rd is fielding. What's special about this exam is that everyone will be tested individually", said Kataoka surprising everyone with this news.

Everyone was shocked to hear this news, they all gulped nervously.

Rei smirked; he knew the test was going to be something hard. As expected of Seido.

"When your name is called, come, and do what I tell you to do", said Kataoka.

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