Accidental Multiverse Planeswalker

16 In Starship Troopers (The Movie)

Another chapter and more RL drama. Had a snowstorm, a rain storm, two hospital visits, one day surgery, one bloodwork visit, lost power, had another snowstorm with another rainstorm coming, my laptop is dying, and I couldn't write as much as I wanted to. (rolls eyes)

On the plus side, here's 38,200 words for you to enjoy.

In a small town in Arizona, two vehicles were on a collision course. Neither knew this, because of a glitch in the shipping van's navigation system. It registered the vehicle being at the next intersection and not the current one, leaving both the van and the oncoming car completely unaware of the disaster about to happen.

The relaxed drivers of both vehicles were shocked when they saw another vehicle suddenly appear, then they collided in quite a spectacular crash that sent the car and its two occupants careening into the local diner and the van across the street into a communications tower. All three people were severely hurt, until the tower tumbled down onto the van.

As luck seemed to be playing a factor in the event, the broken tower missed the cab of the vehicle and the entire weight of the large metal structure smashed down onto the cargo area... which just so happened to have the spare fuel tank inside.


The driver was killed instantly when he was vaporized with the van and most of the metal tower. Part of the street caught on fire from the excess fuel spraying everywhere and the fire spreading out. The screams of the locals were loud and the fire department was quickly called in, as were rescue services.

They arrived in mere minutes and quickly got to work dealing with the mess and investigating the accident. A slightly charred body was recovered from the site of the accident, everyone assuming it to be the van driver, and he was taken to the hospital. After a quick check with fingerprints and facial recognition software, they knew this wasn't the driver.


“Uhhh.” I groaned and felt my stiff muscles. I recognized the feeling as charring, easily remembering the many times I had been burned and healed. I was surprised when my eyes opened, completely unrestricted.

“Good morning.” A very chipper American woman's voice said from across the room.

“Only if you're as gorgeous as your voice and I still have my wanker.” I joked.

The woman laughed and walked over to the bed to look down at me. “If you're wondering why you can't move, you were in a terrible accident and we have you trussed up like a mummy from head to foot.”

“What happened?” I asked the nurse and she gave me a quick rundown of the event. I closed my eyes and sighed as I felt out for the Force. It was fairly strong here, which was a good thing, because it meant the planet was healthy and full of life. I found four hidden cameras and two obvious ones.

“It's all right.” The nurse said and placed a hand on my forehead. “It wasn't your fault. You were just an innocent bystander caught in the explosion.”

I nodded and opened my eyes. “At least I got to see you first thing.”

“I'm sorry. Even if you were somehow healed from the damage you've suffered, I never date patients, because I can never tell if my feelings are genuine or just carrying over from caring for them.”

I nodded. “I suppose this morning is only slightly good, then.”

She smiled. “Can you tell me your name?”

“No.” I said and closed my eyes again. “I can't remember anything happening here from before the accident.”

“I'm sorry.” She said as her hand rubbed the side of my head. “I'll inform the doctor that you're awake.”

I nodded and she left the room. I wasn't sure why I told her that, considering I usually blurt out things, then I remembered everything from the last world. Talking out of turn or letting things slip out, sure made a mess of things back in Zion. From now on, I would conform and fit in and figure out where I was before I acted.

The nurse came back in with the doctor and he asked me a few questions, including where I lived, family, and what my name was in six different ways. I wasn't stupid and I kept my mouth shut each time and gave him a glare. When he finally left, the nurse was glaring at him as well.

“I'm sorry about that.” The nurse said. “He was a federation medic until he lost a foot.”

“Federation?” I asked, curious.

The nurse gave me a surprised look for a moment, then she walked over to a blank monitor. She turned it on and the federation propaganda scrolled across the screen. When she turned back to look at me, my eyes were wide and I stared at the screen.

“I hate the termination specials. All net, all channels, my ass. No one wants to watch that crap all the damn time.” The nurse said and reached to turn it off.

“Wait!” I exclaimed and she tilted her head at me slightly, almost accusingly. “I kind of recognize that symbol. That weird eagle thing.”

The nurse sighed. “I'll let you watch it for a while. Maybe it'll trigger something in your memory.”

“Thank you.” I said and she left the room. It took me a few minutes of watching to gather enough information before I closed my eyes and meditated as I dove into my Halls of Memory. I went right to the memories of watching television and movies with Darcy in the Thor universe and the discussions we had. I did recognize the symbol and the name of the Terran Federation.

The nurse came into the room and saw me 'asleep', turned off the monitor and the lights, and left again.

It took me nearly ten hours before I found it. It was the Starship Troopers universe and I actually felt excited. I had no clue what year it was, though. I would have to get out of here, heal up, and then have Eye look around for me.

Unfortunately, I was in traction. If I apparated like this, especially blind jumping, I would probably take the bed with me, not to mention the various pieces of equipment currently attached to me and the three IV bags. No, I would have to wait for the doctor to get some of this stuff out of me before I could leave without causing a bigger scene than I wanted.

“Wakey, wakey.” The happy nurse said and I opened my eyes. “Now that you're awake, I've convinced the doctor that you can survive the regen tank.”

My eyes widened and she smiled.

“Yes, I know its expensive and you'll probably have to pay it off in instalments for quite some time.” The nurse said. “Having all that dead skin and flesh removed isn't going to be pleasant.”

“I know. It's happened to me before.” I said and it was her turn to have wide eyes. “I'll sign any necessary papers with... wait, what's the generic name for someone that's found and doesn't have a name?”

“John Smith.” The nurse said.

“Not John Doe?” I asked.

“That's only if you're dead. You don't look completely dead to me, so it's Smith.”

I chuckled. “John Smith. Got it.”

“I'm glad you agreed.” She said and waved at the door as two very muscular orderlies came into the room. “We're ready for you now.”

I nodded and was brought through the hospital into a medical lab with six tanks inside. Two were currently occupied and I used the Force to see what the damage was. One had a hole in their side the size of a piece of steel rebar and the little regen machines were rebuilding the construction man from the inside out.

The second was a woman and she had both legs severed at the knees. The little machines were currently sewing up the stubs. The look on her face was very sad. I touched her with the Force and turned her head to look at me. I mouthed the words 'don't worry' to her and she looked surprised.

“Get him unwrapped and hooked up.” The doctor said.

The woman in the tank next to mine shivered as she watched me disrobed and saw the extensive burns. I twitched my hand and gave her a thumbs up. She shook her head at me and I smiled in response. I was soon completely dunked and managed to get myself turned to float facing her and not the front of the tank.

I put my hand over my crotch and waved a finger at her, telling her no. She laughed and lots of air bubbles escaped before she grabbed the breathing mouthpiece in her mouth and held it in place, because she didn't want to spit it out.

I gave her a thumbs up again and she rolled her eyes at me, then my own little sewing machines swarmed over me on little robotic arms and started stripping my burned skin and flesh off. I had to wait for the night shift before I could create a large bacta container and switched it with the weak fluid I was currently in.

I did it to the woman next to me, too. She was currently asleep, so I disabled her machines and injected several bacta needles into her leg stumps. I didn't want to be the only miracle here tomorrow, so I was helping her, too. It made all the difference in the world as I cast healing spells on myself to boost my Prismatic Regeneration and on her as I gave her temporary regeneration.

By the morning, I felt the energy flowing through me and my skin and muscles were completely regrown. I was floating in the tank and completely healed when the day shift arrived. Two of the techs dropped their morning coffee and the nurse stared at me.

I waved at her excitedly and the workers all ignored their normal duties to pull me out of the tank first. “This regen tank stuff is great! Thanks a lot for getting me in here!” I said to the nurse and she kept staring at me. “I'm going to tell all my friends and family about...” I stopped talking and gave her a sad face as I hoped that would distract her from asking me if I knew what had happened.

“It's all right, John. You'll figure something out.” The nurse said.

“I already have. I'm going out to sell a few organs and then I'm coming back here to get fixed again!” I said excitedly. The looks on the tech's faces and hers, were priceless. “I'm joking. That wouldn't gain me enough to pay for the tank's use if I kept using it.”

They all just kept staring at me, so I played my trump card.

“Hey, that pretty woman without legs has bigger stumps.” I said and pointed.

The nurse let out a startled sound and the techs were now staring at the woman. She had woken up from the noise and I pointed at her legs. When she looked and saw the stumps growing out, she yelled and lost the mouthpiece. The techs scrambled to pop the tank and partially pulled her out, rinsed out her mouth and washed off the breathing apparatus, and put her back inside.

I was behind them and gave the woman two thumbs up. She put her hands on the tank and gave me a pointed look. I waved to her before I made a short robe appear around me and I walked out of the medical lab.

“Hey! Wait!” The nurse exclaimed and ran after me.

“I was just going back to my room.” I said as I stopped walking and turned to face her.

“That's not your room anymore.” The nurse said. “We expected you to take several weeks to be rebuilt and...”

“Ah, I see.” I said and looked down at myself. “Can I get a nice bath somewhere? This stuff stinks.”

The nurse looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded. She waved for me to follow her. “Where did you get the robe?”

“Found it.” I said and didn't say where or how.

The nurse didn't seem concerned, so she took me to one of the medical facility's less used staff rooms and the locker room at the back. “You're kind of stuck with only a shower. I hope that's okay.”

“Are you joining me?” I asked with a wiggle of my eyebrows. “In a professional capacity, of course.”

She gave me a curious look for a moment before she shook her head. “I already said...”

“I didn't ask for us to date.” I said and dropped the robe and then pulled off my underwear.

“But...” She stared to say, then I kissed her deeply. She let out a little moan and seemed to melt in my arms, then she was naked and we were having a ball in the shower.

She was pretty reckless, as if she was really enjoying the taboo of breaking her own firm rule of not getting involved with a patient. She was also quite into it and begged me to call her nurse every time I thrust into her and to thank her for healing me. I did that, and she really got into it, making her reactions more exaggerated and orgasm filled.

By the time I was thoroughly cleaned, in her professional opinion, she was exhausted.

“God... god...” The nurse panted and clung to me as we relaxed on the couch in the staff room to dry off from the extended shower.

“Relax.” I said and cast a calming spell on her.

She lifted her head from my chest to look at my face. “You made me break my rule.”

“No, I still haven't asked you to date, move in with me, get married, or have my kids.” I said and her mouth dropped open. “I learned a while ago that it's okay if you meet someone and decide that a one night stand is all that you can manage.”

“K-k-kids... we... how many times...”

“I stopped counting after the third time I filled you up.” I said and she blushed deeply. “Hey, you were damn sexy when you demanded for me to pay my medical bills that way.”

She dropped her head to my chest. “I am so fired. My shift's nearly half over and...”

“I required your immediate assistance and since I was your patient, you felt it necessary to perform your medical duty to ensure that I was completely healed and was fully functional.” I said and she chuckled. “Just throw some actual medical jargon into your report, like testing my endocrine system and synaptic responses to stimuli, and they won't even question you for details.”

She lifted her head to look into my eyes again. “Do you really think that would work?”

“I don't see why not. You really did test my performance completely.” I said and she blushed again. “You don't have to be embarrassed. It was fantastic and you definitely know what you're doing.”

“You... that's...” She shook her head. “We need to find you some clothes and then we need to come up with a way for you to arrange payment for the treatment.”

“Not a problem. We can raid the Lost and Found Department or the locker of one of the doctors you hate.” I said and she laughed softly. “Option two it is.”

She shook her head and stood up, clearly comfortable in her nakedness. “Stealing is wrong.”

I looked pointedly at the spot between her legs and back at her face. “Oops.”

She blushed and laughed at the same time. “Bastard.” She said and grabbed her clothes. “I need to get dressed. Grab your robe and turn it inside out, so you don't get the regen fluid on you again.”

“Smart.” I said and did as she said as she dressed. I followed her out of the staff room and she took me to the Lost and Found. We raided it and I dressed in casual dress pants, a nice shirt, and black sneakers. We left there and went to the main reception desk for me to sign the proper forms and things, promising payments, and giving them my handprint and eye scan.

“I'm never going to see you again, am I?” The nurse asked in a flat voice.

“Not in person.” I said and she gave me a pointed look. “I might be on the Federation Network soon.”

She caught her breath. “No, you... you can't...”

“It's the quickest way.” I said.

“No! I'll... I'll...”

“I'll miss you, too.” I said and kissed her deeply, right there in front of a crowded waiting room. Several cheers and claps came from the audience before I broke the kiss. “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye, John.” The nurse said and she watched me walk towards the doors. She didn't say anything else as I left the hospital.

I formed a security device and it beeped at me. “Yeah, buddy. Find me the closest information hub and we'll head right over there.”

It only took him about ten seconds to find one and I walked in that direction as I cast an illusion on myself to reduce my age to be in high school. I also transfigured my clothing to match the younger style of fashion and then made a waist length leather coat and a large carry-all bag.

“You have to be careful here. It's highly militaristic and you know how anal they are about security.”

“Beep boop.”

“Ha ha! That's right! What better way to advertise our services than to literally knock on their door?” I asked and walked inside the local cafe with net access and sat down as I pretended to pull out a laptop from inside my bag. “Find out the current date and then get me any information about Ibanez in the military. He's a Captain or a Colonel or something.”


A siren blared for several seconds as a computer tech at Federation Command stared at his screen. The sound cut off and an angry man in a military uniform with 'Major' insignia on it, walked over to him.

“You set off the breach alarm?” The major asked.

“Sir, I... I don't know what happened or how. One second I was working on the summary for the new firearms and then this little mouse appeared and started dancing around my screen. It whispered that it found a hole to enter our house and it's not going to steal the cheese, then started eating my report.”

“Damn hackers! Why can't they leave well enough alone?” The major asked.

“Sir, that's not why I set off the alarm.” The computer tech said and clicked on the mouse dropping. It opened up and it was the firearm report, only it had a new item added called a Stun Gun. It also had the schematics and its stats.

“Sweet Jefferson's Ghost.” The major said. “Tell me you traced the source!”

The tech clicked his trace program and it showed a single straight connection from their computers to a cafe in Arizona. “He's inviting us to visit, sir.”

The major nodded. “All right. Call the front desk and have a car sent over and have a drop ship prepped from the motor pool.”


I was drinking my second cup of coffee and eating the fourth donut when the scream of hover engines flew over the cafe. “Well, that was fast.” I commented and Eye beeped at me. “You're right. It was too tempting of an offer for them to resist.” I waved at the cute counter girl. “I'll have that order now.”

“Okay!” She exclaimed happily and quickly did up four coffees and another box of donuts. Tipping her twenty bucks for the first cup of coffee had really made her day. She had just finished piling everything on the tray when a major, two MPs, and a tech guy came into the cafe. She smiled as she brought the tray over to them.

“What's this?” The major asked.

“A thank you for coming.” I said and pointed to the cups with their names on them. “Please, have a seat and enjoy it. It's great coffee.”

The man gave me a stern look and accepted his, took a sip, and raised his eyebrows. “It really is good.”

The counter girl beamed a smile at them. “Thank you!”

The tech guy and the two MPs took theirs and she put the box of donuts next to mine.

“Thanks, Janice.” I said and handed her a fifty dollar bill.

She squealed as she took the money, bent down to give me a quick kiss, and gave me a hug. The major and the tech guy sat down when she left and the two MP guys stood on either side of them and faced me. They looked both threatening to me and happy to have coffee. I almost laughed as they put the coffee down to eat a donut while keeping their weapon hand free.

“Well, you got my attention.” The major said. “What do you want?”

“I woke up after a local accident and was severely burned. I was treated at the hospital and...”

“No.” The major said. “It's not worth getting a new recruit for that kind of cost, even if you did hack our computers illegally.”

“Was it illegal? I didn't hide that I did it and even gave you a present.” I said and turned my laptop around to show the directions for making the Stun Gun. “I'm willing to sell it to you outright for the medical bill costs.”

“Still not worth it.” The man said and took another sip of coffee.

I chuckled and pulled a USB drive from my pocket. “What about buying the best computer defense in existence? You'll never have to worry about hackers ever again.”

That made the tech guy sit up and he drooled a little.

“Easy there, Poindexter.” The major said to the guy and looked at me. “What else do you want?”

“Transport to Buenos Aires and to be enrolled in the high school there as a freshman.” I said. “I'll take care of the living arrangements myself.”

“Why?” The major asked and munched on a donut.

“I plan on graduating and enlisting in the Mobile Infantry.” I said and his eyes widened. “I've decided I'm going to have a lot of fun smashing the bugs. With your support behind the scenes, I'll even go career if things turn out well.”

“Are you bucking for command?” The major asked and held his cup out to the side. The counter girl refilled his cup and nodded to me and retreated. “Great service here.”

“It's the best in the city.” I said and heard the counter girl make a happy sound. “As for command, I'm only here to fight. I'm also a mechanic and fabricator. I can give you the designs to build an automated factory for those guns.”

“We have those for the Morita Assault Rifle.” The major said, unimpressed.

“You mean the main assault weapon for the Mobile Infantry that was designed solely for fighting other humanoid troops and not arachnids?” I asked and he frowned at me. I hit the arrow button on the laptop and the tech guy gasped. “Would you like a very simple, cheap, and powerful upgrade for it?”

“Who are you?” The major asked and I could see in his eyes what getting that upgrade would mean for his career.

“Apparently, I'm John Smith, since I have no memory of things here before I woke up after the accident.” I said and slid over a copy of my medical records. “I've already taken care of getting myself registered as a civilian. I just needed a helping hand with all the damn red tape at the high school.”

“If you have no memory from before two days ago, how are you doing all of this?” The major asked as he skimmed over reading my file.

“I only needed ten minutes to work out how to fix the Morita and the Stun Gun design is on the laptop. In fact, with a bit of tinkering, you can probably switch out the under-slung shotgun for a Stun Gun.” I said and the tech guy made a hungry sound. “So, what do you say?”

“What's to stop me from arresting you and taking everything you're offering anyway?” The major asked.

“I remember hearing once that 'something given has no value'.” I said and hit the other arrow button on the laptop. “Giving you the schematics for a great peacekeeping gun means nothing without the directions to fabricate and build the thing.” I closed the laptop and the tech guy made a sad sound. “You don't actually need the factory, though. Workers can build them easily, creating a ton of jobs and keeping civilians happy by boosting the economy.”

The major sat back and stared at me. “You're really going to go for Mobile Infantry to fight and not for military intelligence to keep working on stuff like this?”

“I told you, I want to have fun and I'm going to slaughter as many bugs as possible.” I said. “I just wanted to make sure I meet the basic requirements for that after attending school first.”

“Why Buenos Aires?”

“I've never been there.” I said and then chuckled. “That was lame, since I can't remember being anywhere on the whole planet.”

The tech guy laughed and then coughed.

The major finished his coffee and another donut. “All right.” He said and stood. “I can't believe I'm making a deal like this with a kid.”

“If it makes you feel any better...” I said and handed the laptop and the security defense USB key to the tech guy, making him shiver and hug both to his chest. “...technically, I'm only two days old.”

One of the MPs barked a laugh and the other smacked him for it. “What? He's the oldest baby I've ever seen.”

I chuckled and waved at the doorway as I stood. “The medical facility is only a block away.”

The major nodded and the five of us walked to the door. I waved to Janice and she jumped up and down to wave back, giving me a nice little show of bouncing cleavage.

“Thanks for that! I might come back for more later!” I said and she laughed as we left.


The major handled the medical bills and the hospital took my eye and handprint scans again to confirm that it was for me, then I followed the military men back to where they landed and climbed onto the dropship. It was neat to be on one and we flew back to the main Terran Federation base.

Once there, the major made some calls, some by videophone and others by voice only. It only took an hour to get me enrolled with military backing.

“Thank you, sir.” I said and snapped him a perfect salute.

“You're not sucking up to me, are you?” The major asked and casually returned it.

“No, sir.” I said and pulled out a three hundred year old bottle of whiskey from my carry-all bag. “This would be me sucking up to you.”

The major's face drained of color and he stared at the golden liquid filled bottle. He didn't know that it was only ten years old when I had copied it. Since it had the date embedded on the bottle and it was now the middle of the twenty-third century on this world, the thing was worth more than my weight in gold.

“Son, you should have led with that.” The major said and accepted the bottle with reverence.

I laughed and closed my bag. “By the way, it tastes delicious.”

The major caught his breath. “You had another and opened it?”

“I had to make sure it was still good.” I said and went to the door of his office. “Once I get myself settled, perhaps another bottle will find its way here.”

The major smiled and nodded. As I closed the door behind me, he was already on the phone calling his buddies and begging them to come over for an afternoon drink.


The flight to Buenos Aires was a particularly short one, thanks to another ride with a dropship.

“Thanks, fellas.” I said and hopped out of the transport at the edge of the city. Thanks to Eye, I knew the address of where I needed to go and followed his directions to get there.

It took me half an hour of walking to reach the place and created a piece of paper with a fake print-off of a Room for Rent ad on the Federation Network private listings. It was a bit underhanded to do it this way; but, I didn't want to take any chances. I even had Eye plant the fake ad temporarily and set it to only be seen from this address.

I knocked on the door of the fairly nice house after casting the human reveal spell and found two of them inside, one male and one female. Using the Force, I confirmed that they were Carmen and her father, a retired Colonel.

The door opened and Carmen stood there wearing tight exercise shorts and a sports bra. Her eyes rose up from her perfect height of five foot six inches to meet my six feet of height and locked gazes with me.

“Can I help you?” Carmen asked before her eyes darted down to check me out.

“Hi, there. I'm new in town and I'm responding to the room for rent ad.” I said and handed it to her.

She looked surprised and then she sighed. “Dad really should tell me these things.”

“I'm sure he meant to. Dads can get forgetful sometimes.” I said with a smile.

“Come on in.” Carmen said and stepped back to let me pass.

“Thank you.” I said and put my bag down by the door and took off my jacket. I did not miss her appreciative look.

“I'm Carmen.” She said and held a hand out for me to shake.

I gave her a teasing smile and took the hand, then kissed the back of it briefly. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Carmen. I'm John.”

Carmen blushed a little and held onto my hand as she took me into the living room. “Where are the rest of your things?”

“This is all I brought with me.” I said and she raised her eyebrows. “Right after I said I was signing up for Federal Service when I graduate, I was on the first transport to come here.”

Carmen had a sympathetic look on her face and her hand squeezed mine. “I'm sorry that they don't understand how important it is.”

“I doubt they would understand civic virtue if it bit them on the ass.” A man's gruff voice said as he walked into the living room with a metallic clang. He was also missing half of his left arm from the elbow down.

“I was just coming to get you, dad.” Carmen said and let my hand go. “I wish you would tell me these things before making decisions like this.”

“What things?” The man asked and she handed him the print-out of the ad. “What the hell is this?”

“Apparently, we have a room for rent on the net.” Carmen said and he huffed.

“Stupid computers. In my day...”

“Dad!” Carmen snapped to head him off before he ranted. “Shouldn't you check and see if it's real?”

“Right.” He said and turned on the television and used the remote to go to the right place and then cursed as he saw it. “How the hell did that get there?” He asked and changed the settings, then deleted the ad.

“I wonder how many other people saw it?” Carmen asked.

“Grrr.” Her father growled and looked at me. “I'm sorry, we don't have a room for rent and I don't know how that thing got on there.” He said and put the remote down. “Probably one of my old buddies playing a prank or something.”

“Dad...” Carmen started to say.

“He's too young to be renting a room at a stranger's house anyway.” The man said.

Carmen gave him a stern look. “We do have a spare room to rent.”

“Carmen, he's a stranger and...”

“If we rent the room to him, if anyone else shows up, we can tell them that.” Carmen said, completely logically.

“I can cook like a master chef, I'll buy all the food for the house, I can pay my share of bills besides the rent, and I'm going to high school in the fall.” I said and the two of them gave me pointed stares. “I sold a weapon upgrade to the military, so I've got a lot of money just burning a hole in my pocket.”

Carmen's father's pointed look changed to a squinted glare. “What weapon?”

“The Morita Assault Rifle.” I said and walked back out to the doorway and pretended to pull out several sheets of paper from my bag before walking back. “Here, have a look.”

He really glared at me this time.

“It's not classified or anything.” I said and held my hands up in surrender. “The other one I gave them is until they make enough to test them and approve them for general use. It's also a standalone weapon if they want it to be.”

The man looked over the papers and a smile appeared on his face. “This is what you've submitted?”

“Yes, sir. I even told them the best materials to use for both cost effectiveness and durability.” I said.

“You do realize that the military doesn't like to be told things by a civilian.” He said.

“Like I told Carmen, I won't be a civilian for much longer. It's only two years until graduation and then I'm signing up.” I said and both Carmen and her father smiled. “Depending on how my term of service goes, I'm even thinking about going career.”

That made both of them grin at me.

“I think we do have a room here for an ambitious young man.” Carmen's father said and stood. “Come into the kitchen and show us some of your cooking skills while we discuss the details.”

“That's a great idea, dad.” Carmen said and took her father's arm to help him as the three of us went into the large kitchen.

I gave the refrigerator a good look through, checked the freezer, then looked through the pantry. “Okay, we can have Beef Wellington, Chicken Cacciatore, or Spaghetti and Meatballs.”

“Spaghetti and Meatballs!” Carmen and her father said at the same time.

I chuckled and grabbed the things I would need, including meat, spices, crackers, sauce, and pasta. “One delicious meatball dinner, with pasta on the side, coming right up!”

That made the older man laugh and Carmen smiled.


During my first week there, I cooked every meal and made them all delicious. I also had two 'people' show up to ask about the room, just to make the ad seem legitimate. I stopped after that.

I had Carmen take me shopping for clothes to wear at school and oh boy, can she shop like a champion. I was sure she was having a lot more fun than she was letting on, especially when she slipped a few things in for herself and gave me an innocent look. I winked at her and she gave me a sexy smile before she added a few more things and we continued on to the next store.

I started joining her during her exercise routines, wearing only the shorts she bought for me and no t-shirt. Her eyes almost bore into me as we worked out together. I soon introduced her to meditation and she was very grateful for it, because she sneaked a kiss to my cheek nearing the end of the second week while I had my eyes closed.

At the end of the first month of me living there, we had the classic accidental after-the-shower moment, only it was me giving it to her. I figured she deserved it after all of the hard work she had been doing studying and staying in shape for her future military career.

Carmen's mouth hung open as I stood there and continued to dry myself off in front of her. “J-John...”

“Shower's free.” I said and walked over to her and let her see me up close. Her eyes went down to my crotch and I let it rise up to meet her gaze.

“Oh.” Carmen whispered and blushed very hard.

I very slowly wrapped a towel around my waist and she lifted her gaze up to my face. “Happy Birthday.” I whispered and gave her a tender kiss. I left her standing there and that was where she stayed for nearly ten minutes, then she remembered she needed the bathroom and ran inside and shut the door.

A week later, I felt someone climb under my blanket and into my bed. I didn't say anything as I turned over to take Carmen into my arms. She kissed me with her soft lips and her hands rubbed me all over.

“J-John, I... I've never...”

“I can't remember anything happening here before the accident.” I said and then smiled. “Since my time here started then, we can pretend I'm a virgin, too.”

Carmen smiled and nodded, then she kissed me and moved down to grab me firmly. She gave me a sultry look and then licked it like an ice cream cone. I throbbed for her and she grinned, then she slipped me into her mouth and really started to work me over.

I whispered encouragement and directions to give her confidence and she proved up to the challenge. I blew my load into her mouth and she made a bit of a mess of it, then she laughed and did her best to lick most of it up.

“That sure was a lot, John.” Carmen said.

“I've been saving it all up for you since I came here.” I said and she gave me a knowing smile. I motioned for her to move up and then it was her turn to moan and squirm as I tasted her inside and out. Her cute squeals as she came several times were wonderful to hear and then I moved her back down to join with her. I had used several spells to make it easier for her and she started enjoying sex right away. I also made sure she wouldn't get pregnant by vanishing the sperm.

We spent half the night going at it and she was quite the little explorer. I was very grateful for cleaning spells that cleaned everywhere, because her tongue had touched me pretty much everywhere, too. Yes, even there. It made her giggle when I puckered up and jumped whenever she did it, the minx.


The first day of the second year of high school arrived and Carmen told me that she was officially my girlfriend at breakfast. Her father laughed and I pulled out a high school class ring to give to her. Carmen let out a squeal of delight and kissed me deeply.

“Now you know why I laughed.” Her father said and she kissed his cheek as she hugged him.

“He asked you first.” Carmen said and he nodded. “Thanks, dad.”

“You're my little girl. Your happiness is what's important.” He said and looked at me. “Plus, I showed him my gun collection.”

“Dad!” Carmen gasped.

“He knew what I meant and he even gave me a pair to add to it.” He said with a smile. “Odd looking eight shooters with pearl handles and weird calibre ammo.”

“You can pick up a lot of odd things while browsing the net.” I said, truthfully. I just didn't mean the guns.

“You kids have fun at school.” Her father said and Carmen huffed. “Not that kind of fun!”

Carmen smiled and kissed his cheek again. “I know. I'm just teasing you.” She said and picked up her bag. “Come on, John. We don't want to be late for the transport.”

“I've already prepped lunch for you. It's on the second shelf in the fridge.” I said and picked up my own bag.

“You didn't have to do that.” Her father said.

“I wanted to.” I said and pat his shoulder. “I've got a nice beef stew simmering on the stove for supper.”

“You can have one bowl if you're still hungry later.” Carmen said. “We'll grab fresh buns on the way home.”

“Yes, dear.” Her father said with a roll of his eyes.

I took her hand before she could smack him. I kissed it and she rolled her own eyes.

“Bye, dad.” Carmen said and he nodded. I saluted him and he returned it.

The transport ride was quick and dropped us off at the high school's main entrance.

“Help me look for Beth and Sam.” Carmen said.

“Sure thing.” I said and we walked around for a bit. “By the way, what do they look like?”

Carmen gave me a surprised look for a moment, then she laughed. “I've gotten so used to having you around all summer that I forgot you haven't been around.”

“Thanks.” I said and gave her a quick kiss, which just so happened to be seen by one of the girls in question. I assumed this, because there was a yell of surprise and then a blonde girl was hanging off of Carmen's neck a moment later.

“Hi, Beth.” Carmen said and let my hand go to hug the girl.

“Who's the hunk?” Beth asked and looked up at my face.

“Amnesiac genius and a master of foot massage, at your service.” I said and bowed my head slightly to her. “You can call me John for short.”

Carmen and Beth laughed softly as a third young woman joined us.

“Dibs on the first foot massage at lunch!” Sam said and grinned at me. “My tender tootsies are at your mercy, master!”

That really set off the girls and they laughed pretty hard. I stood there and took it all in stride, especially when they gained quite a bit of attention. Of course, it wasn't like they weren't going to get it anyway. The three of them were the hottest young women in the school. Carmen as the brunette, Beth as the blonde, and Sam as the redhead. The trifecta of sexiness.

“I hope you don't think you're going to abandon us, just because you've got an Adonis as a boyfriend.” Beth said as she kind of glared at me.

“I would never presume to take her time away from her friends.” I said as we entered the school. “I'm here to make her happy, not annoy her friends with my mere presence.”

Beth's glare changed to a beaming smile. “At least you have your priorities straight.”

“Dad approves of him, too.” Carmen said and her two friends gasped. “I know! It's amazing!”

I walked behind them as the three of them devolved into a whispered conversation and we stopped at their lockers to drop off their personal things. We wouldn't get the textbooks until we attended each class.

We went to the first class, math, and the three of them were in their element. They basked in the attention from the other students and the teacher, that just happened to be a smart and sexy woman that was like an older version of Beth. She gave me a pointed look, as if asking why I was there, and I discreetly pointed to Carmen and made a kissy-face.

The teacher nodded slightly in understanding and then waited for the class to fill before she shut the door. “All right you bunch. I know this is the first day...”

“You haven't even passed the books out yet!” A male voice exclaimed.

“...but, a little quiz to see if you remember anything from last year is in order.” The teacher continued as if he hadn't interrupted. “It's only short, barely a page and maybe ten minutes of your time.”

“Do we have to show our work?” I asked with my hand up.

“I would appreciate that.” She said, almost gratefully. “Only knowing the answer isn't always the best thing. Knowing how to get there, even if the answer ends up being incorrect, is just as important.”

The test was handed out and my studying during the summer, thanks to Eye grabbing the previous year's textbooks, really paid off. I blew through it in about three minutes and then sat there twiddling my thumbs.

The teacher noticed me once more and then frowned slightly. She was too curious to ignore my idle state and walked over to my desk that was right behind Carmen's, and she picked up my face-down test. She caught her breath when she saw that it was completed and looked at my smiling face. She opened her mouth to speak, then changed her mind and went back to her desk to mark the test.

She seemed to startle a little and gave me another look. I hadn't changed my smile and she reached into her desk and took out a different sheet. She brought that over to me without saying a word and went back to her desk. She watched me working, her eyes wide at the speed that my hand was moving.

The test was a bit more advanced than the last one; but, it was just a progression of the work I had studied, so I did my best with it and filled it out just as the ten minute time limit ended. I flipped it over to be face-down and the teacher collected the other tests, leaving mine for last. She caught her breath once more as she saw the completed sheet and gave me a pointed look, then went back to her desk.

“John Smith? Can you and Carmen come up here and help me pass out the new textbooks?” The teacher asked.

“Yes, miss.” “Yes, ma'am.” Carmen and I said at the same time, respectively.

We passed out the textbooks, me repairing the damaged ones, and we returned to our seats.

The teacher had finished grading the tests by then and she looked around the room. “It seems that some of you have a lot of work to do this year.”

Several groans came from the students and she smiled.

“You all have plenty of time to improve this year, since it's only your middle year. Next year is going to be the important one for both academic placement and for any future careers you have in mind.” The teacher said. “Not that you have to worry about that right now.”

Carmen glanced back at me and I blew her a kiss, making her and her two friends giggle under their breath. Apparently, she had already told them I was going right into Federal Service after graduating, so they knew my career was already set.

“Today will just be an overview of what we're going to tackle this year, so let's get to it, shall we?” The teacher asked and stood once more as she started to write on the chalkboard.


“Oh, my god.” Sam whispered and bit her lip to stop her moan. “You're really doing it.”

The four of us had already finished eating lunch and we were outside at one of the picnic tables. I had one of her sock-covered feet held firmly and massaged it expertly.

“I can't give you the full experience because we're in public.” I said and her eyes widened.

“He means he can get you off just from the massage.” Carmen breathed into her ear and Sam blushed.

“Me next!” Beth nearly shouted and made the other two laugh.

I barely had time to give her the same treatment before lunch ended and we had to go back to class. I wasn't surprised to find Carl was in a few of the same classes, since he would have to be intelligent to qualify for the higher officer slots in the military later. What did surprise me was that Dizzy was also in those classes.

She was the girl that had pined after Johnny Rico while he dated Carmen during senior year in the movie. I had falsely assumed that she was within his intelligence range, because she was also on his football team. She was actually quite smart and was also physically active in sports, or the epitome of a sexy tomboy. With me stopping Rico from dating Carmen, changing his future, Dizzy might just get her chance.

Perhaps I should help that along.


As soon as I entered the Civics classroom, Rico let out a surprised sound and then spoke. “You have to try out for the team!”

I chuckled. “Sorry, Rico. I'm much too busy with my studies and my smoking hot girlfriend to ignore both, just to practice something that I'd have to quit later to join up.”

Carmen looked pleased and Rico looked sad.

“What's that I hear?” A stern man asked.

I turned to see a man with one leg sitting at the teacher's desk. I stood at attention and snapped off an immediate salute.

The man returned it with a chuckle. “Army brat?”

“No, sir. I just have the utmost respect for people with the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility.”

That made the entire class quiet down and the man at the desk stood up.

“Son, that was the best explanation for Civic Duty that I've ever heard.” He said and walked over to me with a cane. He stopped and braced as he held a hand out to me. “What's your name?”

“John Smith.” I said and he chuckled as we shook hands.

“Can't remember your real name, huh?” He asked.

“Car accident and major explosion.” I said and everyone stared at me. “I got better, thanks to some time in a regen tank and the military picking up the tab for me.”

“You're paying them back by joining?”

“No, sir. I contacted them, sold them a security upgrade package, and they paid off my medical bills.”

The man gave me a searching look and then smiled. “You're doing it on your own, then.”

I nodded. “I'm going out there and I'm going to squash as many bugs as super-humanly possible.”

That made him laugh. “Go ahead and grab a seat, though I suspect this class is going to be a bit boring for you.”

“I doubt that, sir.” I said and sat down in the seat next to Carmen. “Then again, if you catch me staring at my girlfriend or her friends, you'll know why.”

“John!” Carmen gasped and both Beth and Sam blushed.

The teacher barked a laugh and hobbled back to his chair. “Smart ass.”

“Yes, sir. I'll try to keep the remarks to a minimum.” I promised.

“No, you speak up whenever you want... as long as it's not sarcastic. You can stow that shit back where it came from.” He said and I nodded. “As for the rest of you, I suspect you're getting tired of review and being told what's happening in your classes for the rest of the year.”

A chorus of agreement and nods came from the students.

“Good! Let's talk about Sweden and their influence on modern culture.” The teacher said and nearly everyone sat up straighter, even the jocks like Johnny Rico.


And so it went. A few weeks passed by and I settled down into a common routine of school, studying with three enthusiastic girls, and cooking bigger meals because they kept finding excuses to stay over. Neither Carmen nor her father objected to them being there, so I didn't either. Like I had told the two friends, I wasn't there to take Carmen's time away from them.

I made a few new friends, including Rico and Dizzy. After a couple of specifically worded notes discreetly handed to the both of them, convincing them that they secretly liked each other and could never say anything because they were teammates and didn't want to wreck their friendship by admitting their feelings, the two started dating and were caught dozens of times making out in the hallways.

This set off a series of double dates and we had fun. For some reason, Beth and Sam eventually started showing up as well and we all made it into a group thing. Of course, I couldn't leave them out of being treated right and made sure they always had as much fun as Carmen and Dizzy did.

A month later, I had to make two more class rings for Beth and Sam, because they didn't want any more immature idiots at school trying to ask them out. It wasn't until Beth gave me a passionate kiss after I gave her a ring that I also found out that I had inadvertently been dating all three girls.

I wasn't sure why they were fine with that and was about to ask about it, when Sam kissed me just as passionately and accepted her ring. The three of them looked very happy and hugged each other, rubbed the rings, and smiled warmly at me. I mentally shrugged and we went back to studying as if nothing had happened.

That weekend, the girls decided that an 'epic sleepover' had to happen, because they hadn't stayed over in so long. Carmen's father wanted nothing to do with rambunctious girls for the whole weekend, so he took a fishing trip for a whole week, which made me laugh. I packed him a lot of dried foods and snacks for the trip and I also gave him a comm badge in the shape of the Federation Eagle.

He looked surprised at the technology and I made a hush gesture. He nodded in understanding and left with the girls waving goodbye enthusiastically. Once his car was gone, the girls let out squeals and grabbed my hands and dragged me back into the house. They had me cook them a meal of breaded chicken pieces with french fries, because they wanted finger food to pick at.

After that, they went to the living room and set things up for a movie night. I tried to leave them alone to let them enjoy the night together and they adamantly refused to let me out of their sight. In fact, they left one at a time to get changed to relax for the evening and made sure I couldn't sneak off. When it was my turn, Carmen came with me and told me what to wear.

We were all wearing jogging pants and loose t-shirts of all different colors when we settled down on the couch to watch the first of several movies. Carmen was cuddled into my right side and Beth was cuddled into my left, which left Sam adrift and she sat beside Beth with a bit of a pout on her face.

I sighed and moved back as far as I could into the couch and left her enough room in front of me if I spread my legs. “Sam, I think you can squeeze in here.”

Sam looked over at the opening I had made for her and she blushed. She didn't refuse, though. She sat down on the couch between my legs and knew she was blocking my view, so she laid back against me and rested the back of her head on my shoulder.

“Th-thank you.” Sam said and didn't seem to know what to do with her arms.

“You can either cross them or rest them on my thighs.” I suggested and she leaned out to look at my face. She must have seen what she wanted, because she nodded and leaned back against me and put her arms on my thighs and her hands gripped my knees.

I put my arms around Carmen's and Beth's shoulders and Carmen started the movie. About ten minutes passed before Sam had to adjust her position a little, probably because her butt was getting sore from sitting near the edge of the couch, and her ass rubbed my crotch.

Of course, my erection decided to make an appearance at that point and Sam stiffened slightly before she moved a bit more to settle me between her cheeks and relaxed. Every few minutes, she would wiggle her ass a little, as if to make sure she was really feeling what she was feeling, and relaxed again.

She did this all through the first movie and then Beth asked to switch with her.

I wasn't surprised that I wasn't asked if I wanted them to switch, since I was sure that my opinion wasn't required. I was the cuddle buddy for the evening and that was that.

Carmen changed the movie and Beth switched with a pouting Sam. Of course, I put my arm down when Sam sat and she gave me a look. I wiggled my fingers at her chest height and she grinned at me as she cuddled in and leaned slightly forward, which let me reach around her and I cupped her breast.

Carmen sat back down and started the next movie as I fondled Sam's breast that was lacking a bra. What surprised me was when she pretended to scratch at her back and lifted her baggy t-shirt to let my hand slip inside to touch her directly. She glanced at my face briefly and blushed when I played with her erect nipple.

The movie progressed and Sam's body heated up as I teased her breasts and caressed her side. I kept it respectful and didn't grope her or squeezed hard, either. It was all gentle and caring touches and she seemed to really like that.

“Foot massage.” Carmen said and moved away to rest on the arm of the couch and put her feet on Beth's lap, making her laugh.

“Wrong master, Carmen.” Beth said and held up one of Carmen's feet towards me. “Your mistress needs your magic fingers, John.”

“Yes, mistress.” I said and used my only free hand to give Carmen a massage. Even with one hand, I made her moan a little and she only half-watched the movie as I hit some good spots for her. When she let out a squeak and sighed, the other two girls stared at her.

“I told you.” Carmen said and closed her eyes. “Do the other foot, please.”

I switched feet for her and she moaned a bit louder this time as I worked my fingers into the soft pads of her foot. I also stepped up my game of playing with Sam's breasts.

Beth wiggled her butt on me and still looked a little disappointed that she wasn't getting the better deal than Carmen. When she glanced at Sam, she saw her friend's face was half-pleasure and half-needy. Her eyes went down to Sam's chest and saw a bit of movement there, too. She gave me a glare, clearly unhappy about not being touched, so I briefly looked down at my crotch and at her face.

Beth totally got it as she smirked at me and dug her hand inside my jogging pants. She gripped me and pulled several times to make sure I was hard enough for her, then she turned around and straddled my waist. She pushed herself right in there and had to clamp her mouth shut, because her panties proved to be no real barrier between us.

She was immediately wet as she ground herself against my exposed erection. The look on her face was frantic as she wrapped her arms around my neck and stared into my eyes. Carmen let out another squeak and sighed as she trembled a little, so I let her foot go and reached around Beth to grab her ass and helped her grind into me. I also used the Force to tease Sam between her legs.

Beth and Sam let out similar moans and then Beth kissed me hard as she had an orgasm. She stiffened up as she held onto me, then she sighed and broke the kiss. She looked into my eyes once more and I winked at her as I held up my free hand. She licked her lips and nodded as she moved back on my lap a little to give me access.

I easily slipped two fingers into her and she moaned again as I easily found a good spot inside her. Sam laid back and pulled down her jogging pants and panties, exposing herself just enough for me, and I used my other hand to play with her, too. Both girls rocked their hips and helped me along to get them off quicker, which happened only a few minutes later.

Sam moaned and shook a little, then she pulled her panties and jogging pants back up to curl into a ball on the couch. Beth was right behind her and came, then she did the same thing and curled up in front of Sam. Soon, all three girls were asleep and I cast sleep spells on them to keep them that way. I carried them with the Force to Carmen's room where I increased the size of her bed and put the three of them on it.

I used magic to clean them up and gave each a light kiss as I tucked them in, then I went to my own room. I had already created a medical facility nearby that only two people besides myself knew about, because I had to finish converting things to look more like Terran Federation technology. I also had a bit more work to do redesigning an Alliance automated space station to resemble Terran Federation technology.

I had already done the same for the sentry and security drones that could patrol the space around the Earth. I would have to make one during the summer to gain the mental image before I could populate Earth's high orbit with them. I knew they had that huge space station around the moon and it had great defenses, except it left Earth vulnerable for about a week each month as the moon went behind the planet and the Earth itself obscured the lines of fire that were meant to keep it safe.

I worked for quite a while before going to sleep myself. When my alarm went off in the morning, I went to the kitchen and prepared a great breakfast for the girls. I used the Force to move the smells into Carmen's room as I finished cooking and soon all three girls walked into the kitchen. Carmen looked fine and the other two looked embarrassed.

“Good morning, ladies.” I said and went to Carmen to kiss her. “How did you sleep?”

“Great as usual.” Carmen said and sat down to eat.

I went to Beth next and gave her a deep kiss. “What about you?”

Beth just blushed and sat down to eat without answering.

Sam looked eager as I went to her and she kissed me back. “I slept really well.”

“I'm glad.” I said and we all ate the food. “What are you doing today? Any plans?”

Carmen gave the other two a significant look. “I was thinking a trip to the mall.”

“I'M IN!” Sam yelled.

Beth lost the blush as she laughed. “I guess I'm going, too.”

“Do you want me to drive and drop you off?” I asked.

“Yes, thank you.” Carmen said and kissed me. “Give us some time to get ready and we can go.”

“Becoming perfect takes time, so I'll wait for exactly three minutes... then you can finish getting dressed.” I said and she laughed. “I mean, you lovely ladies take your time and I'll take you anywhere you want to go. I am completely at your disposal this weekend.”

“Thanks.” “Thank you.” Beth and Sam said as one.

Half an hour later, they were dressed and ready to go.

“You all look spectacular.” I said and they blushed. “I want you to take these pins and wear them.”

“Why?” Carmen asked as I attached the Federation Eagle comm badge to her collar.

“It's an emergency communication device. Just tap it and say my name to call me if you get in trouble. I'll be at your side immediately.” I said and went to Beth to give her one.

“Really?” Beth asked and I nodded. “Why is it shaped like that?”

“No one would suspect it's a comm badge.” I said and attached the last to Sam's collar. “You can even call each other with them.”

“We won't get lost anymore if we're separated?” Sam asked, surprised.

“Not if you don't want to be.” I said and showed them my own comm badge. “If anything happens, you call immediately and I'll be there.”

The three girls nodded and we left the house to climb into my very nice car. I helped the three of them into the back seat before I went to the driver's seat.

“I really love your car.” Beth said as we drove out of the driveway.

“Thanks. I designed and built it myself.” I said and she looked surprised. “It wasn't that hard.”

“It doesn't even need fuel.” Carmen whispered and the three of them started another whispered conversation.

Twenty minutes later, we were at the mall and I stepped out of the car to help each of them climb out.

“Remember, I'll be close by. Call if anything happens and I'll come running with guns blazing and fists flying.” I promised.

Carmen gave me a quick kiss. “We'll keep that violent image in mind, thanks.”

I chuckled and kissed Beth and then Sam. “Have fun.”

“We shouldn't be long. Our allowances don't let us splurge much.” Beth said.

“Oh, right! I almost forgot about that.” I pulled out three payment cards from my pocket. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't let my girlfriends buy nice things whenever they wanted?”

The three of them squealed with delight and each one kissed me and took a card.

“You're the best!” Beth exclaimed.

“Nah, I'm greedy and selfish when it comes to you three.” I said and they looked pleased. “Call when you're ready to come home.”

The three of them nodded and went into the mall, both excited and happy.

I waited until they turned to wave at me through the doors before I hopped into the car and drove away. Once I was far enough away and out of clear sight of anyone, I apparated the car back to the street I lived on, thanks to Eye showing me it was clear to do so. I parked and went back into the house before I apparated to the medical facility and finished converting the superficial machines to look like federation tech.

It was then that my very first customer arrived. I went to the front desk to greet my Civics teacher and he chuckled when he saw me. He was a bit wary at first, until I described what I had done and the results achieved at the old medical facility I had healed at. He damn near stripped off right there and I had to stop him and take him into the medical lab to prep him and put him into the tank.

After several injections of bacta, he settled down and I left him there to regenerate with medical droids disguised as humans. I went home and continued my work redesigning the Alliance starbase plans.

The girls didn't call until four hours later for a pick-up. I ran out of the house and hopped into the car, drove a short ways, and apparated back to the same blind spot I had jumped from. I drove into the parking lot and the three of them were there at the front doors with mounds of bags.

I parked and hopped out to give them each a kiss. “I'm glad there's lots of cargo space in the back.”

“So are we.” Carmen said and the three of them helped me carry the bags to the back. I opened it up and they let out whistles at the huge area inside. The bags fit easily and I closed it up. It was the smallest expansion charm I had ever cast and it was perfect, because no one questioned it.

We drove home and they had another whispered conversation. I didn't bother listening in, even though I very easily could have. If they wanted me to hear, they would have spoken normally.

Back at the house, I helped them take their bags into Carmen's room and left them alone as I went to go cook supper. I didn't see them again until I hollered for them to come into the dining room. My eyes almost fell out of my head as three superbly and fancily dressed young women came into the dining room.

I hopped to my feet and greeted each of them properly, then sat them around the table. “Please excuse me for a few minutes while I change into proper attire for the evening.”

“John, we didn't do this to...” Carmen started to say.

“My dear lady, I am honored that you have graced me with your beauty. I can do nothing less than to prepare myself appropriately.” I said and gave her a quick kiss. “The same goes for you.” I said and kissed Beth, then kissed Sam. “I'll only be a few moments.”

I started to leave, then went to the kitchen and pretended to get some wine from the cupboard that I actually created. I popped it open and served each of them a glass. The three of them stared at me and then at the glass of wine.

“It's a great tasting vintage.” I said and put the bottle down on the table and the three of them gasped at the date on the bottle from the nineteen hundreds. “Enjoy.”

The three of them watched me leave and I paused just outside the door to listen.

“He just... oh, god... three hundred year old wine!” Beth exclaimed.

“He's either really crazy or really rich.” Sam said. “Carmen?”

“He sells designs to the government.” Carmen said. “He's got money; but, I never thought...”

“He doesn't act like a rich kid.” Beth said. “He's really nice and not arrogant at all.”

“That's so awesome.” Sam said and took a sip. “Oh, my god! Its delicious!”

The other two tried it and made appreciative sounds.

“He's got great taste, too.” Beth said. “Carmen, you're so lucky!”

Carmen laughed a little. “Me? He knows my dream is to go off to the Flight Academy. He also treats me like a princess. I... I really like that...”

“It sounds like there's a major 'but' coming.” Beth said.

“You don't love him?” Sam asked, clearly surprised.

“I do, it's just... we both know this can't really go anywhere. He's signing up for Federal Service, too.” Carmen said. “I think we're both just having fun as we wait to start our lives.”

“Then I'm really glad he accepted me because he's the best thing that's happened to me in my whole life.” Beth said. “I'm not going for Federal Service and my job prospects are pretty limited because of that.”

“Yeah, we even have to wait two years and have to pay a huge bribe to get a pregnancy license.” Sam said. “Just finding a citizen to settle down with, that wants to do that with a civilian, is hard enough. My parents worked their butts off to afford to have me and I'm very grateful for that.”

I had heard enough, so I transfigured my clothing into a tuxedo and silently walked to the end of the hallway. I hopped with my shoes to make them clack on the floor and walked loudly back to the dining room. When I entered, the three girls had shocked expressions on their faces.

“I hope this is to your liking, dear ladies?” I asked and kissed Sam's cheek, then Beth's, then Carmen's.

They seemed too stunned to comment, so I served the meal and sat down at the head of the table. I took a sip of wine and smiled, then started to eat. They took the cue and started eating as well.

The meal soon ended and I stood each of them up, then walked with them towards the living room. I used the Force to move everything out of the way and cast an Illusion to recreate a small version of the Great Hall during the Yule Ball. The three girls gasped when they saw it.

“It's fake.” I said and passed my hand through one of the decorations. “It's all I could do with no notice of us having a formal date.”

The girls didn't say anything as I sat them on the still visible couch.

I started up some music and took Sam's hand. “May I have this dance?”

Sam nodded her head several times and hopped up to hug me tightly. I gave her two songs, one slow and one fast, then switched to Beth and did the same thing. Carmen was last and she almost had tears in her eyes as we slow danced.

“Shh.” I said and gently kissed her. “I'm going to be the best boyfriend you've ever had, remember?”

“You... you already are.” Carmen whispered and hugged me.

The four of us danced for two hours and stopped for refreshments and snacks, then danced for another hour. I walked each of them to Carmen's room, thanked them for a wonderful night, and kissed them passionately. I ended with Sam and she held on and kept kissing me for several minutes.

“I had the best time, John. The best.” Sam said and kissed me again. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, dear lady.” I said and bowed to her, kissed her hand, and walked away. I left the illusion up, in case they wanted to check it out later. I also left a fake Holographic Emitter and my laptop in the far corner of the room. I changed my clothing back and cleaned up the dishes and the bit of mess we had made during the date. I went to bed after that and stripped off to wait.

Half an hour later, my bedroom door opened and in walked Sam wearing some very sexy lingerie. She gave me a pleading look and I lifted my blanket to show her that I was already naked. She looked relieved and shut and locked my door before she came over to the bed and climbed in. She wasn't a virgin and she apologized for that, saying she was young and stupid a year ago and it was a mistake.

“It's only us here tonight.” I whispered back and kissed her tenderly. “Everyone before and after doesn't matter. It's just us right now. You and me.” I said and then smiled. “And my rock hard erection. We can't forget that.”

Sam laughed and kissed me back. “Thanks for making this fun and not awkward.”

“We haven't even begun to have fun.” I said and slid down under the blanket to take off her panties.

An hour later, she was exhausted and sound asleep. I made another bed and tucked her into it, because I suspected someone else was going to appear soon. I cleaned up and hid the second bed with an Illusion and unlocked the door.

My prediction was right an hour later when Beth entered my room and was also wearing sexy lingerie. She looked around and was surprised that no one else was in here. She came in and climbed right into bed with me.

“I know nothing's going to happen between us after we graduate next year.” Beth whispered and kissed me.

“Who told you that?” I asked and Beth looked surprised.

“Carmen said...”

“We're going into different branches of the military and we're both probably going to go career.” I said and she sighed. “That doesn't mean I won't have shore leave or can't have someone here waiting for me.”

“But, it's two years for the first term. When you go career, you could always be on deployment.”

“It's possible. Basic training should be brutal and is included in the serving term, so that's not too bad. I'll have a two week break then.” I said. “Depending on the mission I'm given, I could be back a month later or at the six month interval again.”

“So, twice a year and only for two weeks each time.” Beth said.

“Yeah.” I responded and stroked her cheek. “Do you want to have fun until graduation a year and a half away, or are you resigned to the fact that we might not be able to meet up in the far future?”

Beth looked thoughtful. “I want a stipend while you're gone and I want a pregnancy license after your first term ends.”

“With me?” I asked and she chuckled.

“Yes, you dunce. We might not get married, because my parents won't be happy that you're going to be gone for so long.” Beth said and pulled off her nightie. “On the other hand, they'll be ecstatic to have a grandchild.”

I pulled her in close and kissed her. “I'm glad you understand the logistics.”

“If you die on me, I'll be really, really sad, too.” Beth said and then moaned as she straddled me like she did on the couch. Unlike then, she let it go a bit further and I slipped right inside of her without any resistance.

“You never have to worry about that.” I said and kissed her.

Half an hour later, she was tucked into the other bed with Sam and sound asleep. I cleaned up and went to Carmen's bedroom. She didn't say anything until I climbed into bed with her.

“Did you make them happy?” Carmen asked and didn't move to hug me or anything.

“I think so.” I said. “Beth wants a tentative relationship and a kid two years after graduation.”

“Beth did and not Sam?” Carmen asked, surprised.

“Sam, too?” I asked and she nodded. “Huh. I'll have a talk with her tomorrow.”

“You're really going to do it for the both of them?” Carmen asked and rolled over to face me.

“Sure, why not?” I asked and her eyes widened. “Depending on where they want to live, they could probably live together and we can raise the kids together.”

Carmen closed her mouth and didn't say anything.

“Yes, I'm still going career.” I said and she smiled. “I will have a six month shore leave for each kid.”

“You didn't tell them that, did you?” Carmen asked and cuddled into me.

“Why ruin the surprise?” I asked and she laughed.

“You're a good man, John.” Carmen said and kissed me.

“I'm about to have sex with you after doing your two best friends.” I said and pulled off her sexy lingerie. “I'm about as bad as a good man can get, I think.”

Carmen laid back to let me get on top. “You wouldn't let yourself stay dirty, so it's okay.”

I slid into her and kissed her deeply, then made love to her as slow as possible to drive her crazy. By the time she came the first time, she was growling in frustration and glared at me, despite the orgasm being a pretty big one for her.

“Now I can have fun with you.” I said and proceeded to pound her as hard as she liked it.


“I think I need a third arm.” I said as we walked off the transport to school on Monday and Carmen and Beth claimed both of my arms.

“I got it.” Sam said and gripped the front of my jeans with her fingers touching me down there as she walked ahead of us. That made the other two girls laugh and everyone stared at us.

“So much for keeping this a secret.” I whispered and the three of them gave me sultry smiles.

By lunchtime, the whole school knew they were actually my girlfriends and we were having sex.

“Jesus, man! Three of them? All three?” Rico asked as we entered the classroom.

“What can I say? They're the best.” I said and sat them down at their desks before taking my own.

“You're gonna exhaust yourself trying to keep the three of them happy.” Carl said. “Johnny's having enough trouble with just Dizzy.”

“Hey!” Dizzy said and smacked his arm.

“OW! Sorry, sorry!” Carl said with a laugh and leaned away from her desk.

“Children.” The teacher said as he walked into the room with a brand new leg.

“Holy shit!” Rico gasped and everyone stared.

The teacher walked right over to me and nodded. “Thanks for the address of that facility.”

“No thanks are needed, sir. Once I knew it was up and running, I had to tell the people I knew.” I said and everyone looked at me. “Everyone I knew that was missing a limb.”

Carmen turned back to look at me. “Dad's really gone fishing, isn't he?”

I nodded. “He'll be stopping there on the way home on Saturday and he'll be home on Sunday night, just like he promised.”

“Whole.” Carmen said and gave me a particular look that meant I would be getting something good from her later.

“Completely.” I said and she nodded.

The teacher walked back to his desk and sat on the front of it. “Today, we'll discuss the impact the Pharaohs had on what they believed was the lower classes of Egypt.”

“Believed, sir?” Someone asked.

“Yes. The working class, or the ones that some view as slaves, were the ones that made Egypt what it was. Without them, the nation wouldn't have lasted nearly as long as it did.” The teacher said and crossed his ankles to look at the students of the class. “Who wants to argue against that?”

Half the class put up their hands and he smiled.


Over the next month, sixteen more people were referred to the secret medical facility and were healed, after promising to only tell other impaired people and signing non-disclosure agreements. I knew that wouldn't last long, especially since I wasn't charging anyone for the service and lied to say that the government was taking care of the bills for them.

I expanded it to have ten tanks and there was plenty of room for me to add a dozen more when it was necessary to do so. I even managed to construct one of the sentry drones to place in orbit. It was a combination Harvester as well, in case there was a bunch of debris in close Earth orbit to take care of.

I also finished the space station redesign and waited until early Saturday morning before I went to the living room and submitted it to the major that had helped me enroll in high school. The look on his face when he saw it, was priceless.

“Are you sure you want to go in for MI?” He asked me as he scrolled through the plans over the videophone. “This is... this is...”

“Mobile and automated. It only requires a small crew to operate it and it will help protect Earth from external threats.” I said and smiled. “As you can see, going for MI won't stop me from working, sir. Let me know if your bosses want to buy it.”

“Hell yeah, they want to buy it!” The major said and then laughed. “I should check with them, though.”

“That might be a good idea, sir.” I said and saluted. “Talk to you later, sir.”

The major returned it and hung up.

“You're a good man, John.” Carmen's father said from behind me.

“I'm only doing my part, sir.” I said and stood.

“Are you working on the ships, too?” He asked with a knowing smile.

“I've almost got the energy shield design completed for the troop dropships, sir.”

The man grinned at me. “Energy shields, huh?”

“Yes, sir. They can deflect most energy based weapons for quite some time before shorting out. It can handle physical weapons up to the same size as the boat, too.”

“Mid-air collisions?” He asked.

“They'd bounce off of each other. Anything bigger than that hitting it dead on, you're rolling the dice if it shorts out before you bounce.” I said and his smile nearly split his face. “I'd have to redesign the whole transport to fit anything stronger onto it.”

“Do the upgrade first before worrying about the modifications.” He advised me. “Getting something on the ones we have now is much better than having to replace all the troop transports in the fleet.”

I nodded and he walked over and clapped me on the shoulder.

“You really need to let the brass know about that medical facility.”

“I will... eventually.” I said and he sighed. “You know they'll come in and take it all as they claim it's essential to the federation and its needs.”

“They really can't replicate it?”

I shook my head. “I tried adapting the current regen liquid and it just doesn't hold up. If the bacta's not treated properly, it will degrade and then become useless.”

“Which is why there's so many medical techs working there.” Carmen's father said.

“Yes, sir. They monitor the limited supply constantly and only allow a few people in at a time. There's lots of room for expansion as they work and they can add more tanks when more fluid becomes available.”

He let my shoulder go and nodded before he left the living room.

Carmen came in after he left and she gave me a hug. “He just wants everyone that's been hurt to be healed.”

“I know. I do, too.” I said and held her tenderly. “It takes time to set things like that up, though. Even if the facility could produce tanks endlessly and enough fluid to fill them, the bacta tanks still need the maintenance equipment and to be set up within a proper environment and with medical techs trained in its use to oversee everything.”

“So, no magically healing everyone instantly?” Carmen asked with a smile.

“No, not even I can do it instantly.” I said and she kissed me.

“Then let's go make breakfast together.” Carmen said and took my hand to bring me into the kitchen.

“I don't think you sitting at the counter watching me, really counts as making breakfast together.” I said and sat her at the counter, gave her a kiss, and walked around it to start cooking.

“We're here together and you're cooking. Don't argue semantics.” Carmen said with a smirk.

I laughed and got to work.


I was a few million federation dollars richer two months later, nearly double what I had asked for, because they sent along a request to fix their current space station design for docking ships. It took until the end of the school year and a lot of brain teasing on my part, with Eye assisting, to get both a working upgrade design for their current space stations and a complete redesign for a new station.

My energy shield adaption for the dropships earned me another million and then another ten million if I could make them for their current spaceships. Carmen, Beth, and Sam had been in the living room at the time I received the notification and tackled me, tore off my clothing, and had their way with me at the same time.

We were really lucky that her father was out for the day and meeting his old military buddies. He would not want to see his daughter doing what she did to me that morning. Or what Beth did. Or Sam.

Needless to say, the four of us had a very good time for the rest of the summer.

The three girls were shocked when I finished the project and deposited a million federation dollars into each of their accounts. They tried to refuse it and give it back, until I told them that I still had seven million left from just that contract and it didn't include the other work I've done for them. I also told the girls to repay their parents for having them.

That earned me another triple tag team sexcapade that evening on the night before school started again.


The school year seemed to pass like a river into an ocean. We had a new Civics teacher, Mr. Rasczak (Mr. Rat-check), and unlike the movie I had seen, he had both of his arms. He only gave me a nod during that first class and didn't acknowledge anything else the entire year.

I had sold a bunch of new designs and things to the federation as well and made a ridiculous fortune. I also bought a very nice house that wasn't far from Carmen's home and installed a Stargate in the basement. I wasn't surprised when Beth and Sam told me that they were moving in.

They had both decided on their own that they wouldn't be a burden on their parents and moved in together. That it was my home and they would be waiting for me to return after six months, only made it all the better for them... and for me. They were both great girls.

The two of them could also relax and not worry about working, too. They were now quite rich from getting a share of my contract pay-offs. As before, they tried to refuse until I told them it was compensation for me being away from them for so long. It made them laugh, because I hadn't joined up yet.

Carmen, Beth, and Sam all graduated with high marks and I got an 85% across the board for everything. It made them laugh when they saw my results and they gave me several kisses for doing exactly as I predicted perfectly. The prom that night was a night to remember for all four of us.

The next morning, I kissed Beth and Sam goodbye and left the house with only the clothes I was wearing and Carmen on my arm. We boarded the waiting public transport vehicle and were soon delivered to the main federation building in Buenos Aires and were led into a large reception area.

Several recruiters told us what it meant to sign up and then everyone there stood in formation and recited the pledge.

“I, being of legal age and of my own free will, after having been duly advised and warned of the meaning and consequences of this oath, hereby enroll in the Federal Service for no less than two years, and for as much longer as may be required by the needs of the Federation.”

After several aptitude tests where I told the instructors that no matter what I tested, I was signing up for Mobile Infantry, I met up with Carmen back in the main area.

“How did you do?” Carmen asked as we walked towards the reception desk to submit our forms.

“I blew it out of the airlock.” I said proudly and she laughed.

“They don't want idiots signing up, John. You should have showed off.” Carmen said and kissed me.

I didn't correct her assumption, because I had aced the thing and they tried to convince me to not waste my time in MI. I told them to shove it and they gave me MI anyway.

“How did you do, then?” I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

“I'm going to be a pilot, of course.” Carmen said.

“Hey, guys!” Carl said and walked over to us. “You were stupid enough to sign up, too?”

I barked a laugh. “Says the guy that probably got into the Command course.”

“Nah, I got Games and Theory.” Carl said, proudly.

“That's military intelligence!” Carmen gasped and he nodded.

“Way to go, Carl!” I said and gave him a high five.

We handed in our sheets and the man sitting there with no legs took them.

“A pilot and an officer researcher?” He asked and pulled Carmen's and Carl's forms apart to hand the top piece back to them, then he did my form. “What are you going to be?”

“Mobile Infantry, sir.” I said and saluted.

He saluted back. “Congratulations! Mobile Infantry made me the man I am today.”

“An unhappy man dealing with snot-nosed kids and sitting at a desk all day?” I asked with a grin.

He laughed and handed me my form back. “Smart ass.”

I pulled a card out of my pocket and handed it to him. “When you're feeling tired of the aches and phantom pains, go there. They'll treat you right.”

The man took the card and saw the medical symbol and the logo, 'If You Lost It, We Can Replace It'. “Kid, I can't afford to...”

“It's all taken care of.” I said, to his surprise. “I suggest going early in the morning on the weekend. You should be out by Sunday night.”

“This better not be a trick.” He said, sternly.

“It's not.” Carmen said. “My dad got his arm and leg back.”

The man gave her a pointed look and then looked at the card again.

“You've got nothing to lose by trying it.” I said and put an arm around Carmen's shoulders. “I seem to have one last night as a civilian to give to someone very important.” I said and she looked like she was going to refuse. “Let's go bug your dad.”

Carmen beamed a smile at me and nodded.

“See you later, Carl. Try to not blow up the labs.” I said and he laughed as he walked away. We followed him out of the building and went home.

Just like in the movie, her dad insisted on helping her pack. Unlike me, she could take personal items and decorate her room at the Flight Academy, while I would be in a barracks with twenty-nine other people and sleeping on a double bunk.

We arrived at the transport hub the next morning and went to the notice board of outgoing shuttles.

“Well, it looks like I'm up first for departure.” Carmen said and I carried her suitcase over to the waiting area. She accepted it from me and then put it down. “John, I... I think...”

I stepped close and cupped the sides of her face to tenderly kiss her. “You don't have to say it.”

“But, I... I really...” Carmen stammered.

“I know.” I said and caressed her face. “I talked to Beth and Sam. They agreed that if you don't find someone else to be with, you will always have a home with us, no matter how long your career lasts.”

Carmen had tears come to her eyes. “You... you really...”

“We do.” I said and kissed her again.

Carmen hugged me tightly and deepened the kiss as she held it for several moments, then the announcement came for her shuttle. “Dammit.”

I chuckled and brought her over to the right entrance tunnel and she gave me a forlorn look as she stepped backwards onto the transport tube car. “We're only a comm badge away.”

Carmen gasped. “I left it at home!”

“It's on your collar.” I said and she reached for it as the doors of the tube car closed.

“John!” Carmen gasped and the transport car took off down the tube and disappeared.

I walked over to my own waiting area and stood there as others gathered around to wait, too. I looked around and didn't recognize anyone, so I stood there and waited for the twenty minutes for the right transport tube car to arrive.

I boarded it when it arrived and it quickly filled up. I didn't bother sitting down, because the trip was going to be a short one to the troop transport. I walked off when the doors opened again and went right over to the transport with the military man in front of it.

I snapped a perfect salute and he gave me a curious look. “Recruit John Smith reporting in, sir!”

The man returned it and checked his clipboard. “I actually thought your name was someone playing a joke on me.”

I smiled. “I get that a lot, sir.”

“Hop in and find a good seat. I'll be in to strap everyone in when we're all accounted for.”

“Yes, sir.” I said and sat right there in the first available seat and strapped myself in. I wanted a good view of all the people behind me trying to decide if they should salute as well or just say their names.

Half of them tried to salute and flubbed it badly, which made the soldier chuckle under his breath. Two people weren't there and he sent messages to command about that before closing up and checking us all that we were strapped in properly. He nodded at me and then went to the front.

“We're locked and loaded. Take us up.”

“Yes, sir.” The pilot said and the transport started up, went through the checks, and then we were off to Camp Arthur Currie to start basic training.

I was surprised that the damn thing was all the way up in Canada, which wasn't disclosed in the movie. We landed and I was the first one out and processed through the recruit center and given two outfits, one to wear immediately and one to wear while washing the other one.

I changed right there, which surprised the woman giving me the clothing. She enjoyed the free show, if the smile on her face was any indication. I really surprised her when I ran out of the building and carried the other outfit and my other clothing.

I went to my assigned barracks and chose the bunk beside the door, stored my clothing in my footlocker, and went right back out to stand at attention in front of my barracks to wait for the drill sergeant and the other recruits to arrive.

Zim showed up a couple of minutes later and had a slightly raised eyebrow at seeing me already there and I gave him a sharp salute. He returned it and then stood off to the side and waited with me as the rest of the recruits trickled over. They walked at a casual pace and had not changed already. He glared at them and pointed at me, which made them take the hint and they jogged into the barracks and quickly changed.

I recognized a handful of the people and only remembered a few of their names, Shujumi, Kitten, Ace, and Breckenridge. I would have to learn the other's names during roll call. Or not. I wasn't sure if they were even mentioned, so their impact on the story had been minimal... except for the girl that kills Breckenridge during a live fire training exercise. That I was going to stop from happening.

When everyone was gathered together, Zim glared at us all before he spoke.

“Most of you will not live long enough to become Mobile Infantry.” Zim said as he walked along the front of us. “The trouble is, you are not good enough the way you are!” He stopped and smacked a guy's arm with a training baton. “Hands at your side!”

The guy straightened up, as did a few others.

“Chin up!” Zim said to a pretty redhead and lifted her head with the baton. “I am your senior drill instructor, Career Sergeant Zim!” He said and smacked a guy's stomach with the baton. “Suck in that gut!”

The guy did so and looked straight forward.

“Feet together!” Zim snapped at the next recruit and smacked the guy's thigh hard.

The guy shouted in pain and then quickly snapped his mouth shut, not wanting to gain any more of the sergeant's attention.

Zim reached the end of the formation and turned around to walk back. “To think this had to happen to me. What a bunch of apes.” He stopped and glared at us. “No, strike that! You don't rate that good. Never in my life have I seen...”

A recruit chuckled and Zim strode over to him and leaned down to get right in his face.

“Do you think I'm funny? Do I make you laugh? Do you think I'm a comedian?” Zim calmly asked.

“Sorry.” Kitten responded and coughed slightly. “I'm sorry.”

Zim stood up straight and shouted. “The first words and the last words out of your stinking holes, will be SIR!”

Kitten couldn't help but chuckle at him.

Zim darted his head forward and hit Kitten in the forehead with the rim of his cap. “DO YOU GET ME?”

“Sir, yes sir.” Kitten said and looked surprised.

Zim dragged him out of formation. “See that armory? Run around it.”

Kitten let out a groan and started to walk towards it.

“Run, I said!” Zim whacked him in the back with the baton several times. “Run! Run! Run!”

A black man in drill uniform approached them.

“Bronski! Keep pace!” Zim ordered.

The assistant drill instructor reacted immediately and chased Kitten across the main formation grounds. “Move! Move!”

Zim turned back to us. “Anytime you think I'm being too tough... anytime you think I'm being unfair... anytime you miss your mommy... QUIT!” He said and pointed to the exit. “You sign form 1240-A, you grab your gear, you take a stroll down wash-out lane! DO YOU GET ME?”

“Sir, yes sir!” We all shouted back.

“Pathetic.” Zim said and collapsed his baton. “I wonder if there's a handful of guts in the whole bunch of you.” He clapped his hands and smiled, which was ominous to see in person as it had been on the screen. “Now, who here thinks they have what it takes to knock me down?”

Before I could shout at Breckenridge to stop him, he had his hand up and shouted back. “Sir! I guess maybe I do, sir!”

Zim slipped off his equipment belt and waved the recruit forward. Breckenridge let out an inarticulate yell and charged at Zim like a rookie fighter. I could only watch as Zim easily countered Breckenridge's grabbing hands, flipped him over onto the pavement, and then snapped his forearm with a loud crunch.

A lot of the recruits winced and looked away while I had a hard time not laughing, which I knew was bad and would piss Zim off.

Zim stood up. “You all right, son?”

“Sir, yes sir.” Breckenridge said. “It's my arm. I think it's broken, sir.”

“MEDIC!” Zim yelled and two men in uniform jogged over to take Breckenridge away. “Pain is in your mind!” He said and glared at us. “Who's next?”

Since I knew Dizzy was at college playing football with Rico, I sighed and stepped forward.

Zim heard the sigh and glared at me. “Was that resignation I heard, recruit?”

“Sir, no sir. I'm saddened that with you incapacitated, we won't get anything else done today, sir.”

Several of the recruits let out startled sounds and looked shocked.

“QUIET!” Zim ordered and waved me forward. “Let's see what you got, recruit.”

I turned to him and took a starting pose for Jujitsu. “Jujitsu.” I said and changed to another. “Tae Kwan Do.” I changed to another. “Kung Fu.” I said and put my hands up and made fists as I swayed from side to side. “Drunken Boxing.”

“Jesus.” Someone whispered.

“I know about a dozen others, sir. Which would you like to see first, or do you want me to improvise and combine them?” I asked and several more startled sounds came from the recruits.

“You're not shitting me, are you?” Zim asked and held up a hand to stop me from attacking.

“Sir, no sir. I also have extensive weapons training with swords, dozens of firearms, and some artillery combat training that includes mobile weapon batteries, sir.”

My words seemed to have shocked everyone.

“What the hell are you doing here?” One of the recruits asked. It was the dark skinned young woman that would kill Breckenridge.

Zim didn't tell her to shut up. “That's a good question.”

“Sir, I'm here to kill bugs, sir.” I answered. “Mobile Infantry will let me do that, sir.”

“Command or Fleet could have done that for you, too.” Zim said, which meant he had read my performance report.

“Sir, no sir. I'd be assigned a starship and I'd be stuck for the rest of my career ferrying around the real power of the armed forces, the MI troops.” I responded and he looked surprised.

“Career?” Zim asked and I nodded. He looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded back. “Meet me before lunch in the command tent during free time. We have a few things to discuss.”

“Sir, yes sir.” I said and stepped back into formation.

Zim started glaring at us again. “You might not realize it; but, this isn't a vacation! You're not here to relax or to be coddled! You're here to learn how to fight and to defend our nation from all threats, both foreign and domestic! Human and bug!”

I nodded, as did a few of the others. Kitten jogged back into his place in the formation and was covered in sweat.

“It's my job to train you as best as I can and I want to grind you all down slowly to make you into the best weapons of war to ever exist!” Zim exclaimed. “However, I have to do it in as short a time as possible, so you're getting a crash course instead! You're gonna be sore! You're gonna be tired! And you're gonna do everything I say or you're out of here on your ass! DO YOU GET ME?”

“Sir, yes sir!” We all shouted.

“Fall out and head to Classroom B! We've got to cram some rules and procedures into your heads to stop you all from doing something stupid while on base!” Zim shouted. “Move it! Move it! Move it!”

The formation broke up and they all started to jog towards the learning area. I snapped a quick salute to Zim and then ran. I could almost feel his smile as the other recruits scrambled to keep up with me.


“Sir, there's not really anything I can teach him.” Zim said as I stood at attention in front of the base commander. “You've seen his aptitude test.”

“There's nothing on it to indicate his boasts are true.” The commander said.

“Sir? If I may demonstrate?” I asked and pointed to the MP's gun at the entryway.

The commander nodded and the MP popped the clip out and tossed me the gun.

“Thank you.” I said and popped the thing apart on the commander's desk and then reassembled it in under ten seconds, flipped it around, and handed it back to the MP.

“Goddamn.” The commanding officer whispered and looked at me. “The Morita?”

“I designed the upgrades for it, sir.” I admitted and Zim cursed.

“You are definitely wasted here.” The commander said.

“Sir, I refuse to be transferred. I'm going career after my first term. The Mobile Infantry is where I want to be, even if it's not necessarily where I belong, sir.”

The commander chuckled. “Stubborn, too.”

“If I can make a recommendation, sir.” Zim said and the commander nodded. “Trainee Instructor. We have access to a valuable resource and should use it as best as we can.”

The commander gave me a look. “Recruit?”

“Sir, as long as I'm not stripped from a deployable unit, which would effectively remove me from the combat I signed up for, I'll follow any order given.”

“Are you admitting that you'll refuse an order if it does so?” The commander asked, pointedly.

“It is my right to refuse an unlawful order.” I said and he looked surprised. “I'm only a recruit, sir. I can't be put in any position of authority until I graduate from basic.”

The commander huffed. “Which takes you right out of my command area, anyway.”

“Sir, yes sir.”

He gave me a searching look. “All right, Zim. You're green-lit for accelerated combat training. Take the first week to find the best recruits on the base and let Recruit Smith run them though some of what he knows.”

“Yes, sir. You won't be disappointed, sir.” Zim said and glared at me.

“I can teach anyone, including you, sir.” I said and his glare changed to surprise. “Privately, if you wish.”

Zim glanced at the commander, who turned away slightly, and Zim nodded to me. “It's almost time for lunch. Dismissed, recruit.”

I snapped off a perfect salute. “Sir, yes sir.”

Zim returned it and I left at a fast walk. I made it just in time for the scene in the mess tent that I saw in the movie as Ace tried to butt into line, causing a disruption.

“Back of the line, Ace.” I said and put a hand on his shoulder, then I smiled at the young woman that was Breckenridge's killer and walked Ace to the back of the line and stood there myself.

“Come on, man. I was hungry.” Ace said.

“You can't disregard the rules when it suits you, Ace. It's either maintain discipline constantly or go rogue and hot-dog it.” I advised him. “People won't respect you if you don't respect them first.”

Ace gave me a searching look, then smiled. “You're pretty smart for a grunt.”

“That's not really a compliment, you neanderthal.” I responded with a smile back.

Ace looked surprised for a moment, then he laughed and I joined in. Neither of us saw Zim nod from behind us and wouldn't hear of it until later from Djana'D, Breckenridge's killer. Perhaps I was wrong in thinking that some of the others weren't essential to the story.

After lunch, we all ran through the obstacle course and followed the drill instructor's instructions. I did it perfectly and coached Ace, Kitten and Shujumi through it. They were right behind me and we all finished at just above average times.

After that, we were told to shower before getting supper. I wasn't surprised that it was a co-ed shower and I got quite a lot of nice views of the women in our training unit. Djana'D had quite the figure hidden under her training uniform and the redhead had a great ass. I shook my head at those thoughts and started my shower.

“It seems like we all have one thing in common. We were all stupid enough to sign up for Mobile Infantry!” Kitten said with a laugh. “Hey, Breckenridge! What's your excuse?”

“My family are all farmers. I hate farming.” Breckenridge said and lathered up. “Mobile Infantry is pure picnic by comparison.”

“So, they grow them big and dumb on the farm planet.” Kitten said to general laughter.

“I like big!” Djana'D exclaimed and Breckenridge smiled at her.

“What about you?” Kitten asked her.

“I want to be politician and you gotta be a citizen for that, so here I am.” She said as she washed her long and curly black hair.

“Come on, keep it going! Katrina!” Kitten said to the pretty redhead.

“I wanna have babies.” Katrina said and a few of the other women made 'aww' sounds. “It's easier to get a license if you've served, so...”

“I'm going career. Officer's training, all the way.” Ace said, confidently. “First, it's squad leader and then I'm on my way!”

I chuckled and he smacked my arm.

“Shujumi.” Kitten prompted.

“I want to be a doctor; but, it's really expensive. After I serve a term, the federation pays my way! Ha ha!” Shujumi said and did the finger pistols to point at me.

“Your turn, Smith.” Kitten said.

I smiled at him. “Who asked you to be so nosey?”

A few people laughed.

“I'm gonna be a writer and a writer has a right to be nosey.” Kitten said.

“I've got a couple girls back home that are waiting for me.” I said and everyone stopped washing and talking to look at me. “They both want kids, so I've already bought them licenses and I'll be visiting them after my training tour is done.”

“Fuck!” Katrina gasped and looked at me hungrily. “Why couldn't I have met you before signing up?”

“I didn't even know your name before now, let alone where you lived.” I joked and a few of the guys laughed.

“So, you're saying...”

“If you don't make it through basic, I'll buy you a license, too.” I said and she walked over to me.

“Smith, are you serious?” Katrina asked, her face set almost sternly.

“I'm not saying I'll give you a kid, since you look like you've already got a guy picked out.” I said and she nodded. “Then I'll leave the father part blank and you can go at it with him.”

Katrina stepped close and hugged me. “Thank you.”

I hugged her back and then she made a surprised sound as my erection made an appearance. “Yeah, that happens when a pretty woman hugs me.”

Katrina laughed softly and looked down as she carefully stepped backwards. My erection had been settled between her thighs and rubbed her as it flicked up to full mast. She let out a moan and then stared at it.

“Sorry about that.” I said and lathered myself up.

“Surprisingly, I'm not.” Katrina said with a wink and went back to her shower.

“Two back home isn't enough?” Kitten asked.

“Well, it was three. One went off to fleet to be a pilot and she's going career, so...”

“There's an opening!” Djana'D exclaimed and whooped as she whipped her hand around and slapped me on the ass. Everyone laughed, me included. I had wondered if that would somehow still happen, and it did. Plus, seeing her large breasts jiggling and shaking was quite the sight.


A month later, Katrina had had enough of basic training and climbed into my bunk. She gave me an enthusiastic blowjob, rode me pretty hard, and thanked me for the electronic voucher I had created for her. The next morning, she faked an excuse to leave and signed her form, packed her gear, and strode proudly down wash-out lane.

“I knew that was coming.” Kitten said as he watched her ass walking away.

“So did I.” I said with a smirk. “A lot.”

“HA! You lucky son-of-a-bitch.” Ace said and smacked me on the back. “How was she?”

“Delicious.” I said and they gave me odd looks. “What? I had to eat her out and make her scream my name. I have a reputation to uphold.”

“Whatever floats your boat, man.” Ace said and went back to studying the officer's manual.

I didn't have to glance around to see the slight blushes on the women that had heard what I said.


Ace and Shujumi were a part of the elite training unit that quickly took to my lessons. Zim was surpassing a lot of them during his private lessons in the evenings, too. I was sure that by the time basic training was over, he could teach what I was teaching him. If he wasn't, I was going to give him the abilities the day I left.

Ace quickly became a sharpshooter and Shujumi had previous training as a kid in Tae Kwon Do, so he quickly mastered that. I even coached and tutored the others in the normal training squad when it was time for weapons training. In fact, I kind of took over from Zim as he seemed to step back to let me.

“Okay, people.” I said and they all looked at me. “Guns are NOT toys! This is not supposed to be fun and this is definitely NOT A GAME!” I shouted and they looked surprised. “What you have in front of you on the tables are the lives of your friends and family, the lives on your loved ones, and the lives of your enemies.”

That got their attention.

“Take care of your weapon and it will take care of you. You are going to carry it with you everywhere. On marches, it will be a comforting weight on your side. During downtime, it will be what you think about. When you sleep, it will be your pillow.” I said and a few of the guys nodded. “You are going to eat, drink, and be merry with your weapon, because it is going to be your constant companion for your entire term of service.”

“Well said, Smith.” Zim said and stepped forward again. “Study the manuals for care and maintenance and memorize them. I want those guns disassembled, the parts checked, and reassembled in half an hour. Use the tools in the butt of the gun to do it.”

“Sir, yes sir.” The others said and a few of them glanced at me.

“Two minutes.” I admitted and a lot of them made disbelieving sounds. “Don't use me as a measuring stick. I'm ridiculously skilled.”

“That's what Katrina said before she left!” Kitten exclaimed and everyone laughed.

Zim glanced at me and I shrugged as I nodded. “Smith, give Mr. Loudmouth a hand. The rest of you, get to work.”

“Sir, yes sir.” I said and walked over to Kitten to smack him on the back of the head, making him laugh, and assisted him. I made my way around the room after that and Djana'D fumbled the loading spring when she saw me approach. It sprung out of her hand and I darted my hand out to catch it and handed it back to her.

“Careful, recruit. Despite looking strong and tough, you need to treat the parts delicately.” I said with as much innuendo as possible.

Her eyes went right to my crotch and then she looked at my face.

“Exactly.” I said and then helped her pull the gun apart properly and compared each part to the manual, told her what each did, and then helped her clean them and reassemble them.

“You really do know what you're doing.” Djana'D whispered.

“Perhaps a demonstration is in order, recruit.” Zim said and tossed me a Morita automatic rifle.

“Sir, yes sir.” I said and winked at Djana'D before I walked to the front of the class and the teacher's desk there. It already had a white cloth covering, so I glanced at Zim and he had a stopwatch ready.

“Go!” Zim said and everyone stared as I field-stripped the rifle completely, checked the parts, oiled them, and reassembled the weapon. “Time!”

“What is it?” Kitten asked.

“One minute, fifty-five seconds.” Zim said as I lifted the weapon and showed that it still worked by moving the slide for the bullets and cocking the underslung shotgun.

A few of the recruits cursed and shook their heads.

“Like I said, don't use me as a measuring stick. I'm here to help you be the best that you can be, not be the best that I can be.”

“Are you saying that's impossible?” Someone asked.

“No, just unrealistic in the very short time we have for training.” I said and walked over to Djana'D. “Making gold from nothing? That's supposed to be impossible.” I reached behind her ear and created a galleon from the Harry Potter universe and held it up, which made a few people clap. “A campaign contribution for you.” I said and handed the coin to her and she looked surprised.

“Do me, too!” Ace exclaimed and that made a lot of people laugh. “I meant giving me some gold, you jackasses!”

That just made them laugh more.

Zim shook his head and the lesson continued until everyone completed the task.


“You should try out for squad leader.” Djana'D said to me as the training game was about to start.

“Nope! I'm a grunt and I'm going to stay one. I can't fight if I'm in command, so here I am and here I'm going to stay.” I said and gave her a smile. “You're more than welcome to stay right behind me and I'll protect you, assuming you're okay with giving orders.”

Djana'D gave me a pointed look, then she smiled back and nodded. “Guard your future senator through enemy territory and ensure her win against their forces, Recruit Smith!”

I barked a laugh as the countdown started. “Yes, ma'am!”

It was a slaughter.

Thanks to me cheating with the Force and knowing where everyone was around me, I easily led Djana'D through the enemy's defensive formation and tore them apart with simulated gunfire that shocked them and made them collapse to the ground. I had them all down and took up a guard position at the bottom of the ramp as Djana'D strode up the ramp and claimed the enemy flag.

“Jesus.” The assistant drill instructor named Bronski said from the observation platform.

“I told you.” Zim said with his arms crossed.

“Does that even count?” The black man asked. “She didn't do anything except order Recruit Smith around.”

“That's kind of telling, isn't it?” Zim said and the assistant chuckled.

“Good point.”

“Give her the squad. Let's see if she can handle actual command.” Zim said and the assistant nodded.

I'll make sure of it. I thought and clapped with the other recruits as Djana'D accepted her reward.

That night, Djana'D slipped into my bunk and I cast silence spells around us. “John, thank you.”

I gave her naked form a pointed look. “I think it's me that needs to thank you. Damn, you're sexy.”

Djana'D looked happy and kissed me as she laid on top of me. As she moved me in and out of herself, which felt amazing, I discreetly gave her several command abilities and a confidence boost, as well as reinforcing her body slightly and strengthened her bones. I warned her when I was going to finish and she slipped off of me and watched the spray as it splashed across my belly and some of my chest.

“Jesus, John.” Djana'D whispered. “You enjoyed me that much?”

“So far.” I said to make her grin, then I rolled her over to attack her breasts and went down on her. After she yelled my name, I slipped inside of her and went at her again... and again... and again.

Before morning roll call, Djana'D gave me a passionate kiss and went back to her own bunk to pretend that we didn't just screw all night.


After a few very successful training simulations where Djana'D handled the squad expertly, we were given training with live ammunition. Of course, I advised Djana'D about what to say to the recruits about the weapons and to check the squad's equipment before the next exercise, which was the following day.

“The fun and games are over children! You will be firing live ammunition in a simulated combat environment.” Zim said as he strode around the front of the course and off to the side. “You will exercise extreme caution on my assault course. DO YOU GET ME?”

“Sir, yes sir!” We all shouted back.

“Djana'D! Take 'em out.” Zim said.

Djana'D took two steps forward and turned to look at everyone. “First fire team with me as guards! The next team follows in ten seconds!”

“The maximum score has been 280! I expect you to do better!” Zim shouted.

The buzzer sounded and Djana'D shouted. “Forward!”

Her team and I strode ahead of her as the first plastic life-sized army soldiers popped up from hidden alcoves to shoot at us. I immediately shot the farthest one away and the other three shot the closest one.

“Spread your targets! Left to right! Don't bunch up!” Djana'D ordered. “March forward!”

This was the perfect order as our fire was immediately split perfectly and we hit the targets at the same time, leaving none unhit. They retracted and more came up as the second fire team entered the course.

“First squad down and lay covering fire!” Djana'D shouted and we knelt and opened fire.

Second squad had a clear shot at the next set of targets and also split their fire as previously ordered.

“Squads! March!” Djana'D ordered and we continued on as the next fire team entered the fray. Her orders were systematic, adaptable, and let the entire training squad enter the exercise unmolested.

Djana'D commanded everyone properly once more and the entire squad made it through the combat area. Each recruit had obliterated their chosen targets with precision and deadliness, which made us the only squad to ever do so and not lose a single member to enemy fire.

“Well, shit.” Zim said and looked at the perfect score of four hundred. “What do I say to them that won't give them all fat heads?”

Bronski chuckled. “Try not shouting at them.”

“Nah, that won't work. They wouldn't believe it.” Zim said and walked over to us. “Recruits!” He shouted and we all came to attention and saluted. “You bunch of apes! You're lucky you didn't fail!”

We all fell silent until someone besides me got it.

“Holy shit! He called us apes!” Kitten shouted happily and we all cheered.

“Dammit, I didn't mean to say that.” Zim said with a hand over his face. His assistant Bronski clapped him on the back and laughed.


Eye beeped at me during the night to show me that the asteroid on a collision course for Earth had been destroyed and that the ship Carmen piloted, the Roger Young, had avoided the collision and dozens of deaths because of the energy shields on the ship.

“Money well spent.” I whispered and pat Eye. “Thanks, buddy.”



That was the major deviation from the movie. War wasn't officially declared because of the disaster the asteroid could have caused, there was no hurried assembling of a war footing, packing hundreds of thousands of unprepared troops onto rushed transports, and definitely no screwed up mobilization plans to take the war to the bugs.

Basic training for the troops was allowed to be completed without interruption and I went home to my house and two very eager women were waiting for me. Instead of applying for the licenses then, like they assumed I would, I gave them the ones I already had for them.

Needless to say, both Beth and Sam became pregnant during the two weeks of my vacation, because they wouldn't let me out of the bed longer than it took to bring food back.


My first deployment was not on the UFC Roger Young, because that was an older pilot training ship and hadn't been used in a conflict for almost five years. I was shipped out with the elites I trained with Djana'D as our squad commander on the UFC Hood and we were sent to one of the planets on the outskirts of the Bug Quarantine Zone, Dantana.

Our job was to establish a foothold for the fleet and a temporary base as a launching point, so we could hold the bugs where they were and stop them from overrunning humanity or any more of the federation's colonies.

I whispered an idea to Djana'D as the ship approached the planet and she made a snorting sound. When she saw I was serious, she walked over to the comm panel in the deployment section.

“Corporal Djana'D to the captain.” Djana'D said.

“Captain here, Corporal. Don't tell me you're getting nervous about your first drop and you're calling to cancel?” The woman asked with a soft laugh.

“Ha, very funny Catherine.” Djana'D said. “Actually, one of my troopers had the weird idea that some of your sting ship pilots might be restless and wouldn't mind glassing the planet while we wait to drop.”

The comm was silent for a moment and then the captain laughed.

“That's a brilliant idea, Corporal! Give me ten minutes to scramble them and you can begin your deployment.”

“We'll be ready, captain. Djana'D clear.” She said and walked back over to me to whisper. “John...”

“My bunk's not that far from officer country, ma'am.” I whispered and she smiled.


“Okay, this is a little boring.” Ace said an hour later and took another sniper shot at a twitching bug.

“We're nearing the cleared zone and we haven't found any bug holes yet.” I warned him. “Believe me, we're going to be in the thick of it soon enough.”

“I agree.” Djana'D said and held a hand up. “Hold here!”

We all came to a stop and took the proper firing positions for our roles.

“Comm! Give me a sit-rep of the other squads.” Djana'D ordered.

The man played with his comm pack and listened for several moments. “They're meeting light resistance on the western path. North is clear. South has only little bugs so far and we haven't encountered anything yet here in the east.”

“Then we're really going to meet a lot if it's that empty everywhere else.” I said and everyone nodded.

“All right, people. I want staggered firing lines at ten paces. Cover the squad behind you and make sure that nothing gets by you. If it does, your ass is grass! Do YOU get ME?” Djana'D asked.

“Sir, yes sir!” We all responded.

“Move out!” Djana'D ordered and we slowly advanced out of the bombed area and almost immediately heard bugs scampering. “Heavy weapons! Prep for deployment! That sounds like a bug advance!”

“Oh, damn! That could mean...” I stopped talking as a ball of blue energy appeared from over the next ridge. “Plasma bug! It's attacking the ship in orbit!”

“Nuke's ready!” Someone said from behind me.

“Get ready, people!” Djana'D said and hefted her modified Morita rifle as the bug sounds increased. “Clear the bugs in front and get us an opening! That plasma bug has to be dealt with ASAP!”

“Sir, yes sir!” We shouted and then the bug swarm appeared.

Our weapons opened fire and tore through the arachnids and their legs. We had already learned to disable them and then go for the kill. It took a bit longer to do it that way; but, it was easier than trying to go for the kill shot right away, which often missed because the bugs were fast moving.

In only a few moments, there were a hundred dead bugs and we had advanced up to the ridge. The private with the nuke took aim and blew apart the plasma bug with a huge explosion. As I watched it, I was really glad that I wasn't travelling through it. Blue nuclear fire did not look like fun to be inside of.

We continued to move around, found several bug holes and nuked them, and slaughtered any group of bugs that we came across. We tracked down two more plasma bugs and destroyed them, then a gigantic bug with a thick armored carapace stumbled into the area with a large group of normal arachnids.

“The big one's mine!” I called dibs and gave Djana'D a pointed look. “Sir! Permission to open a can of whoop-ass on the new bug, sir!”

The troopers around us laughed.

Djana'D smiled and nodded. “Show me even more of what you got, Trooper Smith.”

I grinned at her and switched out my Morita shotgun for the Stun Gun option. “You just watch me go!”

She and the others all watched as I ran straight towards the big bug, even though there were dozens of arachnids around it. When I started shooting them and knocked ten of them out at a time, the troopers were yelling that they wanted my gun... until they saw me sling my rifle and pull out a lightsaber. Then they started cursing in envy.

I ignored them and ran around the giant bug and cut off its legs one at a time until it collapsed to the ground, then I ran up over its armored carapace and leapt into the air in a ridiculously high arc, then I landed on its head and jammed the lightsaber down into the creature's head. I held it there and melted the remainder of its brain. It stopped twitching after a few moments.

I hopped off of the thing, severed the head from the body, then turned off the lightsaber and dragged the severed head over to Djana'D and saluted. “Sir! Private Smith has completed you orders, sir!”

The looks on everyone's faces were priceless, especially the one on Djana'D. It took her about thirty seconds before she shook herself and re-assumed command.

“Squad! Sweep the area and finish off those stunned bugs.” Djana'D ordered and everyone scrambled to complete her order, myself included. In my enthusiasm to show off, I had forgotten to kill the guard bugs.

When we were done, she used the comm to call the encounter in. The brass were quite impressed with her and with us for being so effective. They ordered us to return to base and to reload for another excursion in a different direction. Apparently, we were only allowed one major event per day and were sent to the clear area towards the north.

In the evening, we were assigned to help with base construction and that accelerated its construction by almost 30%. However, we were not allowed to stay on the planet's surface for the night, because of the dangers the unsecured base had, so we all shipped back up to the Hood to sleep.

Well, we were supposed to sleep. I had been ordered by the squad commander to submit a report of my actions in person, then Djana'D pretty much mauled me for several hours. Who would have thought a future politician would be that turned on by me slaughtering a giant bug?

I didn't mind, which meant that my morals had been severely compromised during the last two worlds. I hadn't realized it until Djana'D was cuddled up to my side and snored. She was a sexy woman and had a great body; but, we didn't have a future together. The funny thing was, she knew I had two girls back home and that they were pregnant. I mentioned it in the morning when she woke and she laughed.

“Everyone knows what happens in the barracks, stays in the barracks.” Djana'D said and rolled me onto my back, my morning wood sticking almost straight up. “We both know we're not getting married or anything. I'm going for politics at the end of my tour and you're going career.”

“Yeah, but...”

“I would hire you in an instant for my security detail if you ever leave the service, John.” Djana'D said and went down on me. She let me blow a load into her mouth and she made a show of having it all there and swallowed. “You'll be first on my list if the polls show that a mother would make a better role model.”

“Um... thanks?” I said, unsure.

Djana'D laughed again and mounted me. “We've got another hour before roll call, trooper.” She said and kissed me deeply. “Show me what else you can do.”

“Sir, yes sir.” I said and did just that.

Yes, I would definitely need to meditate for a while the next time I had the chance. I needed to see what went wrong with me and if I could fix it. I was never this free with my affection and I was sure that I needed to put a stop to it... assuming I could.


We were sent out to the dangerous part again, because the last squad sent there suffered five casualties, or 25% of their effective troopers. We were gone from the base nearly all day and then returned that evening. The walls were completed, so tents were set up for the troopers to stay in.

When everyone settled down for the night, I snuck into the medical tent to check the injuries. Two of the troopers were dead and three of them were maimed. The two dead ones had been sitting for over two days by that point and I sighed. There was only a slight chance that they would wake from the Lazarus Pit after so long.

The three maimed ones were not that bad. One man had the leg below the knee gone, a woman had an arm at the shoulder missing, and the last man was missing both of his hands. I didn't ask how that had happened and started working on them.

“S-Smith? What... what are you doing?” The woman without an arm asked.

“Treating you.” I said and finished with the two men and pulled out several more bacta needles. “Don't tell anyone, okay? This is not approved by the federation and only disabled veterans can qualify.”

The woman stared as I gave her six needles in her shoulder and then I cast several spells on her to boost it, including limited regeneration. “They're shipping us out in a few days, because they're waiting for another fast transport or a medical corvette.”

“You're not going to need it.” I said and lightly touched her forehead. “Rest now. You'll be fine in the morning.”

“You're crazy.” She said and looked sad. “They've already given me my medical discharge papers.”

“Private First Class?” I asked and she nodded. “Congratulations, Citizen. Vote for Djana'D when she musters out next year.”

The woman chuckled. “Fucking Lapdog.”

I chuckled, too. “Only if you're not seriously dating anyone.”

She widened her eyes. “Are you offering what I think you're offering?”

“I just learned that what happens in the barracks, stays in the barracks.” I said and cast several diagnostic spells on her.

“Damn, I... well, it has been a while since...” She started to say and stopped talking when I pulled a curtain around her cot.

I cast silence on the curtain and then smiled at her before I moved down to her feet and climbed in under her blanket. She giggled as I licked my way up her legs and then she moaned as I became her lapdog for the evening. She really, really liked that.

In the morning, she had her arm back, had over a dozen orgasms and a dreamy smile on her face, and she had promised to never speak of what happened.


The campaign continued for another three months and the base was soon completed. Of course, I would help out by reinforcing things and building structures while everyone was asleep. The best part was that everyone assumed that the other squads had done it and no one questioned it.

We had also successfully cleared the surface of the planet of all the bugs we could find. We all knew it was only temporary, because bugs usually bred and lived mainly underground. So, that began the underground assault mission campaign, which was extremely dangerous and difficult.

I had an absolute ball.

My lightsaber was a godsend as I always took point and slaughtered the bugs in the tunnels and cleared the way for the other troopers to shoot when we entered larger caverns. Sometimes we had to retreat when we encountered larger nests and Djana'D ordered nuke strikes to clear them out.

We systematically trudged through the underbelly of the planet, used adapted seismic equipment from the Aliens universe that I had gifted to the base commander and the squad commanders, to hunt down the elusive ones and wiped the bugs out.

I was given a commendation for the equipment breakthrough, sold the design to the federation for an unbelievable sum of money, then I received the call. Beth was going into labour and I had to get home.

I went to Djana'D and gave her a personal shield device necklace. “Don't go anywhere without this on.”

Djana'D accepted it and put it on. “What does it do?”

“It will protect you while I'm gone.” I promised. “Six months isn't that long.”

Djana'D gave me a sad look and then kissed me. “I'll try to convince myself that's true while my favorite guard is AWL.”

I smiled at her and then handed her a comm badge. “Call me whenever you want. If you're in trouble, call me immediately. I'll come back here for you.”

“What if they redeploy our unit somewhere else?” Djana'D asked.

“You're still assigned to the ship, so I'll find you no matter where you are.” I promised and that made her happy. I flew up in a transport to the UFC Hood to gather my few personal things and expanded the briefing room and added a false wall to hide behind it. I installed a Stargate there and dialed home.

I popped there instantly and ran up the stairs, hopped into my car, and drove to the hospital.

“You're here!” Sam exclaimed and she carefully hugged and kissed me, because her belly was huge. “I don't want to know how, I'm just glad you are.”

“Where is she?” I asked and she pointed into the maternity ward's surgical area. “I'll be back in a few minutes.”

“John, you can't...”

“Watch me.” I said an strode in there like I owned the place. I stopped at the scrubbing area and washed up, slipped on a medical smock and mask, and entered the operating room. “Step aside and let me get a look at the patient.”

“Who're you?” A nurse asked.

“Medical specialist just called in.” I said and elbowed the doctor aside as I cast a diagnostic spell. “Hmm. An inverted birth and a partially blocked canal. Not a problem.” I said and hunched down and slipped my head under the tented cloth.

I cast an engorgement spell and then easily reached in to turn the baby around, making Beth sigh in relief, then I vanished the slight obstruction of superfluous skin growth.

“Okay, you have to bear down and push.” I said. “On three, take a deep breath, grit your teeth, and groan as you contract your stomach muscles. One... two... three!”

“UGGHHH!” Beth groaned and the baby popped right out.

I quickly cleared the baby's airway and lungs, fixed the umbilical cord, and handed the baby off to the nurse. She looked stunned for a moment, then she took the baby to the side and rinsed it off, dried it, and wrapped it up warmly as I cleaned up Beth's birth canal and then shrunk her back to normal and healed her.

I ducked out from under the cloth and nodded at the doctor. “Thanks for letting me assist.”

“Wh-what?” He asked, surprised.

“She was all prepped for me to work easily and the birth was successful. Congratulations on another successful delivery.”

“Uh... thanks.”

I walked around to look at Beth holding our son. “He looks just like you.” I said and pulled down my medical mask.

Beth caught her breath to stare at me. “J-John!”

“Hi, honey.” I said and gave her a kiss. “Your folks are going to be as happy as I am.”

“But... but... Sam only just called...”

“I said I would always come back when you needed me.” I said and she relaxed.

“Thank you.” Beth said and looked at our baby. “He's going to be a handsome little devil.”

“No doubt.” I said and lightly touched his head. “I better go out and let Sam know everything's okay.”

Beth nodded. “I'm so glad you're here.”

I bent down to give her another kiss. “Only for the next six months.”

“Only for... WHAT?!” Beth yelled and the baby started crying. “Shh! Shh! I'm sorry I startled you!”

I cast a calming spell on him and he stopped crying and went back to sleep.

“Six months. You're home for six months.” Beth whispered and I nodded.

“See you in a few minutes.” I said and I went back out to Sam as I discarded the smock and mask.

“They kicked you out pretty fast.” Sam said.

“Kicked me out?” I chuckled. “I went in there and delivered the baby. It's a boy and he looks just like Beth.”

Sam's mouth dropped open and water splashed onto the floor from between her legs.

“Well, it looks like you're next.” I said and led her into the next room.

Sam had a little girl and she was as adorable as her mother was. She even had a little shock of red hair that stood straight up and looked like those little troll dolls. Sam laughed and played with the hair as her daughter suckled on her breast to eat.

It took half an hour before both of them were cleared by the 'real' medical professionals and we went home, which surprised the doctors and nurses that neither woman needed to stay at the hospital to recover.

I immediately assumed the Stay-At-Home dad role and took care of both women and both children. I had been doing it right for centuries and Beth and Sam both had appreciative looks on their faces as I did so.

I even managed to meditate for quite some time and I traced the root of my problems all the way back to when Gloria and I appeared in the Voyager universe. It was when we started having another person in our supposedly exclusive relationship that my morals of monogamy and loyalty started to degrade.

Now that I knew the source, I could curtail my new tendency to sleep around without feeling guilty about it. The problem was, I was currently in two long term relationships with Beth and Sam, and one oddly possible long term one with my commanding officer, Djana'D. I would need to work out how to handle that last one without hurting her feelings. Either that or just wait for her to end her term of service.

By the time my six month paternity leave was over, Beth and Sam had fallen completely in love with me. It had also warmed their hearts that I 'hired' a nanny to help them while I was gone. She was just a hologram of a generic woman that was programmed with everything a nanny needed to know. She wore a mobile emitter concealed inside her nanny uniform and would never be discovered.

I left to return to duty and went through the Stargate in the basement to go back to the UFC Hood. I checked with the Force and no one was in the briefing room, so I stepped out and went to report in. People in my squad greeted me and asked about the baby, so I had to tell them about it and then promised to tell them later about the whole time I was gone.

Djana'D was very happy to see me when I reported in to her. “I didn't know a transport ship docked.”

“Dropship transfer. The ship didn't even have to slow down.” I lied. “I doubt there's even a record of it, it was that fast.”

Djana'D nodded and then pulled me in for a passionate kiss. We were on her bunk a minute later and she ravished me again, satisfying herself and me in the process. When she was done and cuddled into my side, she told me why she was so enthusiastic.

“Your shield saved my life.”

“Tell me what happened.” I said and she did.

It was an emergency rescue mission on a civilian ship. Mutineers had commandeered engineering and threatened to blow the ship if their demands weren't met. The Mobile infantry were sent in to deal with the situation.

A firefight broke out when they were discovered trying to infiltrate the ship and a stray shot blew out part of an electrical panel near where she was commanding the mission. Her personal shield activated and absorbed the electrical charge, saving her life and those around her.

I reached for her neck and the bareness I felt there. “They took it.”

“I was ordered to hand it over.” Djana'D said, sadly.

“When?” I asked.

“Two months ago.”

“You've been unprotected all that time?” I asked and she turned her head away from me.

Djana'D knew what my word meant to me and she was probably embarrassed that she didn't call me.

“I thought they weren't allowed to confiscate personal property.” I commented and closed my eyes.

I concentrated on the thing and couldn't feel it anywhere nearby, which meant they had sent it off to be researched or someone else on another ship was wearing her gift. I wasn't going to stand for that and activated its failsafe mode. It disappeared from my perception and I knew it had exploded spectacularly, wherever it was.

“John, I... I'm sorry. I was going to call about it, but...”

“You were embarrassed that you didn't fight to keep it.” I guessed and she nodded. “Why didn't you?”

“You can't say no to a Colonel when they ask for something, even if it's personal property.” Djana'D said and sniffled as she started silently crying.

I hugged her close to kiss her cheek. “It's all right, Djana'D. I'm not angry at you and its not your fault.”

“Oh, John.” Djana'D whispered and turned to kiss me with tears in her eyes. She snuggled back into my side and silently cried.

“Shh. I'm here now to keep my word personally.” I promised and she held on tightly.

A week later, word came down the pipeline that an unknown explosion had destroyed an entire research lab and killed a Colonel and his staff. They never traced it back to Djana'D or myself, though. We exchanged knowing looks and Djana'D couldn't stop her slight smile and nodded to me.

The UFC Hood flew to the next planet on our list and we landed to do another systematic bug removal, the same as we had on Datana. Since our unit was always successful and never suffered a casualty for long, thanks to my bacta treatments that the brass didn't know about, we were always put out front as the spearhead.


On and on it went. Planetary defenses were set up at each new colony to stop any new bug meteors and we moved on and worked our asses off to clean each new planet of the bug influence. I adapted the seismic technology to increase in range using satellites and to be set up at each main military base, which ensured that any hidden eggs or bugs could be easily tracked down.

We would get two weeks off after each planet and I spent it at home with Beth and Sam, much to their delight and pleasure. In fact, Sam became pregnant again and she was ecstatic about it and hoped it was a boy. She wanted him to look like me, though. I chuckled and kissed her while saying that we would have to wait and see.


Djana'D was very sad when her two year term of deployment ended a full six months before mine, which had been postponed because of my paternity leave of the same length. She had dragged me off to officer's country and ravished me once more, crying the whole time, and promised me that she was going to make the world a much better place.

I walked her to her shuttle and just before she entered it, I caught her arm and turned her around to face me. “As a senator and a full citizen, you can refuse to hand this over.” I said and gave her another shield necklace.

“Oh, Johnny!” Djana'D exclaimed and kissed me right there in front of everyone.

Wolf whistles and shouts came from the peanut gallery and she broke the kiss and let me put it on her.

“I'm never taking this off.” Djana'D promised and her fingers found the pin on her collar. “The comm badge...”

“Will still work, no matter where I am.” I said and she looked surprised. I didn't tell her that I cheated and the Stargates activated to send signals through, rather than using normal means. “I can be anywhere in the galaxy and you can call me, especially if you're in trouble and need help.”

Djana'D looked quite pleased by that information. “Thank you, Johnny.”

I gave her a quick kiss and let her go. She walked onto the shuttle with the rest of my squad and then they were gone. We wouldn't start getting replacements until next week and it would be a month or so before we were considered up to strength enough for deployment.

“All right, you apes! Back to work! I want that armor checked and weapons cleaned! Move it, move it, move it!” The corporal from another unit ordered.

I saluted and ran back to MI country, the part of the ship we occupied, and did as ordered with the dozen or so troopers remaining onboard.


For the last month of my first deployment, I was transferred from the UFC Hood to groundside on the latest planet we liberated from the bugs. I dissolved the Stargate onboard the ship and made another hidden one on the planet, because I needed to keep it active in case I was needed.

It wasn't, so I ended my first term of service in relative peace and went back home the normal way, on a ship. It was fortuitous, because I arrived back home only a month before Sam's second child's birth and I stopped using the illusion making myself look slightly younger. I delayed signing back up for federal service and stayed at home, which made her, Beth, and our other two kids very happy.

Not surprisingly, the Mobile Infantry were okay with me taking my paternity leave before signing back up, because it didn't mess up their own deployment plans trying to fill the hole my absence would have made in the roster. Sam had a little boy and he looked more like her than me, so she said we would have to keep trying. That made everyone in our extended family laugh.

I soon learned that Rico and Dizzy were married and were the best players on their college team. They were going to go pro when they graduated and had their lives planned out from that point. Neither of them could have been happier with their lives.

Carmen had shore leave during that time as well. She looked sad when I visited her dad and found her there at his house... with a man named Zander. That explained why she never called while on deployment. He was her co-pilot and they were the best flight team in the fleet. I congratulated the both of them for finding each other and for making their skills be that much more effective for the federation.

When I left, after telling them all about my home life and the kids I had, Carmen looked even more sad. I tried calling her privately that night to explain that I wasn't boasting and was just letting her know that everything was working out, and she wouldn't answer. I left a message and she never returned it.

Beth, Sam, and our three kids were quite the happy family. They had everything they wanted, including careers, children, and me coming home for every shore leave and paternity leave. They couldn't ask for anything more and thought it was the best of both worlds. Their family helped the federation and they weren't restricted because they weren't citizens.

Djana'D had entered the political arena and won her district by a landslide, thanks to her very successful campaign against the bugs and personally helping to clear out several planets during her tour of duty. The veterans respected command like that and she had all of their approval. She even sent me several personal and private messages

I signed up for a five year term this time with the career option, which made the brass of the Mobile Infantry happy to have another long term resource to use. None of the people I had trained with or served with, were assigned with me this time. What did surprise me was I had been assigned to the UFC Athena and the combat group, Rasczak's (Ratcheck's) Roughnecks.

The Corporal did not like having a Private Third Class being assigned to her elite unit, which made me laugh. She didn't ask me what was funny and assigned me to equipment maintenance and every other makeshift task she could think of, in an attempt to either annoy me or make me quit. I laughed every time she gave me an order like that.

Two weeks into my deployment, the commander of the Roughnecks saw my treatment and pulled me aside. “Son, why aren't you reporting this up the chain of command?”

“Reporting what, sir?” I asked.

“My Corporal is abusing her authority.” Rasczak said, sternly.

“I can't really go over her head, can I, sir? I would be ostracized even more by everyone than I am as a career P3.” I said and his face changed to an understanding one. “Plus, it annoys the hell out of her when I laugh at her and do the jobs so well that she can't find any fault in my work.”

Rasczak gave me a surprised look for a moment, then he smiled. “Carry on, Private.”

I snapped off a perfect salute. “Sir, yes sir!”

Two weeks later, we were assigned a raid mission on Tango Urilla, one of the planets close to the bug's home system. I knew this was going to be fun, with lots of targets of opportunity, so I prepared to make the Roughnecks see that I wasn't a rookie assigned to their mix.

I had an absolute ball.

As a Private Third Class, I wasn't in command of anyone and no one really paid me much attention or where I was assigned. I could join any squad and they would just give me a disinterested look and ignored me, which was perfect for both getting into the biggest skirmishes and making the most impact.

I enjoyed seeing the surprise on their faces when I would charge in and shoot the legs off of the bugs before killing them. When the giant Tanker bug tore up through the dirt and tried to ambush us back, I yelled 'Tanker!' to get everyone's attention... then I activated my lightsaber and dismantled the bug in the same manner as I did for Djana'D.

I dragged the severed head over to Lieutenant Rasczak and the Corporal before I saluted the shocked pair. “Sir! P3 Smith has finished killing the big bug, Sir!”

Not a single person reacted or said anything in response as they stared at me.

“I'm going to grab some chow before we start the underground campaign, sir.” I said with a huge smile on my face and walked back towards the initial deployment zone and base camp.


No one questioned why I always took point underground and cleared out the tunnels. They did question why I was still a Private Third Class, though. I always answered with the same answer. I was there to fight and going up in ranks only put others under my command. I wasn't there to send others in to fight. I was to be sent, and that was that. Also, I was really, really good at it.


Because we were going through and clearing out bug planets so quickly, the emergency 'request rescue' mission on Planet P didn't happen for another month. After a short investigation, someone hadn't authorized clearing out the underground tunnels or turned on the seismic sensors, which meant someone in charge was playing with the MI troopers as pawns.

I didn't like that, so I sent a discreet note to Lieutenant Rasczak and told him it was a trap, set up by Military Intelligence to test the bugs and their hive mind. To say he wasn't happy about being a test subject was a severe understatement. He was quickly on the comm and tore up several assholes as he went up the chain of command and found out who had ordered an entire base to be sacrificed.

It was Carl from high school, just like in the movie. His 'Games and Theory' career had moved into the real world and this was the culmination of a thought experiment. They suspected that there was a Brain Bug on Planet P and wanted us to confirm it. Rasczak cursed at him and said it was already confirmed, since the distress signal couldn't come from an empty base. Carl ordered us in anyway.

Rasczak switched com channels to the captain of the Athena. “Glass the planet.”

“I have to clear that with...” The woman started to say.

“I just talked to him and he wants us there, so glass the planet and clear the surface. We're going on a bug hunt underground and we don't need to be attacked from behind.” Rasczak said.

The captain sighed and gave the order. Half an hour later, the surface was cleaned of all bug activity and Rasczak nodded to me.

I smiled and handed him a personal shield device. “You're going to need that.”

The man looked at the belt buckle and shrugged as he put it on. “You're on point, Smith.”

“Thank you, sir.” I said and saluted.

Rasczak returned it and he ordered us all to gear up for the mission. We had a brain bug to kidnap.


Two days later, a legless Brain Bug was rolled out of the deep underground tunnels and the guarded nest it was in was nuked. With the target captured, a drop ship landed and several high ranking military people walked over to where the Brain Bug was surrounded by celebrating troopers. The camera crews were having a blast filming it all.

“Tell me what it's thinking, Colonel.” An admiral asked Carl.

Carl took off his hat and touched the side of the thing. He concentrated and then looked at the admiral. “It's afraid.” He said in a soft voice, then he looked at all the troopers around him. “IT'S AFRAID!”

“YEAH!” The troopers all yelled and kept celebrating.

I stepped out of the crowd and Carl looked surprised to see me. “You do realize it's afraid because it's completely surrounded by enemies, right?”

“It doesn't matter.” Carl said and started walking back towards his dropship. “We're fighting for the survival of our species and every morale boost counts.”

I nodded, because it was true. Anything that gave hope was a good thing. “Good luck figuring the bugs out.”

Carl smiled. “We have one of their brains now. Soon, we'll know how they think. Once we do...”

“'ll be corrupted because they are only fighting to propagate their race.” I finished for him and he came to a stop to stare at me. “What? I'm not stupid. They're living things. It's all any living thing wants.”


“Just keep the psychics away from it, including yourself.” I warned him and he looked surprised. “They don't call impure thoughts 'brain worms' for no reason.”

“I... will keep that in mind.” Carl said, hesitatingly.

“If anything bad happens near Earth, I'll hold you responsible and I'll kill you before you know it, even with that big brain of yours.” I said and he squinted his eyes at me. “Yeah, that won't work on me.”

Carl tried for another minute and started sweating. “Why... how...”

“My brain is far beyond your comprehension.” I said and pat his shoulder. “Have a great trip home.”

Carl stared at me as I went back to the Roughnecks and the Corporal gave me a searching look.

“High school friend.” I said to her.

She looked to Carl and back to me. “But...”

“I wanted to fight and make a real difference.” I said and accepted a glass of beer from one of my squad mates. I didn't detect any poisons or drugs, so I put an arm over her shoulders and took a drink. “Have you seen any pictures of my kids yet?”

“No.” She said and put her arm around my waist.

“Pop by my tent tonight and I'll give you a show you'll never forget.” I said.

She beamed a smile at me and nodded.

After giving her a show of pictures that seemed to charge her up sexually, especially when I said I wasn't married, we shared an evening of sexual pleasure that she swore she was never going to forget.

I laid down beside her and sighed mentally, because I apparently needed a lot more meditation to get a handle on my unleashed promiscuity. I felt her hand on my erection once more and she started kissing my neck, so I promised myself I would meditate later. The woman in my bed needed my attention.


Time passed as the undeclared war against the bugs continued. The people were firmly behind it, both the citizens and civilians, because of all the successes we had with barely any losses suffered. There were accidents and pitched battles that were devastating for both sides, except that the bugs could repopulate a hundred times faster than we could.

So, I had to do my part and introduced modified Poppers that I had created in the Firefly universe. Military Command drooled at the design specs and ordered immediate production. With this new weapon available for assaulting the bug's home system, the war was practically won.

After giving me a blank check and told me to ask for anything I wanted, I asked for my own small troop ship, a specific flight team to fly it, and orders to hunt down the bugs whenever I wanted. I essentially asked for free reign after the Klendathu Campaign and the brass readily agreed.

It only took a year for all of the planets of the bug's home system to be cleaned of all life, with the Poppers being the sole reason for that. The sting ship pilots absolutely loved me for giving them such an effective weapon.

I also discreetly deployed thousands of harvesters during that time and started to remove the massive asteroid field that the binary star system seemed to have an unlimited supply of. The rare metals and materials made me even more ridiculously rich than I already was, so much so that I was ordered to never disclose exactly how rich I was.

When the Klendathu Campaign was finished, I took a six month break from fighting while my personal ship was being constructed, to my specifications, and went home to be with my family. I was greeted like a hero, which made me laugh, so I tickled them all and chased them around the house.

That night, we were all gathered around the viewscreen in the living room to watch the new Sky Marshal being sworn in. My eyes didn't recognize her at first, with her hair different and her face quite a bit older than it should have been, then I gasped when it clicked.

“John? What is it?” Beth asked, concern on her face.

“I... I need to go.” I said and stood. “It's nothing bad. I just remembered that I have something really important to do.”

“All right. Be careful.” Beth said and kissed me.

“That depends on what happens.” I said and lightly stroked her cheek, gave Sam a kiss, pat each of the kids on their heads, and calmly walked out of the house. I slipped on an invisibility cloak and flew up into the air, then broke the sound barrier six times before I slowed down and landed at the Terran Federation's main facility. I walked through the checkpoints and right into the main chamber.

“Thank you all for this great honor.” A very familiar voice said to the applauding crowd and the cameras. “In this time of peace, we can all hope that it will be everlasting as we clean up the remnants of the bugs and remove their threat from this galaxy.”

Everyone applauded and she waved for them to quiet down.

“A new dawn has come for the human race and we will meet it with open arms and happiness. God knows we all deserve it!” She said and cheers and claps echoed off the walls.

I transfigured my clothes into a formal outfit as I took off the cloak and walked onto the stage in full view of the cameras, because it didn't matter. Nothing but who was in front of me mattered at that moment. She didn't notice me until I walked over to her and she turned with a curious face to see what I wanted, then she caught her breath and her hands covered her mouth when she saw who I was.

“Hello, Gloria.” I said in a calm voice, even though I didn't feel calm at all.

“John.” Gloria whispered, which echoed because she was right there in front of a microphone and stared at me. “Is... is it really you?”

“I've missed you.” I said and resisted the urge to jump on her and kiss the hell out of her.

Gloria did not have the same reaction, as she let out a girlish scream and jumped on me to kiss me. The entire room went deathly quiet as Gloria and I made out in front of millions of people watching the live broadcast. It lasted for several minutes before Gloria broke the kiss.

“I've missed you, too. It's been so very long since I've seen you.”

“I doubt it's been as long as I've felt it's been.” I responded and she nodded, then she laughed softly and glanced around at where we were.

“I think I need to introduce you to the entire nation now.” Gloria said with a smirk.

“I doubt they will approve of a Sky Marshal and a Mobile Infantry P3 fraternizing.” I said and the whole crowd seemed to gasp. “See?”

Gloria laughed and pulled me over to the podium. “World, I'd like to introduce you all to the bestest friend that anyone could ever have.”

That made a few people laugh from getting the childhood reference right away.

“He might look young; but, he's much older than anyone could ever guess.”

“I'm a heck of a lot older than that now.” I said and she laughed again.

“You'll have to forgive his rank, because if I know him as well as I know I do, he chose a career as a Private Third Class on purpose so he could fight the bugs personally.”

“Damn right I did. It was the best way to make the biggest difference.” I said and sounds of understanding came from a lot of the audience. “I also wanted to have as much fun as possible. I couldn't do that if I was burdened with command.”

“Please tell me you took the time to have a family.” Gloria said.

“I did and they're great.” I said and looked out at the cameras as I waved. “Beth and Sam! I'll be home soon and I might bring a special guest with me to meet you and the kids!”

That made a bunch of people laugh and I didn't have to have surveillance at the house to know that Beth, Sam, and the kids were happy to hear that.

Gloria nudged me with her elbow. “Now that you've thoroughly wrecked my graceful exit, get off the stage and I'll apologize to everyone.”

I gave her a quick kiss and snapped off a perfect salute to her, then the audience, and marched off the stage.

“As you can see, John's a real ham when he wants to be.” Gloria said and more people laughed. “Once again, thank you all for appointing me to this prestigious post and I will endeavor to do you all proud.”

The audience clapped as she left the stage and followed me into the back.

“We have a lot to talk about.” Gloria said and hugged me.

“We really do.” I said and kissed her before putting a cloak over her shoulders.

“I really missed things like this.” Gloria said as a bunch of people, mostly her new staff, searched frantically for her.

“I'll stock you up again.” I promised and she kissed me again. “Hold on and I'll apparate us to just outside the house.”

Gloria did so and we disappeared from there and appeared in the backyard. We walked around to the front and entered, to be met by everyone. Gloria gave hugs liberally to everyone, especially the kids.

“It's so nice to meet you all.” Gloria gushed as we all went back to the living room to sit down.

“I can't believe we have the Sky Marshal in our home!” Sam gushed right back.

“Please, call me Gloria. Any family of John's is a family of mine.” Gloria said and took my hand. “I can't believe I finally found you after all this time.”

“I assume you went in for the Fleet?” I asked and she nodded. “We probably never would have met if you didn't become Sky Marshal.”

Gloria's hand squeezed mine. “How long have you been here?”

“Not anywhere near as long as you.” I said and used my free hand to touch her slightly greying hair.

“We met him in high school when he showed up for second year as Carmen's arm candy.” Beth said and made Sam laugh. “What? He was a hunk.”

“He still is.” Sam said and picked up our son to kiss and snuggle him. “William is going to be one, too! Aren't you, you handsome little devil?”

The little boy giggled and squirmed in her arms. He didn't try to get away, though.

“I signed up for Federal Service right out of high school.” I said.

“He also made certain promises.” Beth said, almost in a purr.

“And kept them, even better than we thought he would.” Sam added.

“He sure surprised us with pregnancy licenses, let me tell you.” Beth said. “He was supposed to come home from boot camp and we were going to apply together and hope for the best.”

“Instead, he came home with the damn things!” Sam said with a laugh.

“That was the best two weeks.” Beth said and leaned over to give me a kiss. “Then he surprised us again when he took six months off after delivering our babies!”

“We didn't even know that was a thing.” Sam said and her hand stroked the cheek of my face. “It was such a huge help and right when we both needed it.”

“So was the nanny.” Beth said and the nanny entered the room with refreshments. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” The nanny said as she handed them out, then she stood there for nearly half an hour as we slowly drank them and we talked a little about our lives with Gloria. “I think it's time for the little ones to head to bed.”

“AWWW!” The kids groaned loudly.

“You're up way past your bedtime already.” I said and hugged and kissed each of them. “If you go to bed without fussing, we'll go shopping tomorrow.”

“YAY!” The kids yelled and ran from the room.

“I wish it was always that easy to bribe them.” The nanny said and nodded to me before she left the room to follow the kids to their rooms.

“She would know. She's a godsend.” Sam said. “I don't know what we would do without her.”

“Everything for ourselves, probably.” Beth said with a laugh. “It's so nice to have someone like her to keep this family running smoothly.”

Gloria looked at my family and smiled warmly. “I need to go, too.”

“Awww!” Beth and Sam repeated the kids and Gloria laughed.

“There's a conference next month about the cleanup efforts from all the damage the bugs have done.” Gloria said as we all stood. “Why don't you three attend as my guests? We can get to know each other more and I would appreciate the company.”

Beth and Sam looked at me and I nodded. “We'd love to.” They said together.

“That's so cute!” Gloria gushed and hugged Beth and then Sam. “How much do you practice?”

“At least an hour a day.” They said as one and Gloria laughed.

“Definitely keepers, John!” Gloria said and took my arm. “You better walk me out before I decide to give up my new job and move in!”

That made Beth and Sam laugh.

“I'll be back soon.” I said and they nodded. I gave them quick kisses and led Gloria out of the house and around to the back. “So, what do you think?”

“You have a great family.” Gloria said and hugged me tightly before I apparated us back to the main federation building. She pulled me into an empty conference room and shoved me against the table. “I wasn't joking with what I said, you know.”

“I know.” I said and made a bottomless pouch for her and filled it with everything she would need to protect herself while she stripped off. I lightly touched her hair when she was naked. “You need to take a short vacation, say a week or so, and come to my secret medical lab for a dunk in a rejuvenation tank.”

“John, I've been like this for several thousand years. I can stay like this for a bit longer.” Gloria said and moaned when I made my clothes disappear and then she was on her knees and moaned very loudly as she sucked me into her mouth expertly.

“It's been millions of years for me and that was just one universe.” I whispered back and pet her hair. “I've been to seven different ones since Seven of Nine died and sent us on.”

Gloria gasped and stopped sucking. “Seven!”

“This is the eighth one and I've seen a previous lover in all of them since... oh, son of a bitch!” I exclaimed.

“What is it?” Gloria asked.

“An ancient being with magic balls must have made a wish for me to meet my old loves in different worlds.” I said and her free hand gripped my balls. “Not those kinds of balls. Seven orange magic filled ones that grant wishes.”

“Oh.” Gloria said and licked my shaft. “How many universes ago was that?”

I counted and chuckled. “If I include that one where I met the dimensional doppleganger for Kaylee, this one counts as the seventh one.”

“So, a magical wish and seven balls for seven universes of past loves?” Gloria asked as she stood and climbed on top of me.

“Let's hope.” I said and kissed her deeply as she settled down with me inside of her for the first time in a very, very long time. “I almost thought this would be it, because I didn't see or meet anyone right away that I recognized.”

Gloria hugged me tightly and shifted her hips to rub my rock hard erection through her insides. “I'm so... very glad... it led you back to me.”

“Me, too.” I said and looked into her eyes. “My dearest love. My heart. My soul. You're mine again.”

“I've always been yours. Even when you didn't think I was, I always was.” Gloria said and kissed me.

Twenty minutes later, the door of the conference room burst open and three females and two guards had an eyeful as they stared at us and I blew my load inside the very eager vagina of the Sky Marshal.

Gloria, always a professional, climbed off of me with my expulsions dripping out from between her legs. “It's about time you found me. I was getting worried that I picked the wrong team to support me.”

“M-m-miss Colorado.” One of the braver ones said. “You... are... needed...”

“I really was.” Gloria said and reached down to scoop some of my deposit from between her legs and licked it off of her fingers. “Find me a shower and a replacement uniform. We need to get to the full staff meeting in ten minutes.”

“Yes, ma'am!” They all exclaimed and saluted, then they ran.

I chuckled and she smirked at me. “I definitely missed you, my love.”

“I missed you as well, my love.” Gloria said and kissed me. “Clean me up, please.”

I snapped my fingers and cast cleaning spells on her and vanished my expulsions.

“Thank you.” Gloria said and pointed at my erection. “I need that covered, unless you want to come to the meeting and be my chair?”

I laughed and waved a hand over myself to create clothing. “As fun as their expressions would be, you can't really talk consistently while bouncing up and down.”

“True.” Gloria said and looked into my eyes. “John...”

“My last name's Smith here. Amnesiac.” I said and gave her a comm badge. “You can call me whenever you want.”

“You have enough satellites seeded for when you're out-system?” Gloria asked as she put the badge on the bag I gave her.

“Nope. I cheat and piggyback the signal through opened Stargates.” I said.

Gloria laughed. “Subtle.”

“Hidden, of course. The main one is in my basement and I hide one on any ship or planet I'm deployed on. I leave the planet ones.”

Gloria looked surprised. “I have to look up your records now.”

I chuckled and handed her a security device. “Here's everything you'll ever need, including the addresses of every Stargate I've included on the network.”

Gloria checked it and a huge smile appeared on her face. “John, this... we can deploy instantly to all the new bases and even set up new colonies.” She said and then gave me a pointed look. “Why have you never given this to anyone else?”

“Who else would believe it?” I asked and her eyes widened. “I've kept it a secret, of course.”

“You were going to go back and reseed the lands.” Gloria said in understanding.

“Between deployments.” I said and then chuckled. “I'm shipping out in a few months on my own commissioned ship, with a custom flight crew, and orders to hunt down any rogue bug colonies.”

“Ha!” Gloria barked the laugh and put the security device into the bag I gave her. “Are you still going to convert the worlds?”

“I assume you're going to want cities and things set up if I do?” I asked.

“I'll modify your standing orders to ensure you won't be bothered by other ships or any other MI units. I want those colonies prepped as soon as possible.” Gloria said as the door opened once more. Only one woman entered and it was the brave one from before.

“A robe for you to wear to get to the shower, ma'am.” She said and held it out for her.

“Thank you.” Gloria said and slipped it on and tied it. She picked up the bag and held it close. “John, I'll call you as soon as I get those orders fixed for you.”

I saluted and she returned it. “Have fun running the show, ma'am.”

“I will.” Gloria said with a smile and left the room with her assistant.

I apparated back home and went inside.

“Did she help you get some of your memory back?” Beth asked.

“She definitely brought a few things to mind.” I said and hugged her. “She's changing my orders to give me more leeway in where I go, what I do, and how long I do it for.”

“Yay!” Sam exclaimed and tackled us to the couch. The three of us laughed and then carried on for the next hour, playing and teasing each other. I took them to bed after that and made them both very happy before we drifted off to sleep.


The conference was both boring and exciting, because listening to the politicians was not the best way to get in the mood. After each meeting, Gloria accosted me in her prep room with Beth and Sam assisting.

I had initially thought they would protest Gloria having access to me, then they told me that they couldn't hate a woman that loved me as much as they did. Plus, she gave them ideas. I groaned when they said that and they giggled like little girls as they made me their plaything.

On the second day of the conference, Djana'D tracked down where I was sneaking off to between meetings and entered the private room to see Gloria riding me, Beth suckling her breasts, and Sam eating Beth out.

“I should have known.” Djana'D said and shut and locked the door. “What do you have to say for yourself, John?”

“I'm suffering from a severe case of polyamory with monogamous tendencies.” I admitted.

“He gave us rings and a family.” Beth and Sam said and showed off the diamond rings next to their class rings.

“He gave me a necklace shield, my military promotions, and an unbelievable sex life.” Djana'D said as she walked over to us and started to strip.

“He gave me anything I wanted, including his other non-wives.” Gloria said and Beth and Sam giggled. “By the way, they are both deliciously sexy.”

“I can see that.” Djana'D said and dropped her clothing to the floor.

“Oh, my.” Gloria said and reached for her large dark skinned breasts. “John really knows how to pick us, doesn't he?”

Djana'D moaned as Gloria sucked hard on one of her nipples. “I don't know why I'm okay with this.”

“You can sit on his face whenever you want and he never, ever objects.” Beth said and laughed as Djana'D did exactly that. “Sam, I'm feeling neglected.”

“Oh! Sorry!” Sam said and dug her tongue back inside her best friend.

“Mmm, that's the spot.” Beth moaned and attacked Gloria's breasts again.

The situation devolved from there with everyone having everyone's tastes in their mouths, their hands and fingers everywhere, and the feeling of my love in every hole that they wanted.

“Best... conference... ever.” Djana'D said when we were done and we all nodded. “Next month, too?”

“Yes!” The girls all agreed enthusiastically.

I definitely needed a lot more time to meditate on this problem.


My ship, UFC-P Artemis, was completed five months later and I received my open orders. I still couldn't believe that the brass had agreed and it wasn't because of Gloria's influence. She didn't even know I was here in this universe and wasn't in the right position to grant this for me, either.

In any case, Carmen and Zander had accepted the prestigious posting and their old ship was retired and decommissioned. They were shocked to see that it was me that was giving the orders, considering I was only a Private Third Class. I handed over my service record instead of trying to explain and after ten minutes, they understood.

“You're co-captains and co-pilots, so you can work the shifts out for yourselves.” I said and they stared at me with shock on their faces. “Yes, you get credit for both while operating my ship.”

“I thought Carmen was pulling my leg when she told me what you were like.” Zander said.

“I doubt it was your leg she was pulling.” I said and waggled my eyebrows.

Carmen smacked me hard on the back of my head.

“Ow! Okay, I deserved that one.”

“You deserved all of them, you ass.” Carmen said with a smile.

“True.” I said and smiled back. “Anyways, you're getting paid by me personally as well as by the navy, so you can hire a staff for yourselves to do the miscellaneous stuff around here, like paperwork and filing reports and crap.”

“You're serious?” Carmen asked.

“I'm going to be too busy to handle the ship-side of things, so it's all up to you guys.” I said and handed her the file folders I had on the ship. “I've got a request in for several assistants myself, so as soon as I get a few more personnel to handle the Marine part of this operation, we can take off.”

“Okay, a max crew of fifteen. We can work with that.” Carmen said and flipped through the folder before she handed it to Zander. “Let's say the end of next week. We should be good by then.”

“I've already stocked up the weapons and the galley.” I said and walked off the bridge. “See you next week.”


“This thing handles like a dream.” Zander said as we flew through one of the outer systems. “The other pilots are so envious of us right now.”

Carmen laughed softly from the captain's chair. “We're both getting a ridiculous amount of hours as a registered captain while John hunts down the bugs on suspected worlds.”

“I think it's more that we're living like Sky Marshals.” One of the newly graduated pilots said. “Even my training captain didn't have a room as big as mine on his ship and that was a full troop transport.”

“I know, right? This thing is like a luxury yacht.” The other graduate said. “Even my shower is twice the size of the one I had at the academy.”

“I should caution you to not get used to it, except we're on open orders. We're going to be out here having fun for a long time.” Carmen said and the two young women beamed smiles at her. “Yes, that makes me happy, too.”

“Just time in grade is going to guarantee rapid promotions.” Zander said with a chuckle and his flight console beeped at him. “Captain, we're coming up on the coordinates the computer gave us.”

“Bring us into orbit and prepare for evasive manoeuvres. Bug plasma can still reach us in high orbit.”

“Aye, captain. High orbit and nimble on the stick.” Zander said.

“Keep an eye out, Three and Four.” Carmen said as the ship slowed down.

“Yes, captain.” The two young women responded and hit several buttons on their own consoles.

Carmen hit the intercom button. “Private Smith, we're in orbit of the planet. Prepare for drop.”

“Thank you, captain.” The voice responded. “I'm locked and loaded. Bombs away.”

Number Three giggled. “Doesn't he realize he's inside a steel box and flying towards excessive danger?”

“Oh, he definitely knows.” Carmen said with a soft laugh. “Good hunting, John.”

“Thanks, Carmen. I'll see you when I'm done.” John said and Carmen nodded at Zander.

“Dropping trooper transport.” Zander said and hit the release. “There he goes.”

The four pilots watched the dropship zoom towards the planet. A little blue ball appeared in the atmosphere and the dropship just missed it.

“Evasive manoeuvres!” Carmen shouted and the ship darted to the side, thanks to Zander's quick hands on the controls.

The plasma ball missed the ship and it stayed on the new course in orbit.

“Mark the origin and send it to the dropship.” Carmen ordered.

“Aye, captain.” Number Three said and sent the coordinates. “I can't believe he's doing this by himself.”

“Number Four, when the dropship lands, activate the remote cameras. I want a heads-up ASAP.” Carmen said.

“Aye, captain. Estimate of three minutes for the connection to be stable enough for visuals.”

“Excellent.” Carmen said. “I haven't seen John deployed before. His file was always redacted and the videos censored.”

Number Three turned to look at her. “They usually do that when there's excessive blood or the act itself is of a sensitive nature.”

“Remember the video of them working on the Brain Bug?” Number Four asked. “That was almost completely censored, too.”

“Their work on that let us find their central hives quickly.” Zander said. “Those Poppers made short work of the queens.”

“John invented those.” Carmen said and the two rookie pilots gave her surprised looks. “He also invented those shipboard energy weapons.”

“We can try them out if you want.” Zander said. “Another plasma ball coming for us.”

“Why not?” Carmen said with a smile. “Bring us about and give the girls a few shots each. We have another minute before John's planetside.”

“Emergency Target Practice coming right up.” Zander said and whipped the ship over to the side to let the shots go out into space and not towards the planet. “Number Three, you're up first.”

“Thank you, sir!” She said and let off six bolts at the thing.

The plasma ball expanded and then popped apart into a dozen pieces and they faded away.

“Well, that's new.” Carmen said and made note of the change. “Sorry, Number Four. You'll get a shot at the next one if it comes.”

“Yes, ma'am.” Number Four said and her console beeped at her. “The dropship is on the surface. Establishing connection. Relaying through the trooper's helmet camera.”

“On the main screen, please.” Carmen said. “Zander, keep an eye out for more bug plasma.”

“I don't think we have to.” Zander said and pointed at the screen.

The huge plasma bug was there and was stomping around, like it was charging up.

“I'm sorry, you big bitch! You can't shoot shit at my ship anymore!” John's voice said and then a huge energy weapon appeared in his hands. A foot wide bright blue solid energy beam came out the end of it and cut right through the backside and made it explode, taking out the arachnids around it.

“Jesus H. Christ.” Zander whispered. “What the hell kind of weapon is that?”

“Successful test of Plasma Beam weapon Gamma Three.” John's voice said and the weapon disappeared from sight. “It seems to be a bit too powerful, so it might need to be scaled back 50%.”

The people on the ship watched as he walked right over to the spreading blue fire and then walked right through it to the other side.

“Whew! Look at that gouge out of the ground. Definitely too powerful.” John said and lifted up a weird display device. “Eye, can you give me a depth for that?”

“Beep boop beepbeep.”

“Ha ha! I can't carve my name into the ground. They'll know I did it.”

“Beep beep beep.”

John laughed. “Blow it up afterwards? Why not? I'm here to have fun.”

The four people on the ship stopped breathing as the camera view lifted up and they could see the ground a hundred feet away. The energy weapon appeared again and then the beam carved 'JOHN WAS HERE' in large letters. A second later, an odd shaped grenade was thrown and it tumbled down the hundred feet and exploded in a bright blue fireball.

“That was oddly satisfying.” John's voice said and then he laughed when the debris cleared and a hundred foot crater was left. “Successful test of plasma grenades. Note to self, cut yield by 80% for general use and leave the prototypes at full yield and marked for fortification removal.”

“Oh, my god.” Number Four whispered.

John's camera view dropped and landed as he took out one of the seismic detectors. “That stirred up the bugs moving underground.” He said and looked at the crater. “Let's take a shortcut.”

They watched as he jumped down into the deep crater, without being hurt, and he used the energy beam weapon to cut open an entrance into the underground tunnels.

“Now let's have some fun.” John said and his lightsaber appeared as he ran inside, his helmet light the only illumination besides his weapon.

Carmen, Zander, and the two rookie pilots watched in stunned fascination as the bugs screeched in fear and ran while John hunted them down and exterminated them.

“Now we know why they censored the videos.” Zander said as John nuked a bug nest. “No one in their right mind would raid a bug planet by himself, just to test out new weapons.”

“The brass should be happy with the new weapon designs.” Carmen commented and the others nodded.

The new weapons proved to be very effective as John continued on and kept working as he emptied and cleared the bugs out of nest after nest.


A week later, I returned to the ship and flew my dropship back up to dock to it and reloaded it into the drop queue. I was glad that my time on the planet was a fruitful one with successful weapons tests and I had a lot of fun. I also gained thousands of lands as I travelled, which was great progress in getting back the ones I had lost going to that weird magic nerfed universe where Warehouse 13 was.

I stepped out of the dropship and the staff there helped strip me off my MI armor and I handed them my action reports for them to proofread and file for me. “Thank you, ladies.”

“You can thank us by getting a shower! Whew!” One of them said and I laughed.

“Bugs, blood, sweat, and dirt do not make a nice smell when mixed, I admit.” I said and pulled off my undershirt and then my pants. “Just dispose of them. There's no need to ruin the wash with that.”

“You took the words right out of my mouth, sir.” The other one said and made a disgusted face as she tossed them in the trash. “The underwear, too.”

“Most women ask for dinner first before asking for my underwear.” I joked and pulled them off to hand to her.

“Most women can't kick your ass, either.” She joked back and the three of us laughed.

I went into the showers and started one up and then started lathering. I could have used spells to clean up; but, I had an image to maintain. Plus, cleaning up was also a fun time, because a small pair of hands slid around me to help me lather up my crotch.

“That was a great video you made of the mission, sir.” She whispered in my ear. “So strong and sexy.”

“I'm only sir because it's my ship. You both actually outrank me.”

“Then get on your knees, sir.” She ordered and I turned around to do so, then dove between her legs. “MMM! Make me... make me scream like you did the bugs, sir!”

“As you command.” I said and took her right there in the shower. She was screaming soon after.

I definitely had a problem, now that I was paying attention to the signs and the signals I was both receiving and giving. Either that, or what Djana'D told me years ago was really true. What happened in the barracks, stayed in the barracks, and everyone in the barracks accepted that as the truth. When my other assistant entered the shower naked and ordered me to do her, I had to accept that it was true, too.

Consenting adults had a whole new meaning in the Mobile Infantry.

I reported to the bridge the next morning and handed Carmen copies of my mission reports to send off to Fleet and Federation Command. “First mission was a complete success, captain.”

Carmen gave me a searching look. “John... what we saw you do...”

“All classified secret by the Sky Marshal.” I said with a smile as the two young pilots gasped. “You're my crew, so you were exempt from being excluded. You're going to see a lot of it over the next while, so the shock and surprise won't last long.”

“What about the awe at the spectacle?” One of the pilots asked.

“It might fade in time. Maybe. If you see me naked? It never goes away.” I joked and she smiled.

“I'm adding shameless flirt to your file.” Carmen said with a shake of her head.

“It's already there under personality quirks.” I said and she looked surprised. “Yes, it really is.”

“That's just... wow.” The other pilot whispered.

“You haven't seen me naked yet. Hold off on the wows, thanks.” I said with a grin.

She laughed softly. “Now I believe it.”

“Me, too.” The other one said.

“Where are we heading next?” Zander asked.

“We're taking a week off to rest and restock at the closed base... unless there's anywhere you want to head? I'm open to suggestions.”

“Zegima Beach!” The two young pilots exclaimed.

“I think I just heard a suggestion.” I commented and they both laughed. “I hear no counter offers, so a trip to the outer rings it is.”

“Yes!” They exclaimed and high-fived each other.

“After you file the reports, switch command and take us back to the Sol system. We have a week of vacation to enjoy.” I said and Zander looked happy. “We'll head to the next computer chosen site after that.”

“Yes, sir.” He and Carmen said together.

“I've got some equipment to modify and designs to finish, so call me when we reach orbit.” I said and they nodded as I left the bridge.

“We're finally going on my dream vacation!” Number Three exclaimed.

“Yeah... wait, how are we going to pay for that?”

Three gasped. “We don't have bathing suits or anything, either!”

“I'll take care of everything!” I shouted back into the bridge from down the hallway. “We'll go shopping right after we land!”

The two girls cheered.

When I reached the Marine section of the ship, my two assistants gave me pointed looks.

“Yes, you two as well. I would never leave you out of anything.” I said and they smiled at me before kissing my cheeks.


I made another two million federation dollars from my grenade designs and prototypes, which I transferred in front of the whole crew. I did that on purpose, just so the girls and Zander wouldn't balk at me paying for everything during our vacation. I booked everyone separate rooms and they were grateful for that, then we went shopping at the resort's seemingly endless mall.

I wasn't sure how I ended up buying five new wardrobes when we were only staying for a week, then shrugged. It was my own fault for flaunting my wealth. I couldn't help it, though. I wasn't going to be taking it with me when I left, so I might as well spend as much of it as I could. I couldn't wait to see their faces when they received their first paycheck deposits at the end of the month.

I hadn't visited the beach planet myself, so it sure was an experience. Thousands of miles of beaches, millions of beautiful women in bikinis, and an entire week to relax and enjoy it. We kind of split up at the resort and only one of my assistants stayed with me and the others disappeared into the crowd.

We had a great time on the beach, played in the water, relaxed and tanned some, ate and drank, and then went back to my room and had a wonderful time in bed. It was great and we were both well rested the next morning, shared breakfast and met up with the others... and then my other assistant took my arm and the others disappeared.

The day seemed to repeat for me, only it was with a different woman, and we went back to my room and made love and relaxed. The next morning, we shared breakfast and met up with the others... and then one of the young pilots took my arm. I had recognized the pattern and went along with it anyway. I even tried to figure out how they decided who was going with me and in what order.

The fourth day had me with the other young pilot and I repeated the day again. After we spent the night in bed together, I had to ask her what was going on.

“We don't mind sharing, we just don't want to do it together.” She said and kissed me soundly. “One whole day and one spectacular night was all we could have ever wished to spend with you.”

“But... what about...”

“We're on vacation.” She said and took my hand to lead me back to the agreed meeting place. “You're on your own for the last three days, though. I doubt either captain will want to spend any special time with you.”

I chuckled. “I'm tempted to give Zander a hug to shock the hell out of Carmen.”

She laughed and leaned against me as we walked. “I can just imagine the look on Zander's face!”

“He might faint if I implied anything.” I said and she nodded.

We met up with everyone and as my last date said, I was on my own and they split off and disappeared into the crowd. I chuckled and walked off towards the beach.

“Hey, handsome.” A woman's voice said as I stepped onto the sand. “You're all alone today.”

I turned to see an older handsome dark haired woman that sat at an outside bar and she wore a one piece blue suit and a wrap around her waist. She looked like she had a nice body as well.

“How doth yonder lady ponder my deficiency so well?” I asked in as pompous a voice as possible.

She snorted and then laughed. “Handsome and stupidly funny. A good combination.”

I walked over to her and sat down. “I actually felt the sarcasm hit me. Well done.”

She laughed again and nodded at the bartender. “A Pink Sunrise for Mr. Clown.”

The bartender chuckled and quickly made up the drink.

“Thanks.” I said and tasted it. “Nice.”

“My preference while here.” She said and turned on her stool to look out at the water. “I'm a little too old to frolic around like you've done the last four days in a row.”

“I did that to prove a point, to see if it would work, and to see if anyone would comment on it.” I said and joined her in her observation of the beach. “I'm glad to know I succeeded with all three.”

She gave me a pointed look. “Coworkers?”

“Kind of. Two are my assistants in MI country and two are rookie pilots from the navy that help fly the ship under co-captains.” I said and she looked surprised. “It's my ship; but, the federation gets antsy when a non-registered pilot is flying around populated systems, so Fleet controlled saves me a lot of hassle.”

She chuckled. “Yes, I suppose they would.”

“What do you do, if I may ask... or if you do anything?” I added and she smirked at me. “Sexy older woman trolling a beach isn't all you do, is it?”

She laughed. “Sexy? Can you see this body?”

“I'm trying to not stare at you, so yes.” I said and she raised her eyebrows at me. “I'm also trying to keep my hands off of those wonderful thighs.”

She looked down at her crossed legs and back at my face. “Wonderful? Really?”

“I can't really say tasty or smooth, because I am trying to resist grabbing them.” I said and she smiled. “They look wonderful as they are and would probably look fantastic wrapped around my neck.”

She froze with her drink halfway to her mouth. “I seriously thought that I was the forward one by calling you handsome to get your attention.”

“I have a serious problem with polyamory.” I said and she caught her breath and shook slightly. “I'm not sure why I told you that.”

“I think you're trying to explain why I'm so wet from just talking to you.” She responded and dipped her hand down between her legs and showed me her soaked fingers. “That's through my swimsuit.”

I leaned forward and sucked on her fingers. “Yep, definitely tasty.”

“You just... okay, you're coming with me.” She said and stood up.

“If we time it right, yes I will.” I said and she looked surprised, then she leaned down to kiss me.

She didn't say anything else and took my hand to lead me back into the hotel and up to her room. She took off her bathing suit and I saw that the suit didn't do her justice. It had restrained her a lot and she had crammed her flesh into it to hide it. I told her so, then I proceeded to lick and suck on her all over.

She revelled in the attention and then she proved that her thighs really did look fantastic wrapped around my neck. We didn't leave her room for three days.

On the morning of the fourth day, Lisa handed me a card. “You can reach me at any time.”

I read the card and discovered that she was a psychologist. “I must be an interesting subject for you.”

Lisa shook her head. “No, John. I have fallen deeply in love with you. Your mind has been wonderfully blank these too few days together and I have never, ever been more turned on by anyone in my entire life.”

“You're a psychic?” I asked.

“Yes, and I'm sick of other people's thoughts. I had to retire and get away from it all.”

“At a resort that people are pretty much only thinking of relaxing and having sex.” I said and then my eyes widened as I realized what had happened. “Oh. You had four previews.”

Lisa laughed softly. “How surprised do you think I was that you didn't do the same motions to me?”

I had to laugh, too. “I told you it was to make a point to do the exact same thing with them. You were not even close to being a part of that point.”

“It's so nice to actually discover that by talking and not pluck it from your mind before you edit what you say.” Lisa said.

“You poor thing, my mind is a wonderland.” I joked and she laughed again. “How long are you staying here?”

“I've been here two weeks and I have no plans to leave anytime soon.”

“I've got to go home in two weeks for another vacation, so it won't be until at least two weeks after that when I can some back here.” I said.

“I might not be able to afford to stay here that long. I was in demand when I worked and made quite a bit to live on for the rest of my life; but, resorts on the most popular planet in the system aren't cheap.”

I pulled Eye out and tapped a few things. “Okay, you're registered as my guest. All costs go to me, so have fun, relax, and I'll see you in a month.”

Lisa blinked her eyes at me. “John, you... why...”

“It's only money.” I said and tucked Eye away. “I have this weird thing where I have to take care of the women in my life...”

Lisa huffed and then kissed me. “We need to talk about that.”

“I have a family back home. Two women and several kids.” I said. “Four possible girlfriends on the ship, depending on if they care to do anything off of the ship back home.”

“Probably not. Shipboard romances usually stay there.” Lisa said.

“Then there's just you and the Sky Marshal.” I said and she made a choking sound. “That wasn't a joke. I attended several conferences with her and we had a lot of fun.”

“That really was you on the screen during her coronation? I definitely didn't recognize you out of uniform.”

“That was me. I took her home that evening and she met the family. We all get along well.”

“I... I... well, this is making my mind whirl. I need to hear all about this.” Lisa said.

I chuckled and handed her a comm badge. “Call me in a couple of days. I'll be on a bug cleaning mission, so I've got lots of time to talk.”

“I will, John. Thank you.” Lisa said and gave me a deep kiss. “We also have to talk about how you didn't even try to resist the urge to help me. That's not really a normal thing.”

“I've been doing it for years and years. It's a habit.” I said. “I better go. They are probably worried about me.”

Lisa nodded and watched me walk out of the room. “See you later, John.”

“Goodbye.” I said and left her room. I agreed with her, too. It was definitely a problem. I just gave a relative stranger a comm badge and paid her hotel bill without even looking at it. I walked to the meeting place and held in my laughter.

I had gone through thousands of years in the Lord of the Rings universe as a monk and didn't have sex at all, and now I was pretty much falling into everyone's bed that showed any interest in me. I needed to get a handle on this before it gets too out of hand. Not that it wasn't already. I needed to recall my mentality from back then and apply it to now.

Become a monk, become a monk, become a monk. I chanted in my head until I saw the crew waiting for me.

“John!” The four young women gasped and ran over to me to hug me.

My erection sprang to life with four sets of barely covered breasts pressed against me. Dammit.

“Where were you?” Carmen asked, sternly.

“I met a psychologist.” I said and held up the card for her to read. “I just came from a session with her.”

The girls holding me sighed and snuggled me.

“We need to head back to the ship to get it ready for departure.” Zander said.

“Good idea. Let's get changed, pack up our stuff, and head to the dropship.” I said and we all did that.


Two days later, Lisa called me while I was blowing up a small bug nest. “I can call back.”

“What for? I'm not busy.” I said and ran from the loud explosion. “See? All done.”

Lisa chuckled. “All right. Let's start working on your problems.”

“I thought you retired?” I asked and shot a stray bug as I ran by.

“I am. That doesn't mean I stopped being who I am. I like helping my friends.”

“Thanks, Lisa.” I said and came to a stop to check the seismic detector. “Half a mile for the next reading. Lots of walking time.”

“Great. Tell me all about your life in the Mobile Infantry.” Lisa said.

“It's not that long of a walk.” I joked and she laughed.

“Highlights, smart ass.” Lisa said. “I'll share some of mine, too.”

“Without names for both of us?” I asked.

“Agreed.” Lisa responded.

“Well, it all started when I woke up in the hospital. I kind of knew something was off when I propositioned the nurse... and was successful, even though she refused to be involved with a patient.”

“Tell me about that.” Lisa said.

“Okay. It started with a little bit of shameless flirting...”

Lisa laughed.

“Hey, at least let me start the story before you start laughing.”

“S-sorry. The 'little bit of flirting' got me.” Lisa said with a soft chuckle. “Go ahead.”

“That's better. Keep things professional.” I said and she kept chuckling as I told her what happened.


Another suspected planet was cleaned and another vacation happened, only I went home this time and the others went where they wanted. Beth and Sam and the kids were ecstatic to have me home so soon and we had a great time being a family for the whole week.

Another suspected planet had no traces of bug activity, so we moved on to another one. This one only had a starting infestation and only took two days to clean out. The next one was heavily infested and I did something that shocked the crew... and the federation. I tested something called a Planet Cracker that the eggheads in the science division had been playing with.

It kind of worked. It definitely cracked the planet's crust. It just didn't kill the bugs right away or killed the planet. It was just a huge environmental disaster and that killed a bunch of bugs instead. Luckily, the system was a relatively empty one and I didn't have to go down to the planet, now that it was so heavily damaged.

I turned off all the recording devices and cameras and went out onto the hull of the ship in a space suit. I was about to do something that no one should have ever witnessed. Or touched. I pointed my finger at the planet and created three Omega particles on the surface. I knew one wouldn't be enough to destroy the planet, because it was much bigger than Seven's moon lab and the planet I had been on at the time.

The bright white explosion lit up space for dozens of light years, according to the ship's sensors, and we were far enough away from the planet that the blast didn't propagate and catch us. When the light dissipated, the planet was completely gone. No debris, no core, no anything. The Omega particles had disintegrated it completely.

Despite it being a horrible thing to see for a second time, I had made peace with Seven of Nine's death a long time ago. I also confirmed that my created Omega particles worked exactly the same as the real ones. I sighed at the realization and entered the ship again. When I went to the bridge to order Zander to head home, they all stared at me like I was death incarnate.

“Dammit, I forgot to polarize the viewports.” I berated myself. “You didn't see that and there's no records of it happening. It wasn't a weapon's test. It was the disposal of a very dangerous substance and to see the effects if enough of it was released on a planet.”

“Oh, my god.” One of the young women whispered.

“Yes, exactly.” I said and she looked surprised. “No one can know such a thing exists, because it can't.”

They all nodded.

“Take us back to Zegima Beach, captain.” I ordered. “I need a really long vacation after seeing that.”

“I think we all do.” Zander said and Carmen nodded several times.

“Then take us out.” I said and left the bridge. There was no chatter for me to overhear this time.


The four young women split off from the group as soon as we were planetside. I didn't blame them at all and Carmen and Zander took off as well. I ended up spending an entire two weeks with Lisa and no one tried to contact me to leave. We couldn't stay there forever, though.

“I'm leaving, too.” Lisa said.

“To where?” I asked.

“Mars. I have a nice house there and...”

“I'd like to see it.” I said and she looked surprised. “I want to give you something special and you won't feel so lonely when I'm gone.”

“I'm not sure what you can give me that can do that.” Lisa said and hugged me.

“It's the same thing I've been using to stay in contact with you here.” I said and pointed at one of her walls. It folded back and she gasped at the Stargate behind it. “It activates when establishing a signal to me.”

“John! This... this is...”

“A great piece of technology that's a national secret. For now.” I said and she gave me a searching look. “The Sky Marshal wants colonies set up on the worlds we've cleaned of the bug infestations.”

“You're going to solve the population problem and the communications problem in one swoop!” Lisa exclaimed.

“You got it with one guess. Well done.” I said and kissed her. “I'll be setting the colonies up on this outgoing trip as I head to more suspected infected worlds.”

“Well, good luck and try to have fun, even if its just boring construction.” Lisa said and let me go.

“Building can be as fun as destroying.” I said and she gave me a pointed look. “Kind of? Maybe?”

She laughed and led me over to her door. “Go pack and I'll meet you at the departure area.”

“Yes, ma'am.” I said and saluted her to make her laugh again. I also dissolved the Stargate when she wasn't looking and put the wall back.

Lisa packed up and met with us at the dropship, which she loved. When we docked with the Artemis, she said the ship was nice and cozy, unlike every other ship she had been on or seen. She also enjoyed looking out the viewports and seeing space with her own eyes and not just on vids or through cameras. We dropped her off at Mars and I gave her a Stargate in her basement. I also told her the warnings about things in front of it being dissolved, which was why it was behind a wall and a protective shield.

After that, Carmen was in command and we flew out towards the first set of worlds where I would create the buildings and things for colonies. It was easy to fake shipping things from the cargo hold and then having robots build a few fake structures while I used my powers to convert vast pieces of lands into cities, towns, and farmlands.

I also checked for seismic activity and found none, so I spent nearly a month converting that one planet into a suitable colony world. I also moved the Stargate from a hidden location into the main federation building before I sent a message to Gloria, along with the footage and the Stargate's updated location.

She sent me a virtual kiss and told me to hurry up with the other worlds. I responded and told her I was taking two weeks off after working my ass off for a month. She promised to kiss it and make it better, then ordered me to return to Earth for her to do so.

I did not refuse that order.

My ship went back to Earth and docked at the new space station there, one based on my design, and we shuttled down to the planet's surface. I went home to meet up with my family and Gloria was there waiting for me with them. I laughed when she puckered her lips and ordered me to hurry up and bend over. Beth, Sam, and the kids laughed, too.

When the two weeks were over, I wasn't surprised that the two young pilots had requested transfers off of the ship. It took another week before Carmen could find anyone to take up the staff positions and two quite old women came out of retirement to accept the jobs. Apparently, word about my antics, both in the bedroom and on the field of battle, had made the rounds. I didn't mind spending the extra time with my family.

My two assistants hadn't abandoned me like the pilots had, thankfully. They knew my work was only going to help the federation, especially with the new colonies when the Stargates were declassified. They also enjoyed ordering me around while off duty. How often can you take advantage of your boss like that? Right, never. They enjoyed the power reversal game a lot.

So, time moved on and I would clear a suspected planet of infection and then created a colony, took a week off, then repeated it. Over and over. More worlds were discovered, cleaned, and made into human colonies.

Most people would have complained about the repetitiveness. I felt it relaxing and fell into a routine. I spent the rest of my five year hitch doing the same thing and both Carmen's and Zander's careers took off. By the time their tour of duty was up on my ship, they were each given their own heavy cruiser to command. Zander thanked me profusely for the experience and Carmen gave me a sad look as she shook my hand.

“You two kids have fun, all right? Live your lives, be good to each other, and love for all your worth.” I said to them.

“John, I... I wish...” Carmen started to say.

“We all have our lives to live and people to love. Just because we fall in and out of passionate love, that doesn't mean we don't still love each other. We just moved on from young love to find the love we need in our lives.” I looked at Zander. “You've found one that let you grow into the strong woman you are today. No one can regret that, can they?”

Carmen's sad smile changed to a real one. “You're right. I'm a different person now. I've grown up and my needs changed.”

I nodded. “So, go out there and be the best captains in the fleet and show the rest how it's done.”

“We will.” Zander said. “Good luck, John.”

“Who needs luck when I have experience on my side?” I said and Carmen and Zander left the ship.

“We're not sleeping with you.” One of the older ladies that had come out of retirement said.

I chuckled. “We're taking a month off to get the ship looked after and to restock. What else are you going to do?”

“Not you, you lush.” The other woman said. “We're old enough to be your grandmother.”

I laughed and took their hands. “Ladies, ladies, ladies. Have I got a deal for you.”

The two women groaned and I led them off of the ship and into a shuttle.

“We really should head back to where we live.” One of them said.

“No, you have a very important appointment to get to.” I said and gave the coordinates to the pilot. “We're expected, so just land. You already have clearance.”

“Yessir!” The pilot said enthusiastically and we disengaged from the dock and zoomed down towards the Earth.

“What appointment?” One of the women asked.

“I meant to bring you there two years ago.” I said and they looked surprised. “I was busy with the new colonies that it slipped my mind.”

“For two years.” The other one said.

“Time doesn't mean a lot to someone as old as me.” I said and both women laughed. I didn't correct their assumption that I was as young as I looked and let them think what they wanted. They would make a different assumption after their appointment.


A month later, both women were decanted from their rejuvenation tanks and stared at each other. Their hands touched their restored hair and their twenty year old faces. After admiring themselves in the full length mirrors, they stared at me.

“Welcome to your second life.” I said and the two of them beamed smiles at me, grabbed my hands, and dragged me into the large bathroom. Their promise to never sleep with me hadn't lasted long at all.


Time moved on, as it always does.

After another ten years of missions and several more children by Lisa, Beth, Sam, Djana'D, and now Feena and Dillonia, who were my rejuvenated replacement pilots, my orders were rescinded and my ship's commission was revoked. I didn't have to ask what was going on, because Gloria had retired as Sky Marshal.

Gloria's last act in office was to announce the end of my career as a Private Third Class, which was the biggest joke on the federation, because I had done more as a P3 than the highest ranked officer in the rest of the Mobile Infantry.

We all retired to my house that had expanded over the years, because it was full of non-wives and kids galore. They all loved each other like a family, which was something I had learned could actually work while in the Matrix universe.

The older kids moved out and found lives of their own. Some in the federal service and some in the private sector. Despite having more money than anyone else in the federation, my kids were not conceited or acted rich. They knew the value of money, and position, and where the real wealth of the world came from. The people in your life.


Gloria waited until several of our non-wives had passed away before she went into the rejuvenation tank for two years. When she emerged, she was her twenty-five year old self and matched my apparent age once more. We looked like a real couple again and we took full advantage of it by going out on dates, because we hadn't done it in centuries.

When my great-great-grandchildren were grown and none of the family lived in the old house anymore, I closed up the house and deactivated the private Stargate address, took Gloria's hand, and led her into the living room.

I held her in my arms and kissed her tenderly. “It's time for us to go.”

Gloria nodded and her magic joined with mine as it covered us completely. “This feels so nice.”

“I've missed this comforting embrace, too.” I said and built up my Chi, which shocked her as she felt the immense power, and I activated my Travel ability.

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