Academy’s Pure Love Dark Knight

Chapter 8

Lunchtime turned out to be with Kainel and Ariel. This method was faster for raising affection levels. But why am I eating with them too?

“So, magic reflects the mind’s state, huh?”

“How cluttered must your mind be for that, Ariel?”

“No, I, I’ve never—!”

“It seems it’s because we see each other often.”

“..Mr. Helmet, you’re so mean.”

I wrapped it up before the conversation veered off into weird territory.

“Careful, Kainel. Excessive tsundere treatment can backfire. Do you want to get hit by another Fire Ball?”

“I’ve been using pet names too.”

Little by little, I’ll help her move forward. She expresses emotions sometimes, so let’s be satisfied with this.

“Ugh.. It happens sometimes when using magic!”

Ariel, who had been drinking soup hurriedly, claimed she couldn’t eat this well in the setting guide.

“I just had a fleeting image of someone’s face, that’s all! Ah hot!”

“Drink some water and eat slowly. Here.”

“Be careful.”

Just as suspected. The way she kept blowing on her food made her look like a little red cat.

Kainel watched her intently and handed her water he had prepared in advance. This is what I like. Being childhood friends really is nice.

Almost missed seeing this in Black Heart. Bad sequels popped into my mind. I realized I still need to join a club too.


“You can never handle something hot.”

“Hehe.. Kain is the best!”

She gulped the water down immediately. It was refreshing.

“But Licht, aren’t you eating?”

“Ah, right?”

“I can’t take off my helmet.”

I revealed the truth. Any excuse I made here might reveal that I’m a reincarnator. Sigh. I could lift my mask, but…

Hiding this will just lead to a flag where my identity gets revealed later. I need to be careful. I want to keep my identity a secret. I get hounded by merchants.

“Then is it like a cursed item?”

“No, it’s more like an attachment item. Probably.”

I’ve been around this game long enough to know it isn’t a cursed item.

After all, the helmet puts the condition of connecting love into play. I’ve worn it for nearly five years now without any issues. Surprisingly comfortable too.

“That’s really amazing. Isn’t that almost artifact level?”


“..So you figured out my identity.”

Then Kainel nodded as if he understood something.

“That’s not what you think it is. Stop. I’m not a hero.”

First things first, let’s change the topic.

“By the way, have you all thought about which club to join?”

“I think I’ll join the baking club!”

“I think I’ll join the swordsmanship club.”

Upon hearing that, I sighed. I really need to set you two up. How many love lines do I need to manage here at the academy? I searched for intersections in my mind.

‘A good club to set them up and raise their affection levels…’

Ah, there’s one. The club I wanted to join which I’ve heard countless times I’m not allowed in due to having no mana, and where the protagonist Dennis from Night Heart is a supervisor.

“..How about the magic club?”

That was the optimal choice. If I get in with a protagonist, maybe my issues will get resolved too. After all, non-protagonist players seek help.

“The professor’s class was good. What about you, Kain?”

“It’s fine.”

Unlike these guys in front of me.

I lifted my helmet just enough to eat.

Oh, this soup is delicious. The pork flavor is rich.


“Nice to meet you, everyone─!”

Wait, why are you here?

“I’m Drake, the swordsmanship instructor and professor of sword studies!!”

A man holding a long western saber appeared, full of exuberance.

‘He’s the swordsmanship professor?!’

Right behind him, I encountered the last person I wished to meet in class.

“Welcome to Sword Doctrine, Sword Theory class!”

In parts one and two, he only appeared under the name [Sword Instructor Drake], so I had misjudged.

Countless scars on his face. And that sly grin.

He was my swordsmanship master. The last class couldn’t be worse than this.

‘I need to apply for the magic club…’

Fumbling around would get me caught. I might not even be able to go back to the dorm today. Memories from years of training surged into my mind.

“A healthy body houses a healthy mind!”

That’s the sound I hate the most.

Honestly, I rolled around like crazy. Just like Licht, the character I was playing, who had to earn a class.

“It’s a catchphrase I’ve been using for years!”

That explains why he isn’t popular.

“They say kids these days don’t train their bodies!”

Drake was a one-track mind type. The less mana, the better for him.

“So today, I’m forbidding the use of mana, and we’ll practice with swords!”

That time I brought the village chief’s letter, he appointed me as the top disciple right away. I didn’t think I’d need a hidden event item.

Then, Drake pointed at someone in the auditorium.

“You there! The blonde!”

“Yes, sir!”

“What’s your name?”


A clueless golden retriever.

You’re going to have a tough time. That guy is really peculiar. Have you ever run from a bear in the mountains or swung a sword with a hand you never used? He’ll scream that true swordsmen should be ambidextrous.

“Come forward! Kainel!”

Thus, the hero reluctantly moved towards Drake.

A spacious area where one could swing a sword without problems. So this is why he called us to the auditorium.

“Now, can you see this imperial coin?”

“I can see it.”

A brass coin with a wolf design. Drake pulled out five of them.

“I’ll throw these at you, so cut them!”


An absurd command. Kainel’s face hardened at the dismissive attitude towards him.

“Feel free to use any weapon! Even what you have at your belt!”

“You’ll regret this.”

“Confidence is good!”

That might be difficult even with a holy sword. It’s allowed to use at the academy, but if it’s not activated, it’s just a sharp sword—nothing more, nothing less.

“I’m throwing them now!”



A sound erupted in the air. Of course. It’s the same training method he made me do before. I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.

“…What are you doing right now?”

“Can’t you tell? It’s called ‘Coin Toss’!”

The coins zoomed toward Kainel at high speed, embedding themselves in the wall with a whoosh.

Pushishi—. The sound of coins hitting the wall rang out.

Drake’s aim didn’t injure anyone.

With the speed of bullets. How many people can deal with that?

“…Can I get one more try?”

Kainel’s pupils shook due to the sudden occurrence. His hands were somewhat trembling.

This isn’t good. He got scared.

“You’ve got spirit! But your gaze is all wrong!”

“This time, I’ll draw my sword and try!”

“That won’t make much difference!”

Drake flashed his trademark grin.

“Then I’ll throw again!”


The result? Failure again.

But as expected, he’s the light hero. He didn’t give up.

“Once more! Please!”


Failure again.


Finally, he managed to deflect one coin.

“Let’s try again!”

This time, just barely managing a bounce.

“Again! Please!”


“..Is this even possible?”

Kainel collapsed onto the floor, gasping.

That was the twelfth attempt; all failures.

Looking up at Drake, he wore a grimace. I could understand that feeling well; it felt like something was born anew.

“Well! There must be one person in this wide classroom!”

Ah, no way. An ominous premonition welled up.

“There! Black Knight helmet! Come forward!”

Drake beamed at me, that deep smile on his face. Did he plan for this from the start?

No wonder he boasted he’d teach me how to make friends at the academy.


“What’s your name?”

You know it already.

“It’s Licht.”

I reluctantly answered. If I lied or acted ignorant here? Then I’d have an intense 12-hour reunion sword practice with my master.

“Good eyes! Those of a warrior who won’t tire no matter how much he swings his sword!”

You’ve seen me for five years. What’s with the compliments now?

On our first meeting, you were like, “What can you do with those fishy eyes!!!”

I sighed. For now, I should play along. If he finds out I intend to join the magic club, I might end up dragged back to the mountains.

“Do I just cut?”

“You’ll do it in ten tries!”

That sly grin.

‘Show me the results of your training, disciple.’ It’s written all over his face. Is this really how it’s supposed to go?

I drew my sword. It had a slight chip, but that’s fine.

“Here I go!”

With Drake’s signal, I adjusted my stance.

The Draconic Slayer, Drake.

There’s a sword technique he devised for capturing flying dragons.

The warrior who thought he couldn’t face them with ordinary means took his first step.

Drake Style, Technique One.

“Dragon Shadow Slash.”

I sent my blood swirling in my head. I focused all my nerves into my body. Ten brass coins flew at me.

Each flew at different angles and speeds. But it didn’t matter.

The essence of this technique is that you can strike the entity through the shadow.

I gazed ahead, quietly.

Connecting the lines, I found the optimal path. I slammed my feet down. Moving my hands, I traced the ground. The coins were cut together. A gust of wind surged, altering the sword path.

Seven coins left; I cleared half with the next swing. My grip tightened, and sweating began.

‘Whether it’s a coin or a shadow wolf, if it has light and dark, I can slice it apart.’

The last five targets. The incoming angles collided and changed. I stretched to not miss. Two more were split in half. The diagonal ones dashed in, and I split them apart until only one was left.

For the last one, I slammed my sword down.


I cut through all the shadows. The floor was filled with twenty coins rolling around.

“Excellent skill! I’m almost curious to see who your master is!”


It’s you!

“Now you see the importance of physical training in swordsmanship! Relying only on mana means you can’t move your body in emergencies!”

In the now serene auditorium, he clapped his hands.

“Licht, who showcased this skill! Truly fantastic swordsmanship!”

“I’ll just be heading back now.”

Right as I was about to turn away, Drake made a face saying, ‘Did I do well? My disciple?’

No, that’s a failure. Kids these days don’t go, ‘Wow! Amazing! Who’s that guy?!’ for this kind of thing.

Can’t you see the entire classroom is as silent as a grave?

“Is…is this really possible…?”

Kainel had a dazed look, half out of it. He gazed at me with vacant eyes.

A strange feeling crept up. Hey, pull yourself together. I did a lot of training under that guy for five years!

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