Academy’s Pure Love Dark Knight

Chapter 40

The Nature of the Hornet

One characteristic is that when one hornet gets caught, it releases pheromones to summon other hornets to come to its rescue.

In the real world, there was a trap that exploited this fact, and

“Alright. The bait is secured.”

I will use that method from now on.

I captured one of my subordinates, the Armored Bee, and trapped it in a cage-like structure using Mardol’s glass magic.

Now, other worker hornets should come to help this one.


Luckily, the Armored Queen Bee seemed oblivious to us. While gathering the sugar flowers the hornets brought, it kept its massive body hovering in the air.

“Now’s the time. Kainel, Ariel.”

I signaled the hero couple across from me. Some of the hornets had flown up to find their captured comrade. We couldn’t miss this timing.

“Got it! Helm!”

“Let’s go, Ariel!”

Shine Fireworks!

The combination move is launched directly at the swarm of worker hornets flying toward us. The moment Kainel’s blade strikes, it explodes like fireworks.

‘This is why Ariel’s nickname isn’t Flame or Red.’

A magician of light.

Skills befitting the Hero of Light. It’s a title suitable for her, who specializes in magic that embodies fireworks. At this rate, it seems we might use our ultimate moves together.

Puff puff puff boom!!

Explosions burst in various colors.

It’s a combination of gold, blue, and red, blending with the hero couple’s hair and eye colors.

Colorful flames surged, engulfing the Armored Bee.


The swarm seemed confused, scattering like a black mist only to return repeatedly. A gap opened in the forces protecting the Queen.

“Mardol, you know what comes next, right?”

“Yeah, Licht.”

Howling Wind.


As the heavily armored glass knight swung his sword forward, a sound burst like a wolf’s howl.

In the game, it was a skill used by Emperor Rock that inflicted a stun debuff on the opponent.

…Since it uses mana, I cannot learn it right now.

‘If it were the original Licht, I would have learned the sword style.’

Fortunately, Wolf Fang, the first style, only uses the body, so it’s a relief. I charged out of the bushes with Mardol and aimed for the beehive the Queen was carrying.

“Be careful. Licht.”

“Huh? It’s completely full of gaps…”

As if sensing something, Mardol warned me to be cautious.

What’s going on? There’s enough time to use Void Slash. I paused and took a Drake Style stance.

‘Something’s off. Think.’

That’s when it happened. Even though there were plenty of guards who had been stunned and dropped to the ground, a chilling feeling came over me; they were far too few.

Could it be? I glanced back with a sense of foreboding.


The sound of wings buzzing struck my ears like a thunderclap. This could only mean one thing.

‘Did the Queen split the forces right from the start? She knew we were coming.’

Things had gone seriously wrong. Another swarm of the Armored Bee rushed back to protect the Queen, leaving Mardol and me vulnerable.

Void Slash.

I was caught in a pincer between the Armored Bee in front and the Queen behind. I had to target the Queen first since she has no physical resistance. The armored hornets would be difficult to deal with.


But the Queen’s black eyes glinted, and as the remaining forces recovered, she deflected my wind pressure. After that, the backup forces charged in from behind.

No way to dodge this. I’m done….

Mirror Shield.

Oh, wait, I’m not alone! Mardol erected a glass wall around me to block the hornets’ advance. Looking at it this way, his glass magic is truly op.

“Thank you, Mardol.”

“It was urgent, Licht.”

“…That’s true.”

Finally, taking a moment to breathe behind one wall in the chaotic situation. I shouldn’t have underestimated a six-star monster.

Looking around at the surrounding forces, I fell into thought.
‘This feels tougher than the game…’

The Queen’s intelligence is too high. As we set up this barrier, she was preparing to charge right at us. Her massive body shook.

“Mardol, can you hold this?”

“…Probably. Stronger than that thing.”

I asked the glass knight, feeling a chill at the sight, but he nodded as if to say not to worry.


The Queen slammed into the transparent crystal wall. Mardol’s glass magic held strong. Yet the boss monster continued to ram against it repeatedly.

“Are you really going to be able to hold?”

“…I don’t know.”

The bang bang echoed several times, and cracks began to form on the glass. It seems the grass type and earth type have bad synergy. I racked my brain, trying to come up with a solution.


“Licht, Mardol! Are you okay?!”

The other two members leaped out from the bushes, turning the situation into chaos. This was bad. We wouldn’t know who the Queen would target next.

“Kainel, launch Shine Strike! Target the Queen Bee’s wings!”

“Ariel, you target the Iron Hive! Burn it all to ashes!”

This way, the Queen would have to choose between two options. I had to take care of her quickly while her massive, slow body was occupied trying to break through the glass wall.

“Got it! Helm!”

“Understood, Licht!”

Before I even finished speaking, they immediately used their magic and holy sword. In times like this, it really does feel like they’re fated partners. I couldn’t help but smile slightly from inside my helm.


A massive firework of flames and concentrated light energy flew toward the Queen. It seemed she hesitated, positioning her forces around the beehive.

An opening appeared.

“Mardol, now give it to me!”

“…Yeah, got it.”

Today, the glass knight showed me a skill that creates transparent clones like glass. Was it called Mirror Mirage?

‘If I use magic while striking, this might serve me well.’

Now that the Queen seemed unable to gauge the situation, it was my chance. I prepared to combine Void Slash and Reverse Scale Stab. The opponent’s weakness was glaringly obvious.

There was a gap in the forces to the right. A blunder caused by hastily setting up defenses. I wouldn’t let it slip by.


Heavy wind pressure concentrated in my right hand. Ignoring that, I unleashed a flurry of moves combining my second and fourth styles. Thanks to Mardol’s magic, the flurry’s power was heightened.

Phwoosh. The sound reverberated as the Queen shot her stinger, but the Reverse Scale Stab repeatedly targeted the opponent’s weakness. There was no way that would work.

“Mardol, be careful.”

“Uh, yeah. Thanks.”

I slashed through the attack flying at the glass knight and unleashed a continuous series of blade strikes toward the beehive she was carrying.

The Armored Bee’s defense began to diminish, like peeling fruit.

‘Now! The shadow is becoming clearer.’

The situation I sought was finally taking shape. Though Void Slash was tricky to break through physical resistance, I had a chance with a magic swordsman’s skill.

For the first time, I clearly saw a single shadow.


I sliced through the Queen’s complete shadow graved into the ground. With the first move, Shadow Slash, and Void Slash as the final hit, I cleanly split the beehive and the Queen’s body in half.

“…We did it.”

As I looked at the fleeing Armored Bees, I plopped down on the ground.

“Are you okay, Licht?”

Mardol, perhaps worried about me, spoke up as he sat on the ground, drained.

“…Yes, I’m fine.”

“Wow, you’re really strong.”

Seeing the glass knight’s formidable fighting power firsthand was amazing.

If I had brought Mardol when fighting that Magic Hat in [Black Heart], could we have saved our Saintess?

“Mardol, without you, this would’ve been tough. Thank you.”

The Crown Prince, gazing at me, found a sense of accomplishment blooming behind my black helm.


Meanwhile, as Licht’s party finished their assault on the Armored Queen Bee.

“Just answer the question.”

“I don’t know! As a hero, I’ve never heard of a dungeon below…”

The white-haired woman in a magic hat was threatening a female student at Grand Hertz Academy.

“Can’t you think? If you’re not a hero, you can’t be breaking the Demon King’s powers.”

“I’m saying I truly don’t know… Huhhh…”

The orange-haired female student, trembling and teary-eyed, appeared almost like a horned demon, but despite her sobbing, the surrounding students didn’t even glance her way.

“Hah. You’re really boring.”

As if the girl hadn’t existed from the start. The desperate cries of the female student seemed unheard.

“Please… Please just spare my life. My friends too…”

“I won’t kill you. Our lord despises that.”

Two students from another academy strutted past the two. If there were two invisible humans, it would look just like this.

“Really, have you not seen anyone unusual? Like someone with a holy sword?”

“…Aah, I think I might have seen someone from the freshmen!”

The Magic Hat tilted forward, continually bombarding the female student with questions.

Seemingly terrified, the orange-haired one racked her brain for memories.

“…What did you say?”

“Kainel. The name was Kainel. Blonde hair, and wielded a unique sword!”

“Aha, so that’s how it was?”

Her golden eyes widened slightly, and a smirk formed on her lips as if she found the answer intriguing.

“…Where is that hero now? This is getting a bit interesting.”

“I heard they moved to do a group project. So it should be fine…? Please, return my friends to normal…”

“Alright. As promised, I’ll deliver.”

Upon hearing that response, the white-haired woman’s hair waved cheerfully. Finding hope, the orange-haired female student stopped crying.

“But I might have to do something about you. Just in case our lord finds you tempting.”

“…Huh? But, but… you said if I answered, you’d spare me…”

“Yes! Of course, I’ll spare you!”

Leaving the bewildered female student behind, the Demon King of Truth shuffled the cards as she prepared something.

“What would be good… Killing is out of the question… Oh! How about erasing your face?”

With what seemed like a brilliant idea, the Magic Hat smiled ecstatically, as if to assert that her actions were completely normal.

“Kaahh!! Someone help! I need to be saved!!”

Screaming, the female student fled, but the students around them didn’t even spare a glance at either of them.

“…Even so, nobody’s gonna show up to help, idiot.”

From the start, it seemed nobody was there at all.

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