Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 54

======[Underground Waterway]======

16th evening.

The underground waterway, which usually flowed as majestically as a river, was now boiling with intense excitement.

The usual tranquility was nowhere to be found.

Growling breaths and the stench of beasts filled the underground space.

The fish in the waterway, terrified, hid at the bottom of the river.

Three great warriors, twelve pure-blood warriors, and thirteen mixed-blood warriors.

All twenty-eight members of Militia had finally gathered here.

“Impressive, isn’t it, Andrei?”

Boris grinned, showing his teeth.

With the expression of a child waiting for a feast.

“Well… yes. Indeed. Very impressive.”

Andrei hesitated slightly, glanced at Boris, and agreed.

‘No need to dampen morale, I suppose.’

The old bear already knew.

Whether they achieved their goal or not, most of them would die tonight.

There was no retreat for those who attacked the Empire’s capital.

Boris, still young, was only imagining the thrill of revenge and battle.

No. He must know too. He just doesn’t care.

Militia was originally created for this purpose.

An arrow shot at the Empire, destined to break.

That was Militia.

“So, what do we do now? The inferior mixed-bloods are already prepared to do anything.”

“That’s what I’m about to explain.”

In response to Natalia’s question, Boris turned to her and raised one hand.

With only three of his five fingers extended.

“We’ll divide the troops into three. I, Andrei, and Natalia will each take command. We’ll call them the Assault Unit, the Suicide Unit, and the Action Unit.”

“Suicide Unit…”

Andrei muttered quietly at the ominous sound of it.

Probably, they would fight fiercely in the most dangerous place and fall.

A glorious death, though not desired.

“Bind the enemy’s feet, throw the capital into chaos to rescue the young ones, and then attack the main target. The detailed plan is…”

Boris explained the detailed operation plan to them.

The beastmen, who had been listening quietly, growled and laughed when Boris finished speaking.

“…Not a bad plan. So, when do we start?”

“At midnight, Natalia will light the beacon… yes, about 20 minutes later. That will be the signal for the grand festival.”

Boris answered Andrei’s question, spreading his arms wide and looking at everyone.

Impressed with himself, inciting them.

With a voice full of strong conviction.

“Finally, the time has come. Warriors! The glorious day to achieve rightful revenge with our own hands! For the ancestors exiled to the frozen lands, for the comrades killed and enslaved! The moment to burn the despicable human Empire!”

A long howl echoed.

The warriors roared fiercely in response.

“Today, we will leave our claw marks on this world with our blood! We will carve scars that will never be erased!”

The pillars of the waterway trembled at the roaring of the beasts.

Three hours later, fierce flames rose throughout the capital.


“Princess Hachal! Wake up, Princess Hachal! It’s an emergency!”

Nigel’s shout woke me up.

It was a voice filled with urgency and shock, something I had never heard before.

I was still half-asleep, staggering out of bed.

“…Emergency? What’s going on…?”

“Look outside! The capital is…!”

At Nigel’s words, I pulled back the curtain and looked out the window.


“What the…!”

The sight before me completely wiped away my drowsiness.

The capital was burning.

Fierce flames rose from various parts of the once magnificent city, spewing ash and smoke.

The faint screams of people fleeing the inferno echoed.

The city that never slept was now brighter than day.

It was a familiar sight.

I had seen this scene in the game before.

The problem was, that was when Hersela attacked the capital.

Not now.

“What the hell is going on! Nigel!”

“I don’t know! Whether it’s an accident or arson. Flames suddenly rose throughout the capital! Arm yourself! I’ll go check the situation!”

Nigel’s running footsteps faded away.

I hurriedly grabbed my equipment. My fingertips trembled with panic.


At this point, a massive fire in the capital? Who could…

No way.

A realization struck me, sending chills down my spine.

No way, it can’t be. It’s impossible. No. Why.

Various thoughts pounded in my head, and cold sweat dripped down my cheeks.

There’s no way such a thing would happen at this point.

There’s no way they would make such a decision at this point.

After all, why would the beastmen go to such lengths to attack early?

Such a riot would be quickly suppressed once the Empire’s knights mobilize.

There’s no reason for such a variable to occur-


My mind went blank.

My breath stopped.

There was.

Only one foreign element that had fallen into this world.

If something in this world had changed, there was only one reason.

Only one person was responsible.

I looked out the window again.

At the Empire’s capital, where screams echoed amidst the flames.

There was no time to hesitate.

I clenched my teeth and rushed out of the room.


“Nigel! What’s the situation?”

“Unknown attackers have set the entire capital ablaze! The situation is chaotic!”

“Arson has been committed simultaneously at the station! For now, knights from the Imperial Palace will be dispatched to suppress it, so academy students should stand by—”

“Can’t identify them? Just look—”

Before I could finish speaking, a deafening roar echoed as if the sky was collapsing.

Nigel and I turned our heads at the same time.

To the north of the capital.

A corner of the dazzling outer wall of the Imperial Palace crumbled like a sandcastle.

It was the moment when an unforgettable scar was etched into the symbol of the empire that no one had dared to touch for centuries.

“What on earth…?”

Nigel’s eyes trembled.

I, too, shuddered at the newly realized truth.

It wasn’t just about the wall collapsing.

Even Nigel or I could do something like that.

The great warrior of Milichia could easily carry out such destruction.

The problem was the fact that the Imperial Palace had been attacked.

*It’s a diversion.*

In this situation, the empire’s knights will have no choice but to rush to the Imperial Palace.

Because nothing is more important to them than the safety of the royal family.

Then, who will handle the fires in the capital?

There’s only one answer.

They’ll send out the academy students.

Scattered, just as the enemies want.


We have to stop it. At least until the true identity of the enemy is revealed.

For some reason, the academy doesn’t seem to know yet that the enemies are beastmen.

I was about to run toward the main building when I suddenly stopped.

Wait, hold on.

What about here?

Their original target is the special dormitory.

In the original story, they were repelled without much damage. At that time, all the special admission students were in the special dormitory.

Ferne, Calix, Lacey, Freide, Asha. And that guy, Evian, or whatever.

Probably Calix, Lacey, and Evian’s guards were there too.

But now, there are only three.

Ferne. Freide. Asha.

The enemy’s attack was too fast. A whole month earlier than expected.

No, I was careless.

I should have acted immediately when I felt suspicious after hearing Freide’s words that day.

I shouldn’t have waited two days!

Can those three hold off the special forces coming here?

No way.

Then, what should we do?

My fingertips trembled. There’s no time to think deeply.

Danger is approaching at this very moment, and casualties will only increase.

I ran to the stable, untied the reins, and saddled the horse.

Nigel hurriedly followed.

“Princess Halshar? Where are you going?”

“To the main building. I’ll go to the general students, Nigel, you guard the special dormitory!”

“What are you talking about…! My duty is to protect you, Princess Halshar!”

She vehemently opposed. A valid rebuttal.

She doesn’t know how the situation is unfolding, so she naturally wants to protect me.

There was no time to explain in detail.

I had to stop the academy from making the foolish decision to send out the general students before they did.

Even if it meant arousing suspicion.

“This is an order! It’s a diversion. We must protect both sides!”

“Enemy? Diversion? Are you saying the arson’s target is the academy? On what basis…!”

“I’ll explain later! First, inform Freide, gather everyone, and defend this place! I’ll be back soon!”

I planned to warn the general dormitory and then return.

Once they know the enemies are beastmen, even if they send out the general students, they won’t scatter them.

The professors will probably accompany them.

After that, deal with the attackers at the special dormitory as quickly as possible, then help the general students and deal with the ones who set the capital on fire.

This was the best plan I could think of at the moment.

*”Hmm, quite sharp… Is it instinctive intuition? Anyway, I can’t just let it be.”*

Suddenly, the smell of beasts struck my nose.

Nigel gasped and drew her spear.

No way. They deceived my senses and got this close?

Unable to hide my shock, I looked toward the direction of the voice.

The academy’s outer wall.

Seven shadows stood on the brick fence, with the burning capital behind them.

Monstrously large builds. Muscular bodies covered in fur. Heads shaped like beasts.

Clad in armor fitting their size, wielding massive weapons.

“Princess Halshar, be careful. Those, those are…!”

Nigel’s voice trailed off.

As if it was a situation too difficult to handle.

…I felt the same.


And pure-blooded beastmen warriors at that.

“That’s right, you got it. We are Milichia. The first arrow of the frigid kingdom, Varyakrus. The claws that will kill you!”

The wolf-like beastman in the center howled.

He raised his hand and pointed to his chest as if introducing himself.

“My name is Ivanov. The head of Milichia, the great warrior of Varyakrus. Boris Ivanov!”

A long roar echoed.

I knew the name.

In the original story, he was the main culprit who attacked the freshmen and slaughtered most of them.

The Black Wolf Ivanov.

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