Academy Saintess of My Chūni Writing Days

Chapter 18

Andrea’s words when she said “I’ll be in your care for a while” meant that she would be eating and sleeping in the same place for a while.

Even though it’s a world where female combatants aren’t uncommon, they were still a minority compared to male combatants, and naturally, there were very few spaces where women could live on the frontlines. The lack of female accommodations was particularly significant, and given that they were always recruiting combatants, those few spaces were already filled to the brim.

The place that Andrea, the three of us, would be using was an emergency space, just in case an important figure came and needed lodging.

It wasn’t just a simple tent; it was a small prefabricated building attached to a bathroom and shower. For the four of us—me, Linea, Aurora, and Andrea—it was a bit on the larger side. But still, considering space, it would have been unreasonable to use one room as a mixed dormitory. Especially since all three of us—myself, Linea, and Aurora—were still minors.

Even though I had the mindset of an adult man, well…

It seems like I’ve unintentionally caused quite the inconvenience by coming here thoughtlessly.

I mean, it would be a huge bother that we, who hadn’t undergone military training, showed up at the front lines out of the blue.

“I have a few things for Sister Clara to handle.”

As soon as we unpacked, Andrea opened her mouth.

“First, I’d like to request treatment for the injured. From what I heard from Linea, it seems minor injuries can be easily treated. Of course, the level of holy power I saw back then should be sufficient.”

“Are there a lot of injured people?”

At my question, Andrea shook her head.

“No, to be honest, it’s not particularly serious. Compared to other battlefields, there’s less engagement here. Most injuries tend to be minor rather than severe.”

However, Andrea added, “Recently, the frequency of engagements has been increasing. The number of monsters and demons appearing is rising as well. This isn’t a good sign. Although the number of injured is small, it’s on the rise.”

Most engagements involve shooting demons and monsters from a distance using mid-caliber weapons set up behind the walls. Very few monsters or demons can reach close to the wall. But usually, those few are resilient ground monsters or have some capability for long-range attacks or are winged beasts.

Unless their numbers seriously increase, they aren’t fatal, but attacks that can reach soldiers mean there are injuries continuously occurring.

…And more monsters were succeeding in reaching the walls.

“That’s why we suspect that a magic point has been created nearby. We don’t yet know if it’s actually been created, or if so, to what extent, or its precise location. But if it’s true that a magic point exists and we can pinpoint its location—”

Andrea looked me in the eye as she spoke.

“I would like Sister Clara to cooperate with the magic point extermination operation. This is the second task I would like to assign.”

“A magic point!?”

Aurora exclaimed, her voice almost a scream.

“Well, we’re aware that it’s dangerous. That’s why we’re going to assign as many escorts as possible. I’ll make sure Sister Clara won’t be seriously harmed. Naturally, I’ll accompany you as well.”

Andrea maintained a serious expression.

“B-but we’re supposed to be on a support mission from the rear…”

Aurora timidly protested, murmuring the words of the Sergeant, but it seemed Andrea was resolute.

“I’m afraid this camp is lacking in personnel and supplies across all fronts. It’s an area that, when considering the overall battlefield, is of lower importance. The government prioritizes resources for more dangerous and urgent fronts. This means there are very few individuals here with sufficient holy power to reliably eliminate magic points.”

Indeed, as I had seen while coming to this building, there were more Church personnel here than government soldiers. There were more armed nuns than medics and more knights in armor than soldiers in military uniforms.

“That doesn’t mean that we can’t eliminate the magic point, but having one more Sister Clara really makes a big difference. Of course, Sister Clara has volunteered to be here, and she is not a formal knight or combat nun. I don’t have the right to force anything upon you. If you think it’s too difficult, you can refuse.”

No matter how much the government prioritizes other fronts, they’re not fools. At the very least, they ensure a minimum number of personnel capable of eliminating a magic point is stationed anywhere it appears. Whether that number is stretched thin or somewhat relaxed to allow for various operations, that’s a separate issue.

In my story, that was also the reason the suspicious witch could emerge right in the middle of the city.

In areas with lower conflict intensity, there’s less attention paid, and as a result, the personnel are stretched thinner. The individuals who periodically go out for reconnaissance beyond the walls or patrol the walls are all used in truly dangerous regions.

The soldiers’ awareness is somewhat lax compared to other areas. There are more days without battles than there are with, and most of the time, they can handle situations without much damage. After several years of that, people start to think, ‘Is this enough?’

So it’s possible to let in a few demons a little at a time through that very tiny gap.

Even a suspicious witch isn’t just someone living in doubt. Rather, they understand well how to use the area they’re in charge of effectively. The ways to earn suspicion, and the ways to avoid it, they’re at the top among witches in all those respects.

Anyway, getting back to the main point,

I understand well what Andrea means.

Given that holy power, which is already tight, can now be used a little more freely, she’s suggesting we change ‘a very hard task’ to just ‘a hard task.’

“Yes, I will do it.”

At my answer, Andrea smiled widely, as if she had expected that reply.

“Thank you.”


I changed into the supplied clothing.

The tight chainmail armor was, to be honest, a little too awkward in design to be considered cool armor. Overall, it resembled a nun’s outfit, but strap it all together with silver chains, and it felt somewhat… bland.

“And you wear this over the armor.”

Linea, who had changed first, helped me with my armor. Finally, when I draped the cloth with the church’s cross emblem over it, the outfit was complete, giving off a vibe reminiscent of the Crusades.

…Honestly, the lower part was a skirt, so it was blatantly anachronistic, but I wasn’t going to complain any further, knowing it had been turned into this moe-type armor because of the settings I had been doodling with.

Well, at least it’s not a bikini armor. So they were not completely out of their minds. I wouldn’t particularly want to praise it, though.

Aurora also fumbled a bit, but she managed to change herself reasonably well. After Linea inspected her outfit carefully, she secured a military belt over the armor, attaching a canteen and ammo pouch.

…Well, it was pretty fantasy-themed until the military part came in.

It seemed Andrea was busy being a high-up, as she had already disappeared somewhere, and we followed her orders and headed to the infirmary, where the injured were located.

“By the way, Sister Linea, you seem to find your way around quite easily. Have you been here before?”

“Yes, I’ve accompanied the Captain a few times. It has changed a bit since then, though.”

According to Linea’s response to my question, the tents seem to undergo frequent changes. Well, it must be meant to do exactly that.

The infirmary was a much larger container than the building we would be staying in.

“Oh, I heard about you. Sister Anderson.”

As soon as we entered, a nun covered in blood greeted us. Her white nun’s outfit, adorned with a red cross on her shoulder, was speckled with dried blood, and it looked like she had been through quite a lot. I gasped for a moment.

If she hadn’t been a nun with her striking short black hair and beautiful appearance, I would have surely screamed.

“Honestly, we’ve been short-handed. May the goddess grant you favor for volunteering, Sisters.”

With that, the nun sighed in relief, looking rather young.

She was probably here in some form of volunteer capacity as well.

“Um, Captain said the number of injured here is relatively low compared to other areas…”

At Aurora’s words, the nun smiled wryly.

“Yes… compared to other places.”

All three of us had no choice but to grasp the significance in her words.

“I’m Ella Lawrence. You can just call me Ella.”

After a short self-introduction, Ella guided us without giving any further explanation.

As Ella opened the door, a smell hit us like a wave.

The stench of massive amounts of alcohol, and blood that somehow still permeated beyond the alcohol’s scent.


Aurora let out a sound, but no one scolded her.

Just by looking, the spacious area looked like it had at least thirty beds, with several people busily moving about. They rushed from one bed to another, performing minimal treatments before heading toward those in worse condition.

“Here, take this.”

Ella picked up three canteens lined up near the entrance and handed one to each of us.

“It’s a bottle filled with holy water. If you encounter a wound that seems impossible to heal with holy power, use this sanctified water.”

As we hesitated with the bottles in hand, Ella smiled wryly and said, “Sister Clara, you treat the patient on that right end. Sister Linea, you go to the left end. Sister Aurora, follow me. We’ll take care of the severely injured patients first. You two can leave your weapons here. It will surely be uncomfortable to carry them around. Oh, and please don’t run. It’s alright to walk briskly, but no running.”

She probably deduced that Aurora possessed significant holy power given her use of a staff. Though for the record, my holy power was overwhelming, Aurora’s was also quite formidable and she was even better at using techniques than I was.

Aurora cast us a worried glance before following Ella with quick strides. The two went to a patient who had one leg missing, with visible blood seeping through the bandage.

“Well then…”

As Linea awkwardly looked over the canteen filled with holy water, she said, “Shall we go too?”

When I spoke, Linea nodded awkwardly and we headed toward the patient designated on the left end. Upon seeing Linea holding a sword, the patient she approached smiled reassuringly at her.

Alright then.

I walked toward the bed Ella pointed out, not running, but moving at a faster pace.

“Hello, sister.”

The person lying down was a well-built young man. He was probably around my age in this world, or perhaps even a few years younger.

Though he appeared much taller than me, with broad shoulders and a large frame.

Even without him stating where he was hurt, it was clear to see through the bandages that were tightly wrapped around his chest, blood slowly seeping through.

Next to the bed lay a length of armor with three deep claw marks, probably from a large and sharp weapon.

Scattered on the table beside the bed were a few bandages, scissors, and antiseptic, as if someone had hastily left them behind.

I had a bit of understanding about treating wounds, having learned a little at the church.

To begin, cut the bandages with the disinfected scissors. Sprinkling holy water on the bandages could be used in an emergency, but it was less effective since the bandages would absorb the holy water. Therefore, I needed to cut away the dirty bandages first—

Cut, cut, cut!

Suddenly, I caught my breath.

Didn’t they say there were fewer serious injuries?

And Aurora and Ella said they would attend to the severe cases…

The person in front of me certainly looked serious enough.

A long, deep cut running from his shoulder to his waist.

The untreated wound gaped open, skin and muscle tissue visible.

Is this really considered a ‘minor’ injury?

I could understand logically. Unless it was some poisonous or infected wound, it was possible to heal at least somewhat with healing magic and holy water in this world. It might take a few rounds of treatment, but full recovery was possible.

He can be saved. There should be no lasting impairment.

He could be sent back to the battlefield again.

So, ‘minor’…

This was a common sense I had created in the world I crafted.

Yeah, the world I created.

“I’m fine. Just treat the others first…”

Ignoring the soldier’s difficult attempt to speak, I placed my hand on his wounded chest.

Originally, to maximize the effect of the holy water, it would be disinfected first. Holy water has a sterilizing effect, so if poured onto a wound with too many bacteria, its efficacy would indeed be reduced. Usually, holy water is sprinkled in instances where other medications are scarce.

But I did not need holy water.

Not only was the holy water unnecessary, but I also didn’t need that whole process.


A golden light filled my vision. Overwhelming holy power.

In the place where the light passed, no wound remained. Not even a scar.


The soldier, who had been struggling to speak just moments ago, now lay speechless, staring at the spot where his wound had been. He hastily sat up, feeling his chest with his hand, looking utterly incredulous.

“Are you feeling well now?”

“Uh, yes…”

The soldier responded dazedly to my question. I nodded once and moved to the next bed.

Whether it was a laceration, burn, fracture, I could treat them all without issue. I was able to heal them all without using even a drop of my holy water. I could feel my mana reserves were intact. That immense power of holy energy was such a troublesome thing.

I even thought for a moment, perhaps I’d been wasting this power all along.

Shouldn’t I have been here from the start instead of at an academy like that? Shouldn’t I have been here saving people from the beginning?

As I treated five, ten, even fifteen people, I couldn’t help but think those thoughts.

By the time I had almost treated everyone in the infirmary, the place fell silent. It was as if all eyes were fixed on me, in awe. But I felt no sense of accomplishment.

Then, I came across a true ‘seriously injured’ patient.

A woman lay unconscious. Not wearing military or knight armor, she appeared to be a hero.

She was missing her legs.

Blood was seeping through thick bandages, just like other patients.


I could treat her.

With the goddess’s power applied abundantly, I could recreate her missing legs.

But, no.

Not now.

I still can’t do it.

Miracles require—

I reached out, pouring holy power into her missing legs. A dazzling golden light appeared, and I could see the swelling on her legs decreasing. But her legs remained absent.

Not yet, not now.

“I’m sorry.”

I leaned against the bed and bowed my head to the nameless woman who had yet to gain consciousness.

“I’m sorry.”

Once my own work is done, then I will surely…


Just fifteen years ago, no one would have batted an eye at people smoking on the street.

Matthew sighed deeply as he walked down the road.

While those unfamiliar with the priestly profession might think it’s a very ascetic life, the truth is that they only officially prohibited matters of a sexual nature; they had never forbidden alcohol or tobacco.

Back in the religious traditions of 500 years ago, even gluttony was classified as one of the seven deadly sins, but in the modern era, with changing beliefs and the emergence of demons, the meaning of those sins altered, leading to gluttony being dropped from consideration. As a result, modern priests willingly spent money on alcohol, cigarettes, and food.

The lust still maintained a significant presence, and due to the elevation of desire, their wages became tighter. However, Matthew had never been an overly greedy individual.

Though not prohibited among priests, the Central Church, where Matthew worked, had an ample number of smoking areas filled with chain-smokers. Some priests even lived in a drunken haze almost daily, but usually, they wouldn’t interfere unless it became a hindrance to their duties.

The problem was that even if priests might view it that way, the general public didn’t share that perspective.

As time went on and societal norms shifted, blowing cigarette smoke wherever became utterly impolite, and believers started to avoid priests reeking of tobacco. In the past, it was common for priests to share a smoke with close congregants, but such practices were long gone.

As for Matthew, up until his aide showed up, he used to smoke freely in his office. Since bringing Aurora on board, indoor smoking became a distant dream.

Of course, fifteen years ago, Matthew had still been a minor, and most of the cigarettes he smoked were obtained illegally—

Well, he had repented for that many times, so surely the goddess wouldn’t hold it against him.

Having never heard the voice of the goddess in his life, he would eventually find out whether or not he was forgiven after he died.

After receiving a report from Aurora, he longed for a cigarette. However, it had been far too long since he last smoked, and he had none with him.

When he bought some at the nearby convenience store, he realized there was nowhere to smoke. The smoking areas at the Central Church had been drastically reduced and relocated to a remote corner that now required a twenty-minute walk. Smoke on the street was banned, and most buildings even plainly labeled themselves as smoke-free zones.

In fact, there were often people walking around puffing away without caring about manners. But a priest, as the church’s face, shouldn’t do such things. No matter how Matthew may have been, he would still uphold a semblance of decorum and avoid breaking the law.

Moreover, doing so would ruin the promise he made to the goddess to “never commit an illegal act again.” Matthew wished to live a long life, growing old and entering heaven, rather than aspiring to end up in hell struck by a bolt of lightning on the street.

And on top of all that, he was headed to St. Ariel Academy. While it wasn’t a rule set by the central government, a regulation in the 21st District deemed a 300-meter radius around national institutions as a totally smoke-free area.

Given that street smoking had already been illegal, within Matthew’s knowledge, there was no place to smoke comfortably in the entire 21st District.

Scratching his head and sighing heavily, Matthew entered the academy, where classes were likely still in session.

Rina Hicks’s homeroom teacher, Seo-A, was an absolute beauty. To be frank, she was totally his type. If he weren’t a priest, he might have been able to thank the goddess for such a meeting.

“Rina… didn’t come to school today.”

“Is that so?”

His desire for a cigarette intensified painfully.

“Yes, I’m sure she was here up until yesterday…”

“Could that have something to do with Clara Anderson?”

Matthew’s question drew a troubled expression from the homeroom teacher.

“Yes, they were close friends. It might very well be the cause… But we haven’t been able to reach her, and she’s reported as having no family. I’ve already contacted the police and the association, though.”

The association in question was the Hero Association. Some of the students at this school would inevitably end up affiliated with it, so they’d most likely act diligently.

That could lead to various complications.

“By the way, could I get Rina Hicks’s home address?”

Matthew asked as politely as possible, but Seo-A immediately looked at him with a face full of suspicion.

“Student personal information cannot be shared so casually.”

“True enough.”

Even if this school had a strong church influence, it still operated under the government’s laws by default.

“Is there a reason the church would have particular interest in Rina?”

He couldn’t just say, “Your student might secretly be a demon.”

Despite Matthew’s usual lax behavior, he was, after all, a deeply pious priest, and moreover, a Miracle Investigator investigating miracles. He had received reports from Aurora just yesterday. It was possible Rina wasn’t a demon at all, and that Clara might have genuinely shown a miracle.

Either possibility provided sufficient reason to treat Rina with care. Whether being innocent or blessed by a saint would protect her from being treated harshly by anyone.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t freely share investigation information.”

Thus, Matthew replied, making every effort to ensure he didn’t come across as sardonic.

In truth, even with that much, Matthew could surmise a few things.

“That makes sense…”

Fortunately, it didn’t sound sarcastic, and Seo-A wore a rather disappointed look.

Ultimately, he couldn’t extract any more information. Matthew left the teacher’s office.

While exiting, he bumped into someone who was standing hesitantly.



An elf? …No, a half-elf?

The girl, with light green short hair and delicate features, was about a head and a half shorter than Matthew, had seemingly bumped into him.

“Excuse me.”

Matthew said that and slightly turned, trying to provide her a path through the teacher’s office, but the half-elf girl simply stayed there, fidgeting.


She clearly addressed Matthew rather than talking to herself, given that he was the only one nearby.

The girl seemed to hesitate briefly before steeling her expression and directly asking, “Is something wrong with Clara?”


He almost answered immediately, but Matthew closed his mouth. In truth, it wouldn’t have been a problem to share, but he realized if anything had happened, he would have likely received news.

Since he had received word from Andrea in the morning that Clara had safely arrived.

Matthew quickly calculated in his mind before speaking up.

“Sister Anderson just arrived this morning, so if something were to happen, it wouldn’t have been long ago.”

“Oh, that makes sense.”

While her expression didn’t show much agitation, she clearly seemed genuinely relieved. Clearly, Clara Anderson was popular among her classmates.

“More importantly—”

Matthew trailed off, carefully choosing his next words, realizing he certainly lacked the skill to pull this off.

“And I heard Sister Anderson and Rina Hicks were quite close, so did she not come to school today?”


“I came here today because of that. I had something to pass along.”

Well, it wasn’t a total lie. Just omitting the fact that it wasn’t a message Clara had to convey but something Matthew himself wanted to share.

“Oh, I see,”

The half-elf girl visibly tensed momentarily, then sighed softly. Though she didn’t mask all her emotions, she seemed quite adept at reasserting her neutrality given her elven descent.

“Indeed, so about that—”

Matthew slowly closed the teacher’s office door and took a step forward, subtly guiding the half-elf girl to walk alongside him. Thankfully, she naturally followed along.

…To have to keep deceiving a teenage girl over a simple address.

Matthew yearned desperately for a cigarette.

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