Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 96

Chapter: 96

As the morning dew dried in the sunlight, I entered the orphanage, where Director Maria welcomed me with open arms.

“Oh my, Miss Scarlett, you’ve come earlier than usual today?”

“I woke up a bit too early this morning. Even after some training, I still ended up here at this time.”

“I see. Phew… Thanks to your early arrival, I can finally catch my breath. The kids are so energetic that they’ve been begging to play since the crack of dawn, and I was just about to drop from exhaustion.”

Since the day Sylvia and I started volunteering at this future orphanage, I had been showing my face almost every day, and it seemed like Director Maria had grown a bit more comfortable with me.

Seeing her let out a sigh of relief made me think that coming early was a good decision after all.

Considering her age, it must be tough to keep up with the kids’ energy. Originally, she was only responsible for their education, while others at the orphanage played with them.

However, due to a recent incident, the staff had some unfortunate family issues and needed to take time off, so now she also took on the duty of playing with the kids.

Maybe that’s why she seemed so thrilled to have me come help with the kids; it made my volunteering feel even more worthwhile.

Lost in these thoughts, Maria hesitated with a look of concern and spoke.

“By the way, I’m really grateful for your help, but I worry that I’m being a burden by having you come every day, Miss Scarlett… If it’s too much pressure, you don’t have to come…”

“Don’t worry about it. During the academy break, I’ve got nothing else to do anyway. Plus, I promised Rion I’d come back, so I have to keep my promise.”

“Oh, how sweet… Miss Scarlett, you’re an angel. If you ever need my help in the future, please let me know. I will make sure to repay this kindness.”

“Ahaha… You really don’t have to go that far… Just take a little break. I’ll play with the kids.”

I really didn’t need her to feel so touched over my offer since I had nothing especially important to do aside from training, but it made me a bit shy.

Anyway, I thought I’d give Maria a moment to rest, so I headed to the playroom, where now-familiar kids greeted me.

“Wow! It’s Robot Sister! Hello!”

“Hello, everyone! You all doing well?”


While I was busy exchanging greetings with the kids, Rion, who had been drawing a little further away, dashed towards me, grabbing the hem of my clothes.

“Unnie! Did you come to see Rion again today?”

“Of course! I promised I’d come back, didn’t I? I always keep my promises.”

“…Hehe, I like you, Unnie.”

As I patted her head and replied, Rion beamed at me and hugged my leg tightly. Seeing her brighten up more and more with each passing day made me smile in return.

As Rion clung to me, she looked up and said.

“Unnie, let’s draw together!”

“Together? Alright. I’ll draw you, Rion.”

Just as I answered, a sudden commotion erupted among the children.

“Wow! It’s really Big Brother Yoon Si-woo!”

As the familiar name echoed from the kids’ mouths, I turned to look where everyone seemed to be staring and met the eyes of a familiar face.

What is he doing here?

While thinking that, I waved at Yoon Si-woo to greet him.

“…Long time no see.”

“…Yeah, it’s been a while.”

Yoon Si-woo looked a bit dazed, probably not expecting to run into me here.

And then immediately after,

“Big Brother Si-woo! Show us the shining sword!”

“Please just hold my hand, even once!”

“Yoon Si-woo! Yoon Si-woo!”

“Uh?! Okay, kids, one at a time, please!”

Surrounded by a flurry of requests for handshakes from kids all around, Yoon Si-woo was swept away.

Aside from Rion, who was still clinging to me, I watched the scene in astonishment as all the kids flocked to him. Director Maria sat next to me and leaned in to inform me quietly.

“I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier because it was so hectic. Si-woo mentioned he got a day off today and would drop by for a visit.”

Thinking back, I recalled him mentioning he was from this orphanage.

By the way, hearing that he had a day off, I realized that Yoon Si-woo had officially become a hero.

It seemed that they were really promoting him, announcing him as the youngest member of Astrape, a divine force.

Though it was a bit earlier in the story for Yoon Si-woo to join Astrape than in the original, it was a relief to know that he was still given a break due to not having suffered great losses in the recent incident.

In the original story, by the time Si-woo entered, he had been overwhelmed with work due to a shortage of staff, forced to slog through without respite year-round.

Whether to consider it fortunate or not was questionable, but at least it didn’t seem like things were in complete disarray.

As I engaged with Rion, drawing together while keeping an eye on Yoon Si-woo playing with the kids, Director Maria smiled and spoke.

“Hehe, the children must have woken up early due to their excitement to see Si-woo. He really is quite the popular prince. Since Si-woo is here now, I’ll take some time to rest. Miss Scarlett, feel free to relax too.”

With that, Director Maria left to take a break.

Following her suggestion, I sat quietly beside Rion, drawing while glancing at Yoon Si-woo.

Usually, I was the one playing with these kids.

They used to say they loved playing with me, but seeing them ignore me to rush toward Yoon Si-woo made me feel a touch disappointed.

While I was deep in thought, some kids suddenly approached me.

“Oh? Are you guys coming to play with me?”

Thinking they might have chosen me over Yoon Si-woo, I asked cheerfully, but the kids replied.

“The line is too long.”

“We’re bored waiting. Can you play with us in the meantime?”


It seemed they left me because waiting in line to play with Yoon Si-woo had become too tedious.

Well… I guess that’s my position here, huh.

Feeling a pang of relative deprivation, having been pushed into second place behind Si-woo, I was still determined to give my all in playing with the kids.

“Alright, I’ll give you a ride in the air, so everyone line up!”

“Yay! I want to ride too!”

“Up, up we go!”

Once I mention “up, up,” a few kids perked up their ears and scampered over to line up in front of me.

“Up, up” was a nick-name for a game where I would support their stomach with my legs and lift them up, a game my dad used to play with me when I was younger.

It was a wildly popular game among the kids, to the point where they typically had to wait long periods to get their turn.

“Okay, here we go, up, up!”

“Ahahaha! Unnie! Lift me higher!”

With my back against the ground, I placed the first child who rushed toward me onto my legs and gave her a thrilling flight.

The strange thrill of the almost roller coaster-like ascent and descent made the child burst out laughing joyfully.

Ah, when I really put my heart into it, this isn’t a big deal…

While I was smiling in satisfaction, one of the kids in line murmured quietly.

“Unnie, we can see your panties.”

Ah, that’s right, I am wearing a skirt today since I didn’t have any pants.

It’s not a big deal since there are only kids around, right? Just as I thought that, I heard a loud intake of breath from somewhere.

When I turned towards the source of the sound, there stood Yoon Si-woo, his face bright red.

… Now that I think about it, he’s here today.

Still, I couldn’t let the excited kids down while they waited for a turn.

So, I silently mouthed to Yoon Si-woo.

‘Look down.’

And Yoon Si-woo couldn’t raise his head until the line for “up, up” ended.


After playing with the kids for a while and eating lunch, the once-boisterous playroom fell eerily silent like it was all a dream.

After playing more vigorously with Yoon Si-woo, the kids had succumbed to post-lunch drowsiness and simultaneously began their afternoon nap.

With all the kids asleep, the only one still awake was Rion, snuggled tightly next to me.

Rion seemed so thrilled to have me all to herself since the other kids were asleep, and she said.

“Unnie, let’s play!”

“Alright, what should we play?”

“Mmm… Let’s play house! You’ll be the mom, and Rion will be the daughter.”

“…Alright, so I’m the mom.”

A chuckle escaped my lips.

I never thought I’d be playing the mom in a game.

But if Rion plays the daughter, doesn’t that make me a single mom?

Worried that might seem a bit sad even for a game, I cautiously asked Rion.

“Umm, Rion, how about you play the dad instead?”

Rion shook her head and pointed at Yoon Si-woo.

“No way. The dad is that big brother over there.”

“…Huh?! Me?”

Yoon Si-woo, who looked utterly exhausted, was taken aback by Rion’s words.

He quickly glanced between me and Rion, then stammered.

“Uh… So, Scarlett and I are playing the parents?”

I wondered if he didn’t fancy the idea of a house game.

Noticing Rion looked about to get downhearted, I shot a sharp look at Yoon Si-woo, and he hastened to say.

“No way! I’m not uncomfortable! I want to play! I really want to!”

Rion’s face lit up with that response.

If only he had said so from the start!

Satisfied by Rion’s newfound brightness, I nodded along while Yoon Si-woo hung his head.

Was he that embarrassed about playing house?

I suppose that could happen at his age, but I felt like it didn’t matter much once one became an adult.

“By the way, Rion, what will we do in this playhouse?”

“Umm… Actually, Rion doesn’t know much about how to play house…”

The fact that she wanted to play house without even knowing how was adorably naive.

After some intense pondering, Rion’s expression brightened as if she had an epiphany.

“Ah! Now that you’re my mom and the big brother is my dad, I want to draw a picture of us all together. A family picture of mom, dad, and Rion!”

Hearing “family picture” almost brought tears to my eyes.

…Yes, it’s okay for now if I am Rion’s family.

Gingerly, I asked her.

“…So we just stay still while you draw?”

“I would like it if you could be near so I can see you both while I draw.”

“That makes sense. Come quickly and sit next to me.”

“Oh, unnie, you can’t do that.”

When I gestured for Yoon Si-woo to come over, Rion stopped me.

Curious about her reaction, I turned back to her, and with a serious look, she replied.

“Right now, unnie is the mom, and the big brother is the dad. So, the mom should call the dad ‘darling.’”

Well, role-playing is important.

I nodded in agreement and faced Yoon Si-woo.

“Darling, hurry and come sit next to me.”

“Uh?! Ah… Alright, darling…”

At that, Yoon Si-woo let out a strange squeal, leaping over to plop on the floor beside me as if his feet were on fire.

Glancing over at Yoon Si-woo, I saw his face reddened to a magnificent crimson.

He certainly was embarrassed about the role.

Oh boy, this amateur…

It turns out thinking it’s embarrassing only makes it worse, and yet it seemed he still didn’t realize that.

“Now I’ll start drawing, so you can’t move.”

Once Yoon Si-woo sat next to me, Rion unfolded her sketchbook and concentrated on her drawing.

From watching her draw a few times before, I realized she didn’t always draw bizarrely like when she previously painted me. The fact that she was focusing on drawing ordinarily now indicated she wasn’t trying to derive anything from me or Yoon Si-woo.

So I could rest easy while waiting for her to finish the drawing.

A little while later, Rion placed her crayon down.

In her completed drawing, it depicted Yoon Si-woo and me, both smiling, with Rion between us.

Though a bit crooked, it was a wonderful drawing where you could easily recognize each of us due to the captured character.

“…You drew this well.”

“Right? It’s pretty, right?”

Hearing Yoon Si-woo share my sense of admiration made me even more proud.

Then suddenly, he murmured softly while still blushing.

“…Yeah, I wish I could have a family like this.”

A future where Yoon Si-woo gets married, has kids, and lives happily…

I thought about how wonderful it would be if such a future could become a reality.

I truly wished for that.

Even if I couldn’t witness it myself.


After finishing her drawing, it seemed the afternoon drowsiness had finally taken hold of Rion, and she fell asleep against my knees.

With Rion taking her nap, only Yoon Si-woo and I were left awake.

“So, how’s work going?”

I asked quietly, careful not to wake Rion beside me.

Caught off guard by the sudden question, Yoon Si-woo appeared a bit flustered but soon responded in a soft voice.

“Nothing much. Just alternating guard duties morning and night. I get a day off each week, and that’s about it. It’s simpler than I thought.”

He mentioned it lightly, but this was truly a terrifying place where enemies attacked multiple times a day, unlike the front lines in the army.

Despite his calm assertion, it was obvious the workload must be massive.

Of course, the intensity wouldn’t be a problem for Yoon Si-woo, but…

“Is there anything troubling you?”

“…Not really.”

Yoon Si-woo hesitated for a moment before answering, and I could tell there was something beneath it.

After all, problems couldn’t simply be avoided.

Even if it was a challenging environment, this was the unit every hero dreamed of joining.

An honorary place early graduates were temporarily stationed at was sure to attract glares and murmurs of jealousy.

Since it was likely my views contributed to him getting in, I felt a sense of responsibility.

However, this foolish protagonist wasn’t the type to complain about difficulties, so I wanted to let him rest a little.

“You must be tired, huh? After working hard and getting a day off, you played with the kids without a moment to catch your breath. The kids are all asleep now too, so you should take a moment to nap.”

“No, I really am fine.”

“Come on, just sleep. If not now, when will you rest?”

Even as he stubbornly resisted, Yoon Si-woo nodded at my insistence.

He laid down directly on the ground, preparing to sleep.

Though it would certainly be uncomfortable to do that, I silently took his head and gently pressed it down.

His head now rested on my thigh, effectively making it a knee pillow.

While Rion occupied one side, I barely had one half to offer, but it was the least I could do for someone who had already worked so hard.

Honestly, nothing was a big deal about letting this poor guy, who had no choice but to forfeit his school life, use my knees as a pillow.

Turning his body slightly to face outward, I leaned close to his ear and whispered softly.

“Just sleep like this, it’ll be more comfortable. No need to be shy.”


I had worried he might refuse, yet Yoon Si-woo was so exhausted that he quickly drifted off without a reply.

As I watched him doze off, memories of my buddy from the previous unit came to mind.

I remembered how horrible his sleeping habit was; he often discarded his own pillow and always used my knees for naps inside our cramped training tent…

Since I was generally a heavy sleeper, I’d often wake up with pins and needles in my legs, but thankfully, this body was resilient enough that I wouldn’t have to worry about such things.

As I lingered on those memories, time passed quickly.

Not long later, Yoon Si-woo finally stirred awake, dropped his head, and without saying a word, he sprinted off, looking rather flustered.


Martina, who had changed her hairstyle during her break, was radiating confidence.

Having been praised by a renowned stylist that she looked way younger, she was convinced that Yoon Si-woo would take notice of her.

Upon spotting him returning from his leave, she exclaimed.

“Hey, rookie! Did you enjoy your vacation? So, what do you think? Do you see anything different about me?”

Yoon Si-woo replied cheerfully.

“Oh, Captain Martina! Yes! I had a great vacation! You look even prettier than usual!”

She should have been delighted by the compliment; however, Martina sensed something different in his tone and, feeling a bit off, asked him.

“…What’s up? Did something good happen during your vacation? You seem really energized.”

“G…Good things? No! Nothing happened! Ahaha…”

For some reason, the blushing and stuttering of his words seemed suspicious to Martina, prompting her to whisper to Kanna, who was standing beside her.

“Hey, why do you think he’s acting like that?”

In response, Kanna sighed and answered.

“Honestly, can’t you tell? Seriously, some people don’t even have anyone to meet during their vacation…”

…So he had someone making him this happy after a single day.

Martina felt a swirl of jealousy misfire within her.

The youth truly seemed challenging to keep up with.

Grinding her teeth in frustration, she probed Yoon Si-woo further.

“…So? Did you have fun with that girl you had a prior engagement with?”

Yoon Si-woo looked perplexed at her question.

“Uh, Captain? The person I was meant to meet is older than you, so calling her a girl is a bit…”

With that, Martina felt the ground drop from beneath her.

Wait… Could it be… That he actually preferred the older girls?!

Suppressing her tears, Martina silently vowed to rework her look into a more mature style for the next holiday.

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