Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Second Walpurgis

I find myself waking up with my entire body sore. This is definitely a first. I can feel… So much strength. I feel like I could punch earth to pieces easily. My arms hidden under my feathers feel like they could rip the earth in half. I feel my longing for space grow even further.

[Harvest Festival completed]

[All known related entities have finished their evolution]

[Magicules gained: 487265 (757,615)]

[Sealord DNA: 100%]

[Abilities gained:]

[Water Spout: You can shoot a spout of water from your mouth.]

[Waterportation: The unique skill of the sealord. While underwater, you are able to teleport to any other location in the same body of water in an instant.]

[Mutations gained:]

[Water sac: You have a sac in your body that stores water.]

[Neurotoxin sac: Functions the same as the other toxin in your body, but is much stronger.]



[Name: Seraph, Mama, Mommy, +6]

[Sex: femoid]

[Race: Abyssal Demon-Draenix]

[Class: Titan Emperor*, True Dragon, Demon Lord]

[Titles: Titanic Emperor of the Abyss*, Demon Lord of the Abyssal Plane]

[Wingspan: 1002m - 2476m]

[Height: 275m - 582m]

[Magicules: 169676 - 757,615]

[Assimilated DNA: 17]

[Titan Emperor: Your strength has grown you to a point where you can be considered near god-like by other titans. This is the final step before becoming a demi-god. Your authority over the abyss has grown stronger.]

[Titanic Emperor of the Abyss: Attacks from creatures below 400k magicules will no longer deal any damage to you at all. Note: This does not apply to machines.]


[Abilities gained:]

[Abyssal Mini-dimension: As your authority over the abyssal plane has grown, your control has as well. You are able to create and control your own miniature dimension. In this dimension you are immune to attacks from any being below the level of demi-god.]

[Abyssal Aura: Your aura now unleashes the terrifying qualities of the abyss. Any weaker being under the influence of your aura will not be able to stand.]

[Abyssal Kin: Any being related to you will receive a bonus to their strength while in the same dimension. This also makes them feel much happier in your presence.]

[Abyssal Life Creation: You are able to create life related to the abyss. Note: Titanic creatures cannot be created for now.]

[Abyssal True Dragon Haki: An aura based attack that shreds weaker life forms and does heavy damage to beings of your level.]

[Universal Sense: Allows you to detect almost all sensations including sound, light, smell, and temperature in a wide area. In space this size is around double the influence of the sun's gravity.]

[Mimicry - Universal Shapeshift: You are able to change every property of your body. Your minimum size is now .5m and your maximum is double your true size.]

[Mutations gained:]

[Abyssal being: Your skin, feathers, and fur have all been infused with the abyss. Any creature below 100k magicules that touches you will die immediately. Note: does not apply to machines or your kin.]

[Abyssal breathing: Being in the abyss of space shall now give you energy in small amounts.]


Ah that explains my longing for space. I suppose I'm still weaker than Guy and milim. I stand up now that my muscles are no longer sore and am just about to start flying when suddenly, a portal opens up in front of me. I shrink down to 2m but stay birb as a blue haired maid walks out, Rain,

"Lady Seraph, Demon Lord Guy Crimson has called for a walpurgis, if you would follow me."

I nod my head and walk in behind her. I see quite a different place than the one from the anime and manga. I guess it makes sense, this may very well be the first or second walpurgis ever. I can see that there are only four seats currently. After our evolution into demon lords, a lot of pip squeaks are gonna declare themselves demon lords.

The hall I'm in is large and grand, with a single table at the center. I walk over to the table and sit on my chair in my bird form. It seems I'm the first one here. May as well catch some shut eye.


I only nap for a few minutes before I feel a massive amount of magicules appear in the room. Guy walks in and takes his seat in one of the chairs. I ignore him, as if he wanted to talk without Milim and Ramiris, he would have.

Eventually another mass of magicules starts flying towards the area of walpurgis. Milim, obviously. She crashes in through the front door and runs over to her chair while yelling,


Guy smiles at her and waves. Ramiris isn't here. I guess she's going through rebirth now, because the her from before would probably be here before me. Guy motions to Rain to introduce everyone,

"Lord of Darkness, Demon Race, Guy Crimson."

She turns towards Milim,

"Destroyer, Dragonoid Race, Milim Nava"

She then turns to me and motions for me to introduce myself,

"Abyssal Phoenix, Seraph."

Guy looks at me with a smile and is about to talk before Milim interrupts him,


I chuckle at her child-like innocence even though she's destroyed multiple cities. I turn into my humanoid form with the toga on me.

"Is this easier to talk to?"

Milim looks at me and gets stars in her eyes,

"Wow! But, why are you so weak?"

I smile at her and stop hiding my aura. It envelopes the entire room and causes Misery and Rain to fall to their knees. I then quickly retract it as I don't want to get them sick.

"WOW! That's like, almost as strong as me before turning into a demon lord!"

She's not wrong. Her transformation happened rather late. Same with Guy. Guy then speaks up,

"Well then. We have to give you a title. We chose ours at the first walpurgis. You can choose whatever you want so long as it's not insulting to the rest of us."

Milim chimes in,

"Oh! Oh! Big Crow!"

I ignore her and pretend to think for a while,

"Titan of the Abyss."

Milim looks at me and gets a confused look on her,

"It's cool, but why Titan? You're pretty tiny compared to the giants."

I smile at her warmly and continue,

"I'm shrinking myself right now for convenience. My real size is too big for this room."

Milim looks at the ceiling and back at me and says,

"That's pretty big. So you're as big as a true dragon?"

I can understand why she thinks that, this room only has a height of about 20m, and true dragons are pretty much the only creatures bigger than the room.

"No, dear. I'm much much bigger than a true dragon. I can show you later if you want?"

Milim nods her head and is about to speak before Guy interrupts her,

"Alright! Titan of the Abyss it is! Quite fitting honestly. I can tell you this Milim, she is definitely bigger than a true dragon."

Guy smiles and checks out my humanoid body. I knew he was a sex fiend but damn dude. I look at Milim and see her doing calculations in her head of how big I could possibly be.

Well, this walpurgis has been rather enlightening. Milim does indeed act like a kid and guy is indeed a sex maniac. We spend the rest of the time eating and talking to each other before we finally decide to end it.


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