Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 35 - Between advance and retreat

Xiao Chen felt like he was on fire, so sweaty on his forehead. Careful! He couldn’t help but doubt his previous suggestion. Perhaps, as Zhang Sicheng said, all retreat at the beginning was the most safe plan. His mind is full of all kinds of imaginable horror possibilities, ambushed by goblins? Encountered a ferocious beast? Or other unknown threats? I don’t know if it is because of the strong mental power, these pictures are lifelike, which makes his feet cool.

He ran all the way, and somehow began to appear in a trance before his eyes, the picture seemed to switch between reality and imagination.

Looking at the rapidly receding forest while he was running, he saw countless goblins besieging Shi Hao with a spear and forced them to the edge of the cliff;

Looking at the darkening sky between the leaves, he saw Professor Lin stabbed to the ground by his spear, and he held the spear with his **** hands.

These scenes are so clear and so real that he can smell the stench on the goblin and the **** air filled with air. These sensory stimuli revolved around him like a kaleidoscope. In the end, he felt that as soon as his eyes were dark, people planted it.

After a while, he began to regain consciousness, his forehead hot. As his vision gradually became clear, he found himself sitting on the ground, Ye Zi looked at him anxiously, and Zhang Sicheng was using a towel dipped in mineral water to clean his wounds.

“Senior, why did you faint when you ran?” Ye Zi handed a roll of gauze to Zhang Sicheng, who wrapped it around Xiao Chen’s head with gauze.

Xiao Chen realized that the trance he had just passed was over. When the cultivation of the Dream Tower made him imagine anything, the details would be particularly clear and true. Perhaps this would greatly increase the burden on the mind. Coupled with anxiety and anxiety, beyond the load of his consciousness, he comforted her: “I’m fine, maybe anemia.”

Zhang Sicheng wrapped up the wound, looked at the hillside not far away, and said to Xiao Chen: “Xiao Ye is here to take care of Xiao Xiao, I will go to see the situation first.”

“No! We can’t separate anymore!” Ye Zi stopped him. “My previous proposal only attracted such a result. I can’t take such risks again. Either go together or not.”

“The final decision is mys, and the responsibility is on me. But it doesn’t make sense to talk about it now. Xiao Chen obviously can’t leave, but he must find out the situation!”

“I’ll carry him!” Ye Zi said without hesitation.

Of course, Xiao Chen didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy the welfare of the beautiful woman back up the mountain. His strange symptoms came and went quickly. Zhang Sicheng helped him for a while, and he could walk away slowly. The speed of the three was a bit slower than before, but after all, they rushed to the hillside they agreed to meet before dark.

There was no one above the hillside, the ground was messy, blood stains, footprints, pieces of clothing, broken spears were everywhere. Xiao Chen looked at the scene at first glance as if he had been fixed, and could not even walk away. When visitors from a civilized world collided with the barbarism of this world for the first time, all experiences, insights and thoughts seemed so pale and weak. Xiao Chen suddenly felt how lucky they were before, and met humans who could communicate in the town of Floro. If God threw them directly into such a wilderness, can they really survive?

A trembling hand took his arm. Ye Zi’s face had lost the confident smile she often hung. She seemed to have to hold Xiao Chen in one hand and a spear in one hand to support it. Xiao Chen heard her with a very soft voice and muttered: “They must be fine, they must be fine …”

The three didn’t move. After a long time, Zhang Sicheng whispered, “Look around and see what clues.”

Xiao Chen thought he was a bold person, but at this time, he saw the traces of fighting everywhere, so that his heart was buried in the snow of the deep winter, and the pain was freezing and numb. All the details in front of me seemed to be plunged into my mind, mixed with the horror illusion before. A door was opened between the illusion and the reality, which connected him, which made him afraid.

You made a wrong decision, you let them fall into the siege of goblins, if they are not here waiting for you, have you safely withdrawn to school? Ye Zi is just a little girl with a whimsy. Zhang Si is opposed to it. Only you, only you can finally contribute to this result … and kill them all. There was a voice in his heart that repeated it repeatedly. The voice pressed tightly, and it seemed that Xiao Chen would not be driven crazy, and never stopped.

Fortunately, Ye Zi’s whisper interrupted the voice.

Xiao Chen also followed the direction of Ye Zi’s finger and found the movement of the bush on the west side from the inside. Zhang Sicheng made a gesture to Xiao Chen and Ye Zi, let them lean against two trees in ambush on both sides, hiding behind a bush, and bending their bow and arrow. Xiao Chen leaned against the root of the tree. He pressed his sweaty hands against the tree, but the cool coolness of the bark could not calm him down.

auzw.com A black shadow emerged from the bush, still breathing heavily. He seemed to be holding a weapon in his hand, with a panic smell when he raised his hand. Holding a dagger, Xiao Chen saw the figure rushing out, and his feet seemed to be rooted, but he failed to summon the courage to rush up in time. But Ye Zi rushed out like a leopard. She did not stab, but smashed the gun severely. Heiying took the block in hand, but was still staggered by Ye Zi. Ye Zi saw the opportunity and quickly chased after winning. At this time, Xiao Chen saw clearly with his special eyesight and shouted: “Stop! Stop now! It’s Shi Hao!”

Unexpectedly, after Ye Zi froze for a while, he ignored Xiao Chen’s call sign, and the spear still attacked past indifferently. Then the black shadow parried a few times. After all, he couldn’t stop Ye Zi’s violent storm. Overturned on the ground.

“Don’t fight! I said, that’s Shi Hao!” Xiao Chen shouted to Ye Zi loudly.

Ye Zi pointed at Shi Hao with a gun and shouted, “It’s you! The others are gone, but you have no missing arms and no legs, no blood on your body, sneaking out sneakily from the side! This is still Can you call yourself a child soldier? “He said, and he threw the gun on the ground resentfully.

Xiao Chen thought that Shi Hao would refute, but he didn’t expect him to sit on the ground and couldn’t speak. Zhang Sicheng put away his bow and arrow and came over and asked, “Xiao Shi, Ye Zi is too impulsive, but what happened, you have to explain the situation here to us clearly.”

Seeing Shi Hao’s head buried lower, Xiao Chen walked to Shi Hao and squatted down and said to him, “Are you ready to give them up?”

Shi Hao raised his head sharply, and Xiao Chen saw his eyes swell red, he hissed: “I want to save them even if I die.” He saw Ye Zi’s back turned towards him, without even turning his head back, stood up, After rushing to Ye Zi, he said aloud: “But, at that time … I tried my best! I really did my best! All the way back, everything was normal and there was no shadow of goblins at all, but suddenly, those goblins came. The guide Awad was thrown with a spear and pierced his neck as soon as he came up. The others were stupid. I asked them to withdraw first. After they broke off with Li Tianrui, they were too many. Li Tianrui was jumped off the tree. The goblin overturned on the ground. All the other goblins chased me. I ran out of bullets. Without any helpers, what can I do except retreat deep in the forest? You said, what can I do if I change you? “

“The bullets ran out, so they smashed them with a gun, and when the guns broke, they bit them with their teeth! As a soldier, you do n’t work hard at this time. What do you do to raise you? Wrestling … Hum! “Ye Zi didn’t have Shi Hao’s throat, but his voice was sharp like a needle, and it stuck hard in Shi Hao’s heart.

“I, I fought with them, and after they got rid of them, I got back around again, and only then would you meet you! But I only have this skill, I’m an ordinary soldier, not a superhero. I can’t hold it The bulletless gun charged at dozens of goblins armed with weapons! I can’t do it! “Shi Hao’s voice weakened, but his tone was mixed with nowhere to vent his indignation.

“What about other people? Did you see them caught?” Zhang Sicheng asked.

Shi Hao bowed his head and said, “I, I heard their call … I guess they didn’t escape … It should be in that direction.” He pointed to the northwest direction.

“Asshole! That’s what you said, the male is in front of the female? The soldiers are in front of the civilians? It turns out that this is just a work slogan for you, and you can’t stop it!” Ye Zi rushed over and wanted to hit Shi Hao again. , But was embraced by Xiao Chen, she struggled a few times, pushed Xiao Chen away, and went to chase him. He heard Xiao Chen behind him, and hummed with his forehead sitting on the ground, and then he walked back and forth to support Xiao Chen.

“Ye Zi, calm down! Let me tell him.” Xiao Chen rubbed his head and said to Shi Hao: “I’m not qualified to question your bravery, because when you just rushed out of the grass, I was actually scared and flinched. If I were to **** Professor Lin, I might have been worse than you. But I see your self-blame, I am afraid you are also dissatisfied and regretful about your performance? Should you also want to remedy something? “

“I …” Shi Hao looked at the ground at a loss.

Xiao Chen sighed when he saw that he was not squeaking. “Here, we are fighting for our own survival. We have no support, no dependence, no bottom line, and no qualification to surrender. If we don’t work hard, we will have nothing. If you think you ’ve done your best, let ’s go. I ’m courageous, but I can still fight once. ”

He did not look at Shi Hao, who was showing pain again, but said to Zhang Sicheng: “We are going to rescue them, but we still need someone to go back and report, let Shi Hao go.”

Zhang Sicheng nodded: “If we can’t come back, you don’t ask the school leaders to act rashly, but also tell the locals about the appearance of goblins, and seek more local help.”

Shi Hao looked at Xiao Chen and said miserably: “I know that you are a radical planner, and I know that you are almost dead, but I also have a face, I … I can’t go back.”

“Ji Jiang Ji is for people with blood in their hearts. Do you have any?” Ye Zi picked up the spear and sneered.

Shi Hao did not refute her, but picked up the rifle, set up the rifle’s three-sided bayonet, and took a spear left by a goblin in his hand, and walked silently to the northwest.

Zhang Sicheng went up and grabbed his arm, took five or six bullets from his pocket and put them in his hand. “This is probably the bullet that Li Tianrui dropped. I hope you will use them well this time.”

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