Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 33 - Adventure in the forest

In the morning forest, the mist has not dispersed. The sunlight diffused through the mist and fell on the leaves mixed with red, yellow and green, which was a bit of a fairyland feeling. Because it is early autumn, there will be a crunching sound when stepping on the fallen leaves. From time to time, you will be surprised by the flying birds, so that there are a few more cries in the quiet forest.

Ye Zi walked in the forest wearing a red jacket. She held a red tassel in her hand and leaned it against her shoulder. The gun was half of her body, very majestic, but could not bear to look closely. It turned out that the spear head was made with a dagger tied to a wooden pole, and the red tassel was just a sleeve of a shirt shirt cut into strips. But she used it to pat the grass, and sometimes used it as a cane, but it was very smooth.

She happily opened the way for the team and climbed a small **** first. Looking back and forth. The school under the mountain has become a somewhat vague shadow because of the mist. She looked at the trail behind her again, and the other seven people were slowly trekking up.

“Hey, Teacher Zhang, I can’t see the school from here. How far have we gone?” Ye Zi put his hand to his mouth and asked loudly to the people behind.

Zhang Sicheng is a tall man in his thirties. He is away all the year round, leaving his skin a bit dark, but he still has the reader’s style in his eyebrows. He was wearing a blue jacket and a vest outside. He did n’t know what was in his pockets. He wore a dog-leg knife around his waist. He walked on a pair of hiking shoes. The big bag above his head, the most noticeable thing is that he also carries a modern American hunting bow. He is a geology teacher and the person in charge of this field exploration team.

Zhang Sicheng glanced at some distant schools, and drew out a few small stones from his pocket, fiddled with it: “From a straight line distance, it is about four or five kilometers, but we walked about nine and a half kilometers. “

“Why do you count stones?” Ye Zi asked curiously.

Zhang Sicheng said: “Generally, I walk 800 kilometers is one kilometer, and every kilometer I walk, I put a small stone from one pocket into another, so that I will not forget it.”

“Follow the experts like Teacher Zhang, we will feel more at ease.” Xiao Chen also walked up from behind. He wore a jacket and carried a bag and walked briskly.

“Now there is no electricity, no satellites, pedometers and mobile phones are no longer usable, I can only think of other ways.” Zhang Sicheng smiled, “Xiao Xiao, Xiao Ye, your spirit is really good, your physical fitness is good, let me Look at each other. “

“I’m a family practicer, and I can’t help me with a small hike. But I really can’t see that Senior Xiao is thin and thin, and his endurance is really good. After walking this long mountain road without breathing. Senior, the guide said there is more Far? “Ye Zi stood on a stone with a gun and asked Xiao Chen.

“Awad said it’s almost less than half the way.” Awad was the local guide walking by Xiao Chen. He was a thin middle-aged man who hunted in the forest to make a living.

A few days ago, the school took out the ore specimens collected by the Department of Geology and collected similar stones from the surrounding villagers. Awad brought many stones from the mountains. One of the red stones was identified as hematite by teachers and students of the Department of Geology, and hematite is one of the most valuable iron ores. According to Awadh, he found many such stones on the riverside in a valley behind the mountain. The committee attached great importance to it. A shallow vein near the school is self-evident for industrial development. So there was Xiao Chen’s exploration.

Xiao Chen’s kung fu of their talk, and the people behind also followed. There was a professor of biology in the Department of Biology, Lin Youping. He took his student Zhao Rui and followed them into the mountains to collect plant specimens. Followed by two soldiers, Shi Hao and Li Tianrui, both wearing combat uniforms and equipped with guns.

Shi Hao stepped forward and said to the leaders a few seriously, “You are walking too fast, or should you let me take the lead, otherwise what if you are in danger?”

Ye Zi lifted the gun in his hand with great care and said, “Your gun may not be as good as my gun, and we haven’t contested. You won’t forget it so soon?”

Shi Hao old blushed and said: “People say, I am a soldier, you are a people. The head of the regiment, Qian Dingwan, asked me to take care of your safety, so naturally I should go ahead. Privately speaking, I am a male , You are a woman, why should a man take the lead? “

“Yeah, Dadao has a set of rules, but the deep mountains and old forests are not good, and the fists are the most effective. Do you want to try again?” Ye Zi shook his fists and said triumphantly.

“You …” Shi Hao sighed and didn’t even know what to say.

“Okay. Don’t argue anymore. Also recognize me as the captain and listen to me. Lao Shi walks ahead and Ye Zi follows me. Everyone pays attention to safety.” Zhang Siguo broke his voice and stopped Ye Zi. Tumultuous.


At noon, Zhang Sicheng asked the guide to take them to an open space with sparse trees to eat and rest.

The logistics team gave them some biscuits, sausages and mineral water first. These are things that many people were too lazy to eat, but now everyone is eating deliciously.


Ye Zi took a few bites of ham sausage and looked up to see Awad as a guide. He was carefully putting the ham sausage and biscuits assigned to him into his back, and then took a black piece from his arms. The pancake and a piece of bacon, which was also black and hard, squatted in the corner and ate.

She leaned over to Xiao Chen and asked gently: “Senior, why didn’t he eat it, is it reserved for the family?” Xiao Chen was also curious and went over to ask a few words, and then shook his head to Ye Zi. : “Our food looks good, so he stays and prepares to worship to God.”

Ye Zi frowned and said, “He eats such disgusting things himself, but leaves the good things to the illusory god, which is too silly.”

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, “For him, God is not illusory. I have just heard him pray before dinner. The **** he worships is the source of all things, the natural protector, the master of the sky, the earth and the sea , The observer on the starry sky ‘”

“Hawto’s name, are these several gods?”

“It seems to be one. It seems that this **** likes to nickname himself.”

Ye Zi laughed, and suddenly shot Xiao Chen’s shoulder: “Yes, when it comes to the strange things of God, there is just something to ask you, you can tell me.”

“What’s the matter?”

“What happened in the library that day? When I patrolled in the distance, I saw the library catching fire. When we went to fetch water, the fire went out. The whole library seemed to be soaked by the flood. Similar. Later, for two consecutive days, they organized us to organize and dry books. It was then that I heard that you and Teacher Luo came out after the flood. Do you know anything? “

Xiao Chen saw her face full of curiosity, thought for a while and said, “Since you have arrived at the scene, then you know that President Guo has issued a password?”

“Hey, who are we with? You and Li Jia are buddies, and Li Jia and I know very well, then we are also ourselves.” Ye Ziji made a trick to deal with Li Jia, pulling Xiao Chen’s sleeve Talking to the ground, “Senior, talk about it. We can’t figure it out.”

Xiao Chen stood up with a smile, and said, “I am a good comrade who obeyed the orders and listened to the command. I have to listen to President Guo.”

“Let’s come here for a while,” Ye Zi said.

“A lot of things in this world are not necessarily good to know. Just like you watched a horror movie fartly, maybe you regret it when you sleep at night.”

“I’m not afraid of any horror movies!” Ye Zi retorted, but his tone was not very powerful.

“Don’t make trouble, let me rest for a while.” Xiao Chen didn’t take Ye Zi anymore, but walked to the edge of a stone, leaning down like a nap and closing his eyes. Slowly, the sound of waves and storms rang in his ears. When he opened his eyes again, there were huge waves in the sea before him …

Xiao Chen was once again greeted by the storm and rain on the ship, the first time the book spirit that appeared to the captain had disappeared, leaving him alone to face the violent and lonely world. However, since Xiao Chen exploded in the library to fully control the scrolls, he discovered an obvious change, and his will seemed to be able to influence the world more. This ability is still very weak, and he can only change the direction of the rain on the cheeks slightly, so that they avoid the eyes to flow, but he knows that he is already on the right path.

Shu Ling said to him before leaving: “If you want to be strong, you will learn to manipulate the world.” He had never understood what the so-called manipulation is, but when a drop of water changed the direction of the glide because of his mind, He understood the method of cultivation. What he sees and feels here is actually something in his mind. In this case, manipulation is to change them with consciousness.

He could feel that this kind of control improved day by day, insignificantly, but never stopped. Does this mean that one day he will be able to calm down the storm and the rough sea, and he will be able to completely control his mental strength?

Xiao Chen did not know how long he stayed in the meditation space until a scream woke him up. He opened his eyes and saw Ye Zizheng shouting loudly, using her gun to force a humanoid creature about one meter away, trapping it in a corner, and the others looked at it very nervously and shocked, Zhang Sicheng took A dog-legged knife was raised, and Shi Hao and his rifles were picked up. The villain also seemed to be ignorant, trembling and watching so many people surrounding it.

Xiao Chen looked closely and found that his skin was a weird yellow-green color. His head was slightly larger than his figure, with a pair of bell-shaped eyes and thin long ears, and his mouth also Very large, fangs fangs, roaring to Ye Zi. The only clothing on it was a tattered straw skirt, holding a short spear made of sharpened wooden stick in one hand, and carrying Ye Zi’s backpack in one hand.


“This is only a goblin! How could there be goblins ?!” the guide Awad exclaimed, and Xiao Chen saw puzzled and worried in his eyes.

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