Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 27 - Sea Shadow

These days, Xiao Chen and Luo Ling come to the magician’s den every day for a few hours.

This unknown magician has a lot of books, but so far, all the books they have turned over are about history, war, art and literature. Although magic is also mentioned, most of them are related to it. Historical events, or poems that praised the great magic, did not talk about the essence of magic and how to use it.

Xiao Chen put a copy of the “Art Style in Moncayo” back into the bookshelf and took another book from the shelf. The title is very attractive, called “History of the Black Dragon Empire War.” He turned a few pages roughly, and a piece of text he turned to aroused his interest.


“… Emperor Luca led the army to the elf’s territory and asked them to submit to him and worship him. But the elf rejected this proposal and used natural magic. The forest grew wildly and entangled with each other. Entangled, turned into a high airtight wall, soldiers and war horses can not pass, even the dragon knight can not fly to the top of the high wall. Luca let the soldiers use a knife to cut these trees, but the steel is not as hard as these trees; Luca The soldiers were set on fire again, but the usual flammable vegetation could not be lit anyway. Luca was blocked in front of the forest wall for three days, until his ministers invited Master Glion, and the master used five more In time, a black beetle was made with magic. When he put the black beetle on the tree wall, a plague of trees began. It took only one day for all the trees that make up the tree wall to wither and rot. When the tree wall collapsed, the plague spread into the forest behind the wall, and as more and more trees died, the elves’ strength became weaker and weaker. The emperor’s army finally broke the barrier and began to conquer Elven kingdom …… “


“Walls of trees that are invulnerable, towering into the clouds, and the black beetles that poisoned the whole forest in a day. This is too powerful. It is more powerful than biochemical weapons. It looks like a mythical story.” Xiao Chen read Luo Ling a paragraph.

Luo Ling shook his head contemplatively and said: “I think it is different from the myth story. Most of the history books here are clearly recorded and the source is clear. You can see the specific year, location, characters, side evidence, and related historical materials. . I think authenticity should not be low. “

“I just think that these examples deviate from the law of conservation of matter, which is unscientific. You see, this book says that Master Gracia used a horseshoe to transform a group of healthy horses and let Emperor Luca and his guard escape Out of the enemies’ encirclement, this is already generating matter out of thin air. I would rather believe the magic of raising a fireball in a computer game.

“This is magic, what’s so strange about being unscientific? How do you know that this is the same universe as our world?” Luo Ling asked.

Xiao Chen couldn’t refute and had to continue to read other books.

Time has passed a long time, the sun has turned westward, and a little dim sunlight slanted across the bookshelf. Xiao Chen put another book back on the shelf and said a little tiredly: “We have turned at least three-thirds in the past few days The second book is out, but I still haven’t found anything really related to magic. “

“That’s why there are times when I don’t want to study.” Luo Ling left a book on her desk. “There are always more nonsense than useful content in the book.”

“I heard that you are already an associate professor at such a young age and you have broken school records. How can you not love reading?” Xiao Chen asked her with a smile.

“Don’t equate learning with reading. You old graduate student, don’t you understand this truth yet?” Luo Ling countered.

Xiao Chen spread his hand. “Like me, people who have been in the society for a while, recalling the school, the most impressive thing is that they can study with peace of mind.”

“Beware of reading and reading bookworms. Since you like reading so much, then the bottom row belongs to you.” Luo Ling pointed to the row of bookshelves in the corner.

Xiao Chen was going to say a few words, but when she saw the row of bookshelf Luo Ling pointed to, she stood up thoughtfully. He stepped back to the center of the room, carefully looked at the first bookshelf a little, then frowned and said, “There is something wrong with that bookshelf!”

He walked over to the bookshelf and pointed to the middle layer of the bookshelf. “Look at these two bookshelves, which is the closest to the seat, but the middle two layers are empty, but the upper and lower layers are both It ’s full of books. Why should the owner here keep close and far away, and do n’t put the books in the most convenient place? Surely there are bookshelves in your home? In general, should n’t these places be filled with the most frequently used and important books? ”

Luo Ling got up and touched the empty location: “You mean, there are magic books here, but they have all been moved?”

“No … it’s not moving away.” Xiao Chen stared at that location, and said with certainty, “You know my eyes got a strange mutation. When I just looked at that location very seriously, I felt there was a There are layers of fog. “

“Blind eye method?”

“A lot more powerful than that. Didn’t you touch nothing after touching it for a long time? Should some kind of seal be lifted?” Xiao Chen guessed.

“Xingyue badge!” The two said in unison.

auzw.com Xiao Chen quickly took out the badge that unsealed the entire room last time. Concentrated on the spirit, the badge shone again. He held the badge closer to the position of the bookshelf, and a strange twisted ripple appeared in the air. Xiao Chen leaned his head over, his badge close to his forehead, his hands clenched tightly, his knuckles protruded, and he shivered slightly, as if he was struggling to open a locked door.

After a while, a corner of the bookshelf really slowly showed up as a book and two scrolls, Xiao Chen shouted, “Come down!”

Luo Ling didn’t dare to touch it by hand, pulled out the short sword from Xiao Chen’s waist, swiped it across the shelf, and swept the book and scroll down on the ground. Xiao Chen loosened his badge, and the man slumped on the ground.

“This seal is very strong, and my head is about to explode!” Xiao Chen covered his head and closed his eyes against the desk.

Luo Ling walked over and squatted beside Xiao Chen, gently softening his temples with his hands. Her eyes glanced at the book, but when she saw the title of the book, she was shocked and her hands were heavy, pinching Xiao Chen out loud.

The name of the book is “Zhenhaiyingjuan” and it was written in four large Chinese characters.

It took a while for Xiao Chen to recover. He opened his eyes slightly and said, “I can feel that there are still some scrolls and books in the bookshelf that have been sealed, but I can only lift the corner of the seal with my best efforts.”

Luo Ling didn’t answer, and handed the book just to him. Xiao Chen saw these four words equally astonishing, “This world is indeed inseparably connected with the earth! It’s still simplified Chinese characters … The title is also very classical , There is a fan of martial arts cheats. “

He took this thirty-centimeter-square book in his hands and looked at it repeatedly.

It is very much like a magic book in a fantasy game. The skin is made of an unknown red leather. The four corners are inlaid with metal. Although it looks long, the leather and metal are well maintained. The peculiarity of this book is that its cover is very thick, one finger wide, but the text page seems to be thin, almost invisible between the two layers of cover. There is also a buckle on the back cover of the book, which locks the pages. The four words on the cover are very vigorous and powerful, not inferior to the inscriptions that Xiao Chen has seen.

Driven by curiosity, Xiao Chen couldn’t wait to open the buckle, opened the cover, and there were many signatures in his eyes. These signatures were somewhat messy covering the entire title page. Xiao Chen saw Chinese names, such as “Zhao Qitian” also has Spanish names written in Chinese, such as “Agrecio Glion”, as well as foreign names that are all spelled out in letters.

“These should be the masters of this book.” Luo Ling read these names. “There are relatively few Chinese names, only seven or eight. There are more than ten Spanish names written in Chinese, and the remaining twenty or more. It’s spelled in letters. “

“In terms of sorting order, everyone used Chinese at the beginning, but in the end they all became Spanish. Our previous guess made sense. It is not only connected to the earth, but also the Chinese have long been here.” Xiao Chen recognized these names and then turned the page.

The following page has only one line of characters, also written in simplified Chinese characters:

Apprentices under the gate of my dream tower can read this book only when their mental strength reaches the state of condensing the gods.

“Tower of Dreams?” The two of them looked at each other, but they both saw the doubt and worry in the other’s eyes. Xiao Chen thought for a while and reached out to continue to turn back, but Luo Ling held the page in one hand.

“No!” She said aloud.

“Try it, just take a look.” Xiao Chen gave her a positive look.

Luo Ling shook his head and said, “It’s too dangerous! What does it mean to reach the state of condensing spirit? What will be the risk if it’s not reached? What will happen after reading it? We don’t know anything, we can’t take risks like this.”

“You are overstressed, maybe you haven’t achieved it, but you can’t learn anything. It’s just a book, relax.” Xiao Chen said lightly, but his expressed will was determined. “Besides, we already know that this is a magical world. Without knowing your opponent, there is no future. You see, there must be the first person to eat crabs. “

“We still have schools, there are so many people, there are science and technology, guns and ammunition, you don’t have to rush to bear that kind of responsibility. Everyone’s future is originally everyone’s. How old are you Xiao Chen?” Luo Ling Still refused to give in.

“I ’m not old, I just took a step first, and when I met that white light, I was changed. That white light strengthened my spiritual power, opened a door for me in this world, and gave me a chance Contact with magic, can use the flame dagger and star moon badge. So now this opportunity, no one is more suitable to try than me. Every time you understand the world a little bit, we have a little more chance of survival. Otherwise, we are like An short-sighted ant might be trampled to death without even knowing it, “Xiao Chen insisted.

Luo Ling was a little sad, but also looked at Xiao Chen with admiration. “Maybe you can slow down and wait for your mental strength to be stronger …”

“Don’t you know, many boys have dreams of becoming a magician? I really can’t wait any longer.” Xiao Chen winked at Luo Ling and moved her hand away. He turned around and prevented Luo Ling from watching When it came to the content of the book, he settled down and turned it over.

Luo Ling can only see the intense colorful light shining from the book, and the light on Xiao Chen’s face changes, a bit like being illuminated by the neon light at night. But soon her heart was clenched tightly, because Xiao Chen kept turning over the pages of the book and never moved.

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